October Wrasslin' |OT| Dia de los Mil Muertes


Tonight HiaC, tomorrow RAW and in the following night the first date in Europe, with the next one directly after.

Crazy shedule.

Rodeo Clown

All aboard! The Love train!
Just think guys, if not for the brand split, WWE would literally be twice as miserable right now.

What the brand split has really meant for me is that instead of watching Raw every week, I just watch SD every week. It's just changed my wrestling night from Monday to Tuesday. I'll use it as background noise and watch sporadically, but there's no reason to watch every Raw. There's no reason to consume all of WWE's content. Half of it sucks.
What the brand split has really meant for me is that instead of watching Raw every week, I just watch SD every week. It's just changed my wrestling night from Monday to Tuesday. I'll use it as background noise and watch sporadically, but there's no reason to watch every Raw. There's no reason to consume all of WWE's content. Half of it sucks.

Yeah, but before it both Raw and SD sucked and dealt with Authority BS. Now only Raw sucks.


Do you think they'll surpass the most horrid spot in HiaC history tonight?
I am of course referring to having someone's head shoved up Big Show's Arse.

And by reliving this PPV I have been reminded of THE HIGHLANDERS

Sasha gets shoved up Nia Jax's arse.


Tonight HiaC, tomorrow RAW and in the following night the first date in Europe, with the next one directly after.

Crazy shedule.

I can't even imagine what it would like constantly driving and flying with the odd day a month home. I guess having the right mentality for the road schedule is just as important as any other wrestling aspect.
Universal Championship continues to be a joke. They shouldn't even put it on the main card. Get it out of the way on the pre-show.

Fortunately, when Roman "THE GUY" Reigns wins the WWE Championship from Barack Lesnar at Wrasslin'Mania 33, he will bring the actual top title back to the premier show in sports and entertainment.

Raw is a joke


No Jericho match at HellCell. I was expecting a rematch with Sami Zayn, but I guess it's not meant to be.

Card seems decent, but I still think it would've been better if Reigns vs. Rusev was a different stipulation. This was the perfect time for a Ladder Match too. I'm guessing the opening match is going to be The New Day, then we get Roman Reigns in all his glory.


No Jericho match at HellCell. I was expecting a rematch with Sami Zayn, but I guess it's not meant to be.

Card seems decent, but I still think it would've been better if Reigns vs. Rusev was a different stipulation. This was the perfect time for a Ladder Match too. I'm guessing the opening match is going to be The New Day, then we get Roman Reigns in all his glory.

You won't get your ladder match on Raw, the stupid PPV naming scheme has meant that Smackdown gets the TLC PPV. They really should just scrap those.



TNA finds a way


Absolutely not. We went from trash Raw and trash SD to trash Raw and good (sometimes great) SD. I'll take that deal every time.
Smackdown isn't a good show, it just isn't pure zhit when compared to raw. And reason for this whole brand split was to boast smackdown ratings which it didn't do. At a certain limit when there is a feud between Nikki and carrmela you got to ask yourself why.
Smackdown isn't a good show, it just isn't pure zhit when compared to raw. And reason for this whole brand split was to boast smackdown ratings which it didn't do. At a certain limit when there is a feud between Nikki and carrmela you got to ask yourself why.

No, SD is a good wrestling show irrelevant of Raw,

And it absolutely has boosted SD's ratings. Look at any YoY comparison. SD has higher ratings now than it did both this time last year and when it made the switch to USA in the first place.


I totally alright with Sasha vs Charlotte main eventing a ppv if it was some epic or even good fued but doing it cause #womenRevolution is lame.
It isn't really. I'm still not sure why they're fighting.

What Cell match would you put over it though? The Roman/Rusev feud where the babyface is acting like the heel and vice versa? Or the Owens/Rollins feud where the tension is so non-existent that they need Jericho to get it over and the guy who started the feud won't show up until after football season because he doesn't want to seem like a non-draw?


are the ladies going last? I thought the whole point of the "triple main event" thing was to get away with putting them 3rd to last after Foley fumbled it
are the ladies going last? I thought the whole point of the "triple main event" thing was to get away with putting them 3rd to last after Foley fumbled it

It was because as of Tuesday Owens/Rollins was going last, but apparently everyone but Vince wanted the women to go last and yesterday Vince relented and said yes.


It was because as of Tuesday Owens/Rollins was going last, but apparently everyone but Vince wanted the women to go last and yesterday Vince relented and said yes.

so you're saying they're still going 3rd to last because Vince will have his ways 10 minutes before the match right?


I totally alright with Sasha vs Charlotte main eventing a ppv if it was some epic or even good fued but doing it cause #womenRevolution is lame.

eh, Charlotte is probably the best pure heel the WWE has going right now and aside from the #women'sRevolution nonsense they tacked on to it it's still a better booked feud than Owens/Rollins and Rusev/Reigns at this point. The Universal Championship was joke anyway once they decided to call it the Universal Championship.
so you're saying they're still going 3rd to last because Vince will have his ways 10 minutes before the match right?

Nah, Meltzer has said that match order is set the morning of the show and rarely changes once it is actually set the day of due to the fact that they have to time the show out and rehearse.


Its the best feud on Raw and this is a Raw show

eh, Charlotte is probably the best pure heel the WWE has going right now and aside from the #women'sRevolution nonsense they tacked on to it it's still a better booked feud than Owens/Rollins and Rusev/Reigns at this point. The Universal Championship was joke anyway once they decided to call it the Universal Championship.
There no heat for this macth or feud, like never do I get the feeling that Charlotte and Sasha hate each other, not to mention the feud has gone way to long for me care.


My guess since they have 3 cage matches one will go first, one in the middle and then one at the end.

So Its Roman vs Rusev first, then two matches, then Rollins vs Owens, two matches, then Charlotte vs Sasha at the end.


What Cell match would you put over it though? The Roman/Rusev feud where the babyface is acting like the heel and vice versa? Or the Owens/Rollins feud where the tension is so non-existent that they need Jericho to get it over and the guy who started the feud won't show up until after football season because he doesn't want to seem like a non-draw?

A ladder match would have been so good. They should have never made these gimmick PPVs.

The old veteran fighting for his one more chance THE Bryan Kendrick Vs TJ Perkins.

Nah, I guess it doesn't matter which went last. They've all had terrible builds.
Charlotte vs Sasha has been amazing compared to Seth and Owens' feud. It's still shit but the Universal Title feud is just insanely bad. It's downright terrible Sasha is being written like she's super excited for this match. The only highlight is the potential chance they go overboard and actually have Nia Jax rip the cell door off, but then that just means we get Banks vs Jax as an actual feud.

The thing is Smackdown will probably have a women's table match for TLC and have the build be how it should be with the women (likely Becky vs Nikki) not making the whole thing about progression.


The old veteran fighting for his one more chance THE Bryan Kendrick Vs TJ Perkins.

Ah yes, the old fossil Kendrick (37) fighting against the barely out of the womb hero (32) TJ.

I love how they assume people can't tell.

Speaking of TJ,

It's just stuff I'm into for the most part. Artistically, it's just things I'm into. I always wanted to be Scott Pilgrim, like actual Scott Pilgrim.
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