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October Wrasslin' |strobogo Recap OT| This title is held in abeyance


I don't recognise Saturn without the dress.



I haven't decided which Horsemen we will be. I'm thinking Flair, Arn, Barry, and Benoit. But then there is Tully and Dean. And Pillman.
How do you guys feel about finishers? It seems like wrestlers have more finishers and it was more "powerful" where they couldn't win a match until they pulled it off. Now it seems like they all have multiple and even after pulling it off it seems like almost always the other person kicks out. The finishers don't seem to have the same effect they used to, do you guys think this is a good thing or a bad thing? Or does it not matter at all? I think it hinders my enjoyment now after watching when I was younger.
How do you guys feel about finishers? It seems like wrestlers have more finishers and it was more "powerful" where they couldn't win a match until they pulled it off. Now it seems like they all have multiple and even after pulling it off it seems like almost always the other person kicks out. The finishers don't seem to have the same effect they used to, do you guys think this is a good thing or a bad thing? Or does it not matter at all? I think it hinders my enjoyment now after watching when I was younger.

i think they should go a step further and make everything a possible finisher, even a kick to the gut.


WWE should implement the puro style where guys have 2-3 valid finishers, and one or two death ones that only get brought out a few times a year, if that. But also general movies like a strong lariatoo, or powerbomb or similar moves could be a finisher at any times and shouldn't be that weird for main event big time matches to end in moves that aren't the established finisher.

That was one of the cooler things about Cena/Bryan. That Move That Beat John Cena wasn't an established move yet, so it came out of no where and was way better than the LeBell Lock or something could have been.
Here's an episode of UWFi Bushido, which was the English language broadcast of UWFi in Europe - great main event here, well worth a watch if you haven't seen it before;

UWFi, "MOVING ON 8th", 1991.11.07
Osaka Prefectural Gymnasium
6,200 Fans

UWFi Bushido - Episode 8

1. Kiyoshi Tamura & Yuko Miyamoto vs Tom Burton & Yoji Anjo
2. Gary Albright vs Tatsuo Nakano
3. Nobuhiko Takada vs Bob Backlund
Here's an episode of UWFi Bushido, which was the English language broadcast of UWFi in Europe - great main event here, well worth a watch if you haven't seen it before;

UWFi, "MOVING ON 8th", 1991.11.07
Osaka Prefectural Gymnasium
6,200 Fans

UWFi Bushido - Episode 8

1. Kiyoshi Tamura & Yuko Miyamoto vs Tom Burton & Yoji Anjo
2. Gary Albright vs Tatsuo Nakano
3. Nobuhiko Takada vs Bob Backlund

Gary... RIP.


Kiyoshi Tamura went on to a pretty decent MMA career.


I haven't decided which Horsemen we will be. I'm thinking Flair, Arn, Barry, and Benoit. But then there is Tully and Dean. And Pillman.

Ticking time bomb bjork pillman here.

How do you guys feel about finishers? It seems like wrestlers have more finishers and it was more "powerful" where they couldn't win a match until they pulled it off. Now it seems like they all have multiple and even after pulling it off it seems like almost always the other person kicks out. The finishers don't seem to have the same effect they used to, do you guys think this is a good thing or a bad thing? Or does it not matter at all? I think it hinders my enjoyment now after watching when I was younger.

I always liked a guy being better at a move and having it as his finisher. Like you might DDT a guy, but when Jake does it, the guy isn't getting up. It also made for situations where a finisher was nullified, like Diesel isn't going to powerbomb Mabel. It also used to mean something when someone would kick out of a move. Nowadays, unless you kick out of a tombstone, it's not really a big deal. Watered down, at least to someone who wants it to be ridiculous.


I'm not even sure kicking out of a tombstone is that big of deal anymore, since the last 5 WMs in a row have had Taker's opponent kicking out of multiple tombstones in each match. It's a bigger deal than kicking out of the FU or something. I think the GTS is actually the most protected finisher in WWE. I don't think Cena has even kicked out of it.


who needs 50 hour cutscenes in modern video games.

This is all the story i need.


If I want bloated bad cutscenes I'll watch a movie


The knee that beat John Cena is the only move that hasn't been kicked out of yet.

Big Show's punch has also only been kicked out of once I think.



WCW Thunder 5/20/99

. Mean Gene has Buff out to start the show. He's pretty indignant about Rick turning on him, which is pretty ridiculous considering how many times Buff fucked Rick over last year. He challenges Macho Man to a fight tonight.

Slamboree highlight video.

A specific Steiners related Slamboree package.

Rick Steiner vs Scott Putski WCW TV Championship

Rick was wearing a Wolfpac shirt. He mauled poor Putski and won with the most awkwardly applied submission this side of a Miz figure four.


TO THE BACK. Flair and the Horsemen convince Barry Horrowitz to job to David tonight.

Juventud Guerrera vs Kidman

NO. At least it took 5 months to run this match. On Nitro, Hulk Hogan will make his return to WCW. But first, the most ran match of 1998. Juvi is in the Diva roll of changing disposition depending on who he's in the ring with. Kidman took a nasty bump missing a Stinger splash. He hit the top the bolt, then landed on the bottom one neck/shoulder first, before slamming off the apron and to the floor. Looked like it hurt. Kidman won with a roll up out of a Juvi Driver.



Kaz Hayashi vs Rey Mysterio Jr. WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Kaz shows the champ what's up in the opening minutes. He seems to have the champ's number tonight. The match went on for a few minutes before Team Madness came out. Savage puts over Rey, but last Monday was just another Manic Monday. He wants Rey on Team Madness because he's defeated Kevin Nash before. We come back from break to see Rey winning with a super rana. Savage invites Rey to the group. Rey respectfully declines the offer. GIVE ME AN OOOOHHH YEAAAAHH. George shoves him and Savage lays him out. Rey dropkicks Savage. Molly Holly grabs Rey, Madusa kicks him, and Savage gives him a piledriver. Kidman runs in for a save, takes Savage down, but gets stopped by Madusa. Piledriver to Kidman. Madusa writes something in lip stick on Rey's back. Konnan runs in for a save. The girls also stop him. You got to be kidding me. 3 dudes took Savage down, but were all stopped by his girls. Elbow to Konnan.

Raven/Saturn vs Horace/VINCE WCW Tag Team Championships

The champs make quick work of Horace, who tags out after getting his ass kicked. VINCE is a former Million Dollar Champion, you know. That has to be as important as the ECW Championship and WCW TV Championship. Raven decides to swap out to Kanyon. The ref allows it, so why not. Everyone is a Kanyon mark, even the refs. Saturn pinned VINCE with the DVD.

Recap of Nash challenging Bret for a match on The Tonight Show. Then we're shown Bret on the show responding with Jay laughing the whole time. Bret agreed to the match.

David Flair vs Barry Horrowitz

Barry followed the plan. How weird, they mentioned Charles Robinson's injuries that happened on Nitro, but didn't explain why he was the ref with no apparent injuries. They should have just not mentioned it since it made it pretty clear the show was taped before Nitro aired, but they still talked about stuff on Nitro.

Recap of Macho's rampage from Nitro.

Disco Inferno vs Curt Hennig

Curt has only been back from an injury for about a month and he already looks like he's hurt again. He also looks like he decided to finish off Rude's drugs for him. Savage comes out. Disco went right after him. Knocked the shit out of him, too. The girls tripped him up and Savage threw him in to the ring post and rubbed his face on the concrete floor. Buff ran in for the save. The match is on now!

Randy Savage vs Buff Bagwell

Buff knocks Savage around for a bit. I think Savage is actually wider than Buff now. Madusa slaps the shit out of Buff and the ref doesn't even care. Savage is disqualified when he refused to stop choking Buff with a chair on the floor. The girls hold the chair pointed on this throat and Savage attempts to elbow drop it, but security prevents it. He decked a few security members and WE'RE OUTTA TIME.

DQ Count: 2 out of 7 matches

The booking of Randy Savage is ridiculous. On this show, Konnan, Rey Jr., Kidman, Disco, and Buff beat him up and he had to rely on his girls to stop them. That makes zero sense, especially when 2 of them are valets. Madusa is different, but she's also always in giant heels that she can barely stand in and is too busy making sure her tits aren't falling out to do much.


You mean the song or the version at the end of the game? I agree with both. I've been listening to Georgi Sviridov for the past 40 minutes because of it. Something about Russian folk/classical/neoclassical music gets me. It's all so sad, but with that weird Russian spirit of coldness and hard assness.
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