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October Wrasslin' |strobogo Recap OT| This title is held in abeyance


NES black box games says you're wrong.

And even PS1 and Saturn had a ton of games out there ready for it. Be it sports games even.

Remember when we used to have more than 1 or 2 football or baseball games per year?

Money money money

so much greed it'd make Ted Debiase puke.

PS4 has like over 30 launch games, and Xbox One has like 20. More than NES and definitely a lot more actual GOOD games are going to be launching with them. You're just crazy, man.

Is that a skyrim mod
It's the Witcher III... I think

Man God

Non-Canon Member
StroMomo found a tumor in her breast that 80% likely to be malignant. She will have a biopsy next week and get results the week after that. What a SWERVE. Stay tuned for Thunder.

My old man (yes, my father) is a breast cancer survivor. It was a fun ride that changed both of our lives and he's been cancer free for a few years now. Part of the reason I got back into wrestling was watching it at the hospital,

If my old man can do it, stromomo can handle it.
I played the shit outta Brutal Legend. Like, 96% completion. And I'm not even a huge metalhead! Idk, I liked it but I can recognize its many faults


Life takes weird turns, and not everyone can stroke their way into tenure.

Fingers crossed for that 20%, sir.

sorry to hear that Stro. I'm hoping for the best

I've already made up my mind about canceling my PS4 preorder and have no intentions on picking up an XBone at all. I have a list of Wii U and 3DS games to buy a mile long over the next two months and there's nothing else on any other systems that interest me at this time.

I wish you the best, Stro. :/

She's been on low level chemo for the past year for rheumatoid arthritis. I would think that would have an impact if there was a tumor, but I guess not. Her grandma died from breast cancer, although I don't know how old she was when that happened. Late 60s or 70s I think. My mom is 49. I'm sure she'll be fine. John Cena just needs to visit her.



PS4 has like over 30 launch games, and Xbox One has like 20. More than NES and definitely a lot more actual GOOD games are going to be launching with them. You're just crazy, man.

Apples and oranges, really. NES 'launch' as I recall was a window of about a year or 18 months where maybe one kid on the street had a Nintendo, and then kids would trade stories at school about what they had. Seemed like other than pack-ins, no one had the same games, so no one even knew how many games were out. I mean, we were pirating C64 disks like crazy so we had shit to play and share, but a kid with a NES was like a celebrity until probably late 87 or so. And there was no sense of good or bad. Yeah, NES Baseball sucks now, but back then, fuck man. It didn't matter that the light gun was unreliable, because you could kinda shoot ducks on your TV. Different era and different experience to what you can do and how things are promoted nowadays.
StroMomo found a tumor in her breast that 80% likely to be malignant. She will have a biopsy next week and get results the week after that. What a SWERVE. Stay tuned for Thunder.

Good luck brother. You PROBABLY DON'T RECOGNIZE ME but I read all of your reviews at legitshook.com, aka "Where The Big Boys Make Gifs" and I am a big fan. Hoping for the best. Kanyon CUTTER.


Apples and oranges, really. NES 'launch' as I recall was a window of about a year or 18 months where maybe one kid on the street had a Nintendo, and then kids would trade stories at school about what they had. Seemed like other than pack-ins, no one had the same games, so no one even knew how many games were out. I mean, we were pirating C64 disks like crazy so we had shit to play and share, but a kid with a NES was like a celebrity until probably late 87 or so. And there was no sense of good or bad. Yeah, NES Baseball sucks now, but back then, fuck man. It didn't matter that the light gun was unreliable, because you could kinda shoot ducks on your TV. Different era and different experience to what you can do and how things are promoted nowadays.

I guess I can't relate because I had a ton of games for my nes and sega and didn't really trade them with people. The two times I let people borrow games (FF7 and Lunar 2) I never got them back or got them back with a disc missing!
I guess I can't relate because I had a ton of games for my nes and sega and didn't really trade them with people. The two times I let people borrow games (FF7 and Lunar 2) I never got them back or got them back with a disc missing!

If we only had that Xbox One future we could stay all digital and loan our shit out.

Curse you Sokantish you ruined a good thing!


I was totally okay with the Xbox One DRM. I was excited to see what they were going to do with it. Them going back on it didn't seem to make much sense. Then all you're left with is a console more expensive than a PS4 that has less power. Wish they would have just stuck with where they were going. :(

That said... I can't wait for Dead Rising!
I was totally okay with the Xbox One DRM. I was excited to see what they were going to do with it. Them going back on it didn't seem to make much sense. Then all you're left with is a console more expensive than a PS4 that has less power. Wish they would have just stuck with where they were going. :(

That said... I can't wait for Dead Rising!

I'll see you on Titanfall brother.


Yup , I can't picture hogan now a days without just being some Memphis guy.

No longer is the childhood days of thinking he's some real american.
i'm tipping over to the " fuck off next gen" camp.

one of my neighbours is giving me his PS2 with MCboot and i found a as-good-as-new DC for 60€ online:



Smackdown Spoilers if anyone is interested. Sounds like a decent show.

- Recap of the Tag Title Match from Raw.

- Maddox and Vickie start the show in the ring, massive heat for both. Bryan interrupted them to a big pop and teased a Big Show appearance but it was just to scare the two GMs. He then introduced the Rhodes brothers and Vickie announced the main event to be Bryan and The Rhodes vs. The Shield.

1. The Wyatt Family w/Bray Wyatt defeated Kofi Kingston and The Miz when Rowan pinned Kofi. After the match, Bray cut a promo on Miz saying that it's okay to be afraid, and that they will take Miz's world away.

2. Brie Bella w/Nikki defeated AJ Lee w/Tamina with the X Factor.

- Big Show interrupted the show and entered the ring, showed off a ticked signed by Daniel Bryan, and said he was launching a huge lawsuit against The Authority. Maddox and Guerrero came out to get him to leave and Show just WMD'd Maddox before leaving.

3. CM Punk defeated Big E Langston with the GTS. After the match, Heyman's guys show up on the stage. Heyman congratulates Punk on his win against a mediocre talent like Langston and, that at HiaC, he'll be facing a caged animal in Ryback and that Heyman's beaten him. Punk calls Heyman an idiot and says that he'll have no where to run in the cell and that, like an animal, he'll put Ryback down. Heyman sends his guys to beat Punk and do so with the numbers advantage. Big E then returns and helps Punk by laying out Axel with a clothesline.

- Josh Mathews interviewed Alberto Del Rio. They showed one of Cena's return clips and Del Rio said that he would re-break Cena's arm at HiaC. He demonstrated what he meant by locking Mathews in the Cross Armbreaker.

4. The Usos defeated The Real Americans after a distraction from Los Matadores. After the match Los Matadores triple teamed Swagger.

- The HBK segment from Raw was recapped.

- Daniel Bryan came out for the main event. Randy Orton interrupted him. He said that Bryan is in over his head with his girlfriend, catchphrases, and at beating him, and said that, despite the odds in Bryan's favor (HBK as the ref, etc), he'll still win and be the face of the WWE once more.

5. Daniel Bryan and The Rhodes Brothers defeated The Shield when Bryan hit his running knee on Dean Ambrose. The show ended with the faces celebrating in the ring.

Hopefully the face turn leads to a pay per view match. It will make an Axel match interesting.

Also, here is Daniel Bryan giving a RKO to a ref. He needs to work on it.



WWE.COM: This is much sooner than many WWE fans were expecting to see you back. The timetable indicated you’d be away from the ring for four to six months. It’s been two. Is it hard for you to stay away?

JOHN CENA: Of course, I think if any active Superstar tells you differently, they should rethink their profession. For most people, being injured and having surgery is a very difficult experience. They may spend a little bit of time loafing around or feeling sorry for themselves. I get to work right away. I just, literally, follow the rules. I go to physical therapy like I should. It becomes my job. When my job isn’t performing in a WWE ring, my job is to get back performing in that ring. When I’m hurt, all I have to do all day is get strong and get better. I’m a very dedicated physical therapy patient and that helps a lot.

WWE.COM: Is there something special about your body that you’re able to recover from your injuries so quickly? You always seem to return much sooner than expected.

CENA: Please don’t spread the rumor that I’m some kind of real-life X-Man or something like that. The reason that surgeons give those timetables is because they obviously want to err on the side of caution. They don’t want the operation going badly. They basically take all the operations they’ve done and come up with a medium timeframe to recover. That’s why it was four to six months.

WWE.COM: Are you at all surprised that you’re coming back so quickly?

CENA: No, I’m happy with the way everything has gone.
I didn’t feel too bad when the injury happened. It started to really be a pain in my neck about two weeks before SummerSlam. I had to tell the greatest surgeon in the world that I have a physical therapy team that I’m extremely familiar with. In doing therapy, it’s good to know that the therapist will push you. A lot of times, people are reserved or maybe scared of testing what your body is capable of. I’m not. I have complete faith in my surgeon. When it was time to test range of motion a little bit or test strength a little bit, a lot of people — if it’s their first surgery — they want to wait a few weeks before they do that. I kind of want to say, “Hey I got a new arm. Let’s see how it works.”

WWE.COM: Are you in the gym lifting weights already or you’re not quite up to that yet?

CENA: I started weight training 16 days after surgery, because I had to wait for the stitches. The biggest concern with this whole thing was the risk of infection. After I got the stitches out at about 14 days, it took two days for the wound to heal up, and that’s when I could actually start breaking a sweat. So, those first two weeks were tough.

WWE.COM: What are you doing in those two weeks? Give me a picture of John Cena at home on the mend.

CENA: A lot of ice, a lot of electronic stimulation, a lot of strengthening everything around the elbow, shoulder rehab, grip strength. Physical therapy twice a day, six days a week.

WWE.COM: When you have some free time, what kind of stuff do you do to keep your mind off of things?

CENA: I’m either studying Chinese or spending much-needed personal time with a beautiful woman.

WWE.COM: How’s your Chinese?

CENA: It’s getting better every day.

WWE.COM: Are we talking Mandarin or Cantonese?

CENA: Mandarin.

WWE.COM: When we last saw you, you lost the WWE Title to Daniel Bryan. How do you feel about coming back and going for the World Heavyweight Title instead? What do you feel the distinction is between those two titles?

CENA: I see them all as opportunities. For me, I’m hugely thankful for being able to get this opportunity. Daniel certainly did deserve to be called the WWE Champion and because of the circumstances and sorry state of affairs that’s happened to him, you can’t help but feel sympathy for the guy. But I just want to be back and I want to be back in any capacity that I can. For me to get any match is fine. For me to be thrown right into the mix and be named No. 1 Contender for the World Heavyweight Championship is a blessing.

WWE.COM: Do you anticipate having that rematch with Bryan down the road?

CENA: Eventually, yeah. I don’t think Daniel Bryan is gonna hang up those boots anytime soon, certainly not. So I don’t see why it wouldn’t.

WWE.COM: Do you think you’re missing out on a big moment by returning sooner than expected and not in your hometown of Boston at Survivor Series?

CENA: The big moments for me are moments when I can actually contribute. For me to want to hold off, especially if I’m ready to compete and be part of the active WWE roster, I think that’s just selfish. I don’t want to do that. I want to be back in the ring and in front of the WWE Universe, because I miss them and I hope they miss me.

WWE.COM: When you’re not on the road and not on television every week, are you sitting down and watching Raw every week?

CENA: Every week.

WWE.COM: When you do that, are you picturing how it would be if you were there or how the show might be different?

CENA: Not at all. Having done this a few times, it’s actually a nice little refresher to be able to watch. You gotta remember, I was a member of the WWE Universe before I was a WWE Superstar. It’s really nice to know, “Hey, I’m not going to be back until that date. There’s nothing I can do.” Right now, if I were to be frustrated or upset, it’s a waste of my own time, because I can’t physically contribute anything. So, I just watch and enjoy with an unbiased eye, be entertained, be not entertained, but just enjoy the show.

WWE.COM: What’s that like for a 10-year-plus veteran and enormous star to distance yourself and watch Raw as a fan?

CENA: It’s something I do anyway. It’s just in a greater capacity when you can no longer physically contribute. At all Live Events, I’m watching somewhere, whether peeking behind a curtain or peering at a TV backstage. I watch just as much WWE as almost anyone, but I love to. It’s something I enjoy doing. I don’t force myself to watch. I get excited for Mondays. I get excited to see the show.

WWE.COM: You haven’t had many injuries and when you are gone, you’re gone for very short periods. But do you feel, over time, these injuries force you to change how you perform in the ring?

CENA: If you broke down my technique, it wouldn’t really take a rocket scientist to do so. I don’t know how you could take something so basic and do less [laughs].

WWE.COM: What’s your frame of mind coming back to face Alberto Del Rio at Hell in a Cell in Miami?

CENA: I’m just so excited to be coming back. You have no idea. Being injured is tough. I know this is a business where you only have a certain window to perform in, and being here for 11 years now, that window closes every day, so I want to spend every day that I can in the ring. I’m driving back from the Performance Center right now, having gotten in one of the seven practice rings that are over there, just giving myself a last little test. Everything feels good. I know Alberto Del Rio is at the top of his game, but man, he’s gonna be hard-pressed to have a decent night in Miami. I want to make Miami special.


Well now that we've entered southern territory.

I guess I'm going to form the four horsemen

Me, Stro, and two others
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