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October Wrasslin' |OT| I'm seein' double here...

so when a heel beats the piss out of a babyface and tells him heel things for 3 years... it "makes sense" for the babyface to join forces with the heel?


Throughout all the stories with Owens, it's been made clear that Sami still values the friendship they had. It's not illogical that he'd want that back. Combine that with how he's been ignored by Shane, it makes sense.


so when a heel beats the piss out of a babyface and tells him heel things for 3 years... it "makes sense" for the babyface to join forces with the heel?

Maybe him teaming up with KO is weird, but him turning heel makes a lot of sense

Owens had the IC, Universal and US title in the last year and a half
Sami joined WWE before him and he was jobbing to Aiden English last month.
So who are we thinking for Team Shane vs. Team Owens at SS?

Maybe like Shane, AJ, Nakamura, Orton, and Roode?

I'm struggling to come up with five babyfaces that are big enough to be in that match.

And then the heels would be Kevin, Sami, Jinder, Rusev, and Ziggler.


So who are we thinking for Team Shane vs. Team Owens at SS?

Maybe like Shane, AJ, Nakamura, Orton, and Roode?

I'm struggling to come up with five babyface that are big enough to be in that match.

And then the heels would be Kevin, Sami, Jinder, Rusev, and Ziggler.
Probably this
Or they will trade Roode and Ziggler for Tye and Corbin and let the PPV without the US title match



The seed was there and now it has grown into a beautiful Steenerico Flower

We are #blessed to witness it.

This is the most excited I've been about a pro wrestling angle and story in months. The last one that gave me these types of feels was AJ/Cena with AJ walking around with Cena's armband.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
I'm just glad it's looking like an AJ vs. Zayn match is coming.

Then again, this is WWE, so they'll probably just do some 6 man tag bullshit and forget they ever mentioned it.
One of two things will happen with Jinder.

Either he loses it at the December PPV, immediately after the India tour is over.

Or he loses it at WM.
sami helping owens is a russo-esque swerve

you can like it... but if you do, you like russo-esque swerves

so when a heel beats the piss out of a babyface and tells him heel things for 3 years... it "makes sense" for the babyface to join forces with the heel?


Nope... the build was absolutely there dude, Russo swerve is a swerve jut for the sake of it... this had build, Zayn has always shown to care about Owens even if they fight and fight and fight and fight and fight ... Shane has been a total dick to him for weeks, blowing him off , etc... it makes sense that faced with seeing a guy he cares about, regardless of the war between them, about to get killed by your boss who has been a total asshole to you, you might help your friend out. Add in that Smackdown was supposed to be his opportunity but Shane has done nothing for him meanwhile look at the success Owens has had... why wouldn't you join forces.

We are #blessed to witness it.

Big homie Buried Baron is the US champ now?????

Does this mean AJ going for the WWE title? Seems like SD finally has a PPV worth checking out.


A Good Citizen
considering people have been predicting a Sami turn for the past week or so here and elsewhere I think calling it a swerve is a bit silly

first WWE ppv since WM that actually felt like a ppv despite some truly abominable matches (Nakamura... :( )


considering people have been predicting a Sami turn for the past week or so here and elsewhere I think calling it a swerve is a bit silly
I haven't been watching the weekly TV. Last time I saw Sami he was in undercard hell. So I was surprised to see him.
I wonder what they will do with Nakamura now. He has looked like a chump his entire main roster run. They have to rehab him.

They're going to coast with him until they can have the BIG MONEY MATCH with AJ at WrestleMania Elimination Chamber but by then a lot of folks might not even care.
They're going to coast with him until they can have the BIG MONEY MATCH with AJ at WrestleMania Elimination Chamber but by then a lot of folks might not even care.

People will stop caring. A lot probably already have and just like his theme.

I forgot about the racist shit leading up to this match too. Still losing clean too. Yeesh.
I’m interested to see how different the dynamic between Owens and Sami looks juxtaposed against a Jericho and Owens. Storyline has its hooks in me and I hope these two pull in the cash.
Man just caught up to this crap.

Rusev loses. Nak loses. Whyyyy.

And why turn Sami into a scummy heel. Whyyy. Why cant they just do good by Sami. I hate wrestling

OK so they can at least spin it so that Sami wanted to mercy-kill Shane, but it just makes people hate the dude

Monkey pawed my ass with Sami getting the main event spot lol
Apparently the New Day/Usos match was supposed to go 15 minutes, but near the finish they were told by the back (via the ref) that they could have another ten minutes, so they kept going.


So I watched Blade Runner 2049 instead of the rest of the PPV following the tag match.

I think I probably made the right choice.


“I heard about that boy Sam Insane, aparently he's trying to save the lives of non-white people, goddamnit Road Dogg I want you to turn him heel!!!”
“Yes sir”
“Just think of the HEEEEEEEAAAAAAAT, Road Dogg”
“Yes sir”
*Vince farts*
“Yes sir”


So I watched Blade Runner 2049 instead of the rest of the PPV following the tag match.

I think I probably made the right choice.

While Blade Runner 2049 is amazing, the PPV was great other than one match or so and anyone who shits on it really needs to stop watching wrestling because they will never be satisfied.


Man just caught up to this crap.

Rusev loses. Nak loses. Whyyyy.

And why turn Sami into a scummy heel. Whyyy. Why cant they just do good by Sami. I hate wrestling

OK so they can at least spin it so that Sami wanted to mercy-kill Shane, but it just makes people hate the dude

Monkey pawed my ass with Sami getting the main event spot lol

Because Nak is a joke character right now and does not deserve the big belt. (No Jinder did not either but why make the same mistake twice)

Rusev vs Orton, you honestly expected Rusev to win?
He is on someone's shit list and riding it out.

It boggles my mind that people are that confused by Sami's turn, it is almost if they do not pay attention at all when they watch.
Maybe you missed tweets like this?

Or being blown off like this

Zayn also did not ask for the match with Owens, Bryan made it

Sami was also not happy that Shane has the match at HIAC and he does not have a match

Did Shane bother to look after Sami after plowing into him?

Sami had lost to English

I would have to say that Zayn sees that Owensis doing something right, maybe not totally the way he will do it but being nice does not get you anywhere.
Again, these guys are family. They have been for many many many years.
Shit that happens in the ring is in the ring.
Is there any reason they shouldn't turn Rusev at this point? The guy could be massively over if they would just drop the foreign heel bullshit that Vince is so in love with.
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