So true, I wonder if WWE have noticed yet that this really doesn't work, I still make fun of their attempts to do this with Miz and his ICE COLD attitude for like 3 weeks.
Regardless of balls being potentially dropped by WWE and not ADR I just can't bring myself to care about ADR anymore, he's spent so much time in upper card spots with all those accolades yet still remains uninteresting outside of his admittedly solid matches, his fault or not I just want to see some others put in his place because ADR has gotten incredibly monotonous to me.
Of course it would help if they leveraged his Mexican Aristocrat gimmick for story purposes instead of just driving cars to the ring and having a personal announcer...oh yeah, he doesn't have either of those things anymore, damn it WWE.
Yeah, even though it's not really his fault, they've killed my interest in him. Barrett, too, really, though he might be salvagable. I don't think a repackaging would get me interested in Ryback again though. They had something going with the bully thing, but they dropped it to make him a shitty generic heavy who puts on shitty matches.
get me interested in your characters, wwe