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October Wrasslin' |OT| Running around in our underwear making ugly faces

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
And Tanahashi doesn't sell a fraction of the merch Cena moves. Which is what matters when this is clearly a money move, so it's the same logic regardless of whether you like Tanahashi or not. It's stale. Tanahashi should be bowing out and getting in feuds with newer stars, there's nothing Okada can gain from working with him anymore at this point.
Well, presuming he wins, Okada gains a victory over the companies top star on the biggest stage of New Japan's calendar to earn his 3rd IWGP title reign. That seems like the sort of thing that could cement him as 'the' guy (especially if he gets a long run with the title out of it), which is obviously what they want to achieve.

Hell, the original plan was apparently Tanahashi vs Jarrett to be the semi-main event. I think we're better off this way.


Jarrett could've come out with the light-up horse. I don't even follow japanese wrestling and I know passing up on that was a mistake.
It's cool, we'll still see Jarrett most likely - just lower down the card, vs Yoshitatsu.

Incidentally, can't wait to see what crazy-ass entrances they have for WK this year. Last year's was awesome; Okada with dinosaurs, Zombie Devitt, Tanahashi being played to the ring by Marty Friedman, Nakamura and his entourage of pole dancers, etc.



blonde hair?

Undertaker should come back as surfer taker.

MC Safety

Hell in the Cell won't have a WWE championship match?

I guess that's what having a part-time champ buys you.

Also, is it wrong to have a fab five made entirely of NXT wrestlers? If so, I don't want to be right.


Hell in the Cell won't have a WWE championship match?

I guess that's what having a part-time champ buys you.

Also, is it wrong to have a fab five made entirely of NXT wrestlers? If so, I don't want to be right.

At least it's a B show and not Wrestlemania like Bound For Glory is supposed to be.

Hell, I like the idea of B shows not having title match main events. Champ shouldn't have to defend every PPV, however I would like a champ that wrestles on TV more.

MC Safety

At least it's a B show and not Wrestlemania like Bound For Glory is supposed to be.

Hell, I like the idea of B shows not having title match main events. Champ shouldn't have to defend every PPV, however I would like a champ that wrestles on TV more.

Yeah, I guess you're right about the championship needing to be defended on every pay-per-view. But when your main events are Boreton vs. Cena and Rollins vs. Ambrose, you might want to consider dropping an extra million or whatever for Lesnar to fight.


Yeah, I guess you're right about the championship needing to be defended on every pay-per-view. But when your main events are Boreton vs. Cena and Rollins vs. Ambrose, you might want to consider dropping an extra million or whatever for Lesnar to fight.

Cena vs Orton was a bad last minute throw in to give Cena something to do, but Ambrose vs Rollins will be MOTY candidate material. Mark my words on that.
In the book, Jericho claims that while on a plane Vince McMahon made a snide remark to Kofi Kingston saying, "Maybe one day you'll get over," a comment which visibly disturbed Kingston.

As Jericho and Kingston exited the plane, Jericho told Kofi that he had to go back and challenge him to a fight. At first Kingston seemed to think it was a rib, but Jericho knowing McMahon's personality was totally serious about the situation.

Kingston took Jericho's advice and got back on the plane and asked Vince McMahon if he had a problem with him. The two traded verbal barbs back and forth until Vince McMahon shot in for a double leg takedown out of nowhere and he and Kingston subsequently wrestled around. McMahon has been known to test his amateur wrestling against the likes of Kurt Angle, also repeatedly attempting to take him down on a flight. McMahon finally got up and laughed the situation off, with McMahon liking that Kingston stood up for himself.

:jnc kofi can't beat anybody


You of all people shouldn't cast any stones at people for being upset about this. It's the same safe shit WWE does with Cena. I don't know why it's justifiable to be mad about John Cena always being the headline of Wrestlemania, but it's 'Strange' that people would be mad about Tanahashi being in the main event.

Except the "Cena" in this case is not gonna win that match.


Cena/Orton is this era's Hulk/Savage. Its Shawn/Bret. Its HHH/Rock. Who doesn't remember every detail of the rare times Orton and Cena actually got ahold of each other? Classics in the history of this great sport, I say.


So not worth it
And Tanahashi doesn't sell a fraction of the merch Cena moves. Which is what matters when this is clearly a money move, so it's the same logic regardless of whether you like Tanahashi or not. It's stale. Tanahashi should be bowing out and getting in feuds with newer stars, there's nothing Okada can gain from working with him anymore at this point.
The best reason I can give for Cena being worse in the same position and role as Tanahashi is that in Cena's case he's not just in the main event, he is the focus of everything. Nothing on the card matters even remotely as much as and the next closest thing is the Taker match, but that's gone now too. At least in New Japan all the title matches are important, the midcard matters and even the undercard filler matches are not downplayed.

Just because Tanahashi is in the main event, doesn't do any of the other guys any real harm, there are many titles guys fight for that are almost on equal ground as then main title and their matches get focus and attention too. In WWE half of the matches matter and the other half are booked the week before Mania and go for ten minutes as commentary talks about Cena and how much he struggled to get the main event and how he must overcome whatever.

Granted, I don't speak Japanese, so maybe they do that too there. But somehow I doubt that.


Just watched Ice Age with my two-year-old. First time since it hit theatres however many years ago. It's much better than I remember.

-Zero pop culture references
-Scenes actually get time to breathe
-Because of the above, you get more attached to the characters
-The central message is only mentioned twice in the movie ("Herds/Families look out for one another")
-2 characters experience redemption
-Actually funny scenes and dialogue

One of the best 3D animated movies out there.

I hope you like Rusted Root, "send me on my way" played through the whole movie. Lol

The squirrel was funny too.


I hope you like Rusted Root, "send me on my way" played through the whole movie. Lol

The squirrel was funny too.

Wasn't it just during one traveling montage and during the credits? I didn't mind. Enjoyed the journey each character went on. The only one who doesn't change is the sloth, as he's just a finished character from the start and acts as comic relief.


Wasn't it just during one traveling montage and during the credits? I didn't mind. Enjoyed the journey each character went on. The only one who doesn't change is the sloth, as he's just a finished character from the start and acts as comic relief.

Check out the sequels. Part two is the only one that is legit bad. The rest are pretty good, but never hit the heights of part one.

Edit: that song was definitely in there more than twice. Lol.


So yea this thread just happened...

Since when did my console playing MP3's Video Files and such become something that must be in there? What about using the console for what it's ment for playing games? You want all that stuff you have laptops computers smart tv's and more. I can't stand console wars it's so dumb....Just play with what you have and be happy.


The best reason I can give for Cena being worse in the same position and role as Tanahashi is that in Cena's case he's not just in the main event, he is the focus of everything. Nothing on the card matters even remotely as much as and the next closest thing is the Taker match, but that's gone now too. At least in New Japan all the title matches are important, the midcard matters and even the undercard filler matches are not downplayed.

Just because Tanahashi is in the main event, doesn't do any of the other guys any real harm, there are many titles guys fight for that are almost on equal ground as then main title and their matches get focus and attention too. In WWE half of the matches matter and the other half are booked the week before Mania and go for ten minutes as commentary talks about Cena and how much he struggled to get the main event and how he must overcome whatever.

Granted, I don't speak Japanese, so maybe they do that too there. But somehow I doubt that.
This also wasn't the case in the attitude era- it's one of the big things they've lost that's massively hurting the product. I don't think Cena's entirely to blame here though- this felt like Vince and others revering to this '80s mentality that doesn't work today.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
So yea this thread just happened...

Since when did my console playing MP3's Video Files and such become something that must be in there? What about using the console for what it's ment for playing games? You want all that stuff you have laptops computers smart tv's and more. I can't stand console wars it's so dumb....Just play with what you have and be happy.

because sometimes you want to play your own shit on it.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
the past iwgp champs have been,tanahashi,okada,tanahashi,okada,aj,tanahashi and then NJPW announces

Such fresh match to base your Wrestlemania around.

ah I see. and when did AJ drop the belt to Tanahashi?


I like how Orton plops on to Ziggler after the RKO thinking he has the sweet pin transition, until he realized he just pulled a Cameron.


I want to be annoyed about yet another Tanahashi title reign so soon, and yet another Tana/Okada match. But after thinking about it, I don't think I can be mad at the booking of Wrestle Kingdom. It's their money match, and at the very least, it involves a younger guy they're pushing. The inherent problem is similar to WWE in that Tanahashi was all that mattered and then they found a new young guy that they're building to make to be the only guy that matters. I'm not in charge of the company, I don't get to see their financial records, so I don't know what makes the most money. But as a fan, I want to see multiple title contenders that are all equally viable. So to me, the issue isn't the WK booking. They're going with the biggest possible match they can put on. What bothers me is that it's the biggest possible match they can put on and there's no alternative that doesn't involve Nakamura. They put themselves in this position, and hopefully they're able to dig themselves out over the next year with Naito and Shibata.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
AWF feels like American Gladitor, World Wide Wrestling, and WSX thrown into a blender. Also, I saw a Hiro Matsuda cameo in WWW. Don't get to see Hiro on camera much.
Pepsi, you can go to straight to Hell. I was trying to make it less wall of text, more fun and playful for a subject matter that definitely wasn't fun and playful and most skipped anyway. After reading the book, I got a call from Allah. He told me you'd feel that way and also told me to tell you that you're a sack of shit who is going to be drinking boiling pus and getting flayed for the rest of your life. IN HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL.


Time for you carnies to find true love.



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