You can't be a top tier wrestler and not be convinced you are the best one ever, imo. Modesty is a bad trait to have when you're competing for a top spot in a cutthroat business.
There's a difference between having confidence and being a mark. Having confidence means you believe you are the best, and you can make anything work as long as you are given the chance. Being a mark for yourself means you are scared that losing will make you look bad, always worried about how you are being booked, and complaining all the time about what you are given.
Old timey wrestlers say something to the sound of "If you are actually as good as you think you are, you can make anything work." I believe in that.
There's a difference between having confidence and being a mark.
Having confidence means you believe you are the best, and you can make anything work as long as you are given the chance.
Being a mark for yourself means you are scared that losing will make you look bad, always worried about how you are being booked, and complaining all the time about what you are given.
Well then that definitely doesn't sound like Punk
always worried about how you are being booked, and complaining all the time about what you are given.
Hogan has nothing on Bret Hart for being a huge mark for himself. Jesus christ, Bret is the worst.
Bret, Hogan, the entire Clique, JJ and Cena are the ones that seem to match your description. Looking at the current WWE roster, nobody other than Cena seems to match your description.
Bret, Hogan, the entire Clique, JJ and Cena are the ones that seem to match your description. Looking at the current WWE roster, nobody other than Cena seems to match your description.
What? Hall and X-Pac put people over all the time.
you know who isn't a mark for himself?
Kevin Nash.
bring cool back.
you know who isn't a mark for himself?
Kevin Nash.
bring cool back.
Hogan has nothing on Bret Hart for being a huge mark for himself. Jesus christ, Bret is the worst.
you know who isn't a mark for himself?
Kevin Nash.
bring cool back.
Bring him back and put his 50 year old ass in another ladder match!
I would rather listen to Nash talk than most of the guys the WWE has right now.
I would rather listen to Nash talk than most of the guys the WWE has right now.
-Nash needs to find a hole that he can crawl in and stay there forever
-Punk is that weird late-2000 era Jericho phase, where despite being one of the best, most over guys in the company and a legit contender for the title, the writers had nothing for him to do but screw about in meaningless feuds completely separate to the main storyline at the time.
-Dried dead fish have more charisma than Bret Hart has displayed in his entire career
-Why are there two WWE PPVs this month
The only good thing Nash ever did was his finisher. Love a good Jackknife Powerbomb.
I think this feud was right "up" there with the HHH/Scott Steiner one for weird misplaced WCW nostalgia, in which HHH wrestles shitty matches with washed-up has beens that haven't been good in years
except in Nash's case, he was never good.
I think this feud was right "up" there with the HHH/Scott Steiner one for weird misplaced WCW nostalgia, in which HHH wrestles shitty matches with washed-up has beens that haven't been good in years
except in Nash's case, he was never good.
Hunter came into the program weeks into it, made it about him, then had a match with Punk (which he won) and had a match with Nash. He made himself the focus, no one else.Jay lethal owes his carrer to Nash.
Nash also tanked the summer of Punk, so he could habe a ladder match with triple H
In a sea of marks as wrestlers, Nash is the only true businessman left.
"You might be a 15 or 18 time champ Ric, but it's fake. You never beat anybody."