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October Wrasslin' |strobogo Recap OT| This title is held in abeyance

Why isn't Daniel Bryan the one with the lawsuit? Why isn't Daniel Bryan being pushed like this? Why isn't Big Show the one the Wyatts put in the hospital? WHY ARE THE CROWD CHEERING THIS SHIT!?

There's gotta be something happening behind the scenes for all this. There HAS to be. Big Show gave Hunter a handjob, Daniel Bryan decided he didn't WANT to be a big star, Steph was discovered fingering herself to pictures of guys with beards, SOMETHING. At least with Nash, it was one of HHH's buddies involved, so you at least understand it, to some degree. But what value could Big Show possibly have over Daniel Bryan?

Why isn't Daniel Bryan the one with the lawsuit? Why isn't Daniel Bryan being pushed like this? Why isn't Big Show the one the Wyatts put in the hospital? WHY ARE THE CROWD CHEERING THIS SHIT!?

There's gotta be something happening behind the scenes for all this. There HAS to be. At least with Nash, it was one of HHH's buddies involved. But what value could Big Show possibly have over Daniel Bryan?


This is why I cheer for Cena, because I'll always be happy.
Why isn't Daniel Bryan the one with the lawsuit? Why isn't Daniel Bryan being pushed like this? Why isn't Big Show the one the Wyatts put in the hospital? WHY ARE THE CROWD CHEERING THIS SHIT!?

There's gotta be something happening behind the scenes for all this. There HAS to be. Big Show gave Hunter a handjob, Daniel Bryan decided he didn't WANT to be a big star, Steph was discovered fingering herself to pictures of guys with beards, SOMETHING. At least with Nash, it was one of HHH's buddies involved. But what value could Big Show possibly have over Daniel Bryan?


He's getting married and needs time off.
Why isn't Daniel Bryan the one with the lawsuit? Why isn't Daniel Bryan being pushed like this? Why isn't Big Show the one the Wyatts put in the hospital? WHY ARE THE CROWD CHEERING THIS SHIT!?

There's gotta be something happening behind the scenes for all this. There HAS to be. Big Show gave Hunter a handjob, Daniel Bryan decided he didn't WANT to be a big star, Steph was discovered fingering herself to pictures of guys with beards, SOMETHING. At least with Nash, it was one of HHH's buddies involved, so you at least understand it, to some degree. But what value could Big Show possibly have over Daniel Bryan?


I feel you, but you don't want Wyatt/Show


Something about the fall and winter months must energize Cena. Last year, he overcame three finishers from Ziggler, interference from Big E and having a cage door slammed into his head as hard as anyone in wrestling history and he still won that cage match in a walk.

Yesterday, after returning two months early from a potentially career-ending surgery, he takes brutal punishment to his still-healing arm for 5 minutes before having the devastating crossarmbreaker applied and still manages to overcome the odds by standing up in the hold, picking up his opponent with the damaged and locked arm and winning the match single-handedly from there. Sometimes, he looked chipper and spry as if he managed to temporarily forget the pain altogether. Even Del Rio got in a smile at Cena's persistence at one point.

Today, with the same arm that suffered the damage from last night, he took another 10 minutes of severe punishment that started with hits from steel steps and repeated chairshots while the arm was braced against the same steel steps. This on top of headshots with a briefcase and a knee injury into the match. Cena didn't let that stop him from not only winning the match, not only winning the match after suffering three would-be-match-ending moves, but winning it with a pin as he stopped a cheap count-out victory and, with just one arm, dragged his opponent back into the ring for a fair-and-square match ending between the ropes.

What a swell guy.

The man who photoshopped HBK's leg has more skill at his profession than John Cena does at his. I really want to know what the locker room thinks when they see stuff like that. Is it demoralizing or is in-ring storytelling of that (lack of) caliber just that big a part of the profession these days?


I'm dissapointed Bryan is going to propose to Brie on Total Divas instead of the center of the WWE Universe.

He's getting married and needs time off.

But he wasn't engaged when they started all this shit, I don't think. And even then, that's what, a few weeks? He should have been fired tonight for kneeing HHH and attacking HBK, then he could have come back hot at Survivor Series or Royal Rumble.

I tried to hold on as long as I could, guys. Really, I did. I still think they probably have some kind of long-term plan in mind, but it just CANNOT work, now, unless they do something nuclear like have Daniel Bryan start a new Degeneration X-type rogue stable... which they won't do, and which he wouldn't be right for, anyway.


Edit: Wyatt/Show would be a necessary evil to have D.Bry be as over as Big Show is right now. ...which is how over he was when Cena selected him for Summerslam, really, so he would've been MORE over. I don't think it could be worse than Wyatt/Kane was, anyway.


I just started following these guys. The Terry Funk and Seth Rollins impressions are fucking killing me.

they're fucking GOLD

holy shit you can make belts and PUT FACES ON THE PLATES!




I thought the point of giving Sandow the briefcase was to facilitate a Cody Rhodes face turn. It did but I thought it would go farther and have Cody win the briefcase from him and cash in on ADR.

Now, I'm super happy that we got the Rhodes storyline we did. Goldust looks awesome and it's clearly getting Cody over with fans. I just hope we see Cody get to run with the ball sooner than later. He's a great wrestler and I think his promos are quite underrated.

I just see all of this as a weird clusterfuck. Bryan got pops and he fucked up HBK! HBK is a fucking legend. But now Bryan, after months of being fucked with by Triple H and Co. is now feuding with Bray Wyatt? Why does Big Show get the same goddamn spot Bryan was in and is already booked stronger? AND THE OTHER SUPERSTARS HELPED HIM RIGHT OFF THE BAT! What the fuck.

Are they going to unite the titles? If so, why? Does the IC fill that spot? Is Trips finally getting his cruiserweight division? Does it REALLY have to be John Cena holding the WHC? Can't he get wrapped up in a title-less feud? What if he was a tag team for a bit? Maybe use him to elevate a younger heel? Can't they let Mark run with it? Or hell, can't we let Mark beat on Orton? They work well together.

Unpredictability in wrestling should be cool and exciting but it's frustrating. Like they have no idea what they're doing with ANY of these storylines.
The only way any of this makes sense to me is if Big Show SWERVES everyone, turns heel, and reveals he was in cahoots with The Authority the whole time, and they just wanted D. Bry to have a David vs. Goliath match for his big title win.

Fuck, I wish Meltzer would get the dirt on this.

Edit: I reiterate my idea - have Cody win the briefcase from Sandow, THEN have him be fired, THEN have him sneak in and cash it in on ADR. That'd make him mega over, be unpredictable, and make for entertaining TV. Don't get me wrong, I love the Goldust teamup, but that booking makes sense and doesn't make Sandow look like a stupid weak chump.
God, I'm just being reminded about how dumb the whole "Big Show is afraid of hurting his friend Daniel Bryan!" thing was, because 1. they totally were not friends and 2. way to make bryan look like a chump

Edit: Wyatt/Show would be a necessary evil to have D.Bry be as over as Big Show is right now. ...which is how over he was when Cena selected him for Summerslam, really, so he would've been MORE over. I don't think it could be worse than Wyatt/Kane was, anyway.

It'd probably be better, but Wyatt has already been paired up with too many mediocre/shit guys who aren't good for making guys look good. Show ain't bad, but he's not a good opponent for him. Dolph was a good guy for him to be put with but they just did one match and finished it (although apparently there was more on Main Event). WWE needs some good midcard babyfaces, or at least some local no-name jobbers.
Didn't we have Big Show vs Orton after Mania?

I can't remember after the haze of booking mediocrity but wasn't it Sheamus/Show/Orton vs. The Shield? Then it was Sheamus vs Orton to figure out who faced the dastardly Big Show.

I'm probably going to take a break from WWE and just catch up to other stuff. My only exposure to the product will be the LAW family of shoes, MLW, etc.

that reminds me


poor christian, man
Didn't we have Big Show vs Orton after Mania?

I can't remember after the haze of booking mediocrity but wasn't it Sheamus/Show/Orton vs. The Shield? Then it was Sheamus vs Orton to figure out who faced the dastardly Big Show.

I'm probably going to take a break from WWE and just catch up to other stuff. My only exposure to the product will be the LAW family of shoes, MLW, etc.

Yep, at Extreme Rules. Orton brought out the punt.
Yep, at Extreme Rules. Orton brought out the punt.

Oh well. Reversed roles. Now Big Show is the boa constrictor, mamba or whatever.

The one thing that bugs me is with all of this McMahon/Show/Orton/Bryan/Etc, it sort of over shadows everything else.

Ziggler, Big E, Cesaro, Los Jobberdores, Santino, Diva division (which still laughable has like 3X the talent of TNA knock outs), etc are all kind of lost in the shuffle. And there aren't any real heels at the moment besides Wyatt's, Shield, Orton and the power couple. Maybe it's just a storyline thing.

Everyone keeps bagging on WWE but TNA is turdtastic right now. Like Dusty used to say, these are some hard times.


So not worth it
The only reason Cena gets a WHC title run, is so he can win the title, and win against Sandow's cash-in as well.

As you may remember, Cena was the first person to lose a cash-in attempt, so him burying Sandow only makes sense.

Maybe they go with Sandow winning the title off Cena and feuding with Cena. I could see the back and forth with those two being a good secondary program, plus if Sandow is going to be upper mid card or main event he needs something big like a win vs Cena to make him believable.

Cena already put over Bryan this decade, he won't do it for someone else until 2020.

Fuck this company.
Fuck this company.

It's pro wrestling.

Honestly, I knew Sandow was going to lose. If he did win, then what? He would've turned into another Ziggler, Bryan 1.0 or Jack Swagger. They jobbed him out hard for the last half a year. He's flipped flopped as a heel/face the last few weeks. It was going to be hard to get him over. Not to say he's not entertaining. But he's definitely Italy a joke character right now.

AND Smackdown needed a star. Cena is that person (sucks for him, as I just don't see any meaningful feuds since there aren't any strong heels right now). Del Rio wasn't going anywhere.


Just for kicks I watched some Cena matches from 2003/2004 last night. They were great

Where did it all go wrong.

I remember watching the wrestling in 2003/2004 and thinking it was crap compared to the previous years.

It looks like a million bucks compared to what they are pumping out now.

EDIT: also, Kurt Angle interviewing Mix and Ryback when they were in Tough Enough. Lol

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
King on commentary mentions 'Bret lost to his brother earlier in the night' during the match with Yokozuna on 2k14

Cena had a great matchwood it's Bryan at the last good PPV. He also had a great tv match with Punk prior to Mania.

Dude can go when he needs to. I was a little surprised with how hip hoppy he sounded today versus church/motivational/sarcastic he's been the last few years. And the crowd seemed generally I favor of him.


Did you guys see that ending!? Stone Cold Big Show is fighting for US! BIG SHOW BIG SHOW BIG SHOW! YES YES YES!


Did you guys see that ending!? Stone Cold Big Show is fighting for US! BIG SHOW BIG SHOW BIG SHOW! YES YES YES!



Lets see, Big Show has been fired, has a restraining order against him, and is suing HHH/Steph for millions of dollars which might result in them losing the company, but he has new official WWE merchandise?
Not caught up with the comments yet but just watching raw now

I bet people are complaining about Cena not selling but to be fair he sold the arm all match, it wasn't booked great but that's hardly Cenas fault, decent match as well


Sandow was pretty stupid for attempting a cash-in like he did. He attacked Cena outside the ring and gave him time to recoup and get inside the ring. He should have waited till a tough defense to cash-in.

However, the ruling where you have to wait on your opponent to be on their feet and ready to fight negates the whole opportunist cash-in advantage.....so if you're a mid-carder with the briefcase, you're still just a mid-carder with a title shot.
Dragon Gate this Sunday.

How about supporting some wrestling that's actually worth a damn, rather than incessantly complaining about the WWE? No? Well, carry on then.


Osaka BODYMAKER Colosseum

1. Jimmy Susumu, Ryo "Jimmy" Saito & Jimmy Kanda vs. Super Shisa, Shachihoko BOY & Ryotsu Shimizu
2. 3 Way Match: Mr. Que Que Tanizaki Naoki Toyonaka Dolphin & Jimmy Kagetora vs. Kzy & Mondai Ryu vs. Don Fujii & Gamma
3. CIMA, Masaaki Mochizuki, Tsubasa & CIBA vs. U-T, Former Super Shenlong III: Yosuke Watanabe, Flamita & Rocky Lobo
4. Open the Brave Gate Title: Genki Horiguchi H.A.Gee.Mee!! (c) vs. Anthony Nese
5. Open the Twin Gate Unified Tag Title, Decision Match: T-Hawk & Eita vs. Dragon Kid & K-ness
6. Open the Triangle Gate Title: YAMATO, BxB Hulk & Cyber Kong (c) vs. Shingo Takagi, Akira Tozawa & Uhaa Nation
7. Open the Dream Gate Title: Masato Yoshino (c) vs. Naruki Doi

Then, New Japan next Wednesday;

Tokyo Korakuen Hall

1. Super Jr's Tag Tournament - Semi-Final: Jado & Gedo vs. The Young Bucks
2. Super Jr's Tag Tournament - Semi-Final: BUSHI & Valiente vs. Forever Hooligans
3. Hiroyoshi Tenzan, KUSHIDA & Captain New Japan vs. Jushin 'Thunder' Liger, Tiger Mask & Manabu Nakanishi
4. Yuji Nagata vs. Takashi Iizuka
5. Tomoaki Honma vs. Bad Luck Fale
6. Shinsuke Nakamura, Brian Kendrick & Baretta vs. Minoru Suzuki, TAKA Michinoku & Taichi
7. Hiroshi Tanahashi, Togi Makabe, Tetsuya Naito & Kota Ibushi vs. Masato Tanaka, Yujiro Takahashi, Tomohiro Ishii & Toru Yano
8. Kazuchika Okada & YOSHI-HASHI vs. Prince Devitt & Karl Anderson
9. Super Jr's Tag Tournament - FINAL

Lastly, on Saturday the 9th;

NJPW, "POWER STRUGGLE", 2013.11.09
Osaka BODYMAKER Colosseum

1. Special Tag Match: Togi Makabe & Kota Ibushi vs. Prince Devitt & Bad Luck Fale
2. Special Tag Match: Yuji Nagata & Kazushi Sakuraba vs. Toru Yano & Takashi Iizuka
3. Special Singles Match: Tomoaki Honma vs. Katsuyori Shibata
4. Special Singles Match: Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Tomohiro Ishii
5. IWGP Tag Team Title & NWA World Tag Team Title, 3 Way Match: Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Satoshi Kojima (c) vs. Lance Archer & Davey Boy Smith Jr. (c) vs. Rob Conway & Jax Dane
6. NEVER Openweight Title & Tokyo Dome IWGP Heavyweight Title Contendership: Tetsuya Naito (c) vs. Masato Tanaka
7. IWGP Intercontinental Title: Shinsuke Nakamura (c) vs. Minoru Suzuki
8. IWGP Heavyweight Title: Kazuchika Okada (c) vs. Karl Anderson
Yeah, that match is sure to be something special. I'm sure Anderson vs Okada will be good as well, but I'm struggling to care - why does Karl always get title shots when it's obvious he isn't going to win? No way Okada drops the belt before the Dome.
How about supporting some wrestling that's actually worth a damn, rather than incessantly complaining about the WWE? No? Well, carry on then.

I was watching you last night. You said you were done with WWE until the rumble...I said "Is this different when it comes from Bootaaay?" Most fans bitch and come back. You didn't.

I was watching you last night. You said you were done with WWE until the rumble...I said "Is this different when it comes from Bootaaay?" Most fans bitch and come back. You didn't.


It's easy to leave when there's so much good wrestling on offer elsewhere. Including the World Tag League opener, there's 4 iPPVs from Japan in November, probably at least one in December and then Wrestle Kingdom 8 on January 4th (I think I'll make an OT for that in the main forum, btw). There's at least one more PWG DVD this year, a few ROH shows that could be worth checking out and a couple of DGUSA iPPVs. Plus, I'm going to PROGRESS Chapter 10 later this month and the debut of Tidal Pro in London on December 1st, seeing the likes of Adam Cole, Eddie Kingston, Chuck Taylor, Noam Dar, GRADO, Tommy End, Colt Cabana, etc.


I can't get over the arrogance of Strobogo to post one of his recaps in the middle of Raw.

That's hardcore.

It was Thunder. No one was going to read it anyway. I sent it out there to die. If I was looking for ratings, I would have put it on right after Raw ended, but I was going to be asleep before that. Get out of my face.

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