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October Wrasslin' |strobogo Recap OT| This title is held in abeyance



WCW Monday Nitro 7/5/99

Live from the Georgia Dome, for the last time ever.

Recap of last week, which ended in Nash laying out 8 men and walking out with Torrie and George. We then get to see that awful shit from Thunder with "Sting" attacking Nash with a bat. What we didn't see on Thunder was the girl that Sid got out of the trunk wasn't George, but was actually Torrie. SWERVE!

Nitro Girls dance. They're as in sync as the Usos.

During the show opening, you could clearly no fans in the upper bowl at all. Bret Hart will be here. Ric Flair will also be here. But more importantly, Megadeath will perform. As will the West Texas Rednecks.

Juventud Guerrera vs Chavo Guerrero Jr.

I'm kind of amazed that Nash didn't go ahead and run an angle of Juvi vs the ramp. Chavo is the one to fall on it this time. SWERVE! You can't recover from that on the same night it happens. They should have just scrapped the match. It reminds me of the time my ex girlfriend accidentally farted when she bent over and thought if she immediately kissed me that I would forget about it. They're both working heel. Not much happened. Chavo was trying to make the crowd forget he fell on his ass by awkwardly kissing the crowd, but it didn't work. Sid and Savage came out and laid both guys out for a double DQ. Sid was wearing the WCW Championship and Savage tried to kill Juvi with the elbow. Sid rambles about nice people and shit his dad said. "You've messed with this man's man. This man's mind, excuse me." Savage started to talk, but threw the mic back to Sid. Nash is on a bed of coals and there is no one there to piss on him. Nash pops up on the big screen with Torrie. He challenges Sid to another match. George walks in saying, "Did I just hear Randy?" and looking around like a baby deer. Kevin Nash, the top face, has held a woman hostage for a week now and no one besides Sid and Savage seem to have a problem with it.



DJ Ran botches his promo.

TO THE MEAN BY GOD GENE. Ric and David come to the ring. Ric strips Scott Steiner of the US Championship and gives it to David Flair. Not even a storyline for it, no mention of an injury. Just a "He hasn't been around, so I'm giving the belt to Big Dave" kind of thing. Charles Robinson and the Ho Train bring David the belt. Ric then had 10 women attack his son, but Ric then takes a few for himself. I think they're going to be tag teaming as father and son tonight. Gross. Buff comes out. He wants a match with David. Ric agrees to it. Buff starts dancing, but his music didn't play. He even asked for it to play. It never did. Instead, we got to see a bumper for Megadeath still to come.

Vampiro vs Rick Steiner WCW TV Championship

They're doing a really terrible job of keeping any of Vamp's momentum up. He shows up once a month, is super over, then vanishes. Complete squash. Match was probably 90 seconds long at the most. Rick won with his awkward submission that he still hasn't figured how to apply.

TO THE BACK. Lodi presents Lenny with new, matching tights. Lodi is insisting that WCW won't care about them. Lenny trusts Lodi. It ends with a pan to the doors which read, "Closet". Are you fucking kidding me?


Bret Hart tribute video. Too bad they had no clips of anything good since Bret was a chickenshit heel and injured for most of 1998. It talks a lot about Owen with cheesy piano music over it.

Bret Hart comes to the ring. He is very thankful to the fans and WCW for their condolences. He basically gives a eulogy for Owen. He was very proud of Owen. He's unsure of what he wants to do with his life moving forward. He mentions all the other top sports guys who were retiring in 1999 and were so happy about it, but it sucks for him. If this is his last chance to address wrestling fans, he wants to thank them and thanks all the wrestlers in locker rooms around the world.

TO THE BACK. Eddie Guerrero comes to Doug Dillinger, saying that someone stole his wallet. He knows it was a masked wrestler and wants them all round up so he can pick out the thief.

DJ Ran wastes time.

The Cat vs Jerry Flynn Kick Boxing Match

Jimmy Hart now manages Flynn. Rounds and everything. "This is gonna be awkward." Was this a response to the Brawl For All? 20 seconds left in the first round and the fans are loudly booing. Cat starts round 2 with a cartwheel kick and is reprimanded for being on the match. Flynn slips and is also reprimanded. Fans hate this. Cat is disqualified for striking a downed opponent.


Lodi vs Van Hammer

Flock kind of peters out, I guess. Hammer wins. This show sucks.

Little Ceasar's commercial with Goldberg and Meng stopping their match to have pizza in the ring.


TO THE BACK. Doug Dillinger and security round up those illegal masked men. Wait.

TO THE MEAN GENE. VP RP is the guest. Why did they need to split up Flair and Piper segments? Piper took so long to come out that Gene insinuated he was back there taking a shit. Atlanta is now the birthplace of freedom in America. Piper salutes the West Texas Rednecks because "Crap is rap", which he repeats incorrectly a few times. Piper says that he's never met Sting. Doesn't even know the guy. He invites Sting to the ring. It obviously isn't Sting. It's a guy in a Sting mask, terrible wig, and he's barely taller than Gene. He asks 6 questions to fake Sting, all revolving around Randy Savage. Fake shakes his head no for every question. Piper gives Sting a neckbreaker and pulls the mask off to reveal...someone. What a giant waste of time that was. Fans hated it. Piper books himself in a boxing match with Buff at BATB. JoJo and JUDGE MILLS LANE came out. Mills Lane will be the ref. "Let's get it on on Sundy in California, Florida!" JoJo mouthed Lane's promo the whole time. Piper for some reason was pissed about Mills Lane being the ref, even though obviously this was set up ahead of time, presumably BY Piper.

Nitro Girls dance and DJ Ran wastes more time.

Fit Finlay/Steve Regal vs Konnan/Rey Mysterio Jr.

Man, fucking Konnan is here to ruin Finlay AND Regal. Why does Konnan wear motocross knee and elbow pads? WCW has completely killed Rey and DDP for me. The Rednecks came out and caused a DQ.

David Flair vs Buff Bagwell WCW US Championship

Buff hit the Blockbuster about a minute in. Robinson wouldn't make the pin. Buff put David in the figure four and small packaged Ric. Arn got involved and then Dean hit the ring. Asya was slammed by Buff. Piper knocked Buff out and David pinned him. FIVE run ins for a 3 minute match.

. Dillinger has all the masked men in a line up. Eddie insists they have to take the masks off. we see all the guys take their masks off from behind as Eddie reacts to all the ugly faces. Weirdly, he says Hypnosis is a good looking guy. The Cheetah Kid takes his mask off to reveal TAFKATAFKAPI, who hugs Eddie. Blitz takes his mask off and Eddie laughs at him. I absolutely could have seen this working out where WCW really had 6 luchadors have to take their masks off in a random backstage segment.

Hak and Chastity hijacked the feed. The day Hak was born, he punched and choked his doctor. Sandman gives a HEATED promo and sets up a Junkyard Invitational Match at BATB since Flair won't allow hardcore matches in arenas. YO!

The West Texas Rednecks give a live performance. Perfect gets big pops and pyro when he asks how many rednecks, good old boys, and how many people hate rap. Barry isn't even touching his drums. He's air playing real drums. They played a truncated version of their song and the crowd boos heartily after the performance for wasting everyone's time.

Jersey Triad vs Dean Malenko/Saturn/Chris Benoit

These guys aren't saving this show. No one is saving this show. But especially not YA LOVE ME, YA HATE ME, YOU'LL NEVER FORGET ME DDP. He doesn't even find a way to work that into a sentence or end of a promo. That's the first thing he says. I also don't want to see Bam Bam in anything besides hardcore matches. Bam Bam missed a diving headbutt. Saturn hit a Superfly Splash and Benoit then hit a diving headbutt. Saturn made the cover.

TO THE MEGADEATH. Fuck me. I don't even like Megadeath at their best, so performing a lame song on a wrestling show is extra shitty. And it is a TERRIBLE performance. Jesus Christ. Just awful. At least 3 people sound out of tune, Mustaine looks like he doesn't even know the riff and has to keep staring at his guitar, which means he can't concentrate on lyrics. And there is a mosh pit. Fans were booing heavily after the performance until Goldberg growled, "I'm back", over the house mic. That was honestly one of the worst things I've ever seen. Besides the song being awful to being with, the performance was embarrassing. Really, really bad.


Sid vs Kevin Nash WCW Championship

Nash says Savage will never get to see George again unless he leaves with the other two broads. Fans are chanting for Goldberg instead of anything going on with the main event angle. Savage left, but hit the ring about a minute later. The ref doesn't call for the bell and lets this turn into a handicap match. There was a ref bump. Bogus Sting hits the ring. The fans pop thinking it is the real Sting, but it obviously is the fake one. He attacks Nash. The real Sting runs down a bit later. He saves Nash, only to get jackknifed for his troubles. Nash takes off with the belt and then says what's left of George is in his locker room.

TO THE BACK. We follow Savage to the back. Kind of. It actually cut to a shot of the ring and Sting walking to the back right after we were told we were following Savage to the back. Finally, we get to see Savage in the back. SEND FOR THE MAN. He flips over a table, starts choking George for being kidnapped, slaps Torrie in the face for laughing, and then THROWS GEORGE OUT OF FRAME as she's screaming, "Why are you doing this to me?". What the fuck.




DQ Count: 3 out of 8. The main event had no finish.

Let's recap the main angle. Randy Savage got mad at Kevin Nash because he beat DDP, when DDP had promised Savage a title shot. To show his anger, he put lipstick on Nash and called him gay for a few weeks. Nash then spent two weeks dumping shit on Savage. Savage then hires someone to repeatedly ram a Hummer into Nash's limo as it was pinned against a giant dumpster. Then, Nash kidnaps Savage's girlfriend and holds her hostage for a week. In the mean time, Savage has hired the Fake Sting to make Nash think the real Sting was against him, and also stole the WCW Championship. On the night that Savage is allowed to get George back, he chokes her for Nash possibly raping her, slaps her friend in the face, and then throws George, again because what Nash might have done to her.

This was the last time WCW ran the Georgia Dome. They ran it in January and had around 35K paid fans. In July, they had around 17K. I'm sure if they had tried to run it at the end of the year or in 2000, they would have had less than 10K. This whole show was AWFUL. Megadeath had one of the worst live performances of any band I've ever seen, and just for fun they had a gimmicked comedy musical performance before it. They had two fake Stings, only to have the real Sting finally show up at the end of the show, get powerbombed by someone he was helping, and slowly walk out as if cameras weren't even on him. Fans booed the shit out of the kickboxing match, Piper's fake Sting, both musical performances, and the main event. Garbage was thrown even at Sting and Nash. Fans were pissed at how shitty this show was. I'm pissed at how shitty this show was. Just terrible.

And let's not forget the two gay dudes who literally dress in the closet.

Amazing recap.

It's like I was there.

10/10 Would bang.


Nah, this is what HBK does. He does bit where he turns, but hates himself for it.

He did the same thing in the last HIAC he reffed when he super kicked Taker, but then felt bad about it. There should be an HBK special ref DVD.

Bret Hart vs Da Undataka Summerslam 1997
Triple H vs Mankind Raw 1999 (debut of the nut huggers)
Triple H vs The Rock Smackdown 1999
Triple H vs The Rock Judgement Day 2000 Iron Man Match
Triple H vs RVD Raw 2002
Elimination Chamber New Years Revolution 2005
Rob Conway vs Kane Raw 2006
John Cena vs Kenny Raw 2006
Triple H vs Da Undataka WM28 HIAC
Randy Orton vs Daniel Bryan Hell In a Cell 2013 HIAC

Wasn't there one with X-Pac when he kicked his face off, or was did he do that as commissioner?


Three transitional PPVs in a row ain't good for business.

Currently doesn't seem like it.

If the pay off, which seems to obviously seems to be HHH vs Bryan, doesn't draw..then we can say it was a failure.

Granted some people don't want to see HHH in any capacity these days. You can enjoy the show for some other aspect and if not, take up another temporary hobby.
Even if the pay off is spectacular, it can't make up for the months of abject, intelligence insulting programming. I'm sure it will make for a great WrestleMania video package, though, and sometimes it's easy to wonder if that's all they care about, as they clearly care little for presenting a coherent and compelling product week after week. Officially done with the WWE until the Rumble.


Even if the pay off is spectacular, it can't make up for the months of abject, intelligence insulting programming. I'm sure it will make for a great WrestleMania video package, though, and sometimes it's easy to wonder if that's all they care about, as they clearly care little for presenting a coherent and compelling product week after week. Officially done with the WWE until the Rumble.

It's all about the bottom line. That's all in the past anyway (the 3 ppvs). It's like when people let team losses haunt them for weeks. You just forget about em. Every week is a new week!

A lot of it comes down to tolerance. Everyone's is different.


HHH really needs to learn how to detach himself from his ego and just sit back and watch the past couple months as a wrestling fan. There is no way he could possibly thing that its good right now if he wasn't involved/the center of it.


It's all about the bottom line. That's all in the past anyway (the 3 ppvs). It's like when people let team losses haunt them for weeks. You just forget about em. Every week is a new week!

A lot of it comes down to tolerance. Everyone's is different.

You don't have to pay 55 dollars for each one of those losses though.


HHH really needs to learn how to detach himself from his ego and just sit back and watch the past couple months as a wrestling fan. There is no way he could possibly thing that its good right now if he wasn't involved/the center of it.

But in his mind he's building his HEEL character for everyone to hate so they can love Bryan even more. I mean the crowd marked hard when both Show and D.Bry attacked him.

Just a lot of screw jobs in a short period of time.
HHH really needs to learn how to detach himself from his ego and just sit back and watch the past couple months as a wrestling fan. There is no way he could possibly thing that its good right now if he wasn't involved/the center of it.

Its like he won the title himself


You don't have to pay 55 dollars for each one of those losses though.

I haven't paid a dime. I skipped Night of Champion/Battleground and Hell cost me a drink and a sandwich.

You are not guaranteed jack anyway. Luckily Summerslam was good.I bought that.


I'd say obviously it has been bad since Daniel Bryan isn't as over as he was 2 months ago, Randy Orton isn't as over as he was 2 months ago, Big Show is the only one to really get heat on Triple H, and Stephanie has castrated every face she's talked to. Slow build is one thing, but if this is supposed to go to WM and everyone is in a worse spot in 2 months, I'd say they should think about changing gears.


I'd say obviously it has been bad since Daniel Bryan isn't as over as he was 2 months ago, Randy Orton isn't as over as he was 2 months ago, Big Show is the only one to really get heat on Triple H, and Stephanie has castrated every face she's talked to. Slow build is one thing, but if this is supposed to go to WM and everyone is in a worse spot in 2 months, I'd say they should think about changing gears.

The worst part is they do the same thing to the heels, so all that happens is NO ONE is over.


So not worth it
But in his mind he's building his HEEL character for everyone to hate so they can love Bryan even more. I mean the crowd marked hard when both Show and D.Bry attacked him.

Just a lot of screw jobs in a short period of time.

The crowd also goes completely dead everytime Orton comes out on top. They didn't even care enough to boo last night. That's not good.
Stephanie is actually the worst. Remember when she returned to TV last year? Her first act was to outwit the 'master manipulator' Paul Heyman in the most obvious way possible and make him look like a total chump.

At least HHH is going to get his comeuppance. Nothing's gonna happen to Stephanie unless AJ gets involved.


Stephanie is actually the worst. Remember when she returned to TV last year? Her first act was to outwit the 'master manipulator' Paul Heyman in the most obvious way possible and make him look like a total chump.

At least HHH is going to get his comeuppance. Nothing's gonna happen to Stephanie unless AJ gets involved.

Paul: "You're setting a bad example for your children Triple H"
Stephanie instantly comes out: "You are not allowed to ever talk about my children! That's going too far automatically! By the way YOUR children hate you because you're a big fat stupidhead!"

Also Stephanie was the face.

Or how about her coming out, as a face, to bury AJ, their own women's champion, and then scripting weak comebacks by AJ so she could criticize said comebacks, then she scripted Kaitlyn and the others Divas to interrupt her so she could put them down and tell them to not interrupt her. What a great segment that really helps your wrestlers.


I think they need to change the story to Daniel Bryan winning the title as soon as possible and keeping it against all the challenges HHH throws at him until HHH himself finally steps in the ring and gets his ass kicked. Having D-Bryne not get his big win until WM isn't going to work if the booking stays the way it has been since Summerslam. Orton and Dragon are both suffering pretty hard from the booking. I can't imagine another 5 months.


So not worth it
Stephanie is actually the worst. Remember when she returned to TV last year? Her first act was to outwit the 'master manipulator' Paul Heyman in the most obvious way possible and make him look like a total chump.

At least HHH is going to get his comeuppance. Nothing's gonna happen to Stephanie unless AJ gets involved.

She's buried AJ a couple of times since then as well, so I wouldn't hope for that either.

Then again, Trips won't lose his match either, must I remind you of Punk?
The issue is that nothing's progressed since Summerslam, even down to Randy. Remember when Trips and Steph were telling him that maybe he wasn't worthy of being the face of the WWE which led him to be all violent for about a week or so? Then it was like that never happened, he's still not able to beat Bryan and HHH is still needing to step into every to save his ass despite that prior warning.

They've been treading water for way too long when they should have just had Bryan get screwed and move onto things other than Orton (say taking out the SHIELD/lackies as HHH bolsters his corperation) so that he could maintain momentum through minor victories building up to his big win. They even ruined Bryan's big pay off, taking out HHH for the first time should have been a huge moment for him, instead he's laid out moments later so the storyline can focus on the egos of HHH and HBK. They might be fucking this up worse than the Punk and they didn't even need random Nash to do it.
Stephanie makes me feel so conflicted. I want to like her because...reasons...but she's so symptomatic of a lot of what I don't like about the 'E recently, both as a face and a heel.

Jesus that's a throwback. I blocked that Twitter account years ago, like a week after I started getting back into WWE after a 5-year hiatus. I regret nothing.


I think you guys are being too hard on Stephanie. Haven't you heard her entrance music? Its pretty obvious she's just a girl with 'tude and doesn't know what to do with it.

Now welcome to the Queendom.
The Queendom, where the kings bow down.
Then relinquish your crown.
Y'all gonna hate me now.
I'll just turn that around and make you
Love me, love me, love me.


Problem with D. Bry is that they have no interesting skits/promos for him as a serious face.

It worked when he was a funny face, and I guess whatever he was as a heel, but not much going on now.

I mean the guys gimmick now is "I'm a wrestler." The pay off pretty much all have to come exclusively in the ring. So that's part of the issue. He's had only one so far against Cena..as short as it lasted.


Even if the pay off is spectacular, it can't make up for the months of abject, intelligence insulting programming. I'm sure it will make for a great WrestleMania video package, though, and sometimes it's easy to wonder if that's all they care about, as they clearly care little for presenting a coherent and compelling product week after week. Officially done with the WWE until the Rumble.
I was in the same camp until I remembered the last Rumble and just gave up.


Paul: "You're setting a bad example for your children Triple H"
Stephanie instantly comes out: "You are not allowed to ever talk about my children! That's going too far automatically! By the way YOUR children hate you because you're a big fat stupidhead!"

Also Stephanie was the face.

Or how about her coming out, as a face, to bury AJ, their own women's champion, and then scripting weak comebacks by AJ so she could criticize said comebacks, then she scripted Kaitlyn and the others Divas to interrupt her so she could put them down and tell them to not interrupt her. What a great segment that really helps your wrestlers.

I think you guys are being too hard on Stephanie. Haven't you heard her entrance music? Its pretty obvious she's just a girl with 'tude and doesn't know what to do with it.
Such majestic lyrics.
Question is, does the King of Kings relinquish his crown and bow down to the Queendom?

something something balls in a purse.


The real problem is that they're booking his promo segments completely against his strengths. He shouldn't be doing the Cena sarcastic thing at all right now. He should be pissed and angry and his promos should reflect that. He's been fucked over repeatedly for 3 months and he's had one angry promo and the rest are "But Randy is sooooo prettttyyyyy" bullshit. Why does Big Show get to be the aggressive face in this story?


The real problem is that they're booking his promo segments completely against his strengths. He shouldn't be doing the Cena sarcastic thing at all right now. He should be pissed and angry and his promos should reflect that. He's been fucked over repeatedly for 3 months and he's had one angry promo and the rest are "But Randy is sooooo prettttyyyyy" bullshit. Why does Big Show get to be the aggressive face in this story?

One thing I don't understand is why Big Show wasn't there last night. Makes no sense to me.
If they don't care, I don't care. There's:

C) MLB World Series
D) NBA Season
F) Movies
G) Good TV shows
H) PS4/Xbox One

J) A Whole Bunch of Other things

cannot be quoted enough. pissed at WWE for insulting your inteligence? watch ANYTHING else. this ain't 1983, entertainment is incredibly easy to acess.

it's a criticism i'll never cease to make but marks need to stop bitching and moaning and still watch every minute of programming Vince shits out. makes them look like idiots.

waiting for the show to get better? here's a hint: it won't.
You'll see Net_Wrecker. There will be a huge payoff. You're going to love RAW, I just know it.

If and when I love Raw, I'll let everyone know. I think that last one was the post-WM Raw. I don't hate everything, I'm not G-Nobody.

Unless you're a Triple H mark, because you know it will pay off for him in the end. And on every story beat in between.

HHH marks have had the best 10+ year run of weekly episodic television watching in history. HHH marks can die happy. They've seen it all and then some: The highs, the higher highs, the lows higher than higher highs. S'all good for Mr. H's marks.

It will pay off, in fat stacks cause IT'S GOOD FOR BUSINESS.

We'll see how many fat stacks they get without Dwayne carrying the buyrate. It'll all come crashing down soon enough.

Nothing satisfies you....except complaining.

Hey we all get off on different things.

Ahh, more quotes from the Apologist Handbook, I see.

Yes, I "get off" on complaining. It's positively great. My blood pressure LOVES it. My psychiatrist says "HEY NET_WRECKER, KEEP COMPLAINING, IT'S GOOD FOR YA."



NeoGAF's smiling token!
Paul: "You're setting a bad example for your children Triple H"
Stephanie instantly comes out: "You are not allowed to ever talk about my children! That's going too far automatically! By the way YOUR children hate you because you're a big fat stupidhead!"

Also Stephanie was the face.

Or how about her coming out, as a face, to bury AJ, their own women's champion, and then scripting weak comebacks by AJ so she could criticize said comebacks, then she scripted Kaitlyn and the others Divas to interrupt her so she could put them down and tell them to not interrupt her. What a great segment that really helps your wrestlers.
The best way for someone to get over is to publicly shame them on television and put them in their place.
We'll see how many fat stacks they get without Dwayne carrying the buyrate. It'll all come crashing down soon enough.
Hey this isn't TNA now, as long as they can create a perfect Cena clone they'll be able to stay afloat for the next 100 years.
Dr. CM Punk never returned home.

That's my joke! I'LL KILL YOU!!

In all seriousness, I'm honestly HOPING for a D. Bry firing/suspension tonight. Leaving and then coming back worked great for Cody, and it's about the only way I can see Bryan getting his big crowd reactions back. I'm also hoping that Bryan can hand Cena back the Cena microphone and have his Napoleon Complex back. He's still more likable than Cena, but his whole "sarcastic hipster" thing doesn't really work, as he's simply not that GOOD on the mic, all things considered.


Yes, I "get off" on complaining. It's positively great. My blood pressure LOVES it. My psychiatrist says "HEY NET_WRECKER, KEEP COMPLAINING, IT'S GOOD FOR YA."


You should apologize to yourself . No one else to blame really if you keep watching something you hate.
New top 5 for October

5) AJ
4) Santino
3) Cody and Goldust
2) Real Americans
1) Fandango & Summer Rae

anyone involved in the main events the past month have completely fallen from grace
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