Rob Feinstein, the guy who runs RF Video and was part-owner of ROH, was caught in a paedophile sting operation by a local NBC news affiliate - they had chat logs of him talking to and agreeing to meet a 14 year old boy, including the now infamous line from RF; "lol, I'll pretend u said 18". When he arrived at the house, he found an NBC news crew there and bolted for his car.
Obviously, this story airing on the local news created some big problems for ROH, namely that TNA wanted to end their dealings with them, which meant guys like AJ & Christopher Daniels couldn't work ROH any longer. Feinstein in the end had to agree to selling his half of the promotion and, although no charges were ever brought against him, rumours persisted. Fast forward to this week, Maffew posted a picture of Feinstein in bed with Sunny on the Botchamania facebook page, lots of people made jokes about Feinstein in the comments and, surprisingly, he actually responded and went on a huge rant about how none of us know the full story. He then goes on to explain the whole thing (badly) and seems to be insinuating that Cary & Syd, his former partners in ROH, had set the whole thing up as a way to force him out of the promotion and steal his business. Despite rambling on for some 5000 words, he can't seem to explain exactly what is was that made him run away from the news cameras without even finding out what they were there for and insists that he was "picking up a friend", rather than trying to meet an under-age boy.
Well that's something, thanks.
I love that WWE is in storylines blaming Brad Maddox for that shit show called Battleground. Its funny and very WCW esque
There is something funny about Stephanie McMahon and Hunter yelling and looking down on this no name wrestler who is barely relevant, when they themselves are the ones booking this abhorrent shit
You realise they're in storyline using Maddox as a scapegoat right?
Big Show even said so, when he called out Steph for using Maddox as a puppet.