At least there's potential of the WHC meaning something again.
Rather that than the hideous WWE title.
Don't worry guyz! Daniel Bryan is on a slow build! YOU GOTTA BE PATIENT!!! IT'S AWESOME BOOKING!!!
No need Frankman, Aiii is back from his ban.
Source: WrassleLolzWe are hearing reports from our sources, stationed deep within the company, that WWE are planning to replace the current World Heavyweight title. The current plan is for John Cena to retire the current belt design, and replace it with the what was once the WWE Championship belt before the recent change. The change is being made to appease marketing, as replicas of the old WWE Championship were a top seller on WWEshop. One of the main seasons for Cena's win last night was to enact this change as quick as possible
Source: WrassleLolz
Reliable source Dove Multzer confirmed this.
For.Guys let's buy TNA
WHC looks much better, but its value shrunk when the brand extension stopped and all the stars left/retired. If the top guys are Cena, Orton, Bryan, Punk, and Del Rio (Sheamus maybe) they need to just use one title. I would hope they're going for a unification, but then it dawns on me they'll be using Cena as one participant. It'd be nice if they used both Cena and an unification angle to put somebody new over - yeah, it'll be Orton or Cena who would win it.At least there's potential of the WHC meaning something again.
Rather that than the hideous WWE title.
And half of the knockouts.I can spare 10 dollars, that's enough to buy Wes Brisco or Gunner right?
WHC looks much better, but its value shrunk when the brand extension stopped and all the stars left/retired. If the top guys are Cena, Orton, Bryan, Punk, and Del Rio (Sheamus maybe) they need to just use one title. I would hope they're going for a unification, but then it dawns on me they'll be using Cena as one participant. It'd be nice if they used both Cena and an unification angle to put somebody new over - yeah, it'll be Orton or Cena who would win it.
Daniel Bryan screwed Daniel Bryan.That prick Hickenbottom has cost my fav guy the title TWICE now in different eras.
Can't even do his move anymore, completely misses the one thing he had to do.
Everything about that finish was terrible, HHH constantly getting involved, camera on him the whole time so we don't even see D-Bry's offense. >_>
Are we supposed to be captivated by this stupid screw job finish every time? DAMN IT NO WHAT A SWERVE! It doesn't work when you do it this many times for this long.
Now tomorrow "Everyone is wondering why I did what I did...." AGAIN.
You fuckers keep watching it
Why do I seem to remember most finishers in the old days having a kick to the gut as the setup, even if it didn't make sense to the move being done
I see the only options as:
Cena vs Orton (unifying the belts under Cena)
Punk vs. Orton
and Cena vs random monthly challenger (such as Mark Henry)
Mix in some HHH/Big Show, and you have a good idea where this is headed. I have no idea what they do with Bryan at this point though, putting him against Orton is a non starter
Actually, I spend more time listening to Dave Meltzer/Bryan Alvarez (or Bryan/Vinny), the LAW and various other podcasts nowadays than actually watching wrestling.
Oh well, at least there's some New Japan stuff to watch from last Friday.
Cena still winning titles, HHH & HBK still doing their routine and Punk is doing meaningless matches....Guess he didnt change anything.
Side note what the hell is this rumor of
Cena vs Hogan at WM for the world title?...oh my god
There is a better chance if sandow cashing in than Bryan winning anything.
Are you hyped for Cena to overcome the odds and become the MOST DECORATED wrestler in WWE HISTORY?!
There's time for that, Flair only won it during his Evolution run himself. He can bury a young talent when he's past 50 for that stupid triple crown title.
Are you hyped for Cena to overcome the odds and become the MOST DECORATED wrestler in WWE HISTORY?!
Cena overcomes the odds to win the US title vs the Shield in a 3 on 1 handicap match at Survivor Series. Wins the tag titles with whoever has the WWE championship. WWE champion wins the IC title at RR. Cena vs WWE/IC/tag team partner for all da marbles at WM30!Not until he wins IC title