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October Wrasslin' |strobogo Recap OT| This title is held in abeyance


Raw Quarter Ratings for 10/7 Raw for 18-49 males. Here is the rated segments:

Raw jumped to a 1.95 rating for Brad Maddox's WWE Title announcement.

Raw rebounded to a 1.95 rating at the top of the hour for the Punk-Heyman segment, one commercial, and the first-half of Punk & R-Truth vs. Ryback & Curtis Axel.

Raw got a top-of-the-hour bump to a 1.95 rating for Del Rio vs. Ricardo Rodriguez and the announcement of John Cena returning to WWE at Hell in a Cell to face Del Rio. There was also one commercial

Raw finished with a 2.30 rating for the end of the six-man tag main event, Big Show's return after being "fired," and Show KO'ing Hunter to close Raw

The main event was the only segment to go above a 2.

Jamie OD

I am still undecided on whether or not that
Chuck Taylor getting stuck in the ropes
is a botch or not. On the one hand it's a fuck up with a hilarious result, on the other hand that is sort of part of his shtick.

It's a botch. No way in heck he could have intended to screw it up. Too dangerous to tangle yourself on the ropes like that.


When HBK came to visit my school (his brother, Cpt. Hickenbottom was a professor there) for a rally in advance of the Army/Navy wrestling meet, he tagged with the mule mascot and hit a piledriver on a heel dressed up as someone from the other team.


That's me on the right. Now all of you know why I support Sheamus even when his writing is terrible.

oh my god HBK touched and took a pic with you.

Does that mean you're a super ladies man?
I am still undecided on whether or not that
Chuck Taylor getting stuck in the ropes
is a botch or not. On the one hand it's a fuck up with a hilarious result, on the other hand that is sort of part of his shtick.

No, that was a legit botch and he got pretty hurt off of it. Overextended his knee pretty bad, had to cancel some shows.


ratings looking sick.

That's just a piece of ratings information. Its doesn't include women and people under 18 or over 49. The rating Monday was a 2.65.

I find it funny the ratings were trending higher compared to last year until this raw. So here comes Cena.
No one here is surprised with the RAW rating are you? It was abysmal. I >> through the entire show. it was awful. Brad Maddox was the only good thing about RAW.

Lackluster PPV followed by MLB and MNF as a choice on Monday= you better get your shit together!!!!!

The Punk story line is not good. The Show Story line is what it is. At least Show is doing his best.Wheres RVD?

Why does every company ignore the fact that the man gets cheered loud all the time. A baby face for two decased never given a chance to do anything except middle of the card shit with opponents no one else wants, and he jobs a lot.


I'd love if HHH tries to assert his dominance and force Vince back to commentary for a while. That's where I want the power struggle angle to go.

Spider from Mars

tap that thorax
Hahahaha that'd be neat.

Then all we need is Former Governor Ventura
I want him to scream about conspiracies and then the ghost of Gorilla Monsoon will come down and say "will you stop"
Then Raw is taken over by ghosts and there is a survivor series match between the ghosts and WWE talent for the soul of Vince.


Junior Member
The last time I posted here, I asked if I should get into Chikara given the whole shut-down storyline. Well, I ended up subscribing to wrestlingis. On the up side, I am enjoying wrestling more now than I have in a damn long time. On the down side, every time Steph is trying to make Big Show cry I keep thinking that I could be watching a good match instead.


formerly cjelly
The last time I posted here, I asked if I should get into Chikara given the whole shut-down storyline. Well, I ended up subscribing to wrestlingis. On the up side, I am enjoying wrestling more now than I have in a damn long time. On the down side, every time Steph is trying to make Big Show cry I keep thinking that I could be watching a good match instead.

The last time I posted here, I asked if I should get into Chikara given the whole shut-down storyline. Well, I ended up subscribing to wrestlingis. On the up side, I am enjoying wrestling more now than I have in a damn long time. On the down side, every time Steph is trying to make Big Show cry I keep thinking that I could be watching a good match instead.

I never really got into Chikara as a whole but King of Trio's was my favourite event of the year by far. I'd suggest spending your time watching those.



WCW Spring Stampede 4/11/99

Blitzkrieg vs Juventud Guerrera

Fuck yeah. I'm pretty hyped for this show. Blitz has a new swanky mask. The winner will get a Cruiserweight Championship match tomorrow. Juvi still looks like an ugly woman. Juvi works over a hammer lock. Blitz gets out and they both roll around. They trade wacky roll ups. Tiltawhirl back breaker from Blitz. Head scissors from Juvi. Handspring elbow from Blitz. Springboard dropkick in Blitz's new mask. Headbutt suicida. Brainbustaa. Romero special. Blitz wiggles out into a pin. Spin kick from Blitz. Tiger Mask walk up in the corner and a dropkick sends Juvi to the floor. He tries a cross body and is flattened with a dropkick. Juvi gets sent back to the floor. Crazy springboard moonsault from Blitz. Juvi gets out of a powerbomb. Blitz gets out of a Juvi Driver. Juvi gets out of a reverse suplex and does an inverted DDT thing. They botch what I assume was to be a reverse superplex. Phoenix Splash is missed. Juvi Driver is countered with a small package. Super victory roll thing. SUPER JUVI DRIVER KILLS BILTZKRIEG. Right on his head. Juvi gets a title shot tomorrow night on Nitro.





Hak vs Bam Bam BAGalow

YO! Tony really wants to fuck Chastity. Plundah everywhere! It starts in the aisle and is already up at the stage coach area. Bam Bam is put on a table. Sandman flips off the stage coach and puts Bam Bam through the table! Bam Bam is now in charge and hits Sandman with all kinds of things. They make it into the ring. Garbage all over the place. A table is bridged between the railing and ring. Bam Bam crushes a trash can on Sandman's face. They botch a suplex hard. I don't know what the fuck happened. A ladder comes into play. Sandman dropkicks it into Bam Bam. He puts the ladder on Bammer and does a senton on it. Well, that doesn't make a lot of sense. Bulldog on the ladder. A section of the guard rail is thrown in the ring. Sandman climbs up the ladder and gets thrown off and through the bridged table. Bam Bam is put on the guard rail that is on the ropes. Sandman tries a leg drop and misses. Bam Bam then throws the railing on Sandman while Chastity fumbles around with a fire extinguisher. Bam Bam sprays her up her skirt. Is that sexual assault? White Russian leg sweep on the guard rail. Bam Bam wins with what I think was supposed to be a super Greetings From Asbury Park through a table, but ended up looking more like a super Northern lights bomb through a table. Which is kind of weird since the previous finish was a super Juvi Driver. YO!





Scotty Riggs vs Mikey Whipwreck

What the fuck? Riggs now comes out with a mirror and looks like Mason Ryan. What a random ass PPV match. Now Riggs thinks he's Rick Rude. I'd feel so cheated to pay for a PPV and get Scotty Riggs. The only thing of note was Mikey taking a rough bump back first from the apron to the guard rail. Riggs won with a flying forearm.


Konnan vs Disco Inferno

Fuck. I like Disco getting a PPV pay day, but fuck Konnan. The best part of the match was Disco coming out in a truly garish shirt and cowboy hat that looked to be made from discarded disco balls. Konnan pinned Disco with the Last Dance. Bullshit.


Rey Mysterio Jr. vs Kidman WCW Cruiserweight Championship

This is unique in the sense that it is a match between tag team champions, but they aren't feuding. Rey wins the opening exchange with a spinning head scissors. Rey is back dropped to the floor. Pescado. Rey is dropped on the guard rail and Kidman does a slingshot leg drop over it. It goes back to the floor and Rey does a standing moonsault off the apron. Kidman catches him. Rey reverses it and does a spinning headscissors, clipping his face on the steps during the rotation. Springboard senton back in the ring. A walk up rana is countered into a falling powerbomb. BK Bomb. Rey is sent back to the floor. Apron SSP, which Tenay calls a running moonsault for some reason. Rey comes back with a super bulldog, which is what he won the title with. Kidman kicks out. Back to the floor. Springboard seated senton. Kidman catches Rey coming off the top with a lariatoo. Rey goes shoulder first into the ring post. Pop up X-Factor. Sit out pedigree. Man, that move looks weak as shit. Rey catches Kidman going up top, but Kidman turns it into a sunset bomb. Super wheelbarrow bulldog from Kidman. He kicked out again! They trade some moves, including YOU CAN'T POWERBOMB KIDMAN, but Rey ends up winning with a super rana.



Raven/Saturn vs Dean Malenko/Chris Benoit

A table is set up before the match. Benoit and Saturn start out. It quickly goes to the floor. The Horsemen are thrown into each other. Raven is tagged in and they do a lariatoo Total Elimination. Gourdbuster/splash combo. Raven is knocked to the floor where Arn and Dean put the boots to him. Raven gets double teamed for quite a while. Saturn makes the hot tag and takes out everyone. Doomsday crossbody device. Saturn gets Dean up for the DVD. Benoit breaks it up. Dean dropkicks Saturn into a German suplex. Raven and Benoit go to the floor. Dean locks in the Cloverleaf. Saturn gets to the ropes. DVD! Benoit breaks the pin with a diving headbutt. Dean has Saturn in a grounded sleeper. Raven tries to break it up. Dean lets go and Benoit knocks Raven off the apron. Northern lights suplex. Hot tag to Raven. Out goes Dean. Drop toe hold on a chair. Saturn tried to splash Dean through the table. Arn pulled him off. Back in the ring, Evenflow on Dean. Arn wouldn't allow the ref to count the pin. He put a chair on Raven's face. Benoit then did a diving headbutt on it. Horsemen win.


Booker T. vs Scott Steiner WCW US Championship

Finals of the tournament that had 7 people and one guy losing twice. I swear Steiner picked the least attractive woman to let rub all over him in front of her ugly man. He also got right in the face of this 120 pound kid, who didn't back down at all. He stalled for a good 4 minutes before the match, and then jumped into the crowd once it started. They finally get started and go to the mat. Steiner drops a series of forearms to the back of the neck. Book shows his speed and Steiner bails to the floor. He gets back in and stiffs the fuck out of Book, but it goes back to the floor. Scott took a swing at a fan. It goes back in the ring with Booker on the offense until Scott dumps him dick first on the ropes. Back to the floor. Scott uses a chair right in front of the ref, twice, with the ref not having a problem with it. Spinning belly to belly. Low blow right in front of the ref, who again doesn't seem to have a problem with it. Bear hug. As if Scott wasn't ripping off Billy Graham enough. Book tries to get out and is instead dumped on his head/shoulder with a belly to belly. Book gets out of a suplex and hits a DDT. Kick combo. Series of lariatoos. Ref bump. Ax kick. Harlem side kick. Booker gets the visual pin, but the ref is out. Book picks him up, only to get sandwiched again. Scott tries a frankensteiner, but is caught in the spinewalkslambuster. Super Frankensteiner! He makes the ref count, but Book kicks out anyway. Scott has an international object. He hit Book with it while he was on the way down from a vertical suplex. Scott drags the ref over. New champion!


Goldberg vs Kevin Nash

The big rematch from Starrcade. Too bad they basically ignored this feud for 3 months. Goldberg basically has had nothing to do for 3 months instead of feuding with the nWo or anyone really. That was the original reason for the Finger Poke Of Doom, but instead Hogan worked himself into being the top baby face and Goldberg did nothing for a while. And then this match was made on the Nitro before the show. So was the main event, actually. Lex and Liz were out with Nash. Nash backs Goldberg into the corner and unloads with knees and elbows. Liz distracts the ref so Nash can kick him in the dick. No need. Dick kicks are legal in WCW. Side slam. Goldberg has had no offense. He comes back with a flying shoulder block. Front chancery suplex. Nash misses a boot and gets kicked himself. Nash leap frogs the spear, which took the ref out. Lex hits Goldberg with a chair. Goldberg gets out of the jackknife by squeezing those Big Sexy balls. Lex gets disposed of. Spear. Jackhammer. Goldberg gets his revenge.


Ric Flair vs Hollywood Hogan vs Sting vs DDP WCW Championship Special Guest Referee: Randy Savage

Macho has his new look and new music. He also has Gorgeous George. Does anyone else find it weird that gorgeous is used when it is totally referring to something engorging genitals? Boner inducing sounds better to me. They pair off. Hogan and Flair are on the floor. Stinger splash. Flair breaks it up. Flair is already thrown off the top. Sting has DDP in the Deathlock. Hogan hits the leg drop on Flair. Sting breaks the hold and the pin. Flair now has the figure four on Hogan. Hulk reverses it. DDP with the ring post figure four on Hogan. Sting breaks it. The match stops and a trainer comes out to check on Hogan. He's taken to the back. Bischoff came out as well. I think it's really dumb they keep having him out when Flair is the one who is supposed to be on charge. They're trying to portray both the Flair power angle and Bischoff SHOOT power angle at the same time. DDP watches Flair vs Sting for a bit. He takes both guys out and Savage is the slowest counter of all time. Kanyon Cutter is countered. Tombstone on Sting. Sting hits a superplex on Flair. Double sleeper spot. Double jaw breaker. They try to double team Sting, who no sells both of these fools. Deathdrop on DDP! He couldn't make the pin. Flair puts him in the figure four. Sting gets to the ropes. Savage kicks his hand away and drags Flair to the center of the ring. Flying elbow to Flair! SWERVE! Kanyon Cutter on Flair. New champion! DDP is the champ! Only a year and a half late, with a ref putting Flair out first, and as a heel for no reason.


DQ Count
: 0 out of 9 matches.

This show was pretty awesome. An all time great WCW PPV. And probably the last good PPV they'd ever have. Hogan getting taken out of the match so he wouldn't have to lose was hilarious. Savage costing Flair the match didn't make any sense, especially since the last time we saw him it was HELPING Flair win a match.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
watching a Men on a Mission tag match



Junior Member
If you had the choice to get rid of Big Show's sobbing or Cena's smirk, what would you pick?

Cena's smirk, easily, because it's far more frequent and it aggravates me whereas Big Show sobbing has me torn between rolling my eyes and pathetically flailing about how much I do not want this to be happening.


with AJ's skull cracked I guess she won't be tilting her head and looking to the left for a while.

I still remember that time she was GM and Punk was yelling at her and her best comeback was tilting her head a bunch of times.
AJ was sent home from RAW after displaying concussion-like symptoms following her match at Battleground. She had trouble remembering any of the match with Brie Bella and was supposed to face Kaitlyn on RAW.


RVD contract stuff
Rob Van Dam's deal was reiterated by PWInsider. If you remember he has a 90 day on 90 day off contract. Except that is not the case, Rob will work 90 days and take unlimited time off before another 90 day working period. Van Dam is free to work for other companies during his time off but cannot appear on television. This means that Van Dam could work for pretty much anyone. This unique deal was crafted by Triple H and Van Dam and signed off by Vince McMahon and mimics, albeit loosely, the deal that Chris Jericho has. Jericho himself is expected to return to WWE in January to work a WrestleMania program of some description.


Holy shit. Raw ratings went below 2.0? That's kind of crazy. @_@ Halfway to TNA levels!

Nope those ratings are just for the 18-49 male audience. The raw on 10/7 did a 2.65 rating.

Also ratings Breakdown for last weeks raw:

In the segment-by-segment, based on certain markets, C.M. Punk vs. Big E Langston and Kofi Kingston vs. Fandango lost 38,000 viewers. Los Matadores vs. Heath Slater & Jinder Mahal gained 134,000 viewers so all the hype there did lead to some curiosity. The Rhodes Family, HHH and Stephanie McMahon segment leading to the PPV match and The Shield beatdown on the Rhodes family gained 358,000 viewers. Curtis Axel vs. R-Truth lost 546,000 viewers. Brie Bella vs. Alicia Fox and interviews with Paul Heyman and Big Show where Show threatened Brad Maddox and HHH gained 306,000 viewers. Alberto Del Rio vs. Zack Ryder lost 230,000 viewers. The Paul Heyman proposal segment and C.M. Punk run-in did the freak show gain at 10 p.m. It was another big quarter, with a 938,000 viewer gain. I believe once again this was during halftime of the football game. There is the feeling of hotshotting at 10 p.m. because it’s usually halftime and it’s the best shot to gain viewers. The Shield vs. Dolph Ziggler & Usos which took place when the game went back lost 1,053,000 viewers. The segment where Big Show was going to be arrested and Stephanie McMahon made the save and then started insulting him gained 249,000 viewers. Santino Marella vs. Antonio Cesaro late in the show lost 345,000 viewers. The Daniel Bryan/Randy Orton brawl during the overrun gained 689,000 viewers, which is a solid overrun gain.

Bryan isn't bombing during the overrun so just give him the title now.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Mendez/Hayes dirt, only the first paragraph is new:

In an update on this, former WWE creative team member Court Bauer recently appeared on MLW Radio and claimed the reason Hayes was off the road is because he's currently suspended from WWE because he tried to give Rosa Mendes alcohol just days after she returned to the road after being in rehab for substance abuse.

Several months ago, we reported that Mendes was sent home from a UK tour after several sources stated she was "drunk" for most of the tour and WWE decided that "it was clearly enough". According to sources, the 33-year-old had been "partying too much on the tour," with one company source describing her as "a mess."

After being sent home, Mendes tweeted the following in response to the reports:

"Just wanted to let all my #Mendesluverz that I'm ok. I had to take care of some personal matters. Thank you for all your support. Love you."

"I also encourage everyone to continue #MuscleMania. It has helped me in the past and it will still be helping me now. #Determination."

Following those tweets, WWE issued the following statement regarding Rosa being sent home…

"Milena Roucka (Rosa Mendes) left the international tour for personal reasons."

As of this writing, WWE has not released any kind of official statement regarding Hayes

It should also be noted that earlier this year, former WWE Superstar Chris Masters posted a tweet alleging that a female member of the SmackDown roster maintains sexual relations with head creative writer Michael Hayes in order to keep her job.

He wrote, "So if I had to tell you one smackdown diva who gave freebird hayes an "Oral" agreement to keep her job, who'd you guess?"

At the time, it was widely speculated that the person Masters was talking about was Rosa Mendes. We could never confirm that report and Rosa never responded to the claims for obvious reasons. With the above report, you can now read into that what you will.

Similar allegations regarding sexual politics in the WWE lockerroom have been made as Taryn Terrell (a/k/a Tiffany) stated last December that she would not trade sexual favors with individuals in positions of power in order to maintain employment with the sports entertainment organization.

"No...if I have to sleep with people in power to keep or continue progressing in my job, I'd rather be poor," Terrell wrote on Twitter in response to a specific question about whether she would return to WWE.

She later retracted her remark, saying it wasn't about WWE or anyone in particular, but rather a generalized statement of companies she's worked for.


I need the dirt and the SCOOPS on Hayes. Tell me!

Rosa's agreement with him was 90 blowjobs per year. After she got suspended she felt that she shouldn't have to give blowjobs while she wasn't on TV whereas Hayes argued that she should be giving more blowjobs than ever due to her job being in jeopardy.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Also re: the identity of the 2nd El Local (SD spoiler):

According to sources, the El Locales tag-team consisted of Ricardo Rodriguez and Tyson Kidd wrestling under masks.
I remember that Spring Stampede PPV like it twas yesterdooooo

I don't remember Sandman havving good matches in Dub Cee Dub but do remember his matches depressing me
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