Mods to sunny

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If anything you should be picking up more. Don't back out. I know it hurts but things will get better, get them discounted stonks.
I assume you're being sarky, but in case not...Heh.
Though I don't think WWE has ever done anything as shady as host an event in Qatar.
I never liked the sport as a kid and I like it a lot less now because of all this. is reporting that the WWE Divas did not appear at last nights house show event in Qatar because of the strict dress laws in the country.
It is prohibited in Qatar for women to appear in public without their legs and shoulders covered, so as a result, the WWE Divas were sent home early from the over seas tour.
Well, I got the OK.
Let's see what develops.
How's this for a decent thread?
"Soccer needs an XFL-like presentation to be fun again"
"Would soccer benefit from XFL ideas to make it more enjoyable?"
A thread shitting on soccer is just going to invite the inevitable "football players aren't athletes lol they can't run for 90 minutes they get tired after 4 seconds and stop for a minute lol no stamina not atheltes just fat guys" nonsense from people that don't seem to understand concepts of maximal effort and exertion, who would think defensive linemen doing the equivalent of 60 reps at 95% of your deadlift max over the course of 3 hours and needing breaks in between means you don't have stamina or conditioning compared to some skinnyfuck alternating between brisk walks and jogs and sprints for 2 hours, and it will make me mad because people are stupid.
Vinny pls. Don't do dis. Not on a Friday.
¡HarlequinPanic!;133750601 said:he's right do it on sunday during the games
I enjoy soccer and football and find both entertaining. Attack the soccer players where it really hurts, their tiny frail bodies.
I enjoy soccer and football and find both entertaining. Attack the soccer players where it really hurts, their tiny frail bodies.
I enjoy soccer and football and find both entertaining. Attack the soccer players where it really hurts, their tiny frail bodies.
Just keep the thread mildly fun and playful. There are too many threads in community right now where its "Are you offended by ___"
I'm offended by that
i can't wait for the day where everyone has to walk around acting like PG 200+ prime directives RoboCop from RoboCop 2.
Does that baseball team only have boys on it? Dystopia confirmed.
I'm offended by that
My ten year old XP machine at work finally died. God speed.
Luckily that is not my main machine.
Soccer players are too frail for something like this
The Big Guy spits that white-hot truth.
The Big Guy also has a Young Bucks avatar.
George Elokobi would like to disagree with you:
I have no other examples.
Does that baseball team only have boys on it? Dystopia confirmed.
My ten year old XP machine at work finally died. God speed.
Luckily that is not my main machine.
(..who the fuck would watch a holographic pop star)
I kinda meant it in a "we'll pay you under the table so we can host" kind of way. Especially considering the whole "foreign slaves used to build the stadiums" thing and FIFA not having a second glance at the issue.I assume you're being sarky, but in case not...
I'm starting to feel old now.
There's apps and services I don't understand the use of (Snapchat, Ello, etc), and there's musical acts I don't get (..who the fuck would watch a holographic pop star)
But wrestling is timeless! So I'm ok.
Sunflower what would you do if your thread creation ability was taken away
Nah. Just make the FG tubby.Are you offended by Randy Bullock being a fatty?
I actually think I'd rather listen to a pop star who's open about the fact that she's fake
what about holographic 2pac?
I'd rather just skip pop altogether
*guitar riff*
Being holographic doesn't mask the fact that he still sucks live!
Visual prediction of how your thread will go;
More like this
This is still the dumbest fucking spot Foley ever did. He did that regularly, for christ's sake. WHY MICK