People still watch proper television?
Yeah, we should all just obsess over random indie female wrestlers and play Samurai Warriors games instead.
-- TNA's Brooke Tessmacher is now officially just known as "Brooke". The Tessmacher last name has officially been dropped.
-- Triple H and others in the company are very high on Aksana. They all see potential in her becoming something special.
-- Shawn Michaels' being the special guest referee between Daniel Bryan and Randy Orton at Hell in a Cell is leading to speculation amongst the wrestlers that he could end up wrestling at WrestleMania 30. The smart money is that the match would be Michaels vs. Triple H.
-- WWE was informed that John Cena's elbow injury was not as severe as they first thought. It was only a partial tear, so his healing process was faster than expected. They decided to bring him back because the roster is perceived to be thin. The World Heavyweight Title match with Alberto Del Rio at Hell in a Cell was only conceived last Sunday and will not be inside of the Cell.
-- Rob Van Dam's first inactivity period for his WWE contract is coming up, which explains exactly what his situation is. This is a very unique deal. RVD works 90 days and then he's allowed to take an unlimited amount of time off. He can dictate when he's ready to come back. During his time off, he is free to work independent shows as long as he appears on nobody's television show or DVD videos. This deal was crafted jointly by Triple H and RVD then approved by Vince McMahon.
-- Ricardo Rodriguez will be wrestling Los Matadores on Smackdown this week. He will be El Local Uno and Tyson Kidd will be El Local Dos. It's being guessed that the Los Locals gimmick will be the new version of Los Conquistadores.
-- Rey Mysterio is set to return on WWE's tour of Mexico next week. Mysterio will turn 39 in December.
-- A.J. Lee was sent home from Raw after displaying concussion-like symptoms following her match at the Battleground PPV with Brie Bella. She had trouble remembering any of the match and was scheduled to face Kaitlyn on Raw.
-- Supposedly, the idea behind Tamina's alliance with A.J. is that she's sort of the female version of Diesel to a female Shawn Michaels. Yep.
-- Despite belief that his contract had expired, Hulk Hogan is still promoting TNA live events. This is leading to people to believe he's come to a new deal with the company.
-- Chris Jericho is currently working on his third autobiography. There is no word as to when it'll be released.
-- The Armed Forces Network was defunded due to the federal government shutdown. This meant soldiers overseas missed the Battleground PPV on Sunday, but they were able to see the PPV on Tuesday and Raw on Wednesday.
-- Steve Austin is experimenting with the idea of brewing his own brand of beer.
-- Wade Barrett may be getting a gimmick repackage.
-- Vickie Guerrero's time on television may become limited as she's gone back to college to study medical administration.
-- Shawn Michaels' being the special guest referee between Daniel Bryan and Randy Orton at Hell in a Cell is leading to speculation amongst the wrestlers that he could end up wrestling at WrestleMania 30. The smart money is that the match would be Michaels vs. Triple H.
Guzim, Ninja Scooter...
We're getting the band back together! ONE LAST TIME
Guzim, Ninja Scooter...
We're getting the band back together! ONE LAST TIME
You guys need a video package to explain the Snowglobe Kliq to everyone.
Rey really should just retire at this point for his own sake. I used to love him back in the day, but his body is just proper fucked now.
Yeah, we should all just obsess over random indie female wrestlers and play Samurai Warriors games instead.
People still watch proper television?
Yeah, we should all just obsess over random indie female wrestlers and play Samurai Warriors games instead.
You're like the Derrick of rasslin. You shit on everything but won't stick your neck out for anything in particular thus no one listens to anything you have to say.
with AJ's skull cracked I guess she won't be tilting her head and looking to the left for a while.
I still remember that time she was GM and Punk was yelling at her and her best comeback was tilting her head a bunch of times.
-- Wade Barrett may be getting a gimmick repackage.
Are we shooting? Cool. You "lol, indy wrestling" fools really get my goat.
Remember how well they capitalised on his bare knuckle fighting character? (if that was his character, he was punching dudes in some dank cellar just because) he gained an elbow smash and nothing else, got booked the same inconsistent way as every other mid carder.#BadNewsBarrett
Sounds like it would make for a nice dvd match compilation.I wouldn't say anything bad about you. Your in-depth knowledge of "break a syringe off in someone's skull" matches makes you a force to be reckoned with.
Are we shooting? Cool. You "lol, indy wrestling" fools really get my goat.
Remember how well they capitalised on his bare knuckle fighting character? (if that was his character, he was punching dudes in some dank cellar just because) he gained an elbow smash and nothing else, got booked the same inconsistent way as every other mid carder.
So yeah a repackage doesn't really amount to anything, seeing WWE are going all new generation these days maybe he'll come back as a suave secret agent who uses gadgets to win his matches.
It's been so long, I don't even remember if Wade is actually a good wrestler or not.
Hulk Hogan hulks up off a Macho Man elbow drop - LOL HULK SUX NO SELLING SHIT
Davey Richards hulks up off a superplex - THISD IS WRESTLING THIS IS WRESTLING
Weirdest thing I've read in wrestling all week; RF Video goes nuts on Botchamania's facebook page and seems to be insinuating that the whole To Catch a Predator-esque local news sting operation he was caught in was in fact all part of an elaborate plan to defame his character and force him out of ROH.
I don't know what this is about, can you clarify what's going on?
Somewhere Paul Heyman is muttering, 'Oh god, don't pick me. Don't pick me. Don't pick me.'
Being Curtis Axel isn't as bad as being Wade Barrett, as much as that makes me laugh.
Being Wade Barrett is on the same level as being Kofi or Miz. With the right gimmick, you could probably turn Curtis around. Wade is too far gone.
Hope all this mount rushmore stuff leads to DDT4 being a trios tournament. i need a trios torunament!
also BOLA is pretty awesome. as usual
Rob Feinstein, the guy who runs RF Video and was part-owner of ROH, was caught in a paedophile sting operation by a local NBC news affiliate - they had chat logs of him talking to and agreeing to meet a 14 year old boy, including the now infamous line from RF; "lol, I'll pretend u said 18". When he arrived at the house, he found an NBC news crew there and bolted for his car.
Obviously, this story airing on the local news created some big problems for ROH, namely that TNA wanted to end their dealings with them, which meant guys like AJ & Christopher Daniels couldn't work ROH any longer. Feinstein in the end had to agree to selling his half of the promotion and, although no charges were ever brought against him, rumours persisted. Fast forward to this week, Maffew posted a picture of Feinstein in bed with Sunny on the Botchamania facebook page, lots of people made jokes about Feinstein in the comments and, surprisingly, he actually responded and went on a huge rant about how none of us know the full story. He then goes on to explain the whole thing (badly) and seems to be insinuating that Cary & Syd, his former partners in ROH, had set the whole thing up as a way to force him out of the promotion and steal his business. Despite rambling on for some 5000 words, he can't seem to explain exactly what is was that made him run away from the news cameras without even finding out what they were there for and insists that he was "picking up a friend", rather than trying to meet an under-age boy.
I agree, but the world of showbiz is a weird one. One where drugs and sex of all kinds and all ages take place behind the scenes and the only reason we don't know about it is because a lot of money is passing hands. The stuff you see on TMZ and other tabloids are nothing compared to what really goes on. And while producing hit shows with underage girls doesn't automatically make you guilty, the speculation is certainly warranted when the girls on the show are sexualized in weird yet not-so-subtle ways.
Is he a creep/pedo? Who knows. Furthermore, even if he is a creep screwing underage girls it's quite possible that the girls (or even the girls' parents) may be the real aggressors. Fame is one helluva drug. People have killed for it, died for it, and (if rumors are true) pimped themselves or their own kids out for it.