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October Wrasslin' |OT| Running around in our underwear making ugly faces



Yes, the final post in my landmark series.

Suhayl ibn Amr was a dude who refused to follow the verbal traditions sent down. Such as calling Mohammed, son of Abdullah instead of Mohammed Prophet of Allah. He eventually converted.

There was a dude who came to meet Mo. He got really nervous by how many Muslims were around, so he left without talking to Mo. Mohammed took this as a huge insult and had that guy and his people killed.

It is defamation to charge a convert with iniquity. This was because one of Mo's wives was taunted for her Jewish heritage. And suddenly, you couldn't do that anymore.

There are two angels that record everything of every man. EVERYTHING.

Allah takes great offense to the idea that he rested on the 7th day. He took it off because he wanted to. He never gets tired. He also created man and jinn specifically to worship him.

There is a model of the Kabbah in Heaven that the angels visit frequently.

People asked for a sign from Allah. The moon then appeared to be wrapped in twine. This is in great conflict with literally every other time people asked for a sign. This is the only time Allah actually gave a sign on demand, and it's validity is questioned because of it.

Near the end of Mohammed's life, he was worried that Islam wouldn't last.


People on the left hand will go to Hell. People on the right hand will go to Heaven. Of note is that "right hand" is the euphemism for slaves all through out the book. Also, the Angel of Death rips souls out of mouths of the wicked, but lets them gently come out of the believers.

There are no such things as accidents. Everything that happens is on purpose. Also, EVERYTHING is a sign of Allah's power. Absolutely everything.

There is severe torment waiting for the Jews, who are referred to as the "crew of Satan". What appears to been the initial spark to "fuck da Jews" was when they agreed to be on the sides (not converting, but being partners/friends/supporters) of Muslims after the Muslims won a battle, but then changed their minds after the Muslims lost a battle. Before this point, the Jews are spoken of fairly well. Afterwards, nearly ever passage that mentions them refers to them as swine/apes/asses/liars/greedy/treacherous, constantly running them out and/or killing them, and how they are the worst of the worst. I mention this because it is a pretty consistent theme through out the book. Someone pisses Mo off and suddenly there is word from Allah to slaughter them all. For this particular running out of/slaughter of the Jews, Mo was the only guy who was on a camel/horse, so he got ALL of the spoils due to a technicality. All the way to 2014, there is considered no Jewish activity in Saudi Arabia. No non-Muslim religious traditions are allowed to be followed on SA soil. During the Gulf War, Christian service members were eventually allowed to worship within SA, but Jews were only allowed to do so on US war ships. Those with an Israeli passport or who is an open Jew are generally not allowed into the Kingdom. What I'm saying is that the Israel/Palestine conflict most definitely is not about a little patch of land in the desert. Amazingly, there is actually a verse that criticizes a Jewish leader for killing Christians. And it isn't even in The Chapter of The Hypocrites.

Jews are more fearful of Muslims than Allah Himself, with good reason.

Allah has 99 names.

There was a guy who knew Mohammed was bringing an invasion to his city. He warned the city. Mo was not happy about this. The guy was a true believer and warned only because his family lived there. Mo forgave him, but Allah then decreed no more of that shit.

Mohammed had an affair with a Coptic woman named Mary. One of his wives found out and got really pissed. He made a deal with her that he'd never touch Mary again as long as she didn't tell any of the other wives. Well, she told one of the other wives. He divorced her and was so pissed at all of his wives that he moved out for a month. Where did he live in that month? Mary's apartment. Shortly after, a decree came down that made it okay what Mo did and was able to get him out of any commitment to Mary.

A blind guy one day interrupted Mohammed. He didn't realize he was interrupting anything, on the account of being blind. He was just asking for spiritual guidance. Mo turned his back and frowned at him, then walked away. Allah called Mo out on being a dick for no reason, so the next time Mo saw him, he made the guy governor of Medina.

There is a tradition that Gabriel came to a baby Mohammed, cut his chest open, pulled his heart out, and cleansed the heart of the Original Sin. Most don't take this seriously. Because even pagan Arabic tribes of the time thought that was too crazy to be true.

My final thoughts, spoilered because they're probably deeply offensive to Muslims:

Mohammed was a psycho/sociopath with OCD, delusions of grandeur, a messiah complex, a megalomaniac, with a penchant for severe violence and anger. He was a guy clearly running a cult, through fear and violence. The amount of "fear Allah/ME/Us" is staggering. There is a consistent theme from start to end of Mohammed seeing things he didn't like and suddenly getting a decree from Allah that they are now illegal. Seeing things he wanted to do that were illegal, and suddenly getting a decree from Allah that they are now legal. Sometimes getting special permissions just for him. Someone makes him mad? Suddenly, a decree comes down to slaughter that person/group/city. If he did something wrong, a decree would come down saying it was okay. This happens frequently. It's very convenient.

He spends much of the book propping up and piggy backing on Jewish and Christian stories (the entire story of Moses is recounted at least 10 times as a backbone for legitimacy, the story of Noah is recounted 4-5 times in full, Jesus is frequently mentioned), all while saying how terrible Christians and especially Jews are. He spends much of the book going from city to city, threatening everyone with death if they don't convert. This is glorious and just to him. "Religion of peace" is pretty unfounded, by my reading. It was briefly peaceful, until people didn't really want to go along with it. Then it became "kill 'em all". If you were to read through the book, you can see where the extremists like Al Qaeda and ISIS get their justifications. Pretty clearly. That's not a good look on the religion and book. It's not even a stretch. It's all in there and to follow the book by the letter would require you to do many of the things those extremists have done.

It's also a book of many, many contradictions, based on who and what Mohammed was angry with at the time. The only real constants are: Take care of orphans/poor/homeless, pray all the time, and always be fearful that you will be tortured in Hell forever if you offend Allah in any way. It's probably not a coincidence that Mohammed himself was a poor orphan growing up, moving from family to family and sometimes being homeless.

What makes a good Muslim is a mystery to me. Moderate and liberal Muslims seem to not be able to be good Muslims, going by the book. To be a Muslim and in line with the laws and customs of the modern world seems antithetical to the teachings of the book. You'd have to disregard a LOT of it. But those that follow the book to the letter means they're going to be killing folks and being violent, mean, angry people who feel they are in the right because they are doing it for Allah, and that's what Allah likes. It's a tricky situation. Shed some light on why the Middle East is the way it is, though. For me at least. That's just my interpretation of it. There are good tenants, mostly pertaining to charity. But a lot more of really awful shit.

On to the Bhagavad Gita. Probably won't do any write ups for that, since no one wanted to read these and I feel like Islam is a little more relevant to most people in here than Hinduism.

Unrelated, I find the "keep calm" meme stupid as shit, but WWE.com making one out of this:

is pretty dope
The fact that Ambrose and Rollins will be shackled to hell and back in their Cell match so they don't overshadow the golden boys makes me one sad person.
They should just book it so Ambrose derange and unstable nature just overwhelms Cena's play it straight character (even though he does hellish things and gets cheered). You could add legitimacy to a clean A,brose win while still casting that slight doubt, make Cena look strong, if they just used their brains for a second. Though it ain't happenin'


I really do want to know why Comics gets to stay in off-topic though.


They're getting the push. Wrestle threads popping up in OT like that one about Justin Roberts? That's some Zack Ryder shit right there. We got Cena'd awhile ago.


Watching Monday Night War

Calling anything WCW sports entertainment is fucking stupid.

It's not. WCW also used that term from time to time. They used wrestling MUCH more, but sports entertainment wasn't exclusive to Vince, even if he coined the phrase. The term was made to avoid having to pay state wrestling/boxing commissions, so it was beneficial for WCW and any other company to use the term when needed. A version of it had been used as early as the 1930s.


It's not. WCW also used that term from time to time. They used wrestling MUCH more, but sports entertainment wasn't exclusive to Vince, even if he coined the phrase. The term was made to avoid having to pay state wrestling/boxing commissions, so it was beneficial for WCW and any other company to use the term when needed. A version of it had been used as early as the 1930s.

When the commentary over the match they are covering has has Bischoff talking about how this is the best wrestling and how you will never see wrestling like this don't have keith david call it sports entertainment
I guess I'm the only one who enjoyed the Koran Korner.

At least share your thoughts on the Bhagavad Gita. Doesn't need to be at length like the Koran but I'm interested to hear your take on it.

It's a very trippy book. Probably because the writers were high on mushrooms, soma, nutmeg, harmal or whatever else they could get their hands on.


I guess I'm the only one who enjoyed the Koran Korner.

At least share your thoughts on the Bhagavad Gita. Doesn't need to be at length like the Koran but I'm interested to hear your take on it.

It's a very trippy book. Probably because the writers were high on mushrooms, soma, nutmeg, harmal or whatever else they could get their hands on.

I started to read it, but I'm too sleepy to really retain anything. This version starts with a long introduction to Sanskrit. Getting through that was enough to let me know I need more than a few hours before I dig in.


I love that new 95 Raw intro with the random ass battle royale on the WWF HQ rooftop.

Was that the actual intro song for Raw? I don't remember that AT ALL. I hope it is a dubbed over intentionally terrible period piece song.

Also, wtf at showing a "preview" for next week by showing big spots from matches next week. That's from the Alucard school of promotion right there. Telling everyone your shit is taped when Nitro was LIVE AS LIVE CAN BE and showing major spots from those matches? So weird.


Dave Meltzer noted on the most recent edition of Wrestling Observer Radio that word is that Kurt Angle will be staying with TNA.

Angle's contract with TNA expired last month on September 21st. Meltzer noted that TNA wants people to believe that Angle will be leaving the company so that it's a big surprise when he stays.

PWInsider reported last week that a source told them that Angle turned down a full-time offer from WWE because he didn't believe his body would be able to handle a full-time schedule.


Was that the actual intro song for Raw? I don't remember that AT ALL. I hope it is a dubbed over intentionally terrible period piece song.

Also, wtf at showing a "preview" for next week by showing big spots from matches next week. That's from the Alucard school of promotion right there. Telling everyone your shit is taped when Nitro was LIVE AS LIVE CAN BE and showing major spots from those matches? So weird.



Love it, Straggle!


Thanks for the Koran Korner stro. I didn't read them all but what I did read was interesting. I may give it a read myself sometime.


PWInsider reported last week that a source told them that Angle turned down a full-time offer from WWE because he didn't believe his body would be able to handle a full-time schedule.

this is horse shit
Sure, WWE is sooo bad. Watching WWE and then watching TNA makes it even more obvious how bad it is.... oh wait, that's not true at all.

2K is terrible. Just because it's competition is a game that was dead for four years doesn't make it good. Everything gets worse with each iteration, from the online, to the modes even down to the UI and the soundtrack.

Yukes hasn't made a good WWE game since the Day of Reckoning series.
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