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October Wrasslin' |strobogo Recap OT| This title is held in abeyance


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Not if I tuck the bottom front of the shirt into my underwear.
Tuck your shirt? STOOP THAT LOW!?
Give yourself more credit. You're Plywoo. Y'know, the guy. The guy with the....thing. The avatar changing thing. Yeah, the avatar changing thing. That's legit talent and ability. U! S! A!
It's been real bro. You're on your own path now.


Give yourself more credit. You're Plywoo. Y'know, the guy. The guy with the....thing. The avatar changing thing. Yeah, the avatar changing thing. That's legit talent and ability. U! S! A!

A bunch of drunk, racist, blood thirsty, cynical, delusional, nostalgic bums...

...Actually doesn't sound half bad.

Drunk - Check
Cynical - Check
Delusional - Check
Nostalgic - Check
Bum - Double Check

I wanna be in IRL WrestleGaf..


Watching Jake Roberts' Pick Your Poison doc. Only halfway in so far, and it's really good. Not sure why I haven't seen it yet. Jake and Rick Rude starting to feud.



WWF Royal Rumble 1988

The inaugural Royal Rumble show. There was a house show version in 1987 that had a terrible crowd and has been ignored harder than the pre 1993 King of the Rings.

Rick Rude vs Ricky Steamboat

Sounds like a pretty killer opening match. Rude goes to work right away with the fisticuffs. Steamboat comes back with some chops. Ricky skins the cat. These are two of the most attractive wrestlers of all time. Rude gets backdropped over the ropes and hits his lower back hard on the apron. Test of strength. Rude got the better of it, but Dragon gets out with some wacky Euro styled stuff. Dragon goes to work on Rude's left arm. Arm drag! More chops and another arm drag. Rude uses cheap tactics to get out and returns to the fisticuffs. I bet he's jelly of Ricky's quads. Arm drag! Rude seems to like hitting Ricky right in the eye. Vince doesn't like that one bit. Jesse has been getting boners over Rude the whole match. A kitchen sink after a double drop down spot sends Dragon to the floor. Body slam on the floor. Rude slaps on a camel clutch. Steamboat has that weird spot where his arm would drop 3 times, but the ref would let the match continue. He's the only guy I saw do that more than once on a botch. It drove Jesse crazy and I'm not sure why he did it as often as he did. Ricky squats up with Rick on his shoulders. The comeback was short lived as we go back to the camel clutch. Jesse calls out Vince's hypocrisy. Bridge spot leads right into a series of near falls. Lariatooo from Rude. Suplex from Dragon. Rude pulls the ref in the way of Steamboat's cross body. Canadian back breaker. The ref rings the bell. Rude's music played, so I guess Steamboat submitted. I figured it was a DQ. As it turns out, it was. Steamboat wins! Rude came back in the ring to argue with Dave Hebner. This was decent, but their WCW matches were much better.



TO THE MEAN GENE. Dino Bravo is attempting a bench press world record. Jesse Ventura is his spotter. Dino Bravo is going for 705 pounds. That Barney Rubble looking mother fucker. 415 is the warm up weight. He wants the crowd to be silent while he does this. Dino easily busts out a set. We move up to 505. No problem. 555. A bit of a struggle this time. 595. He gets it up 3 times, but he's doing half lifts. Not full extension. The kind you did in gym class. Still, 595 LEGIT is pretty gnarly. 655. Jesse is ALL OVER Vince for Vince trying to incite the crowd to make noise. He got it up, but it was wobbly. 715 is up next. But it is unofficial as the bar will have to be weighed later. Dino walks out because the crowd won't be silent. Jesse gets on the fans and is totally in the right. He just wants the fans to give Dino a chance even if they don't like him. He wouldn't have got it up if Jesse didn't do some heavy lifting of his own.


Glamour Girls vs Jumping Bomb Angels 2/3 Falls WWF Women's Tag Team Championships

Imagine WWE running a 2/3 falls Diva match. Or having a Diva Tag Team Championships. I don't really know the names of any of these dames, so I'll leave you with some gifs. "First of all, a person of your stature knows nothing about weight lifting." The Jumping Bomb Angels won 2 falls to 1 after a double missile dropkick. New champions! So bizarre to see a legit, no bullshit women having an actual wresting match. All four of these women are better than any Diva of any era. They're better than a lot of guys today. And they didn't slow down at all. It was full speed the whole time. No rest holds or rest spots. At no point did Jesse or Vince refer to the looks of the women, there were no sexy spots. It was an actual wrestling match with women in the WWF.




We're shown highlights of Hogan/Andre. Vince and Jesse argued over the controversy in that match. We are then shown Ted DiBiase saying he's going to buy the WWF Championship. Hulk Hogan refused to sell the title. HELL NOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Highlights of Andre attacking Hogan after a match on SNME. Ted DiBiase bought Andre's contract with the purpose of buying the WWF Championship once Andre beats Hogan.

TO THE MEANBROTHERJACKDUDE. The official contract signing between Hogan and Andre for their rematch on 2/5/88 on SNME in Indianapolis. Jack Tunney is also in the ring. Andre looks like a cool fucker just lightly bouncing off the ropes, chill as can be. Andre takes his sweet time getting to the table. Giant mind games. Ted shit talks Hogan, getting in that giant cranium. Andre finally signs the contract after staring at it for a few minutes, making Hulk nervous. Hogan is attacked! Andre flips the table and Hogan over, then calmly leaves the ring.


Royal Rumble

There were only 20 men for this. Bret Hart (who was so gassed up) and Tito Santana were the first two entrants. A new man enters every 2 minutes. Butch Reed is the next entrant. It was more like 45 seconds, not 2 minutes. Jim Neidhart is entrant 4. Tito is in trouble. Jake is 5 and immediately eliminates Reed before dismantling the Hart Foundation. Dude is fucking over. Anvil saved Bret from a DDT. Piledriver to Chico. It's Harley Race! Jim Brunzell! He got a huge pop. Sam Houston is out next. He saves Jake right away. They are half brothers, after all. Tito is out by the Hart Foundation. Dangerous Danny Davis is out next. Harley does his teeter totter spot. Boris Zhukov. Gross. He's actually way more uncomfortable to watch than Benoit. And Vince keeps calling him Nikolai. Don Muraco and Nikolai Volkoff come out. They brawl and Muraco was the legal entrant. Out goes Zhukov. Lol, Jesse is tired of Vince's barbs and Vince is about to hear from Barry Bloom. Volkoff gets to enter now. Out goes Harley. It's Jim DOOGAN! He and Harley got into it on the floor. Duggan is as over as Hogan was earlier. Ron Bass is next. The Bee is out. Brian Blair is out to take his place. Hillbilly Jim! He tosses Anvil out right away. Here comes Dino Bravo. Houston is eliminated from the top of Bass' shoulders. It's the ULLLLLLTIMATE WARRRIORRR! He eliminates Bret, who lasted from 1 to 18. One Man Gang! Remember when he jobbed to Konnan? Out goes Blair. And Jake. The Junk Yard Dog is the final entrant. Out goes Volkoff. Then Hillbilly. There goes the evil ref. It took 2 guys to get rid of the Warrior. Jesse wishes Bruno had been in there, just to see him take some lumps. Out goes JYD. Then Bass. Final four are Muraco, OMG, DOOGAN, and Bravo. Out goes Muraco. Gang accidentally eliminates Dino. Duggan wins!




Recap of the contract signing.

TO THE DeGEORGE. Hulk, who has changed shirts from earlier, has some words for Andre. You can't break Hogan or his Hulkamaniacs, brotherjackdude.

The Islanders vs The Young Stallions 2/3 Falls

Another 2/3 falls match? Interesting. This is the actual main event, which is weird. 80s house show booking for some reason. I believe there was a Jim Powers/Meng match in Thunder once. Jesse is about to put the boots to Vince. Vince claims Tama can hang upside down from his toes. Jesse thinks it was a racist remark. Islanders win the first fall via count out. In between falls, the recapped the contract signing again.

TO THE DeGEORGE. Andre and Ted respond to Hogan. Again, this is in between falls. That's a long rest break for those guys. Ted always gets what he wants. Andre is going to choke the life out of Hogan and Hulkamania.

The second fall begins. Really nothing of note in either fall except for the final moments of the second fall where Jim Powers started botching everything. The Islanders won 2 straight falls after Paul Roma tapped out to a half crab after injuring his leg in the first fall.


The show ends with Jesse and Vince arguing over the Bravo bench press and thoughts on Hogan/Andre.


DQ Count: 1 out of 4 matches.

Pretty decent show. Obviously there would be much better Rumbles to come, but it was a good enough proof of concept. Duggan was as over as anyone from 1987-1990ish. I had forgotten how unbelievably stiff the ring was in the 80s. Zero give. It's like a lucha ring. The women's match was probably the best actual wrestling match on the show. Not sure what's up with the blur on the gifs. The video file would do that blur unless it was full screened.


These random drug tests are beyond ridiculous guys.

I kept telling them it was medicinal, but they wouldn't believe me!

Glad to see your banishment is over. Hopefully that isn't too many strikes.

Maybe time to focus speed on drop that bulk!


This stuff is my comfort food. 1988-1992 WWF I can watch all day. I don't even need to watch it. It can just be on and I can mostly listen and it instantly soothes my soul.
People being suprised that cross gen games are 720 is funny. Watchdogs and foruza seemed like the only real next gen games

Also I wonder how many people in that thread are buying call of duty anyway


So not worth it
Probably cancelling my PS4 order and getting a iPad Mini instead next month, provided it releases in The Netherlands in November. I'll get the PS4 early next year instead, no need to rush now that they've delayed both games I wanted.

Unrelated: I got a Heartstone Beta invite in my e-mail yesterday from Blizzard, been playing all afternoon, proving to be a fun card game so far.



WWF Royal Rumble 1989

Jim Duggan/Hart Foundation vs Dino Bravo/Fabulous Rougeaus 2/3 Falls

The step up of production values from the previous year is pretty massive. 1988 was still pretty bare bones and looked like a dressed up house show. This looks like a big time PPV event. A happening, if you wheel. Duggan and Bravo start out. Lol, immediate call back to Dino benching well over 700 pounds...when Jesse's helping him. Lariatoo from Anvil. They both miss elbow drops and in comes Hacksaw. TOUGH GUY! Dino tags out to Ray. Ray ducks too many lariatoos, so Duggan slams him and hits the Old Glory knee drop. In comes Bret. Series of near falls from Bret. Mountie gets caught with a lariatoo. Anvil does a battering ram with all three heels stacked in the corner. Low bridge to Bret. Side slam from Bravo. The heels take fall one with a doomsday seated senton. Some team needs to bring that back immediately. Bret has to start the second fall and almost loses again. He takes his corner bump fucking rough. The sound was gross. Double team gut buster. Bret has been getting crushed for a long time. Frequent tags between the heels. Bret is nearly out for the second time. Boston crab. Bret makes the tag, but the ref didn't see it. Bret finally blocks a monkey flip with an atomic drop. Hot tag to DOOGAN! Bret and Anvil are both catapulted in on top of Ray. Duggan drops a knee and it is all tied up. Duggan makes the mistake of heading into enemy territory and pays for it. Triple team action, culminating with Mountie rubbing his taint all over Duggan's head. Bret gets tagged in. Duggan hits Dino with the 2x4. Bret covers. Faces win 2-1. Gorilla thinks it was "ingenuity", while Jesse believes it to clearly be cheating.



TO THE BACK. DiBiase draws his number. Apparently, it wasn't good, so he tries to make a deal with Slick. The Bushwhackers draw their numbers. They swap. Honky draws his and is pissed. Bad News Brown loves his draw. Demolition don't care. Jake is fine with his. The Rockers wish each other luck.

We're going to have a SUPER POSE DOWN between Rick Rude and The Ultimate Warrior. Double bicep is the first pose. LOOK AT THE STRIATIONS! Second pose is best abs. LOOK AT THE MUSCULATURE! Brain wants 15 minutes to allow Rude to pump up. Third pose is the most muscular pose. LOOK AT THE POWER! The final pose is a medley of poses. A muscular montage, so to speak. Rude attacks Warrior! SWERVE! Warrior is being choked out with the Lex Flexxxer. A despicable display. Hey, there's Nick Bockwinkle! Warrior flipped out and attacked all the officials in the ring, including Bock. Warrior had pretty terrible pose form. Jesse pointed it out, but I think someone who has never seen any kind of posing could tell.


Rockin' Robin vs Judy Martin WWF Women's Championship

Sherri challenged the winner before the match. She then joined the announce table for the duration of the match. Robin retained in a pretty uneventful match.

TO THE MOONEY. Sean is with Slick and the Twin Towers. Slick claims to have not seen Ted DiBiase in over a month. However, Sean shows the clip from earlier of Ted making a deal with Slick. Slick can explain. He thought Sean meant a different Ted DiBiase.

TO THE MEAN GENE. Gene has caught up with Rude and Bobby. Rude said he won from the first pose, but Bobby wants to hurry up and lock the locker room door.

Liz, Fuji, and Jimmy Hart cut Rumble promos on behalf of their clients.

Jesse sits in the King throne and thinks he might run for king.

King Haku vs Harley Race King Of The Ring

Harley walks out and tips the throne over. Harley dominates Haku until it goes to the floor, where Harley is rammed into the ring post. Super loud chop from Haku. Inverted atomic drop from Harley. Harley goes over the top and to the floor. Headbutt battle. Harley gives it up to deliver a few punches to the mouth. Piledriver. They run into each other, which sends Harley to the floor. Haku suplexes him back in. Harley attempts a piledriver on the floor. Haku back drops out of it. Harley gets it on the second attempt. Haku misses a diving headbutt. So does Harley. Haku wins with a superkick right in the fucking kisser.




TO THE BACK. More Rumble promos. Greg Valentine's was probably the best. The mother fucking Brainbusters are in the match tonight. Pretty stoked about that. I'm not sure who is harder to understand: Andre or Khali.

Royal Rumble

Demolition are the first two in. They don't hold back. Demos were better than LOD until Crush came around. Ax is better than Hawk and Animal combined. Andre is 3rd and gets double teamed. Mr. Perfect is 4th. His hair is darker and he's wearing trunks instead of his singlet. Smash is eliminated by Andre. 5th out is Ronnie Garvin. Next out is Valentine. Out goes Garvin. It's Jake Roberts! He and Andre immediately go after each other. Ron Bass is next. Out goes Jake. Andre has eliminated everyone so far. It's Shawn Michaels! He's so young, his eyes are both straight, and he's got a ton of hair. Out goes Ax. Perfect and HBK pair off. It's Butch! DAT'S MY BIG HOMIE! Jake comes back out and throws Damian in the ring. Andre bails the fuck out, eliminating himself in the process. HTM rolls out. Chico Santana gallops to the ring and goes right after Mr. Perfect. Bad News is about to fuck some people up. Jesse's "Ohhhhh" when a stiff shot or bad ass comes out is great. Out goes HTM. Fuck him. Marty Jannetty joins his partner in the match. They double dropkick Ron Bass out of the match. It's THE MACHO MAN! This place has gone bananas! Double A! Out goes the Hammer. Arn and HBK go right after each other. Sweet chin music. Savage and Arn eliminate HBK. In comes Tully. I think both Tully and Arn were better than Flair. Tully was so great as the ultra sleazy version of Flair. Spinebuster to Marty. He's then eliminated. It's Hulk Hogan! I think Savage got a bigger pop. Out goes Perfect. Chico is gone. Luke is out next. And Butch is gone seconds later. Hogan just chucks Tully into the ropes with no regard for safety. Was there a Mega Powers vs Brainbusters match? Big boot to Arn. It's Koko B. Ware! Hulk tosses him out. And then Luke. He then eliminates both Brainbusters at the same time. Warlord enters only to have Hogan eliminate him as soon as he got in the ring. Hulk then eliminated Savage and Bad News at the same time. That's 7 dudes in about 2 minutes. Savage didn't like that shit one bit. Liz comes out to calm it down. Macho wants to shake hands. They're still bros. Big Boss Man is the next one out, for a singles showdown with Hogan. Piledriver. Oh shit, Akeem is now out. Hulk is eliminated! Hogan of course is a poor sport and drags Boss Man to the floor and brawls more with them. Beefcake enters and helps out his bro. Hulk tries to get back in the match, but instead low bridges Boss Man, eliminating him from the match. What a terrible role model. He beats Boss Man up all the way to the back. The Red Rooster. Man, poor Terry Taylor. He could have been a solid IC/US level guy. Barbarian is the next guy out. I'm sad he and Hogan never had a singles match. Big John Studd, who looks like a giant John Wayne. Hercules is 28th out. Rick Martel apparently soft soaped someone to get 29. DiBiase is the final entrant. Rooster goes out with a Flair Flip. Brutus and Herc go out together. Out goes Barb. Down to the final four. Martel is gone. One shot sends Akeem out. Ted is eliminated. Big John Studd is your winner. Virgil got a beat down of his own after the match.






TO THE BACK. Gene gets Randy Savage's reaction to Hulk eliminating him. A man in his position can't afford to look ridiculous. Macho is awfully sarcastic about patching things up with Hogan.

DQ Count: 0 out of 4 matches.

The Rumble itself was a massive leap over the first one in terms of lay out, over all story, and pushing individual storylines through out the match. Leaps and bounds. John Studd being the winner makes no sense to me, as he had definitely peaked, wasn't going to gain any popularity from it, and wasn't going to be pushed as a big star like Hogan/Savage/DiBiase/Andre, or even the guys right below like Duggan and Jake. Seems like a huge wasted opportunity. The 6 man tag was pretty boss. Gorilla and Jesse calling guys out for doing stupid shit in the Rumble never got old.

Angles progressed: Mega Powers vs Twin Towers, Mega Powers EXPLOOOODDDE, Brainbusters vs Rockers, Andre vs Jake, DiBiase using his money to buy the title/30th entrance/whatever he wants. When I look at the WM5 card, the only matches that happened that seemed likely coming out of the Rumble was Hogan vs Savage and Andre vs Jake. Studd was a special guest ref at WM and would be gone by Summer.

I can tell you ahead of time that I'm going to gif EVERY Flair Flop in the 92 Rumble.
...Killzone being another 7/10 game, as always I suppose.

Killzone would be a better game if they didnt call it killzone.

Sure those games are not giant industry shaking games that will be remembered in 10+ years time but they have more interesting things going on then a dumb generic name like "killzone" would suggest.


This stuff is my comfort food. 1988-1992 WWF I can watch all day. I don't even need to watch it. It can just be on and I can mostly listen and it instantly soothes my soul.

Same here. Nostalgic reasons mostly, but it's still what I want out of a wrestling show now.

I watched an interview with Warrior this morning, they ask him about the business and stuff. Seems like he's simmered down quite a bit. I wonder why.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Some things I need to point out:

1988 Royal Rumble was actually the first royal rumble and wasn't a PPV. It aired on the USA network and that's part of the reason why it has low production values (that and production values went up every year as hulkamania ran wild, brother) He put it on to directly compete with some NWA PPV, just like he ran Survivor Series the year before to fuck with Starrcade!

The Jumping Bomb Angels are widely considered to be the great woman's tag team of all time and easily the best duo who ever wrestled in the US.

The bench press record was the real one in 1988 and it was held by another WWF "star" at the time.
88-92 WWF is exceptionally good comfort food, because they don't have MANY storylines going and they're really easy to get into and don't require previous knowledge for the most part. I mean think of it - how many heel face turns did you have in that era? Or the reverse? The villains were usually villains for their entire run.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Actually I'd say there are even more angles going on in that era because the upper mid card is so tightly packed.

Jake the Snake and Macho Man in particular have quite a few face/heel/face/heel turns.


88-92 WWF is exceptionally good comfort food, because they don't have MANY storylines going and they're really easy to get into and don't require previous knowledge for the most part. I mean think of it - how many heel face turns did you have in that era? Or the reverse? The villains were usually villains for their entire run.



Some things I need to point out:

1988 Royal Rumble was actually the first royal rumble and wasn't a PPV. It aired on the USA network and that's part of the reason why it has low production values (that and production values went up every year as hulkamania ran wild, brother) He put it on to directly compete with some NWA PPV, just like he ran Survivor Series the year before to fuck with Starrcade!

The Jumping Bomb Angels are widely considered to be the great woman's tag team of all time and easily the best duo who ever wrestled in the US.

The bench press record was the real one in 1988 and it was held by another WWF "star" at the time.

I'm aware of all of those except the bench press record. Who held the real record?
Actually I'd say there are even more angles going on in that era because the upper mid card is so tightly packed.

Jake the Snake and Macho Man in particular have quite a few face/heel/face/heel turns.

Sure there were some, but not like there is today. Look at Big E Langston. Look at how they positioned Ziggler this past year. AJ? Fucking confusing to someone who doesn't follow the product. I think if we looked at some stats it'd be even more surprising, but I ain't got those stats.
Sure there were some, but not like there is today. Look at Big E Langston. Look at how they positioned Ziggler this past year. AJ? Fucking confusing to someone who doesn't follow the product. I think if we looked at some stats it'd be even more surprising, but I ain't got those stats.

"wait why is Ryback suddenly a bully that gets no reaction and sucks and working for the guy who screwed him out of the title multiple times"

"why is michael mcgillicutty there"


A quick searched showed Ted Arcidi actually had the 705 record in 1988 and was the first man to bench over 700 ever. Patera isn't on the list at all for bench press records.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
A quick searched showed Ted Arcidi actually had the 705 record in 1988 and was the first man to bench over 700 ever. Patera isn't on the list at all for bench press records.

I thought it was Ted Arcidi but when I went to look for confirmation online someone said Patera.

Patera is basically Mark Henry, only white and 70's-80's ish.


Man, I had kind of forgotten how over Ryback was about this time last year. Its pretty crazy how quickly he became just another side character.
yeeaaaaaaaaaaaaah kaitlyn

Man, I had kind of forgotten how over Ryback was about this time last year. Its pretty crazy how quickly he became just another side character.

Yeah, I don't think he's ever gonna recover. Goldberg chants are basically his X-Pac Heat, i think. He's fallen so far while not really moving anywhere on the card, CM Punk couldn't even get a good match out of him


88-92 WWF is exceptionally good comfort food, because they don't have MANY storylines going and they're really easy to get into and don't require previous knowledge for the most part. I mean think of it - how many heel face turns did you have in that era? Or the reverse? The villains were usually villains for their entire run.

Not many, and it seems like the big ones were from guys breaking from tags to singles. Strike Force splitting up, Rockers breakup... not much else, other than gradual ones or guys who went back and forth like Jake.

But I do feel like the storylines were cleaner then. Yeah, a blindfold match is ridiculous, but it consists of two main points: Jake is shot with Arrogance, Jake shows off white eyeball. Then you build to the match. It wasn't some long history of them fighting at 73 PPVs in a row, but THIS one is the one to win it all. Maybe they cross paths later and it's a big thing if they're forced to team up. Not like nowadays, Orton teaming with HHH/Steph and they reference him DDTing her years ago like it's just some in-joke.

It's less offensive when Ricky Steamboat blows fire and we're supposed to believe Nailz escaped from jail.
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