For the upcoming GWF Rumble, is there something I can do to get a good rumble spot?
pray to the RNG gods.
I should probably think of a contingency plan in the event we get another PS4 crash like we did during the first rumble
For the upcoming GWF Rumble, is there something I can do to get a good rumble spot?
The official explanation will be that the JIF attacked and spray-painted everyone in the ring at the time.pray to the RNG gods.
I should probably think of a contingency plan in the event we get another PS4 crash like we did during the first rumble
I honestly wonder if anime fans or wrestling fans are more cynical about the product they spend money on.
pray to the RNG gods.
I should probably think of a contingency plan in the event we get another PS4 crash like we did during the first rumble
I just want to point out that I like Bayley and Z-Man and stuff and even though I get guff for it, I don't recall being called a gimmick poster. Maybe you need to take a good, hard (filth) look in the mirror... pal.
I think now is the appropriate time to officially announce the first entrant in the GWF10 World Championship #1 Contender Royal Rumble match
I think now is the appropriate time to officially announce the first entrant in the GWF10 World Championship #1 Contender Royal Rumble match
weird that you randomly brought race into it
I think more bikini shoots will solve the problems we have
*no pop*I think now is the appropriate time to officially announce the first entrant in the GWF10 World Championship #1 Contender Royal Rumble match
Does this mean you're the first man in the ring?I think now is the appropriate time to officially announce the first entrant in the GWF10 World Championship #1 Contender Royal Rumble match
Does this mean you're the first man in the ring?
Does this mean you're the first man in the ring?
That reminds me that BewareTheBatsie was OUTED as a WOMAN the other day and it blew my mind.In all seriousness as one of the few women posters here... the JoJo shit and the random bikini pics posted for no reason suck.
In all seriousness as one of the few women posters here... the JoJo shit and the random bikini pics posted for no reason suck.
Kill that person with a hammer.
A Van Hammer.
or does it mean i'm the first to pick his entrant #?
my god i'm going to get all the heat in the world if the goddamn AI picks my guy to win
I told you to scram, Jejoje.Surely for you it'd be a Jan Hammer?
A three star Triple H match that the commentators are trying to put over as incredible?
I told you to scram, Jejoje.
How do you feel about random gifs of zandig that seem to happen from time to time ?
How do you feel about random gifs of zandig that seem to happen from time to time ?
How do you feel about random gifs of zandig that seem to happen from time to time ?
And where do you think this kind of posts fall in?In terms of professional wrestling, where your "look" matters, i think there's a difference between looking out of shape (IE: you're not maintaining the look/physique you're supposed to have) and simply body shaming people for looking like their normal selves
lmao @ this pic
And where do you think this kind of posts fall in?
They feel weird and unnecessary to me and I just went after Birdman.And where do you think this kind of posts fall in?
You misunderstood my question, boss. Or maybe I misunderstood your posti think it falls in the "who really cares" category. Dude's a little out of shape, but it's not like he's ballooned out of control or anything. Happens to a lot of people.
You misunderstood my question, boss. Or maybe I misunderstood your post
The official explanation will be that the JIF attacked and spray-painted everyone in the ring at the time.
I was asking if you thought that dumb post was discussing someone's body shape or if it was just pure bodyshamingi guess i just dont really care about discussing a person's look/shape unless they've really dramatically changed their look/shape whether it for the better or for the worse.
It's this weekend? Shit.Wait a minute - this is the go home show for TLC? And there's three matches, one of which is an obvious Asuka squash? What?
Well I guess for whatever reason Balor told Bray he would beat him up at TLC despite them not actually having a match set.
I know Cody isn't a flippy dippy wrestler, but when I saw him do this last night...
Could he not even be bothered to do a crossbody?