It gets sexier when it evolves.
Is this the Creepy-GAF mantra?
It gets sexier when it evolves.
It gets sexier when it evolves.
I finally did the unthinkable and wore my NWO shirt to Uni todayunder a zipped up jacket so nobody can actually see it.
Feels good man.
They evolve?
Well Maryse is becoming a Mizanin... so no, it's more like devolving
It gets sexier when it evolves.
No, pokemon fans aren't creepy like mlp fans at all..
goddamnit dragon don't do that
Pokemon fans = Bronies
Didn't get your fill from snitching on Sunny and aiii?
Is there like a gif or video of a wrestler taking off his shirt or jacket to reveal an nWo shirt underneath? Could prove useful in the future![]()
Pretty much.
Time to snitch on dragon-kun
Saw this Larry Z quote
Revisionist wrestling history is so hilarious, especially when it comes from the talent.
Larry is a bitter old cunt and they only guy he ever put over was Scott Hall. The only time he was interesting to watch was during the Dangerous Alliance days and as an announcer, he would bury EVERYONE for no reason and put himself over constantly. He was terrible at his job.
wow driveclub delayed 2014? is this really happening?
You cant be in wrassle shirt mafia unless you let your flag fly proudly!
wow driveclub delayed 2014? is this really happening?
disagree completely Larry Z was a phenomenal guy and deserved MORE credit than he got. But to be honest he should have helped the luchador matches a bit more.
I've listened to Larry call so many matches over the last year. He's fucking terrible at it. He went out of his way to shit on guys, even faces, who weren't wrestling his style, which was a style that didn't even exist on American television anymore. He'd shit on guys who botched something make sure to point out that they screwed up (even if it was a face). He'd shit on every angle but his own. He openly didn't care about the shows or the wrestlers, and would regularly say he doesn't even know the names of guys wrestling. He didn't get any reference past the 80s that wasn't sports related, and usually would get mad at someone making it.
He was the epitome of old man yelling at clouds on commentary. He was awful. This is a guy who cut a worked promo on Louie Spicolli right after he died to "continue the storyline". The storyline ends with the opponent ends, dick head.
. The storyline ends with the opponent ends, dick head.
hahahahaha looks like drive club drove off the cliff.
I'd make fun of the nerds in OT but well, the reciepts for the PS4 and 1 or 2 lousy games will be enough for that
So with the rumored Drive Club delay (F U Drive Club) I'm thinking Ass Creed Black Flag and Killzone for my definite PS4 launch titles, COD Ghosts as my optional third.
F U Drive Club if you're delayed.
PS4 is a media hub (Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Instant, Blu-ray player) upgrade for me, games are a bonus.
Enjoy the..
what's the slogan for PS4?
Killzone should sell like hotcakes being the only true next gen game at launch now.
Knack looks like a PS3 game at best.
I would always wait 6 months to a year before buying a new console. Especially now that it looks like there are fewer and fewer launch titles every week.
It gets sexier when it evolves.