x Power Pad Death Stomp x
It sounded like the backwards voice was saying something about Batista
The problem with doing this is now Dean will feud with Bray, and he never got his big win over Rollins. It's unfinished.
I don't get why
But why, 2 guys willing to kill themselves and this?
The problem with doing this is now Dean will feud with Bray, and he never got his big win over Rollins. It's unfinished.
Rollins was built up to built up to lay down for Reigns (did so once already) or to lay down for Orton and/or Cena.
Yeah that got melol @ R-Truth taunting you for on the Network right after the PPV ends.
You know what Sina would've done?
Pansy ass Dean can't even take out one of them.
When I heard the chants, I expected The ascension
Reigns will be the one to finally take out Rollins while on his way to Lesnar.
Again...IWC overhypes wrestlers/matches of their favorites and then whine when it doesn't exceed their expectations.