Vince would need stop being 72 years old and racist for that to happen.Is there any reason they shouldn't turn Rusev at this point? The guy could be massively over if they would just drop the foreign heel bullshit that Vince is so in love with.
Vince would need stop being 72 years old and racist for that to happen.Is there any reason they shouldn't turn Rusev at this point? The guy could be massively over if they would just drop the foreign heel bullshit that Vince is so in love with.
Because Nak is a joke character right now and does not deserve the big belt. (No Jinder did not either but why make the same mistake twice)
Rusev vs Orton, you honestly expected Rusev to win?
He is on someone's shit list and riding it out.
It boggles my mind that people are that confused by Sami's turn, it is almost if they do not pay attention at all when they watch.
Maybe you missed tweets like this?
Or being blown off like this
Zayn also did not ask for the match with Owens, Bryan made it
Sami was also not happy that Shane has the match at HIAC and he does not have a match
Did Shane bother to look after Sami after plowing into him?
Sami had lost to English
I would have to say that Zayn sees that Owensis doing something right, maybe not totally the way he will do it but being nice does not get you anywhere.
Again, these guys are family. They have been for many many many years.
Shit that happens in the ring is in the ring.
I understand the turn, I just really bought Sami as a babyface and wanted him to do things the right way. Cant buy it if he suddenly does typical heel things so hopefully his story is more complex than that. I totally buy Sami Zayn as the good guy, just like Bayley and Becky. It's hard to care about most faces, but guys like Sami really embody everything about that babyface spirit.
As for Nak...yeah, but I dont know if thats on him. Jinder just brings everything down and the build up was god awful racism bullshit.
And Rusev definitely should have won. It hurts to see the man have lost his spot to Jinder.
Say it to my face😠Get word to Pikma that it's fucking fake.
I've been rewarching some of LU season 1 and I gotta admit it's winning me over.
It's not perfect but I like it
NJPW should trade Cody for Rusev
NJPW should trade Cody for Rusev
LU season 1 was magical. It was so new and interesting and different. It felt so fresh and like a whole new idea on wrestling. I don't even know how it lost itself along the way, but I kind of forced my way through season 2 and fell off at the beginning of season 3.
I do want to go back to it eventually, but man that first season was great.
Implying anyone actually wants Cody.
Cody tweeted about wanting to go 60 minutes.
60 minutes. Of Cody. A fate worse than death.
No Daryl!![]()
NJPW goes into full Kevin Dunn camera zooms whenever Yujiro shows up
you mean when there's ass around Yujiro
I'm struggling to get into this for some reason. I'm gonna keep watching, but for some reason I'm not feeling it.
suzuki is going to keep eating the yano Ls tonight, isn't he?
Every time I see a Daryl in the crowd I mark out. So great
I'm buying one next month as a Birthday present to myself
Is this a foreshadowing of LIJs collapse, or their well-planed scheme to eat and run?
Thats awesome! Happy to see 'em back! Sho Tanaka is mad promising.