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October Wrasslin' |OT| Running around in our underwear making ugly faces

Big One

I agree for the most part. Attitude era has aged horribly. Don't get me wrong it's a great weekly watch in terms of not knowing what's gonna happen next, but I felt 2002-2003 was a lot more polished overall even though there was so really dumb angles there too, in terms of roster and work you couldn't get better than those two years.
You mean all they do is produce the material and do the commentary as if they were King Tut and WCW never did anything for the business. Or in some shape or form try to act like Triple H was a bigger star than he really was (i.e. DX invasion segment and writing Triple H as a "cornerstone" of the original DX in '97).

What the era then did was produce characters, storylines and feuds that people cared about, unlike today.

MNW is revisionist history all of the way, for sure, but most of the Raws from that era re painful to watch now. The Attitude Era is great as a documentary where they take you from one good match or feud to another, but as a whole, it was a lot of garbage. A typical Raw from 1997-1999 is like 10 percent awesome feud and then 90 percent an Al Snow/Ken Shamrock/Steve Blackman 3 Way hardcore match and Sable twirling in a bikini while Jerry Lawler screams about it.

I agree for the most part. Attitude era has aged horribly. Don't get me wrong it's a great weekly watch in terms of not knowing what's gonna happen next, but I felt 2002-2003 was a lot more polished overall even though there was so really dumb angles there too, in terms of roster and work you couldn't get better than those two years.

In retrospect, 2002-2003 is infinitely more watchable. 1997-1999 was what they did to get males to watch the show instead of Nitro, but 2001-2003 is what they did with the actual talent they got by beating WCW and the stars they made during the Attitude Era.
Let's all recognize how Kurt Angle made everyone a better wrestler and ushered in the last 15 years of athleticism, speaking ability, and talent. The most influential wrestler in modern history with a broken freakin' neck.


You know what the most fun way to watch the Attitude Era is? Watch that Raw: After The Show set when guys would just have fun with it. A lot of it is mindless pandering, sure, but some of it is great.
He's real hard to watch right now. I saw a match last year. It's like watching Hogan try to wrestle.

Angle's a perfect GM for any company, though, heel or face.

The problem is that he, like Hogan, is determined to wrestle again and Vince is never going to have that. Eventually Angle and Hogan can co-found a company where they can main event a PPV and both die in the ring like they want.


The best thing about the attitude era imo was creativity as far as matches go. Other than that I was a wcw guy so......yeah :/
I'm giving the fuck up on Spelunky. The jungles can go fuck itself.



I'm giving the fuck up on Spelunky. The jungles can go fuck itself.

How long have you been playing? I had the hardest time even getting to the jungle at first, but after awhile I kinda got the hang of it, and then the next area is not so bad. It seems to be a matter of staying cautious until you've unlocked all the levels.

The problem is that he, like Hogan, is determined to wrestle again and Vince is never going to have that. Eventually Angle and Hogan can co-found a company where they can main event a PPV and both die in the ring like they want.

I saw Hogan and Angle have a match in 2002 at a house show, after not watching for a couple years and not knowing the storyline. It was when Kurt had the wig, because he lost a hair match or whatever? Hulk eventually beat him, took the wig and the headgear, put it on, then humped the air instead of cupping his ear. It was pretty different. Anyway, they could totally do that match in 2014 no sweat. I'm amazed they got away with it back then when the rest of the guys worked so strong on the card.
He's real hard to watch right now. I saw a match last year. It's like watching Hogan try to wrestle.

Angle's a perfect GM for any company, though, heel or face.

He can still go in the ring. TNA just doesn't know how to put on a decent 20-30min match. Blame TNA, not Angle. Even with talented wrestlers, no match in TNA is ever truly great. The last really good match I can remember from them was Angle vs. Kennedy in a cage from 2010 or 2011 I believe.

In regards to going to WWE, it is believed he reached out to HHH who blew him off. He then went above HHH to Vince which pissed HHH off even more.


Did ambros just ask where was the wrestling in the attitude era?


What about fucking today? Cena won on raw by dq from a double team during a tag match.

I'll take attitude over that shit anyday of the week.
Trust me the jungles are the least of your worries once you get to the 4th level. Fuck that level and fuck the guy that ask for shit so I can get go to the levels easily.

When a game gives you a sore throat from being angry from it, it's time to stop and knowing full well that it is the least of my problems down the line, makes me shiver in fear.

Having nothing to give the Tunnel Man just.....ugh

You know what Spelunky....

How long have you been playing? I had the hardest time even getting to the jungle at first, but after awhile I kinda got the hang of it, and then the next area is not so bad. It seems to be a matter of staying cautious until you've unlocked all the levels.

Played it for the first time on PS4 due to PS+

Maybe I'll feel a bit better if my situation is normal.
Well, shit. Ricochet's off the RevPro shows next weekend because of conflicts with Lucha Underground - however, RevPro have got a replacement, so on the 18th it'll be; Rich Swann & Austin Aries vs 2 Unlimited and on the 19th it'll be Austin Aries vs Kazuchika Okada!

Kinda cool to see Aries, sucks that Ricochet won't get to wrestle Okada though.


wwe attitude era was filled with a ton of five moves of doom guys and cena/rock jokes.

wcw had the luchadores and a ton of awesome WRESTLERS.


The thing about spelunky is the fact that the game can read your mind. I'm dead serious...one time I had the key I needed to open the door to the next level but had only one life.....swarm of bats and a random spike came out of no where :/.

Game is designed by the devil himself.


Played it for the first time on PS4 due to PS+

Maybe I'll feel a bit better if my situation is normal.

If you get a good shop early on or some extra bombs and stuff in chests, it definitely helps. Don't be afraid to take your time doing things like throwing skulls to set off spike traps or whatever, even if the ghost appears, it's slow enough to avoid after you've encountered it a time or two and know how it moves around.

I think I played daily for like two weeks before I made it to the jungle. Hang in there!
I saw Hogan and Angle have a match in 2002 at a house show, after not watching for a couple years and not knowing the storyline. It was when Kurt had the wig, because he lost a hair match or whatever? Hulk eventually beat him, took the wig and the headgear, put it on, then humped the air instead of cupping his ear. It was pretty different. Anyway, they could totally do that match in 2014 no sweat. I'm amazed they got away with it back then when the rest of the guys worked so strong on the card.

Who wants to see that though? That was probably fun at a house show because even then Hogan was limited, but seeing this now on tv would be sad as hell. It would be as sad and pointless as the Bret/Vince match.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Bret Hart vs Goldust was amazing, even with a young Duthin because his gimmick was in full gear. It's like the most gimmicky guy on the roster(where the gimmick is possibly and not some cartoon shit) against the non-gimmick champion. And it booked the IC champion strong against the world champion. The only real downside is that WWF keeps trotting out HBK every fucking week to talk in an interview. What the fuck does he have to say this week that he couldn't have said last week or the week before or the week before that? We only got one hour to work with here, damnit.

What a roster WWF had in January of 1996 before all the jumping though, holy shit. Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, Owen Hart, Vader, Razor Ramon, Diesel, Undertaker, Yoko(a very sleepy and tired Yoko, but a Yoko none the less), 1-2-3 Kid, Sycho Sid, J-E-Double F J-A-Double R-E-Double T, Jerry Lawler, Hakushi, HHH, Chris Candido, The Dentist Kane, Marty Jannetty, Ahmed Johnson(he's ok in like 3 minute spurts), and Steve Austin. I'm not counting Jake because he was shitty during this time period and even his promos were nothing special.

In WCW: Sting, Brian Pillman, Arn Anderson, William Regal, Ric Flair, Harlem Heat, Big Bossman, Faces of Fear, Alex Wright, Hulk Hogan, ZODIAC! YES! NO!, Macho Man, Road Warriors, Jerry Lynn the jobber, a young Disco Inferno, Dean Malenko, Chris Benoit, Lex Luger, Scott Norton, Public Enemy, Finlay,

NJPW had guys like Muta and Liger hiting their stride. Rey Mysterio coming to WCW later in the year. The biggest even in Japanese wrestling history, NJPW vs UWF with some holy shit amazing performers. AJPW with Misawa, Kawada, Kobashi, Albright, and Williams.

1996 is the GOAT of wrestling years, and I can't even think of anything that comes close to touching it. Sure there was more profitable years for specific companies, but the amount of quality wrestlers and matches, the amount of time spent on wrestling instead of heavy promos and backstage skits that would come with the NWO and the Attitude Era? Beautiful. And the best Raw theme.


MNW is revisionist history all of the way, for sure, but most of the Raws from that era re painful to watch now. The Attitude Era is great as a documentary where they take you from one good match or feud to another, but as a whole, it was a lot of garbage. A typical Raw from 1997-1999 is like 10 percent awesome feud and then 90 percent an Al Snow/Ken Shamrock/Steve Blackman 3 Way hardcore match and Sable twirling in a bikini while Jerry Lawler screams about it..
It wasn't perfect by any means, but I guarantee you most fans would rather watch that than the modern product. Ideally pro wrestling was the most fun in '96-97 because it had a ton going on. In both major companies.


Bret/Vince would have been fine if it that stupid double swerve with Bruce didn't happen and instead it was Bret beating up Vince for 5-7 minutes TOPS. That match time is officially 11 minutes and 9 seconds. Shit feels like a half hour. IT should have been: Bret beats the shit out of Vince with no offense from Vince. Whole family comes in to celebrate, with one or two of them taking a shot at Vince. That's it. Not the nonsense that it was.
If you get a good shop early on or some extra bombs and stuff in chests, it definitely helps. Don't be afraid to take your time doing things like throwing skulls to set off spike traps or whatever, even if the ghost appears, it's slow enough to avoid after you've encountered it a time or two and know how it moves around.

I think I played daily for like two weeks before I made it to the jungle. Hang in there!

Thank you for the words of encouragement and the hot tips, friend. Will stick to it.


WWE Network exposing the sham of the attitude era as what it was...ECW Violence and Vince Russo's pipe dreams.

I'll take The "Yettay" debut over Roadwarrior Hawk falling off of the titantron any day.


Bret/Vince would have been fine if it that stupid double swerve with Bruce didn't happen and instead it was Bret beating up Vince for 5-7 minutes TOPS. That match time is officially 11 minutes and 9 seconds. Shit feels like a half hour. IT should have been: Bret beats the shit out of Vince with no offense from Vince. Whole family comes in to celebrate, with one or two of them taking a shot at Vince. That's it. Not the nonsense that it was.

Yeah, should have had the new Hart Foundation or whatever the fuck they were called be the only 3 guys at ringside. Let Tyson and Davey Boy get some offense in to make it an entertainingish match and then have the family down.

Plus that swerve was cringe worthy... Bet they all got paid up front, bastard should at least earn the money they're given.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Vader is like the anti-Cena. In WCW he was over strictly with teen to adult male fans despite being a heel. When he came over to WWF, he was over strictly with teen to adult male fans despite being a heel.

Holy shit Vader gave Savio Vega another Vader bomb after the match. There's like a 10 year old kid in the front row of the crowd, and the kid holds up the Vader V after he does it.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Vader keeps beating up refs and keeps getting cheered for it. You could tell Vince was getting pissed about the reaction.


The one thing that bothers me about Vader in the wwf is the fact he was drawing heat like a rug...especially with the whole grabbing up on the tv show journalist incident. Yet, wwf put him as midcard status :/.
Well, shit. Ricochet's off the RevPro shows next weekend because of conflicts with Lucha Underground - however, RevPro have got a replacement, so on the 18th it'll be; Rich Swann & Austin Aries vs 2 Unlimited and on the 19th it'll be Austin Aries vs Kazuchika Okada!

Kinda cool to see Aries, sucks that Ricochet won't get to wrestle Okada though.

Gah, that sucks. Aries will be cool though. Did you see Buff Bagwell is on the 19th show? That's going to be an odd one.


attitude era is what, 97-99? 00-03 is another era but often gets lumped in with Attitude Era

2000-2003 was the best.


The one thing that bothers me about Vader in the wwf is the fact he was drawing heat like a rug...especially with the whole grabbing up on the tv show journalist incident. Yet, wwf put him as midcard status :/.

Can't say for sure, but I think it's another one of those things where they weren't going to push a creation that wasn't fully theirs. Pretty dumb mentality, always has been.
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