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October Wrasslin' |strobogo Recap OT| This title is held in abeyance


NeoGAF's smiling token!

saw this on gaming side
The fact that Ryback never won a PPV match is quite depressing to say the least. Audience gave up on him after his shitty Cena feud. I still kinda like him though, but this shitty Punk feud is doing him no favors.
Where are they now :ken shamrock

But Shamrock’s passion for wrestling and, eventually, shoot fighting, was truly ignited when his travel partner, Dean Malenko, showed him a tape of Japanese stars Minoru Suzuki and Masakatsu Funaki grappling. Their style of wrestling instantly appealed to Shamrock.

The Malenkos arranged for several tryouts to get Shamrock over to Japan, where he found himself in the same dojo as Suzuki and Funaki. After dominating two of the dojo’s young students with fighting skills he picked up on the street as a kid, Shamrock found himself standing across from Suzuki, an alternate on the Japanese Olympic wrestling team.

“He choked me out, he heel hooked me, he beat the crap out of me for 30 minutes,” Shamrock said with a laugh.

After Suzuki finished sparring with the American, the trainers asked Shamrock if he had enough. But Ken was eager to keep going, so they sent Funaki after him.

“He beat me up for another 30 minutes, armbarred me, everything,” Shamrock said. “But I was so intrigued, I wanted to keep going.”

“The more they did to me, the more I was learning.”

Though he had been put through the wringer, Shamrock earned a place with the UWF promotion, which focused less on sports-entertainment theatrics and more on traditional grappling. He eventually joined Funaki and Suzuki in forming Pancrase, a shoot-fighting promotion that borrowed rules from pro wrestling.
It's kinda exposed how dull he is in the ring, even though I don't think he's a bad talker like the MARKS think.

The fact that Ryback never won a PPV match is quite depressing to say the least. Audience gave up on him after his shitty Cena feud. I still kinda like him though, but this shitty Punk feud is doing him no favors.

Dude, he beat Camacho at Over the Limit 2012


Ryback was over In his fued with cena and has never recovered

You mean like everyone ever besides maybe Punk? No one escapes that vortex.

1988-1992 is so comfortable because everything is so...focused. Stories were laid out well in advance and played out the way they should unless some one got hurt or fired. There weren't a lot of things that went for a few weeks and was dropped and not mentioned again. Or month long feuds since they didn't have to have a PPV every month. It's all so bright and colorful without being overly clean and sterile like today. The wrestlers felt like real characters (I'm not even talking about the overly cartoon characters that came later) as opposed to no one even having gimmicks today. The way it is shot is so much more engaging than today. You add in the best commentary teams ever and it is just...comfortable. Sure, there are a lot better matches today, but that era wasn't about work rate classics.
You mean like everyone ever besides maybe Punk? No one escapes that vortex.

Ryder is still changing that tire. D-bry is lost in the vortex, doesn't help there is a triple black hole as well.

Also Kurt angle for #bulletclub!!

@Machinegunka: Kurt needs to come back to #njpw .. Join us Kurt.. RT @fergaldevitt: @Machinegunka like @RealKurtAngle knocking back a cold pint of MILK!


The fact that Ryback never won a PPV match is quite depressing to say the least. Audience gave up on him after his shitty Cena feud. I still kinda like him though, but this shitty Punk feud is doing him no favors.

Remembering recent interview with great COO

HHH:So in developmental, you give them all those tools, but they've got to be willing to use them. So you've got to find the right athletes, the right human beings, the right mental attitude, and then they have to be open to the creative process. And they need an inner charisma and an X factor to them. There's a lot of times you can look at a guy who doesn't know what he's doing in the ring but you can tell he's going to be a star.

Grantland:Give me a recent example.

HHH: Well, is Ryback the most skilled guy in the ring?

Grantland: No.

HHH: He's doing pretty good, though.
When we did the Nexus, obviously we already kind of saw Wade Barrett had it, but Ryback was the guy that stuck out. And it wasn't just because he was the biggest guy — that's what everybody thinks. But that physique is a blessing and a curse. If you look like him, when you walk out from behind that curtain, they go, "Whoa, look at this guy, he'd better impress me. Because if you stink, I'm going to crap on you right away." Then it's "The big guy can't move. The big guy is terrible."
Alberto Del Rio is a good performer, decent charisma, backstage support, and a mostly realized character, but continually fucking fails at connecting at all with the audience. I can't think of anyone else who has so much going for him and can't do anything with it (maybe Sin Cara, but I think even he's more over despite most of his big matches being dogshit).
Ryback doesn't understand ring psychology. The dude's really athletic but just doesn't understand match flow or how to sell at all. It doesn't help that he hasn't managed to do a decent promo in ages either, if ever. The bully thing was working for me, but they abandoned it in the cradle for this CM Punk feud which was a mistake. They should have run a story line where he bullies, and bullies and bullies and wins match after match after match against jobbers that gets blown off by him getting murdered by like 50 of them in a hardcore match that ends with him having every bad thing he ever did revisited on him. Would be way better than him being Heyman's create a wrestler blank slate like he is now.

Del Rio's a tough one for me because he's got the look and he's a HELL of a worker. There's just nothing resembling a character or personality though. Dude needs a consistent storyline stat.
Del Rio was cursed with executive meddling, he would have been fine had they not been trying to leverage the LATIIIINO crowd.

Well, the right general intent is there. Dude looks like he's straight out of a telenovela and the idea of him being a Spanish aristocrat rudo would work really well- provided they had a stream of Azteca job squad for him to stomp the crap out of.

Thing is, this isn't Mexico so him playing that character here doesn't wash when the vast majority of his opponents are white.
Well, the right general intent is there. Dude looks like he's straight out of a telenovela and the idea of him being a Spanish aristocrat rudo would work really well- provided they had a stream of Azteca job squad for him to stomp the crap out of.

Thing is, this isn't Mexico so him playing that character here doesn't wash when the vast majority of his opponents are white.

People still could have enjoyed it if he could have been allowed to stick with the gimmick. He's a natural born heel and should have stayed how he did when he debuted :( Curse executive meddling!

A thick mustache is still possible though. He could be the Generalissimo!
When Cena stops slumming it in the WHC picture they will likely have Cody be the face of that division and him winning would be the perfect moment for a Sandow cash in.
The good part about mis-booking a MITB winner is they can easily rob them of it by having them cash in and lose. Sandow's character reminds me a lot of the Genius, and let's not forget Hogan worked a program with The Genius and it was good, brief, but serious. Sandow could get that same rub from Ceeeeeena


The 2005 Royal Rumble had Chris Benoit and Eddie Guerrero giving Puder stiff chops, then Hardcore Holly joined in and beat the shit out of him. All in the beginning of the match, lol.
People still could have enjoyed it if he could have been allowed to stick with the gimmick. He's a natural born heel and should have stayed how he did when he debuted :( Curse executive meddling!

A thick mustache is still possible though. He could be the Generalissimo!

Hahahaha, nice. It'd be like a modern day Iron Sheik!

It's really a shame they got rid of Ricardo. They should have just cut back his speaking and let Del Rio do the promos and make him more of a boot licker. Maybe they could even do the human chair bit from Bruno?

The original idea still stands as a good one. They just need to have the sack to run with a classic racist heel schtick.
The 2005 Royal Rumble had Chris Benoit and Eddie Guerrero giving Puder stiff chops, then Hardcore Holly joined in and beat the shit out of him. All in the beginning of the match, lol.

I was wondering if him giving Angle the Kimura during a Smackdown taping had anything to do with that. That must've garnered so much heat for that.
Sandow's in a lower spot than Ziggler was last year, I think. At least Ziggler got to lose on Raw. Sandow is stuck in Superstars and got his robe, pink trunks, and mic time taken away.


So not worth it
Del Rio gets pushed and pushed and pushed, yet whenever someone says he's just not that great, it's WWE's fault.

The guy got like 10 balls and hasn't ran with any of them. He's a mediocre performer and is pushed beyond his skill level.
Del Rio gets pushed and pushed and pushed, yet whenever someone says he's just not that great, it's WWE's fault.

The guy got like 10 balls and hasn't ran with any of them. He's a mediocre performer and is pushed beyond his skill level.

You're funny. Why are you lying to us, the WrassleGAF universe? We don't tolerate lies!

Del Rio puts on good matches.

Like you said, he's been given like 10 balls and hasn't ran - he starts to, then someone takes it away instantly.


He's always looking like a goofball against Cena, and only has gotten wins over the likes of Kofi and lower guys. His feud with Ziggler produced great matches, but story went nowhere because the concussion happened, and after that it was revolving AJ/Dolph split, completely ignoring Dolph/WHC picture. Despite the Del Rio looking gold as he kept delivering those kicks to his head. The RVD/Del Rio feud was fine but it served little substance. Seemed forced.

I said it before but the situation once Edge retired they failed big time. Both for Del Rio and Christian. You put fuckin' poops in bags in the title picture, again, and rather than make the WHC story about Del Rio/Christian, it became about Orton. Golden boy. But yeah, it's not like WWE has any problems with booking or making more characters more appealing.
Regardless of his unoverness, ADR always puts on good matches. It's not really his fault that
-He wrestles the person he's feuding with a million times before the actual PPV
-Loses non-title matches to those people to set up said PPV match
-Doesn't actually get to do anything interesting with the "rich man" gimmick, which really should not have been that hard
-Always has to wrestle everybody a million times, he's been beating the same midcarders everyone beats when a heel is getting pushed (eg "Del Rio showing a new AGGRESSIVE side to him against Zack Ryder tonight") for at least a year now
-He's always in nothing feuds for the WHC

Granted, you can't probably blame EVERYTHING on the higher ups but you can't say they don't have a role in his lack of any momentum whatsoever


ADR's face turn this year came like a week after he killed Santa Claus and ruined Christmas. I wonder if Cena will hit him with a present again at HiaC?


Had a great bike ride today, even though it is 45 degrees and windy. It snowed this morning. I don't give a fuck. Added a about 2 miles to what I've been doing. I never, ever would have thought I would be enjoying bike riding since I hated it as a kid. I've gone from 4 to 11 mile round trips in about 3 weeks. Is an 11 mile ride a solid distance? It took probably right around an hour and a half.

I'm going to scrub my balls and get back to the Royal Rumble! It's so weird to be watching stuff that I actually enjoy and don't feel like I'm punishing myself.

(eg "Del Rio showing a new AGGRESSIVE side to him against Zack Ryder tonight")
So true, I wonder if WWE have noticed yet that this really doesn't work, I still make fun of their attempts to do this with Miz and his ICE COLD attitude for like 3 weeks.

Regardless of balls being potentially dropped by WWE and not ADR I just can't bring myself to care about ADR anymore, he's spent so much time in upper card spots with all those accolades yet still remains uninteresting outside of his admittedly solid matches, his fault or not I just want to see some others put in his place because ADR has gotten incredibly monotonous to me.
Of course it would help if they leveraged his Mexican Aristocrat gimmick for story purposes instead of just driving cars to the ring and having a personal announcer...oh yeah, he doesn't have either of those things anymore, damn it WWE.

Why does Sandow(without a beard) look like Edge?

And that Bo Dallas looking hair.
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