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October Wrasslin' |strobogo Recap OT| This title is held in abeyance


Lol at the MITB holder wouldn't even have been on the PPV if there hadn't been an injury. I think he is deader in the water of any MITB ever, including Dolph. At least Dolph was on TV, even if he was jobbing.

Look at how much everyone loves Cena
Great F match that was!!!!!

Awesome atmosphere...

On a sad note will not be able to watch tonights PPV. Gotta attend a wake...Thinking of getting it though to watch the replay


Curtis Axel tries to help Ryback and Paul; Big E comes out to stop him





:lol, why are you goofs doing airport pics in October?

It's just another example of the lax standards this thread has adopted. Airport pics in October, TNA threads in OT, Bean Breath's running an authority figure storyline with someone who forcefully retired and no one's posting about WrestleCade 2013!

Well, that last one's not important, but the rest of what I said is still valid.


So not worth it
Lol at the MITB holder wouldn't even have been on the PPV if there hadn't been an injury. I think he is deader in the water of any MITB ever, including Dolph. At least Dolph was on TV, even if he was jobbing.

It's just the creative team not bothering to make storylines for anyone other than the top guys. They'll have storylines for Punk, Cena, maybe Orton, Bryan and of course for the McMahon's. Sometimes they have a very minor one for the Divas and tag-teams and the rest of the wrestlers are either jobbing to those top guys or on Main Event waiting their turn.

I don't think it's any indication of what they think about the guys, it's just that they don't know how to book. At all.

What they should do is split up their team, have one or two writers responsible for a individual storyline. AJ and Brie need to feud. Joe, come up with an overall two month storyline by next week. And have him work out the story beats with the talent for those two months. Pete, Cody Rhodes and Goldust vs The Shield for one month. Etc.

At least then their shows won't be 80% filler, repeat matches for five shows in a row and PPV cards wom't be thrown together on the go-home show.

How hard can this be? It's not exactly rocket science.


Did anything happen on Smackdown that was worth watching? Just wondering before Hell in the Cell comes on.

Well the beginning segment with Triple H and Bryan happened. There was CM Skunk, the Miz getting tortured in a darkly lit room and the Main Event was great.

edit: More on the Axel Injury:

Regarding Axel's injury, word is that he was injured on Monday's RAW. Apparently Axel blew out both of his hips in what's being called a "freak accident.

Well the Curtis Axel run ended as well as it started. Guess they will have a tournament or just give it to Big E on Raw. Hey at least he beat Vince's quad tear as the most freak injury in wrestling.


It's just the creative team not bothering to make storylines for anyone other than the top guys. They'll have storylines for Punk, Cena, maybe Orton, Bryan and of course for the McMahon's. Sometimes they have a very minor one for the Divas and tag-teams and the rest of the wrestlers are either jobbing to those top guys or on Main Event waiting their turn.

I don't think it's any indication of what they think about the guys, it's just that they don't know how to book. At all.

What they should do is split up their team, have one or two writers responsible for a individual storyline. AJ and Brie need to feud. Joe, come up with an overall two month storyline by next week. And have him work out the story beats with the talent for those two months. Pete, Cody Rhodes and Goldust vs The Shield for one month. Etc.

At least then their shows won't be 80% filler, repeat matches for five shows in a row and PPV cards wom't be thrown together on the go-home show.

How hard can this be? It's not exactly rocket science.

I think that's more or less how they did it in the Attitude Era, especially post Russo.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
If there is one thing that no one can deny about Russo is that he tried his damndest in every promotion to give everyone a storyline. Sometimes this worked out great. Other times it was the stuff of a disastrous anti-push!


It won't. Pre-show is Sandow vs Kofi now.

It won't. Axel got injured. Not sure if real or kayfabe injury.

From Alvarez to prevent betting the WWE hasn't put a winner yet for the main event match. So that's why so far the betting line for the main event is close to even. I wonder for the final script right before the show they will put a winner or keep it secret.

Oh man... I was excited to see Big E win it. :( I still need to watch SmackDown! I guess. I don't wanna watch a Kofi match!
Some photos from The Funk Brother's return to the ring from yesterday's All Japan show;




Dory is looking really damn old, but it's ridiculous that he can still go at the age of 72 and wrestle a 20 minute tag match. Also, I just realised this year marks the 50 year anniversary of Dory's in-ring debut. While Terry's had more retirements than you can count, I don't think Dory ever officially retired.
I can't wait until CM Punk's girlfriend loses her title to Daniel Bryan's fiancee. Seeing her celebrate her title victory in the ring with John Cena's girlfriend will be the highlight of the show for me.


I can't wait until CM Punk's girlfriend loses her title to Daniel Bryan's fiancee. Seeing her celebrate her title victory in the ring with John Cena's girlfriend will be the highlight of the show for me.

that'll be the moment of the night.

Welp, onto making the HIAC OT


The burden DMczaf must bare for the rest of his GAF career. He got off to such a promising start with the HBK Snowglobe Kliq only to end up like this...



Batman truly is the Cena of everything non-wrestling. Video games, tv shows, movies.

DC Comics presents, same old crap. Watch Batman overcome the odds yet again for your hard earned money.
Cena is stronger than Batman, because Cena doesn't require any prep time to overcome the odds. It's an innate facet of his being, as if odds overcoming were his mutant superpower.


Cena is stronger than Batman, because Cena doesn't require any prep time to overcome the odds. It's an innate facet of his being, as if odds overcoming were his mutant superpower.

Cena's Superman Boots lol.

But unlike Cena everyone still is a huge mark for Batman. Always buying his merch and marking out for him in every form of media.

And Batman will never go away unlike Cena who may retire someday.

An could afford to put on afew pounds. A broom is thicker than her

Does this count as thick?



Speaking of bat,an arkham origins is pretty fun.

Also g-fex stop talking bad about batman or we will have to fight!

I don't think I really can talk shit anymore slight. Everyone is a batman mark and I'm alone. So I can't overcome the odds of fighting off everyone.

None the less. Same old Crap
I can't wait until CM Punk's girlfriend loses her title to Daniel Bryan's fiancee. Seeing her celebrate her title victory in the ring with John Cena's girlfriend will be the highlight of the show for me.

and you just gave me a reason to watch that match.

get all 4 of team in the ring.



WCW Thunder 7/1/99

We're half way through this cesspool of wrasslin. Buff vs Rick Steiner for the title tonight! Rey Mysterio will remember that he's a cruiser and defend his title instead of fighting heavyweights.

Recap of Nash walking out with George and Torrie and then seeing STING in the Hummer.

MEGADEATH will be performing live on Nitro! We'll also hear from Bret Hart for the first time in 3 months.

DDP vs Saturn

Why would anyone be so proud to be from New Jersey? Why is DDP SO CHEESY as a heel? Not that he wasn't as a face, but he's just embarrassing as a heel. He went from cool late 90s face to a stoogy heel from 1987. That stupid elbow, the stupid catch phrases, the stupid everything. I don't want to see him do anything like this. Triad DDP is just the worst. Naturally there was a ref bump. Kanyon got involved. However, Benoit also got involved and hit a diving headbutt. Saturn won. After the match, Benoit did a suicide dive on Kanyon, which is really unfortunate. DDP hit a Kanyon Cutter on Saturn. BANG! Bam Bam joined in on the fun. Has there been a good 3 man team since The Freebirds? Maybe the Hall/Nash/Syxx Wolfpac. The problem is the Triad is is really trying to be exactly like the Freebirds. That shit wasn't going to fly in 1999.

Disorderly Conduct vs Brad Armstrong/SWOLL

How ridiculous is Brad Armstrong being in the No Limit Soldiers? He was so out of place. I get that they wanted someone who could actually work in the group, but they couldn't find a younger guy who wasn't a Southern white guy? SWOLL got the pin.

La Parka vs Eddie Guerrero

A fan with an LWO shirt got singled out as why Eddie has been so pissed. I knew it. He was a really dick in this match, just like he had been with the other luchadors since he came back. It was pretty competitive, though. Eddie won with a super quick frog splash.



TO THE BACK. Randy Savage is screaming at his cell phone because George isn't calling him back. Actually, I think this is at his house, as Nash calls him from a hotel room while getting a back massage. So there are two camera men on separate buildings cutting back and forth between these two on the phone? Nash gave some Simon Gruber style instructions for where Savage could make the pick up.

I Hate Rap (Rap is Crap) is played. I swear the whole song sounds like it was made in the 1999 equivalent of Garage Band. None of the instruments sound like real instruments.

Silver King/Damian/El Dandy/Villano V vs West Texas Rednecks

Can they really not find 4 random faces to put up against the Rednecks? Every match with them besides the PPV match against Rey and Konnan have been against heels. I don't even know if the luchadors really even count as faces or heels unless facing someone like Rey. Kendall pinned Damian with a running bulldog.

TO THE PAY PHONE. This is awful. Savage answering pay phones on what looks to b a sound stage(the same one as Lost in Cleveland?), not realizing that his cell phone was ringing and not the pay phones in front of him. It cuts back and forth between Nash at the hotel and Savage near some pay phones. WHERE'S A QUIK PIC?!?! I actually don't even remember this stuff. It's really bad. Maybe even worse than the shit stuff since it is so over produced and ridiculous.


Rey Mysterio Jr. vs Blitzkrieg WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Oh fuck, BA got to talk. "Oh you didn't know? No Limit Soljahs, ya herd(with Perd)?" Hopefully Blitz does something wacky. I feel like he hasn't been on the main shows since Psychosis had that one week title reign two months ago. I don't even remember if Rey has defended his title since winning it back from Hypno. It's been at least a month, perhaps two. Sadly, nothing of interest here. Blitz didn't do any of his crazy spots or flips at all.

TO THE DROP OFF. Savage and someone else in two Hummers are waiting while Nash arrives in his limo. Apparently Savage took the WCW Championship after Nitro, since Nash must have forgotten it. It breaks down into a fight when a particularly fat looking Sting breaks a bat over Nash. Sid gets George out of the trunk of the limo and they drive off. BUT WHO WAS LIMO?!?! BUT WHO WAS STING?!? BUT WHOSE SIDE IS HE ON?!? This stuff is really bad.


Rick Steiner vs Buff Bagwell WCW TV Championship

Steiner got a ludicrous amount of pyro. Like 40 full seconds of pyro. There was no live commentary for this show. It was obviously done at a later date. Both from the sound of it and that there were zero shots of Larry and Tenay the whole show. It sounds less interested and canned than Smackdown. David Flair used the stun gun on Buff while he was up top for the Blockbuster. Steiner made it a win.

DQ Count: 0 out of 6 matches.

In case you forgot, Megadeath will at Nitro. Tenay only said it 3 times in every match. Bret Hart will also be on the show. It will be the last WCW ever at the Georgia Dome. I hate how WCW often didn't do any kind of angle or let fans know when someone was injured. Scott Hall has been out since February or March with an injury and it was never mentioned on screen. He just wasn't on shows for a month and Flair stripped him of the US Championship and that was that. Nash had made some references to Hall, but nothing about him being injured or why he's not on TV. Scott Steiner just magically vanished after the dogs thing and no mention of why he hasn't been on TV or wrestled in a month. No reason given for why Chris Jericho and Norman Smiley have been off TV for months. No reason was ever given for Goldberg being off TV. If he was filming a movie, why didn't they just say that or at least give him an injury angle so he has something when he comes back? They had no problem mentioning Sting and Kanyon being off TV to do movies, so why just completely ignore that Goldberg hasn't been around for 2 months?

It's the most basic wrestling angle to do, yet they never do it. The only ones I can think of this year were DDP and Hogan given angles for their time off. The rest is just guys not being on shows or mentioned at all by anyone for months at a time.


I don't think I really can talk shit anymore slight. Everyone is a batman mark and I'm alone. So I can't overcome the odds of fighting off everyone.

Don't worry, I got your back. My biggest problem with Batman is that, for someone touted as the world's greatest detective, he doesn't actually do much detecting. He just uses his dead daddy's money and company to research technology that does it all for him. My favourite Batman book in recent years was Death by Design, which everyone seemed to hate, but I liked it because it wasn't focussed so primarily on action, didn't have proportionally ridiculous artwork and the story, shock horror, actually called for Batman to use some of that supposed intelligence of his.
Mr. Nobody, what do you think of the movie, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?


This is the greatest comic book movie ever made. Better than every Batman from 1966-2012.


Don't worry, I got your back. My biggest problem with Batman is that, for someone touted as the world's greatest detective, he doesn't actually do much detecting. He just uses his dead daddy's money and company to research technology that does it all for him. My favourite Batman book in recent years was Death by Design, which everyone seemed to hate, but I liked it because it wasn't focussed so primarily on action, didn't have proportionally ridiculous artwork and the story, shock horror, actually called for Batman to use some of that supposed intelligence of his.

Thanks Boots. I agree with your points absolutely. I loved Long Halloween, and it did use mostly detective work and stuff, seemed like a noir story really.
Mr. Nobody, what do you think of the movie, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?


This is the greatest comic book movie ever made. Better than every Batman from 1966-2012.

Truly a great movie.

Wild coincidence of you mentioning the toitles since I'm watching the 80's cartoon right now.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Batman threads on GAF are the worst because I can't tell who's serious and I want to punch everyone in the neck.
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