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October Wrasslin' |OT| Running around in our underwear making ugly faces

Its funny because like WCW they definitely made a good step to make the product watchable in its final months but its too little too late. TNA could have been this product with a higher budget since they moved to Spike but only as the axe was beginning to swing did they try running a show like that.

Death of WCW described this well.

If you're doing really well, it seems you can do no wrong. You can put on a ton of bad shows and still do great business.

If you're doing very poorly, you can seemingly do no right.
The more young up and comers to be elevated by John Sina the better.

Meltzer, discussing the possible Hell in a Cell scenario:

Cena is bullet proof from losses hurt him, which Ambrose, at this stage of his push, is not. While Cena is the top star, WWE showed at SummerSlam in 2013 that they would put a babyface (Daniel Bryan) over Cena clean to move them into a regular main event position.


The more young up and comers to be elevated by John Sina the better.

I know your account if a work, but I'll be damned if you haven't worked me good today. I've gotten all worked into a shoot. Brother.

Cena is such an asshole.

Does anyone else refuse to believe that a guy with Cena's popularity, longevity, and position in the company has ZERO say in what his character does, who he faces, and who he goes over on? I just can't buy this "He just does what he's told" bullshit.


Due to a pretty rough hang over (the pukey kind, not the headache kind), the only place I could take solace was out on the patio in the dark. Flipped around and found Impact. What a terrible show. It looks like a VICE documentary or a wrestling show as presented in a movie. It looks like Exposed! Pro Wrestling's Greatest Secrets.

The fans are terrible. The wrestlers look terrible. Joe was embarrassing. Tenay and Taz are worse than I remember. Terrible promos. Anderson is worse than ever. Even the commercials are low rent. 5 ITT Tech ads. A custom t-shirt shop ad. A hunting jacket ad. Impact has the same ads in prime time that judge shows get at 10AM. I can see why Spike doesn't want them. It's an embarrassment to a network that pioneered such shows as 1000 Ways To Die, 10 Million Dollar Bigfoot Bounty, Auction Hunters, Ink Master, Jail.

This isn't even getting into how MASSIVE of goobers the Wolves look, act, and sound like.


Meltzer, discussing the possible Hell in a Cell scenario:

Yeah and then WWE 6 months later tried to make people forget who Bryan beat originally for the belt. And then Vince couldn't go more than a week without feeding people to almighty Super Cena again.


Due to a pretty rough hang over (the pukey kind, not the headache kind), the only place I could take solace was out on the patio in the dark. Flipped around and found Impact. What a terrible show. It looks like a VICE documentary or a wrestling show as presented in a movie. It looks like Exposed! Pro Wrestling's Greatest Secrets.

The fans are terrible. The wrestlers look terrible. Joe was embarrassing. Tenay and Taz are worse than I remember. Terrible promos. Anderson is worse than ever. Even the commercials are low rent. 5 ITT Tech ads. A custom t-shirt shop ad. A hunting jacket ad. Impact has the same ads in prime time that judge shows get at 10AM. I can see why Spike doesn't want them. It's an embarrassment to a network that pioneered such shows as 1000 Ways To Die, 10 Million Dollar Bigfoot Bounty, Auction Hunters, Ink Master, Jail.

This isn't even getting into how MASSIVE of goobers the Wolves look, act, and sound like.

Davey Richards definitely comes across as a vanilla midget in promos, but I still like The Wolves for their ability in the ring.

And the presentation of tonight's show is pretty depressing.

You really didn't like the Joe/Aries match? Weird.

Did you get to the EC3 and Spud promo?

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Due to a pretty rough hang over (the pukey kind, not the headache kind), the only place I could take solace was out on the patio in the dark. Flipped around and found Impact. What a terrible show. It looks like a VICE documentary or a wrestling show as presented in a movie. It looks like Exposed! Pro Wrestling's Greatest Secrets.

The fans are terrible. The wrestlers look terrible. Joe was embarrassing. Tenay and Taz are worse than I remember. Terrible promos. Anderson is worse than ever. Even the commercials are low rent. 5 ITT Tech ads. A custom t-shirt shop ad. A hunting jacket ad. Impact has the same ads in prime time that judge shows get at 10AM. I can see why Spike doesn't want them. It's an embarrassment to a network that pioneered such shows as 1000 Ways To Die, 10 Million Dollar Bigfoot Bounty, Auction Hunters, Ink Master, Jail.

This isn't even getting into how MASSIVE of goobers the Wolves look, act, and sound like.

As long as I've watched Spike that has been their ads for everything besides RAW when they had it, Ultimate Fighter/UFC stuff too. iMPACT has had that level of ads its entire time, so does all of its other prime time shows.
I know your account if a work, but I'll be damned if you haven't worked me good today. I've gotten all worked into a shoot. Brother.

Cena is such an asshole.

Does anyone else refuse to believe that a guy with Cena's popularity, longevity, and position in the company has ZERO say in what his character does, who he faces, and who he goes over on? I just can't buy this "He just does what he's told" bullshit.
Cena has done more to elevate talent in the WWE than any other WWE title holder. More than Lesnar, Bryan, Orton, and Punk. Cena got the Yes chant over. Cena got Zack Ryder a US title run and more TV time. Cena elevated the the Divas division by appearing on Total Divas.

Name any other WWE champion that has done more for others than Cena.


Davey Richards definitely comes across as a vanilla midget in promos, but I still like The Wolves for their ability in the ring.

And the presentation of tonight's show is pretty depressing.

You really didn't like the Joe/Aries match? Weird.

Did you get to the EC3 and Spud promo?

That match was garbage. Zero effort from either guy. Joe was pathetically gassed out. The EC3/Spud thing has been done a million times and the crowd didn't care. EC3 wasn't funny at all with his funny zingers.


Cena has done more to elevate talent in the WWE than any other WWE title holder. More than Lesnar, Bryan, Orton, and Punk. Cena got the Yes chant over. Cena got Zack Ryder a US title run and more TV time. Cena elevated the the Divas division by appearing on Total Divas.

Name any other WWE champion that has done more for others than Cena.



The only thing that seemed impressive on the show was the video for that Havok broad, only to find out she's sloppy and reckless as fuck.


That match was garbage. Zero effort from either guy. Joe was pathetically gassed out. The EC3/Spud thing has been done a million times and the crowd didn't care. EC3 wasn't funny at all with his funny zingers.


Damn. You're a tough man to please, stro. But to each their own.

I will say that the depressing crowd tonight has really had a negative effect on the show. All of the darkness in the background is probably enough to make people want to change the channel.
The only thing that seemed impressive on the show was the video for that Havok broad, only to find out she's sloppy and reckless as fuck.

Yeah, I'm gonna trust your judgement as to whether or not a worked fight is sloppy and reckless.

Because you would know.

Cena has done more to elevate talent in the WWE than any other WWE title holder. More than Lesnar, Bryan, Orton, and Punk. Cena got the Yes chant over. Cena got Zack Ryder a US title run and more TV time. Cena elevated the the Divas division by appearing on Total Divas.

Name any other WWE champion that has done more for others than Cena.

Okay, friend.

It's obvious that your heart still belongs to the Sination. Your avatar betrayalton stings a bit less.

Glad to see that you're still on the right side of history :')

Man God

Non-Canon Member
As long as it isn't red Iron Mike again, I'm down with it.

He did A+ level work with his Cena persona. Lots of Hustle. Plenty of Respect. Tons of loyalty to the gimmick.
Okay, friend.

It's obvious that your heart still belongs to the Sination. Your avatar betrayalton stings a bit less.

Glad to see that you're still on the right side of history :')

John Cena and Stone Cold Steve Austin have a lot in common. Austin respects the s**** out of Cena. That's speaks volumes to a fan like me.
I don't think cena has much say in how he's booked because he doesn't really care how he is booked as long as he is a bland baby face muscleman. I think he is willing to put over a guy like Ambrose. He seems to put over other faces he is booked with. The Rock, Bryan, HHH in 2008, Batista in 2008. I don't think they like to book him with bad triumphing over good. Take wyatt and most other heels he has been booked with for instance. A lot of punks wins are somewhat tainted due to him being a tweener. Lesnar is an exception due to his status.

cena will put over talent cleanly as long as they are faces.
You know, I used to think John Cena was more of a successor to The Rock, what with the Five Knuckle Shuffle being a clear homage to the People's Elbow. But now I'm finally realizing that he veers more towards Steve Austin. I mean, what is John Cena but the Stone Cold character reimagined for this Post Benoit PG world?

It's like Stone Cold never left.

If your dream match was Austin vs. Punk, I've got good news for you, you've already got it, and brother it was amazing!

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Cena is closest to Surfer Sting. Only if the non little Stingers started hating him sometime in 1991.


Kind of a middling Impact tonight. The crowd REALLY hurt the show, and the lack of lighting made it feel like super small time.

#TNAtion :(


Last week was bad as well.

Eh, I disagree. We got a good match between Low Ki and MVP, and a fun match between Aries and Knux last week. It was kind of bland otherwise, though.

This episode was just a 5/10 for me. I enjoyed a fair amount of stuff on it...

-Joe vs. Aries
-Gail and Havok story and matches
-Roode and Lashley segment
-EC3 and Spud segment :(

And then there was some okay-to-bad stuff like...

-MVP vs. Anderson
-James Storm stable segment
-EY vs. EC3

Sounds a lot better when I type it out, but I'd say the tag title series stuff should probably be under the "okay" section.


Want to know a guaranteed method for spotting a gimmick poster? Ask them who they sided with during the Austin-McMahon feud. If they say Vince McMahon...

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