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October Wrasslin' |OT| Running around in our underwear making ugly faces


You might as well remove the word gaming before journalism. Why don't we go after the journalists that cover the actual news that matters? If this is so bad to happen to gaming media, can't we collectively direct all our ire towards news reporting in general? I mean, the shit that goes on because sources are anonymous and unaccountable is incredible.

I'll just throw out a possible answer to this. Maybe people throw their ire at gaming journalism specific for the same reason a lot of feminists target gaming and gaming journalism - it's a much younger and still malleable entity compared to its elder journalism counterparts and can be more easily tweaked to fit agendas.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I think gaming and gaming journalism needs more balance because it's so heavily skewed for fat white neckbearded chauvinist dudes.


Comic-based threads also get live, regular mod updates when new information comes in.

Sorry, but they're the teacher's pet round here no matter how dorky cape shit is when you actually look at it. Cape shit is like medieval fantasy levels of dorky.

The threads about comic power levels are the best.

People seriously read stories where they draw Superman pulling nine planets by a fucking metal chain? Multi-mega-verse versions of radiated Hulk in the Fantastic Four universe or some shit?

None of it makes any fucking sense.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
The threads about comic power levels are the best.

People seriously read stories where they draw Superman pulling nine planets by a fucking metal chain? Multi-mega-verse versions of radiated Hulk in the Fantastic Four universe or some shit?

None of it makes any fucking sense.

It's almost time for me to do the "who would win in a fight, John Henry or Paul Bunyan"


I think gaming and gaming journalism needs more balance because it's so heavily skewed for fat white neckbearded chauvinist dudes.

I have no idea that this GamerGate thing is all about and every time I attempt to understand it, I get bored. I'm sure Sunflower has opinions on it, so I'll just go with what he forces us to feel towards it all.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I have no idea that this GamerGate thing is all about and every time I attempt to understand it, I get bored. I'm sure Sunflower has opinions on it, so I'll just go with what he forces us to feel towards it all.

neckbeards are trouble

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
The threads about comic power levels are the best.

People seriously read stories where they draw Superman pulling nine planets by a fucking metal chain? Multi-mega-verse versions of radiated Hulk in the Fantastic Four universe or some shit?

None of it makes any fucking sense.

The problem with anime and comic books is that every character, at any time, can be written to be an omega level super insane god killer through plot devices. Because every comic writer has their fave, and they want to make sure that they and all that characters fans on the internet can beat up other god powered characters.

You don't like Wolverine because you like his personality or history. You like wolverine because you can post about him online and how he can totally beat up Galactus. And Dr. Doom fans are the worst of the bunch.


Oh noes, new Total Divas cast members...


This cast is out of control. Drop a few already. Who gives a flying fuck about Eva Marie or Cameron?
I get that the Bellas are with the two top stars so the show is stuck with them, but there's a whole lot of dead weight.


I have no idea that this GamerGate thing is all about and every time I attempt to understand it, I get bored. I'm sure Sunflower has opinions on it, so I'll just go with what he forces us to feel towards it all.

neckbeards are trouble

neckbeards and power hungry feminists can be massive amounts of trouble

there are plenty of neckbeards and feminists who are good people though too. but they don't put butts in the seats for clickbait articles

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Why do all of WWEs womens wrestlers dress so god damn similar

It's just like WWEs male wrestlers who all wear black short trunks with red accents. Fuck off with that shit.


I'll just throw out a possible answer to this. Maybe people throw their ire at gaming journalism specific for the same reason a lot of feminists target gaming and gaming journalism - it's a much younger and still malleable entity compared to its elder journalism counterparts and can be more easily tweaked to fit agendas.

Possibly, but it's not an upstream thing. You go for the head and it will trickle down.

It just annoys me so much their aims just do not matter on any objective measure and will not change the world for the better even slightly when there's a big shiny target. If this effort was expended, real change could come about. What would happen if all their current aims happen? Well I'm sure something or other on game websites, nothing of value would really change and some people who have been using the "movement" as something to get their hate out will have a sense that they can be successful.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
They're just mad that Vic's powerless to defeat Squirrel Girl.

I know lots of the internet turned on Batman because all the Batman hype and how ridiculously positive he's written by his writers. But I laugh when those same posters have Thanos and Dr. Doom avatars.


Batman is a character who I wish was left to his own pocket universe of DC comics and didn't have to interact with Superman, Green Lantern, and other superheroes who have borderline godlike powers. Batman is at his best when he's a flawed human detective beating up crime lords and villains with gimmicky powers. When they throw Batman in with Superman and the others they have to make him seem like a worthwhile teammate who isnt immediately dwarfed by everyone around him, so they crank up his detective skills to fucking godlike levels. Which is why we get shit like "prep time Batman always wins".

This is also why I think Batman would work so much better if he was in the Marvel universe instead of DC.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
What are the Bellas, Eva Marie, Cameron, Rosa Mendes or Summer Rae doing on it?

They're all entertaining. I'm sorry you don't enjoy the show - it's probably just not your speed. Just don't watch it if you don't like it.

All of the women you mentioned have brought me a lot of laughter and enjoyment.


i cant stop looking at sunflowers avatar

steph was so fucking hot back in the day
she still is now, but now she's more a MILF


They're all entertaining. I'm sorry you don't enjoy the show - it's probably just not your speed. Just don't watch it if you don't like it.

All of the women you mentioned have brought me a lot of laughter and enjoyment.

I like some of the people on the show. The Bellas are some of the most boring and annoying people on TV, and Eva Marie is some kind of robot programmed to be as emotionless and dull as possible. She may be the most uncharismatic person I've ever seen. I can at least see where the entertainment appeal of Cameron comes from even if she's just annoying to me, but the Bellas and Eva Marie are absolutely devoid of entertainment value.


The Bhagavad Gita is pretty dope, although it really started to lose me towards the end with the 3 gunas stuff over and over. It felt very tacked on.

Here are some dope passages I liked:

This is eternal, all pervading, fixed; this is unmoving and primaeval.

For the born, death is certain; For the dead there is certainly birth. Therefore, for this inevitable in consequence, thou shouldst not mourn.

The insights of the irresolute have many branches are are, indeed, endless.

Action prompted by greed, desire for wealth, desire for power, or desire for fame is not advised. Abandon attachments.

And when he withdraws completely the senses from the objects of the senses, as a tortoise its limbs into its shell, his wisdom stands firm.

For a man dwelling on the objects of the senses, an attachment to them is born. From attachment, desire is born. From desire, anger is born, from anger arises delusion, from delusion, wandering of the memory, from memory wandering, destruction of the intelligence, from destruction of the intelligence one is last. With the elimination of desire and hatred, even though engaging the objects of the senses, he who is susceptible of control by the self, by self restraint, attains tranquility.

And in him who does not concentrate, there is no peace. Whence can come happiness to him who is not peaceful?

As fire is obscured by smoke, and similarly a mirror by dust, as the embryo is enveloped by the membrane, so is the intelligence is obscured by passion.

As the kindled fire reduces firewood to ashes, Arjuna, so too the fire of knowledge reduces all actions to ashes.

As a lamp in a windless place does not flicker, so the simile is recorded of the yogin in controlled thought, performing the yoga on the self.

On me this universe is strung like pearls on a thread.

I am the liquidity in the waters, the radiance in the moon and sun, the sacred syllable in all the Vedas, the sound in the air, the manhood in men. The pure fragrance in the earth. The brilliance in the sun. The life in all beings. The austerity in ascetics. The intelligence of the intelligent. The splendor of the splendid. The might of the mighty.

Intelligence, knowledge, freedom from delusion, patience, veracity, self restraint, tranquility, pleasure, pain, becoming, passing away, and fear and fearlessness, non-violence, impartiality, contentment, austerity, charity, fame, disrepute, the manifold conditions of beings, arise from me alone.

I, who dwell within their own beings destroy the darkness born of ignorance with the shining lamp of knowledge.

Behold now the entire universe with everything moving and not moving, here standing together in my body.

Of many mouths and eyes, of many wondrous aspects, of many divine ornaments, of many uplifted divine weapons, wearing divine garlands and garments, with divine perfumes and ointments, made up of all marvels, the god, endless, facing in all directions.

If there should be in the sky a thousand suns risen all at once, such splendor would be of the splendor of that Great Being.

With many arms, bellies, faces, eyes, I see thee everywhere, infinite in form; not the end nor the middle, nor yet the begging of Thee I see, o Lord of All, whose form is the universe.

With innumerable arms, moon and sun eyed, I see thee with they blazing, oblation-eating mouth, burning all this universe with Thine own radiance.

Sky touching, blazing, many colored, gaping mouthed, with enormous fiery eyes.

He who sees the Supreme Lord, existing alike in all beings, not perishing when they perish, truly sees.

For Me great Brahman is the womb. In it I place the see. The origin of all beings exists from that.

For I am the foundation of Brahman, of the Immortal and the Imperishable, and of everlasting virtue, and of absolute bliss.

Man is made of faith. Whatever faith he has, thus he is.


Books 10 and 11 were my favorite. Those are the ones in which Krishna (avatar of Visnhu) reveals his true form to Arjuna. It's magical. Reading this right after reading the Koran is like...y'all in the Middle East got your shit wrong. You 3 can take your books and your vengeful god and fear and STICK IT, brothers. Although, Hinduism is kind of a downer, too. Being born at all is a punishment or misfortune. In order to attain nirvana and get back to the creator spirit, you have to give up the pleasures and enjoyments of human life. But once you get back to Brahman, it's the greatest. So...idk. The general principles of Hinduism seem pretty solid and rad. When you get down into specifics, it doesn't seem as cool.

Also, there is a giant mushroom growing at the base of a tree/bush stump in my yard. It would be a most incredible coincidence if it was to be a psilocybin mushroom. After 2 years of wanting to do it again and immediately after finishing the Bhagavad Gita? Seems too good to be true. I have to check it out, though.

Hinduism is neat but everything in the end falls back to finding Brahmin. Also the caste system is fucked beyond all belief. The fact of having to die in order to move up in castes is just outright crazy and just an excuse for class supremacy.

Paige in Total Divas? Wow. I wonder what story lines and love interests they will come up for her....

I wish I could be her love interest.


Batman is a character who I wish was left to his own pocket universe of DC comics and didn't have to interact with Superman, Green Lantern, and other superheroes who have borderline godlike powers. Batman is at his best when he's a flawed human detective beating up crime lords and villains with gimmicky powers. When they throw Batman in with Superman and the others they have to make him seem like a worthwhile teammate who isnt immediately dwarfed by everyone around him, so they crank up his detective skills to fucking godlike levels. Which is why we get shit like "prep time Batman always wins".

This is also why I think Batman would work so much better if he was in the Marvel universe instead of DC.

Guys, should I make a "Batman would be better off in the Marvel Universe" thread?
neckbeards and power hungry feminists can be massive amounts of trouble

there are plenty of neckbeards and feminists who are good people though too. but they don't put butts in the seats for clickbait articles

I'm noticing a pattern where you are making sure we have some sort of demonized account of awful, tricksey feminists here in these discussions. Are there any accounts of feminist groups or individuals doing the death threats shit?

I'm literally curious, sorry if the first part of that sounds like an accusation, its not *entirely* meant to. I just don't want you to be one of those "I can't get hitched I earn way more and she'll just take half of it one day" folks, son.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
WWE is really missing out by not having Russo write RAW now that they have this whole 'It's kayfabe but it's not' stuff with Total Divas.


¡HarlequinPanic!;135157396 said:
I'm noticing a pattern where you are making sure we have some sort of demonized account of awful, tricksey feminists here in these discussions. Are there any accounts of feminist groups or individuals doing the death threats shit?

I'm literally curious, sorry if the first part of that sounds like an accusation, its not *entirely* meant to. I just don't want you to be one of those "I can't get hitched I earn way more and she'll just take half of it one day" folks, son.

I don't think some of the more publicized feminists around gaming are anywhere close to "death threat" level, but I still find them scummy in their own different sort of way. Like, for example, I don't believe for a moment that Anita Sarkeesian isn't exploiting the death threats and other shit sent her way in order to keep her name in the pubilc eye as her Youtube viewer numbers diminish with each new video. I don't have much evidence for it, it's really a gut instinct feeling I have. If you want to judge me by that, I'm not going to get too upset about it because its an openly flawed view I have.
Don't forget a spinning DDT.

classic DDT

She's also added the Gargano Escape to her war crate, now that they're an item. I didn't know wrestling moves could be transmitted like STDs.

It didn't warrant the near-fall wankery they got into towards the end. I mentally checked out when Elgin kicked out of Project Ciampa. I did like that he actually hit the top-rope tumbleweed for once, though.

I liked that match a lot in the outset, but once they got to the strikes and fighting spirit stuff I kinda felt like they were playing at being Shibata.

When it comes to crazy-ass multi man tag matches there's Dragon Gate and PWG, no one else comes close.

Yeah, I really enjoyed that match. TJP vs Fish was a great opener, as well.

Someone gif'd it but the part where Taylor goes for his slow motion senton and Omega holds him back as Sabre grabs the knee is hilarious.

Might be my favorite part of his whole entrance; kicking young boys off the apron for daring to hold the ropes open for him

they never learn

Two indie guys on the end of the spectrum. Really feel for Chirs Hero, don't want to see him go out like this. Lost two recent championship matches and you can just see the depression on his face, as well as the weight gain. So sad. Michael Elgin, I got no sympy for this delusional brah. He has the look of someone who doesn't know he has overachieved and peaked. Such hubris from him. He needs to be humble.

I loved Elgin too. Shame that he has fallen off. I think ROH just waited too long to give him the belt.
I don't think some of the more publicized feminists around gaming are anywhere close to "death threat" level, but I still find them scummy in their own different sort of way. Like, for example, I don't believe for a moment that Anita Sarkeesian isn't exploiting the death threats and other shit sent her way in order to keep her name in the pubilc eye as her Youtube viewer numbers diminish with each new video. I don't have much evidence for it, it's really a gut instinct feeling I have. If you want to judge me by that, I'm not going to get too upset about it because its an openly flawed view I have.

Fair enough, friendroid


Total Divas on paper seems like the exact thing Russo would love. A show about storylines and wrestlers acting where he gets to jettison the wrestling portion of it.


Hinduism is neat but everything in the end falls back to finding Brahmin. Also the caste system is fucked beyond all belief. The fact of having to die in order to move up in castes is just outright crazy and just an excuse for class supremacy.

I wish I could be her love interest.

Caste system is definitely shitty, although the BG doesn't say you have to die to move up and then get back to Brahman. It says the opposite; that anyone in any caste can attain nirvana by following the path. The most it says about the caste system is that you should do the best you can do within whatever caste you're born into. What I got out of it is that EVERYTHING reincarnates every Brahman day, which is 4.32 million human years. I think. So the idea of reincarnation as you die and are something new right away seems inaccurate. It's more, you die, then wait a few million years, then you reincarnate with everything. Maybe it was thousands of years. Or billions. Or maybe I read the whole background thing wrong because I was really confused with all the names and genealogy it threw at me to get to the point where the BG actually happens.
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