That's just how one reacts when getting served by Jack Evans
Who should have won BOLA
I love Cesaro, but if he hasn't figured out how to show a little more personality by now, can you really blame WWE for thinking that maybe he's not a good choice to hitch their wagon to? People here call Triple H, an obvious A, a "B+", but that type of descriptor seems much more perfect for Cesaro - one of the very best wrestlers of the world, in his time, on a par with the greats of all-time in that respect, yet quite unskilled at the other things - promos, acting, interviews, etc. - that really get audiences invested enough in a feud to want to pour money into it. WWE gave him two great managers, but he's like Dolph (though obviously much better, and not nearly as annoying) in that his big matches are never about wanting to see his character succeed and advance, never about being invested in his story going into the match, but about how awesome the match is going to be because of all the movez he's going to do. That's what he lacks in comparison to Daniel Bryan, who was almost infinitely less physically credible yet always had the audiences engaged not just in his matches, but him. That's also what Sami Zayn has, and it's what Sasha Banks has as a heel.
I love Cesaro, but if he hasn't figured out how to show a little more personality by now, can you really blame WWE for thinking that maybe he's not a good choice to hitch their wagon to? People here call Triple H, an obvious A, a "B+", but that type of descriptor seems much more perfect for Cesaro - one of the very best wrestlers of the world, in his time, on a par with the greats of all-time in that respect, yet quite unskilled at the other things - promos, acting, interviews, etc. - that really get audiences invested enough in a feud to want to pour money into it. WWE gave him two great managers, but he's like Dolph (though obviously much better, and not nearly as annoying) in that his big matches are never about wanting to see his character succeed and advance, never about being invested in his story going into the match, but about how awesome the match is going to be because of all the movez he's going to do. That's what he lacks in comparison to Daniel Bryan, who was almost infinitely less physically credible yet always had the audiences engaged not just in his matches, but him.
All-knowing WrassleGAF: who should've ended Goldberg's streak?
StingAll-knowing WrassleGAF: who should've ended Goldberg's streak?
I think you mean juvenile pediatric children's cancer carcinoma"raise awareness" for pediatric children's cancer.
All-knowing WrassleGAF: who should've ended Goldberg's streak?
High Voltage no contest with Disco Inferno & Alex Wright in 2:47 when Meng came out to put the Tongan death grip on all four guys, plus ref Billy Silverman and two members of security leaving seven guys dead. Meng also no-sold a few shots of mace in the eyes from security before taking that guy out.
Advertising Age on 8/17 ran its story about wrestling's big cable ratings. According to a study, last year $55.3 million was spent on wrestling advertising for all the promotions combined. Both WWF and WCW would give any ad revenues. There wasn't much to the story besides a listing of advertisers. Eric Bischoff did try and differentiate between the two products. The story said Bischoff is trying to make wrestling more mainstream using lighter storylines and celebrity guests while WWF is positioning itself edgier. Bischoff claimed the WWF's direction "will have a devastating impact on the business and set wrestling back 20 years. (Advertisers) are not watching what (WWF) is doing, because if they did, they would run." Vince McMahon countered saying, "What we do is aggressive, but not violent. Murder, rape, those are blatant acts of violence." McMahon also said WWF would extend its business into other forms of media citing movies, other TV shows and comic books
Smackdown spoilers:
Paige gets beaten byNaomi
They are burying her, aren't they?
Ryback beatsRusev
And now friend Bronx-Man is gone.
No way that last one's clean. Unless they've lost their minds.
And now friend Bronx-Man is gone.
And now friend Bronx-Man is gone.
Uh oh. What happened?
Uh oh. What happened?
Guerrero.All-knowing WrassleGAF: who should've ended Goldberg's streak?
No way that last one's clean. Unless they've lost their minds.
Apparentlyas fuck.clean
Also Neville jobs toBarrett
Reigns/vs Strowman/Bray.Ortonwin forDQthe faces due to Bray using a weapon on Reigns. New Day come out to beat Reigns down, but Dudleys come for the save. Woods trough the table.
And now friend Bronx-Man is gone.
so in one weeknew day beats down both cena and reigns. they are going hard with this babyface push, huh
Our roster is thinning.
You guys are in trouble when I decide to take some personal time off.
Our roster is thinning.
You guys are in trouble when I decide to take some personal time off.
Are you going to shoot a movie?
Are you going to shoot a movie?
Remember when Rock was looking like this for a hot minute after he stopped wrestling?
Then he started eating steroids again