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October Wrasslin' |strobogo Recap OT| This title is held in abeyance

The theme to MGS makes me want to cry. Every version except for the whack punk and metal versions.

i leik dis cuz i cry everytiem

Oh hey, new page!

TNA has removed all mentions of Hulk Hogan from the Bound For Glory PPV advertising, so it seems they haven't signed a new deal yet after all.
I'm really happy about a possible
Big E face turn. He's got a great face personality and could be really popular. He's dull in the ring on his own, but his matches with del Rio showed he could put on a pretty okay show if given talented opponents. And he's still young, so he has plenty of time to get better. That said, Big E vs. Axel is probably gonna be lame, if it happens.
TNA has removed all mentions of Hulk Hogan from the Bound For Glory PPV advertising, so it seems they haven't signed a new deal yet after all.

THANK GOD! I pray to the Lord above that TNA doesn't re-sign Hogan. It's time for a new direction. 3 years of Hogan/Bischoff and no lasting results. I don't believe Sting will go to the E. But I will be glad when he retires from TNA.


Renee Young on NXT commentary this week is awesome. Saying JBL should be able to afford suits that aren't too big for him since he's a millionaire. I was wondering if anyone was ever going to bring it up.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
Also who the fuck runs wwe.com, cause they actually have damn good articles most of the time.

Joey Styles and a group of 18-35 year old men and women in the only part of WWE were it's perfectly fine and indeed promoted to be a full "mark" of wrestling past, present, and future. Mostly because with Jim Ross leaving and Stephanie McMahon being too busy to deal with any of it, they have free reign save for what merchandise needs to plug and HHH personal projects.


Renee Young on NXT commentary this week is awesome. Saying JBL should be able to afford suits that aren't too big for him since he's a millionaire. I was wondering if anyone was ever going to bring it up.

I think he just didn't get new suits when he lost a bunch of weight doing his mountain climbing stuff.



WCW Monday Nitro 5/24/99

The show opens with a graphic commemorating the death of Owen Hart, which happened the previous night at WWF's Over The Edge PPV.


Recap of the Steiners reuniting and Lex Luger coming to save Sting last week on Nitro. Then a recap of the rest of last week's show. Also included is Savage's rampage on Thunder.

Bam Bam shit talks Raven and Saturn as they came in. He said he has a partner, which was DDP's cue to attack. Lol, DDP went from WCW Champion to tagging with Bam Bam and fighting for the tag titles in 2 weeks.

Tony makes a comment about the passing of Owen Hart before they talk about the show. Roddy Piper will confront Randy Savage tonight. Hulk Hogan will make his first appearance since knee surgery. Eric Bischoff's apology tour continues. Buff vs Rick Steiner for the TV Championship.

Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs Van Hammer

Hammer has dropped the hippie stuff and is now wearing a black singlet with a leather jacket. Hammer pretty much squashes Chavo. To my knowledge, this is the 4th repackaging of Hammer. Bon Jovi rip off to Flock/Grunge guy to hippie to tough guy in a leather jacket.

Randy Savage hype video.

I want DJ Ran out of my area right now.

TO THE MEAN GENE. Disco Inferno! He's getting a Mean Gene segment in the ring on Nitro! Disco looks like shit from his face rubbing on the floor. Macho Man's Traveling Show of Pimps and Hos doesn't impress him. Kevin Nash is an easy man to find, Savage doesn't need to try to injure young talent. Perhaps they threaten Savage. The Cat comes out. He's tired of the bitching. From everyone. Disco tells him to get the hell out of here. Cat shoves Gene and then gets into a fight with Disco. Nick Patrick comes out, so I think we have a match.

The Cat vs Disco Inferno

They're both in street clothes. Disco has blurred vision and Cat is hitting him in the face. Nick Patrick is thrown out of the ring. Two other refs come in with a pink towel or something. I'm going to count this as a DQ since it appeared to be a match. As Cat shit talks, the B Team see it and tell Norton that Cat is calling him out again. Norton comes out, but it isn't a match. Cat bails. Norton follows him to the back.

TO THE BACK. Tenay went into the Oval Office.

Kevin Nash hype video.

. Flair and Arn convince El Dandy, who they call the greatest Mexican warrior of all time, to job to David Flair. Buddy Lee Parker walked up and said he didn't get what was promised to him for jobbing to David last week. "I got you a Gold's Gym membership!" Lol. Ric just hasn't had time to get it all taken care of. Parker can get a match with Benoit tonight. They then acknowledge the camera man.

TO THE MEAN GENE. Mike Tenay reports what he was told in the Oval Office. Kevin Nash requested the Championship Committee to book a match with Randy Savage. It's set for the Great American Bash. Ric Flair then comes right out. Flair isn't happy that Tenay broke the presidential news. He's going to make the flying elbow illegal. Lol, Flair is getting HEATED at them telling him which camera to talk into. He's the one true president and Piper/Bischoff can tell their story walking. Is he saying they are fired? Flair starts losing his voice near the end of the promo and gets mad that he's being told to wrap it up.


El Dandy vs David Flair

The Hart/Nash match on The Tonight Show has obviously been cancelled. Nash is making his way back to the arena and may make it by the end of the show. I really can't believe they had David on TV. He's so bad. At least they made that part of the angle. El Dandy apparently forgot the deal he made with el presidente, so Arn gave him a spinebuster. David wins with the figure four.


TO THE MEAN GENE. Buff is the guest. Come on. It's an hour in and the only matches have had Van Hammer and David Flair. Buff agrees with Disco that Savage is threatened by the younger guys. Wait, so they're now booking Savage as an old guy who is threatened by the young talent and has to have 3 women bail him out. He agreed to that? The most paranoid guy ever about someone making him look bad agreed to that? He's bringing the TV Championship home with him tonight.

We're shown highlights of the making of and reveal of WCW Mayhem. It had Sting and DDP playing the game against each other, then fighting, and Bret Hart showing up to hit Sting with a chair. I think Sting won by DQ.

. Oh my, a tribute to Eric Bischoff and his impact on WCW and pro wrestling in general. It mentions raising money for the Muhammad Ali Fund, Collision in Korea, and the start of Nitro. Then, the big SWERVE of joining the nWo. We then get highlights of his reign of terror and losing his power to Ric Flair. This is a good 5 minutes of Eric Bischoff blowing. I can't believe they're really spending time trying to get Bischoff over as a face.

Cruiserweight Battle Royal

12 men. The winner gets a title shot against Rey next week. Juvi busts his ass on the ramp during the entrance, which doesn't bode well for the match. A shitty battle royal. Hugh Morrus came out and eliminated everyone but Juvi and Kidman. Juvi ran away from Hugh. Kidman got his ass kicked. Moonsault. Rey came out and knocked Hugh over the ropes, so I guess Kidman wins the cruiserweight battle royal by Rey (who wasn't in the match) eliminating a super heavyweight (who wasn't in the match). I really expected the battle royal to end in a DQ.


Roddy Piper is the guest. Explain this to me. Roddy Piper was fired and would only be allowed to have the PPV match with Flair. If Piper won, he'd be the new president, but if not, he would still be fired. The match was overturned by Bischoff, but it was deemed invalid, and Flair remained in power. Piper remained fired. So why is he here? Piper lays on the mat and calls Savage out. Only the dames come out. Piper makes fake tit jokes. Savage is away being honored someplace. Piper says George is too young to be involved in this kind of stuff. He kind of threatens to hit her. Ric Flair runs out and they fight. DDP and Bam Bam slide in and ambush Piper. DDP says Flair owes him. Flair will give him anything he wants. And what DDP wants is a tag title match at the GAB. Not a world title shot. Flair fires people checking on Piper and books them in a match, also at the GAB. Gross.

TO THE BACK. Dean is bitching to Benoit and Arn about not being used right. He's tired of the company BURYING them and everyone else. Anyone under 45 can't get a push in WCW. They were told things would be better with Flair in charge, but things are the same. I think they quit the Horsemen. Dean was 39 at the time of this promo. Arn was only 41. What the fuck. Arn really has looked like a middle aged man his whole life. He's only 2 years older than Dean.

Sting/Lex Luger history video.

Highlights of the opening of The Nitro Grill.

TO THE BACK. Piper gets his ribs taped up while talking to Gene. He's going to get two partners and face DDP/Bam Bam/Flair. He then makes a Star Wars reference.

Curt Hennig joined the announcers. As Tony announced a partnership with Tommy Boy Records, Hennig talked about his hatred of rap. They then showed footage of a party/concert/wrestling show WCW and Tommy Boy had.


Buddy Lee Parker vs Chris Benoit

Benoit so far is the only guy wearing an arm band for Owen. Curt mentions Rick Rude as well. Rolling Reich. Bobby audibly groans at Sarge landing on his neck. Benoit squashes Sarge. Not really sure why Hennig was out for this match.

Rick Steiner vs Buff Bagwell WCW TV Championship

Hennig stays out. Scott came out with Rick. Scott wants to "apallogize" for going to fight and not fuck. He doesn't stop until the women say BOOMSHAKALAKA. He's on fire! WCW SUCKS! To which Bobby responded, "Good point". Lol. Buff runs out and we've got ourselves a fight. Not an interesting one. Rick did a piledriver on the floor. A Sting monster truck drives to ringside. It was Lex Luger in a Sting mask driving. Sting was then in the ring protecting Buff. I thought this was Goldberg/Sting vs Steiners. I guess the match ended in a DQ.

Curt Hennig is still out with the announcers. "K-Dong." Lol. Konnan comes out to confront Hennig on his shit talking of rap. They get into a fight.

Hugh Morrus vs Rey Mysterio Jr.

Hugh came to the ring. Mike Tenay came out and asked what the heck was going on. Hugh called Rey out and out came Rey. Hugh squashes Rey a few times in the corner. Big powerbomb. There isn't a ref, so I guess this isn't actually a match. He attempts to do a moonsault Pillmanizer. Konnan came out to stop him. Kidman then ran out and powerbombed Hugh off the ropes. Konnan attacked Jimmy. SSP on Hugh.

Promo for Hogan's new made for TV action movie.

TO THE MEAN BROTHERJACKDUDE. Hulk's first appearance since Spring Stampede and his knee surgery. He congratulates Nash for the title win. He seems to think the Wolfpac is still a thing. He's going to kick DDP's ass. But most of all, he wants to talk about how he hates what wrestling is becoming. From the XXX porn on the other station, to what's going on in WCW. He plays the wrestling game, in the ring and out of the ring, better than anyone ever. When he comes back, he's going to change the business again.

Kevin Nash comes to the ring. He says Savage will get his match at the GAB. Team Madness come out. No Savage, but George is back on crutches, which she didn't have earlier when she came out. If you're on crutches, why would you be wearing giant heels? Nash says he enjoyed seeing Madusa wrestle, but he'd rather see her box. Oh my. The girls attack until Savage runs down and lays Nash out with the title belt. More lipstick. I don't get that. Is that really much of an insult to Nash's manhood?


Ric Flair/Bam Bam Big Yellow/DDP vs Roddy Piper/Dean Malenko/Chris Benoit

What a SWERVE! Dean is going to wrestle in his suburban father attire. He and DDP start out, but he wants Flair. DDP obliges and Dean tags out to Benoit. Benoit takes out all 3 dudes by himself. Maybe Dean isn't actually wrestling in this. Flair botches the Flair Flip and Bam Bam doesn't make it over taking a clothesline over the ropes. The numbers game catches up to Benoit. DDP, Bam Bam, and Piper are wearing black bands for Owen. The only guys on the whole show to do so. DDP didn't even work with Owen. I was surprised Nash didn't make a reference to Owen. The match goes on for a few minutes before Raven and Saturn run in. It is then thrown out. Piper and Flair continue to brawl as the tag teams fight to the back. Piper locks in the figure four as Benoit puts the boots to Ric.

TO THE BACK. We see Hulk Hogan standing over DDP, who is down with a crutch wrapped around him. WE'RE OUTTA TIME.

DQ Count: 3 (4) out of 7 (9) matches.

This show was a mess. I'd be surprised if there were even 20 minutes of total wrestling time. I don't understand why Roddy Piper is even on the shows since he was fired TWICE, by two different people, and lost the match that was his only chance to stay with WCW. I don't understand why Savage's women are booked stronger than him. I don't understand why Flair is still in charge since he clearly is just as crazy as he was before being institutionalized. I don't understand why David Flair is going along with Ric pushing him. I don't know why Ric WANTS to push him. I don't understand why Lex Luger has replaced Goldberg in the feud against the Steiners, particularly since the last time we saw Lex, he was a full heel. I don't understand the point of having a cruiserweight battle royal just to have a heavyweight eliminate everyone, just to build to a fight with Rey. I don't understand Curt Hennig coming out for 3 segments before his fight with Konnan. I don't understand why Savage is so interested in putting lipstick on Kevin Nash. I don't understand why Eric Bischoff got a long video segment talking about how great he was to try to convince the fans he's a reformed face. I don't understand why Dean and Benoit are fed up with Flair over ONE match not being given to them. I don't understand why DDP was given ANYTHING he wanted and voluntarily chose a tag title match instead of a rematch with Nash. I don't understand why the Wolfpac is still a thing when Lex is a face with Sting, Hogan is a face, Nash is a face, and the Steiners are heels.

Two angles were started on this show. The beginnings of Rap is Crap, and what appears to be company wide young guys vs old guys feud. Which oddly enough started with Disco Inferno calling Randy Savage out on being afraid of the young guys. Buff, Benoit, and Malenko also had similar complaints about the old guys holding down all the younger talent. Obviously, that goes no where since Hogan will be back in the red and yellow and on top soon enough. For the rest of Spring and Summer, Nash/Savage/Hogan/SID would be in the main events, then Hogan/Sting/Bret in the Fall and Winter.

The main thing I really took away from this is that WCW were doing too many things outside of wrestling and it is impacting the shows. Video game junkets, signing deals with record labels and having big parties, opening up a restaurant in Vegas, and making a movie. And since Nash was a major star and champion, he had to go to all of those. He was also the head booker, so that's a lot of time away from heading up the shows.
Observer stuff;


Univision signed a deal this past week with Time Warner Cable that would include the El Rey Network. The El Rey Network is expected to start carrying AAA in the United States in both English and Spanish starting in early 2014, although things don’t appear to be that far along because we don’t have a date for a first taping nor have wrestlers been contacted from the U.S. about starting up yet.

The incident with Dr. Wagner Jr. is that he was attacked by an unknown assailant as he was trying to get into his house. Wagner Jr. did an interview saying he didn’t know why somebody would try to kill him but they did, and noted he was lucky to be alive after being stabbed in the forearm, near the wrist, leaving a gaping hole. He said he didn’t believe this had anything to do with his issues with AAA. He has to take a few weeks off because the hole is so big that he could be prone to an infection.

The robbery on 9/29 in Ciudad Juarez involving Cibernetico, La Parka, Pimpinela Escarlata, El Texano Jr. and also Fenix, was at around Noon that day. Gunmen stopped their bus and ordered everyone off the bus and told everyone not to look back. The gunmen robbed them and took their phones and then left them on the side of the road and drove off in their bus. Some time later they were picked up and taken to the arena. Apparently the promoter there was connected, and it was gang members who didn’t know they were wrestlers and thought they were a rival gang on their turf. The promoter made some calls and they ended up getting their bus back and most of their things were still intact on the bus.


Dory Funk Jr. & Terry Funk will be returning to All Japan on the 10/27 show at Sumo Hall, so I guess that’s the big thing they are hoping will allow them to run a building that large. Their last major Tokyo show barely drew 1,000 fans. Hiroshi Inoue, who is the new All Japan CEO after Nobuo Shiraishi stepped down after the Ota Ward Gym show did so badly, made the announcement at the 10/12 show at Korakuen Hall. The Korakuen show only drew 556, which may have been the worst crowd they’ve ever done there.

In something that may have never happened before, the stars of the 90s Japanese women’s world appeared on an All Japan show on 10/13 in Aoshin as part of a wrestling festival. Mayumi Ozaki pinned Carlos Amano with her Tequila sunrise hold and Manami Toyota & Mima Shimoda beat Tomoko Watanabe & Saree when Toyota pinned Saree with the Japanese Ocean Cyclone suplex.


They are trying an MMA gimmick match for the Rey Escorpion vs. Brazo de Plata hair vs. hair match on 10/18 at Arena Mexico, in an attempt to do something different to combat WWE at Arena Ciudad in Mexico City head-to-head. The rules of the match are both men wearing MMA gloves, close fist punches are legal, chokes are legal and the only way to win is submission or knockout, with no pin falls. Believe it or not, even though Porky is probably a good 200 plus pounds overweight and 50 years old, he did an MMA fight at the age of 40 when he was still Super Porky, in Japan, losing via heel hook to Takumi Yano. He had the shooter reputation in his youth.

New Japan

After their sixth singles PPV main event over the past 20 months, Kazuchika Okada and Hiroshi Tanahashi’s battles over the IWGP heavyweight title have to be considered right near the top of the greatest in-ring rivalries in modern pro wrestling history.

From an historical standpoint, their matches belong mentioned in the same breath with in-ring classic rivalries like Lou Thesz vs. Pat O’Connor, Jack Brisco vs. Dory Funk Jr., Ric Flair vs. Ricky Steamboat, Jumbo Tsuruta vs. Genichiro Tenryu and Mitsuharu Misawa vs. Kenta Kobashi. As much as people reminisce about the quality of main events in New Japan over the years like with Riki Choshu vs. Tatsumi Fujinami, or Keiji Muto against either Masahiro Chono or Shinya Hashimoto, the Tanahashi vs. Okada series is the best heavyweight championship rivalry in company history.

Unsurprisingly, Meltzer rated Tanahashi vs Okada VI *****

The next iPPV will be 10/25 at Korakuen Hall, a $15 show airing at 5:30 a.m. Eastern and 2:30 a.m. Pacific time. It will feature the first round of a single-elimination junior heavyweight tag team tournament. The matches are Taka Michinoku & Taichi vs. Alex Koslov & Rocky Romero, Valiente & Bushi vs. Yohei Komatsu (replacing Alex Shelley who has a disc problem in his lower back and will be out of action for a while) & Kushida, The Young Bucks (making their New Japan debut and the company is pushing that they are something to see, they are going to be heels and the newest members of The Bullet Club) vs. Trent Baretta & Brian Kendrick and Gedo & Jado vs. Tiger Mask & Jushin Liger.

The other matches on the show are Minoru Suzuki vs. rookie Sho Tanaka, Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Captain New Japan vs. Manabu Nakanishi & Tomoaki Honma, Hiroshi Tanahashi & Togi Makabe & Yuji Nagata vs. Toru Yano & Takashi Iizuka & Tomohiro Ishii, Tetsuya Naito & Kota Ibushi vs. Masato Tanaka & Yujiro Takahashi, and the main event is Kazuchika Okada & Shinsuke Nakamura & Yoshi-Hashi vs. Karl Anderson & Prince Devitt & Bad Luck Fale.

The semifinals and finals of the tournament will be on 11/6 at Korakuen Hall. I presume that will also be an iPPV, just because why air the first round but not the semis and finals. But to do so would be a Wednesday show three days before a Saturday major PPV show, so almost nobody is going to order the Wednesday show.

Tanahashi on his podcast said that he wants Kota Ibushi to gain weight and move up to heavyweight and be in the mix as an IWGP title contender. It’ll give he and Okada a new opponent.

At the press conference on 10/13 before the Sumo Hall PPV, Tanahashi said that he believed Naito was the best worker in New Japan history. For what it’s worth, for years Naito has had the reputation among the wrestlers for being a genius inside the ring. Naito at the press conference said that he learned a lot about working from Tanahashi and Karl Anderson. He said that growing up he had three dreams, one of which he accomplished by making the roster of New Japan Pro Wrestling. He said the other two he’s yet to accomplish, which is winning the IWGP title and being in the main event at the Tokyo Dome.

They had a public tryout on 10/12. Yuji Nagata, Tanahashi, Super Strong Machine, Takaaki Kidani and trainer Takeshi Misawa put 13 guys who made the original cut through the training. They picked two. The first, Tomoyuki Oka, who is 6-feet tall and 265 pounds, 22 years old, won’t be starting soon. He was Japan’s 2012 freestyle national champion after winning teenage national titles in 2010 and 2011, and represented Japan in international competition on the national team the last three years. He attends Nihon University, and placed second in the collegiate nationals this past year, which would be equivalent to being a second place finisher in the Division I tournament in the U.S. He isn’t expected to start as a pro wrestler until 2016, because he wants to represent Japan in the next Olympics. The other is Takumi Hanjo, 21, who is 6-feet tall and 230 pounds, and has a judo background. He came from Animal Hamaguchi’s gym, which has produced a number of pro wrestlers over the years.

They had a public tryout on 10/12. Yuji Nagata, Tanahashi, Super Strong Machine, Takaaki Kidani and trainer Takeshi Misawa put 13 guys who made the original cut through the training. They picked two. The first, Tomoyuki Oka, who is 6-feet tall and 265 pounds, 22 years old, won’t be starting soon. He was Japan’s 2012 freestyle national champion after winning teenage national titles in 2010 and 2011, and represented Japan in international competition on the national team the last three years. He attends Nihon University, and placed second in the collegiate nationals this past year, which would be equivalent to being a second place finisher in the Division I tournament in the U.S. He isn’t expected to start as a pro wrestler until 2016, because he wants to represent Japan in the next Olympics. The other is Takumi Hanjo, 21, who is 6-feet tall and 230 pounds, and has a judo background. He came from Animal Hamaguchi’s gym, which has produced a number of pro wrestlers over the years.


Lisa Varon, formerly Tara and Victoria, will be working on the 10/26 show in Chicago with Maria Kanellis. They taped an angle where Kanellis came to Varon’s restaurant in Chicago and caused a scene.

Seleyziya Sparks, one of the women with Truth Martini, hasn’t been around of late. She said it was due to a visa issue (she’s Canadian) and hopes it all gets resolved soon. She’s headed to Japan for three months to work full-time for the all-women’s Pro Wrestling Diana group.


Impact on 10/10 did a 0.82 rating 1.084 million viewers, the lowest number of viewers since 6/20 and I can’t even recall the last time they did a rating this low on a Thursday for a first-run episode. The show did a 0.42 in Males 18-34, also as low a figure as I’ve heard, and a 0.78 in Males 35-49,which is well below usual but not record lows.

The complete Bound for Glory lineup was announced on this week’s TV for the 10/20 show in San Diego. This will be interesting because, in the past, BFG usually does the biggest PPV numbers, and the show after BFG usually does big ratings which gets people excited like they’re turning the corner and then two weeks later everything is back to usual. But this is easily the weakest marquee BFG show. Match quality should be good. There was a change from the original plans as Bobby Roode vs. Samoa Joe was on the original lineup before Kurt Angle was going to wrestle, although Angle vs. Roode was the post-BFG direction. Now they moved Joe into the X Division title match. This means they forgot about their 230 pound weight limit change from March and their all X title matches will be single matches from August.

So the card now is Bully Ray vs. A.J. Styles for the TNA title, Kurt Angle vs. Bobby Roode, Sting vs. Magnus, Manik vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Austin Aries vs. Chris Sabin vs. Joe for the X title in an Ultimate X match, James Storm & Gunner defend the tag titles against the winner of the four-way on the pre-game show (Chavo Guerrero Jr. & Hernandez vs. Robbie E & Jessie Godderz vs. Christopher Daniels & Frankie Kazarian vs. Joseph Park & Eric Young), and ODB vs. Gail Kim vs. Brooke Tessmacher for the Knockouts title (the TV certainly indicates either Lei’d Tapa being added to this match or a Tapa vs. Velvet Sky match coming).

In a scary one, particularly coming off the heels of the Tulsa taping on 10/10 that only drew 800 fans, the 11/7 in Baltimore hasn’t even sold out the second row yet. In fact, you could still get 14 second row seats together as of the weekend.

Regarding Michael Hutter, his character is going to be called Ethan Carter III or EC3 (RG3 takeoff).

Another former TNA wrestler may be suing the company. Christian Garstin, a lawyer who represented both Shannon Spruill (Daffney) and Scott Rechsteiner in lawsuits against the company, wrote on Facebook, “This issue (employee vs. independent contractor) is not dead. Daffney took it to the brink and farther than any other wrestler in history has been willing and/or able to do. The courage she exhibited for over two years was simply amazing. I now have another wrestling client who intends to pick up where Daffney left off. Should get interesting.


Likely in response to the low rating on the 10/7 episode of Raw, Vince McMahon had it out with the producers and redid the 10/14 television show and the 10/27 Hell in a Cell PPV.

The key changes involved plans for the Hell in a Cell show on 10/27 in Miami. The planned C.M. Punk vs. Ryback singles match was changed to Punk vs. Ryback & Paul Heyman in a Hell in a Cell match. Just the week earlier, McMahon had said that he only wanted one Hell in a Cell match on the card, so as to not water down the gimmick as in years past, which was the reason John Cena vs. Alberto Del Rio wouldn’t be in the cell. But he did a total about face in adding a second one, to the previously announced WWE title match with Daniel Bryan vs. Randy Orton.

The other change is the Seth Rollins & Roman Reigns title defense against Goldust & Cody Rhodes was moved to Raw on 10/14, with the title changing hands. Apparently Vince was mad that only heels had titles. The PPV match at this point is scheduled as a three-way, also involving the Usos. At press time this match had not been announced, nor had the straight tag team title match, so it’s always subject to later change.

It’s obvious they are building a Big Show vs. HHH match, but that may be held off until Survivor Series in Boston.

Bray Wyatt vs. The Miz was also scheduled for the show. Wyatt suffered a deep calf bruise at the 10/12 house show in Providence, RI, and it’s touch-and-go whether he’ll be able to wrestle. If not, they could go with Miz and a partner in a tag match against Luke Harper & Erick Rowan. Kane, who was originally scheduled to face Wyatt at the Survivor Series, is done filming “See No Evil 2,” so he could return as early as this coming week and be plugged into the show if necessary as Miz’s partner.

Raw had a good showing on 10/14, up to a 2.88 rating and 3.99 million viewers against strong competition from football (Indianapolis Colts vs. San Diego Chargers did 11.95 million viewers) and baseball (Los Angeles Dodgers vs. St. Louis Cardinals playoff game did 4.83 million viewers). Raw beat baseball head-to-head in the 18-49 demo, which was impressive. The increase is likely due to either Shawn Michaels or John Cena even though Cena wasn’t there. The fact is, the audience opened strong, and fell off greatly in the third hour. That’s likely due to people realizing Cena wasn’t appearing or that Michaels had already appeared and probably wasn’t coming back.

Smackdown on 10/11 did a 1.82 rating and 2.45 million viewers, the lowest audience number since 8/16 and lowest rating since 7/12. There was competition from the baseball playoffs on ESPN doing 5.45 million viewers. Smackdown was 8th for the night on cable.

There was a lot of unhappiness from fan reaction regarding the 10/8 tapings in Columbus, OH, for Smackdown. Show quality is subjective, and they had a lower talent pool than usual since half the crew had to leave the night before for the Abu Dhabi tour. Still, the company ignored that and advertised every major star to appear. Even with advertising every major star, they only drew 4,000 fans. Worse, of the names advertised to appear before hand, most weren’t there. Those advertised were Orton vs. Bryan (for the dark match), plus HHH, Show, The Shield, A.J., Ziggler, Langston, Del Rio and The Wyatt Family. Of those names, Orton, Bryan, Show, Shield, Langston and Ziggler were all en route to Abu Dhabi. It’s one thing for them to advertise A.J. and her not be there due to a concussion, or even if there’s a family emergency or a car accident or flight issues or something beyond control of the promotion. It’s another to advertise people on your roster that you’ve booked somewhere to be somewhere else. HHH was even there and could have stuck his head out and done something dark if they didn’t want him on TV. But they evidently had so little regard for their consumers they didn’t even do that.

Wyatt suffered a badly bruised calf muscle which at first was feared to be worse on the 10/12 house show in Providence. He was in a six-man with Harper & Rowan against The Prime Time Players & R-Truth. He was chasing after Young and may have tripped over a piece of the railing while turning around the corner and went down. He was hurting pretty bad. They went right to the finish and Harper & Rowan took him to the back where they were checking him out. He did appear in Philadelphia and on TV just sitting in the rocking chair at the top of the stage. Backstage, he was needing crutches to get around. The word was that he would be out of wrestling for a month, so he’ll probably miss the PPV, although it was said he may be back sooner. They were still doing a tease with Miz against him for the Hell in a Cell PPV, but that may be a tag match involving Rowan & Harper. He was supposed to work with Kane at Survivor Series and it doesn’t appear that would be in jeopardy.

A leaked memo from a few years ago stated a few things. Vince has said that nobody going forward can use the phrase “Granddaddy of them all” for WrestleMania. He feels it makes WrestleMania feel old and dated. Also, nobody is allowed to use the phrase “choke” for a submission move. Undertaker’s Hell’s Gate has also been named the “Triangle Submission hold” even though it’s a gogoplata, which is not a triangle although it looks sort of similar. Kevin Dunn stated announcers can no longer use the phrase “title changes hands.” Vince has banned the use of terms “Five star match” and “Match of the Year.” It’s funny, because when Arn Anderson does agent reports, he loves to use the “five star match” phrase for a match that tears down the house. As part of the memo banning those terms he also wanted all announcers to “stop reading the dirt sheets” with the idea it influences what they say. Funny, when they book for inside fans. Stephanie McMahon sent a memo for announcers to never use the phrase “the referee didn’t see it” when a heel is doing something behind the referees back. She wrote that it makes it seem like the announcers are treating the fans like they are in grade school. She would prefer “the referee’s vision was impaired” or “the referee’s vision was blocked.” Also, never use the word “hatred” or “hate” when describing a feud. Also, the announcers should never say a talent doesn’t care about winning a match. Also, when somebody is bleeding, never make references to it or use the word blood.

Regarding the situation with Michael Hayes, the WWE’s official word is that he is taking a leave of absence for personal reasons. Even though that was released, Hayes has claimed to others that he’s working from home, which is why he hasn’t been around for several weeks. There were stories going around about Hayes’ drinking with Mendes and that’s what led to his being sent home. I had heard those rumors more than a week ago, but am skeptical on any story that the two were drinking together for this reason. Mendes had her own issues and if that story was true, she would not be on television now and probably either be sent to rehab or no longer be with the company. Others have said, and this is at least plausible, that he just offered her a drink. But it was more than just that one incident that got him in trouble since he was supposed to have a zero tolerance on the road when it came to alcohol. Mendes had been sent to rehab when she was sent home after a European tour and if there was any kind of relapse, she’d either have to go back or be gone, and no way she’d be on television.

Total revenue from corporate sponsorships was $7.4 million in 2008. Now, after five years of pushing PG publicly, and promising all sponsors that there would be no more risque TV, the number is expected to hit $20 million this year.

Mysterio at last word was scheduled to return to the ring at the house shows this coming week in Mexico. He will be appearing there no matter what. He was still needing a crutch a few weeks ago after stem cell treatment for his knee.

The reason Barrett has disappeared is because he’s been back in England due to visa issues.

HHH has sent the directive to refocus on tag teams. The plan as he laid it out was to first get some teams ready in NXT to bring to the main roster, as well as take some talented guys on the main roster who they recognize are underutilized (for example, Tyson Kidd & Justin Gabriel was an example put out of guys they’d maybe try and use as a tag team because they are talented and underutilized and they won’t do anything with them as singles) and try and get them going as a tag team.

There is no hard and fast rule regarding stories about who they are signing and such, but there is the belief that they have enough “small guys” and the problem with business is there are already too many and not enough “big guys.” Unless someone is really good, they are not going to sign small guys. They also don’t want to sign ROH guys right now, although this doesn’t mean Eddie Edwards & Davey Richards (who fit into both categories) are dead in the water, because they aren’t. They actually fit into the potential tag team category. They did not get e-mails the last week saying the company decided to pass on them like almost everyone else at the tryout camp they were at got. But as a general rule, if they weren’t as talented as they are, and didn’t have key guys pushing for them who saw them in ROH, they would be.

The general rule HHH has is that he wants to be training guys either from scratch, or getting younger guys with the right look and size, with all the money they’ve spent on developmental, and get them before they make names on the indie scene. Even though their doctrine today would mean Punk and Bryan, two of their three current most over stars, would have a hard time getting in the door. The feeling is the guys who work indies and travel and have somewhat of a name have bad habits, and if they are at the higher level, if they sign them and even if they agree to take the pay cut to WWE entry level, that they won’t be happy over the long haul, It was also said they don’t want guys who know they can get fired and go back and be successful without WWE. They want guys with the impression that their careers in wrestling depend on making it in WWE.

The company is apparently disappointed and puzzled that Brie Bella isn’t more over as a face. She had been a heel who made fun of the faces and called them losers since she came back. She never did a turn. She’s likeable on Total Divas but the audience that watches that show is mostly women who don’t attend Raw. They’ve never played any personality clips of her on Raw that would have you like her. Orton always bad mouths her boyfriend to her face and she never once comes to his defense. And she’s more a whipped dog for the top heels to make feel bad without ever sticking up for herself. And thus, they can’t understand why there wasn’t more sympathy for her when Snuka was beating her up this week.


The farm formerly owned by Andre the Giant will be auctioned off on 11/2. When Andre passed away in 1993, his will gave the farm to Frenchy and Jackie Bernard, who had lived there with him during his last few years, taking care of the 47-acre ranch in Ellerbe NC. Frenchy just passed away on 9/16 at the age of 77. The ranch includes a 3,500 square foot three story home at the foothills of the Uwharrie Mountains and isn’t far from Pinehurst, NC, where Vince and Linda McMahon grew up. There are six bedrooms, as well as a barbecue building and a workshop.


This bit about NJPW is impressive:
While Tanahashi remains the star who the company’s business turnaround was built on the back of, Okada, at 25, is the future. In fact, it was a decision to pick the future instead of the present, since Tanahashi vs. Naito would have been the stronger Tokyo Dome main event draw because of Tanahashi’s bigger name with the general public.

That's a company that isn't anywhere near WWE's size taking a risk WWE never would. They're taking a chance here by putting a "new guy" in the main event instead of their established top guy, I think it's the right thing to do as Okada headlining the Tokyo Dome show will make him a guy people see as worthy of doing it, in my opinion, but it's still a big decision for NJPW to make.

It's easy to say "let's use our bigger but older star in the top show of the year, and build the young talent in the rest of the year instead", but it always feels like cold feet to me, like you should be more concerned about the next ten years than one big payday.

Jamie OD

Observer stuff;

A leaked memo from a few years ago stated a few things. Vince has said that nobody going forward can use the phrase “Granddaddy of them all” for WrestleMania. He feels it makes WrestleMania feel old and dated. Also, nobody is allowed to use the phrase “choke” for a submission move. Undertaker’s Hell’s Gate has also been named the “Triangle Submission hold” even though it’s a gogoplata, which is not a triangle although it looks sort of similar. Kevin Dunn stated announcers can no longer use the phrase “title changes hands.” Vince has banned the use of terms “Five star match” and “Match of the Year.” It’s funny, because when Arn Anderson does agent reports, he loves to use the “five star match” phrase for a match that tears down the house. As part of the memo banning those terms he also wanted all announcers to “stop reading the dirt sheets” with the idea it influences what they say. Funny, when they book for inside fans. Stephanie McMahon sent a memo for announcers to never use the phrase “the referee didn’t see it” when a heel is doing something behind the referees back. She wrote that it makes it seem like the announcers are treating the fans like they are in grade school. She would prefer “the referee’s vision was impaired” or “the referee’s vision was blocked.” Also, never use the word “hatred” or “hate” when describing a feud. Also, the announcers should never say a talent doesn’t care about winning a match. Also, when somebody is bleeding, never make references to it or use the word blood.

I always find banning certain phrases because the McMahons think they are outdated to be odd. Steph's alternatives for “the referee didn’t see it” sound even more patronising. Also banning the word "hate" reminds me of Paul Heyman on the Rise & Fall of ECW DVD talking about how stupid it was when TNN did the same thing to them. The only one that makes sense is the "never say he doesn't want to win" suggestion.


The general rule HHH has is that he wants to be training guys either from scratch, or getting younger guys with the right look and size, with all the money they’ve spent on developmental, and get them before they make names on the indie scene. Even though their doctrine today would mean Punk and Bryan, two of their three current most over stars, would have a hard time getting in the door. The feeling is the guys who work indies and travel and have somewhat of a name have bad habits, and if they are at the higher level, if they sign them and even if they agree to take the pay cut to WWE entry level, that they won’t be happy over the long haul, It was also said they don’t want guys who know they can get fired and go back and be successful without WWE. They want guys with the impression that their careers in wrestling depend on making it in WWE.

Out of that whole thing, this is the most troubling....seriously, wtf is wrong with you H?


Out of that whole thing, this is the most troubling....seriously, wtf is wrong with you H?

It seems baffling to me, too. "Bad habits", honestly. That's what developmental is there for, to train out the bad habits, whatever those are.

Taking a chance on a non-wrestler with a good look,and spending 2-3 years training them in the hopes they will turn out to be a decent rookie wrestler, instead of hiring a young but experienced indie wrestler you KNOW is very good (like Sami Zayn, Seth Rollins or Dean Ambrose) is absolutely baffling to me.

They should be doing a mix of the two, especially for the women, where attempts to train models have usually been disasters, while indie women have turned out very well very often.

So basically, Sami Callihan, Samuray Del Sol, Shaun Ricker, etc, count yourselves lucky you were in the latest and possibly last wave of indie signings. The next wave if there is going to be one, will be much smaller apparently.
This bit about NJPW is impressive:

That's a company that isn't anywhere near WWE's size taking a risk WWE never would. They're taking a chance here by putting a "new guy" in the main event instead of their established top guy, I think it's the right thing to do as Okada headlining the Tokyo Dome show will make him a guy people see as worthy of doing it, in my opinion, but it's still a big decision for NJPW to make.

It's easy to say "let's use our bigger but older star in the top show of the year, and build the young talent in the rest of the year instead", but it always feels like cold feet to me, like you should be more concerned about the next ten years than one big payday.

They CAN do it because they're nowhere near WWE's size. It's a lot less risky for them to put faith in the future as opposed to the WWE doing it and running their machine into the ground.


Stephanie McMahon sent a memo for announcers to never use the phrase “the referee didn’t see it” when a heel is doing something behind the referees back. She wrote that it makes it seem like the announcers are treating the fans like they are in grade school.

This is actually what I want out of wrestling. Quit trying to make it shocking or hip, because it's never going to be. Let it insult my intelligence in a fun way instead of being trolled. Tell me that Double J's album is sold out everywhere. Let a guy be called Big Boss Man instead of some regular name. Give me guys stealing wrestler mascots and let me send get-well letters to a dog. It just doesn't make sense that they have no problem with the talent talking in interviews about how the outcomes are predetermined, but then they want to ape MMA and try and make it seem realistic. Fuck that, give me guys spitting mist and possessing people. Shock sticks and mantaurs.


They CAN do it because they're nowhere near WWE's size. It's a lot less risky for them to put faith in the future as opposed to the WWE doing it and running their machine into the ground.

To me that doesn't make sense. WWE is so gigantic that it's almost impossible to run them into the ground. If they take a hit on one WM buyrate yet make several new stars in the process that can create revenue for years, they will be absolutely fine. It would take years and years of WCW-level management to put down WWE.

They basically own the world of wrestling, but have never been more conservative, safe and prone to cold feet. It's somehow created a WWE that has a monopoly but has no draws.
To me that doesn't make sense. WWE is so gigantic that it's almost impossible to run them into the ground. If they take a hit on one WM buyrate yet make several new stars in the process that can create revenue for years, they will be absolutely fine. It would take years and years of WCW-level management to put down WWE.

They basically own the world of wrestling, but have never been more conservative, safe and prone to cold feet. It's somehow created a WWE that has a monopoly but has no draws.

The machine requires a very constant source of money to keep coming, if they make mistakes I can EASILY see WWE putting themselves out of business within a year. If they make big mistake, I mean BIG ones. Like WCW-level. I definitely don't agree that they're too big to fail.


The machine requires a very constant source of money to keep coming, if they make mistakes I can EASILY see WWE putting themselves out of business within a year. If they make big mistake, I mean BIG ones. Like WCW-level. I definitely don't agree that they're too big to fail.

The mistake that will kill WWE is the network.


The machine requires a very constant source of money to keep coming, if they make mistakes I can EASILY see WWE putting themselves out of business within a year. If they make big mistake, I mean BIG ones. Like WCW-level. I definitely don't agree that they're too big to fail.

I don't see it, because they have so many pies that to keep in business they would just cut down on the number rather than go bankrupt. Size of the roster, number of TV shows, number of PPVs, WWE Films, international tours, expenses of the TV production, DVD/Blu Ray production, locations for TV filming, arena sizes, etc.

All these things can be cut down to save money if they're hurting. They have a huge number of revenue streams, they would all need to fail constantly for several years before WWE went out of business, which is basically impossible given their monopoly on wrestling.


I think there's a mentality that cutting back is unacceptable, even if it's the smart thing to do. One thing WWE is big on is brand recognition and visibility, so I could see them taking a loss somewhere if it means getting their product in front of viewers. Hell, they probably do already in some way. Just a matter of knowing when enough is too much, but I don't know that they know that.


it would take something monumental for the McMahon family to have to sell or close WWE all together. I'm talking bigger than the XFL and Network combined.
They may not be able to make Network profitable but the market presence for having a subscription service for any footage the WWE owns can start to pay off that money it takes to digitize and curate all that content.


Raw Breakdown from last weeks Raw:

In the segment numbers, Dolph Ziggler vs. Damien Sandow lost 204,000 viewers. Brad Maddox announcing the main event for Hell in a Cell, the Booker T interview and Natalya & Eva Marie & Jo Jo vs. Aksana & Rosa Mendes & Alicia Fox gained 571,000 viewers. It was more the PPV announcement that boosted things. Los Matadores vs. Jinder Mahal & Drew McIntyre lost 428,000 viewers. The 9 p.m. hour with the Paul Heyman with Curtis Axel & Ryback confrontation with C.M. Punk leading to Punk & R-Truth vs. Axel & Ryback gained 428,000 viewers, essentially getting back the audience that turned out for Los Matadores. The Bob Backlund interview lost 163,000 viewers. Kofi Kingston vs. Randy Orton lost 143,000 viewers. The Shawn Michaels interview gained 122,000 viewers. It was hurt badly because it wasn’t advertised in advance. Alberto Del Rio vs. Ricardo Rodriguez at 10 p.m. plus the John Cena announcement gained 183,000 viewers, which is a far cry from the near seven figures that Punk and Heyman had done in previous weeks in that same time slot. Fandango vs. Zack Ryder and Jack Swagger & Antonio Cesaro vs. Great Khali & Santino Marella lost 479,000 viewers. The Miz angle with the Wyatt Family lost 123,000 viewers. Daniel Bryan & Cody Rhodes & Goldust vs. The Shield in the main event gained 430,000 viewers. The post-match with HHH being knocked out by Big Show gained 895,000 viewers.

Basically the main angle carried at the end carried the show. Also, is Meltzer shocked that at 10pm Del Rio didn't do Punk gains? I guess his halftime idea is falling apart.


Del Rio is anti-viewer material, has been for years. I don't know why the WWE insists still on pushing him, it can't just be the latino thing.


The only part of Bryan that is over are the YES chants.
Absolute bullshit.

Sad truth is that Bryan isn't a draw. :(

You can't expect someone to be a draw after two months on top, especially when he's spent much of that getting beaten up. His matches regularly pop viewers, so it's a good basis to make him into a draw over the next few years. They need to really get his name out there with this push, to make his name alone be a draw. It takes time and the right performer, Orton isn't even a ratings draw and he's been "their guy" for a decade.


The biggest problem is WWE keep getting cold feet on everyone and everything. The only thing they are committed to is Cena, and he plateaued years ago, not that they've realised.


PS4 = canceled.

Why you gotta delay the games I'm excited about?

I guess I'll be getting 2k14 after all.....and I'm excited about Arkham Origins too.


The only part of Bryan that is over are the YES chants.

lol, the crap some people post in this topic to try to get reactions out of others and then don't join the discussion in why they believe that.

The whole idea of can a person a draw in 2 months is stupid. It took Stone cold 2 years before he became the mega draw that he is now. The rock started in 96 and he didn't become big until 99.

Bryan bring in viewers. If you looked at his gains after Summerslam he was doing very well. It just takes time and right now he one of the few gaining viewers during the football games.


lol, the crap some people post in this topic to try to get reactions out of others and then don't join the discussion in why they believe that.

The whole idea of can a person a draw in 2 months is stupid. It took Stone cold 2 years before he became the mega draw that he is now. The rock started in 96 and he didn't become big until 99.

Bryan bring in viewers. If you looked at his gains after Summerslam he was doing very well. It just takes time and right now he one of the few gaining viewers during the football games.

With where Bryan is at now, unless there is a major fuck up down the line, I predict big things for him in the future....Stone Cold / Rocky big.
The only part of Bryan that is over are the YES chants.

When Punk was out, this man was performing for 30 minutes on Raw and another 30 minutes on Smackdown. Every single match was a must see and you're telling me the YES chant is the only thing that's over? Please. If you've seen him live, you'd notice how ecstatic the crowd gets during his matches.


The increase is likely due to either Shawn Michaels or John Cena even though Cena wasn’t there.

Did Meltzer just credit Cena for ratings for a show he wasn't even on?



Reading Strobo's recaps.. and it seems like the nWo (at least proper) just stopped one day

No major angle. No break up.
Just everyone stopped doing the nWo thing.. weird for such a large and long-term angle.


Reading Strobo's recaps.. and it seems like the nWo (at least proper) just stopped one day

No major angle. No break up.
Just everyone stopped doing the nWo thing.. weird for such a large and long-term angle.

That's how it goes sometimes with these drawn out heel factions. They overstay their welcome and eventually outlive their usefulness.
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