Becky is such a goof.
Inb4someonefallsforthisHunter/Prey > Broken Matt
I hate how that's obviously going to be it.Bray is not defeated everyone.
Later on we will cut back to that camera and all that will be in the container will be the rocking chair.
This SGK shilling is too much. Breast cancer awareness is a great thing, but we don't need the in ring segments.
Dude was no-ing for the SGK foundation and the camera cut quick.
I never understood why they chose SGK. Living Beyond and breastcancer.org are much MUCH better charities with much less donation money going to the CEO.
Psst, 2K
Good times magglePsst, 2K
I guess this smackdown is just going to suck.
When the hell did Zack get more jacked than everyone in this match?
When the hell did Zack get more jacked than everyone in this match?
Still kills me that Zack is a full time hype bro.