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October Wrasslin' |strobogo Recap OT| This title is held in abeyance


It's pro wrestling.

Honestly, I knew Sandow was going to lose. If he did win, then what? He would've turned into another Ziggler, Bryan 1.0 or Jack Swagger. They jobbed him out hard for the last half a year. He's flipped flopped as a heel/face the last few weeks. It was going to be hard to get him over. Not to say he's not entertaining. But he's definitely Italy a joke character right now.

AND Smackdown needed a star. Cena is that person (sucks for him, as I just don't see any meaningful feuds since there aren't any strong heels right now). Del Rio wasn't going anywhere.

Bryan as WHC was actually a really good run, and not counting the 18 second ending, he actually basically never lost as champion.


Cena wins lol...

I can't even say i'm surprised any more. I haven't watched Raw or Smackdown for what must be three years now (except when Christian became champion) and i'm now down to just watching Mania/RR and reading the reports for RAW. All the while hoping something will change.

One day maybe, one day.


So Cener's up to 14 WWE/World title reigns, and Randy Orton is up to 11. Keep in mind Orton is just 33 years old... lol

See some results. Sucks about Sandow and his briefcase. Total waste.


Two briefcases have now been wasted to push Cena.....

the first used in his failed MITB attempt to push the fact that Cena is above being an opportunist and will be the only superstar in history to cash in with a fair match

the second used in Sandow's failed MITB attempt to push the fact that Cena is now superman and cannot be affected by injuries.


So not worth it
Imagine being told you're going to win the briefcase, knowing it's almost a guarantee you'll get a big push down the line and then a few months later being told you're going to be fed to Cena so the crowd can "believe him to be a viable champion."

Man, that must make you want to legit punch people in the face just so you can get fired and go work in the indies.
*Looks at Raw results*



formerly cjelly
The ending to Raw was kind of bad.

I was waiting for Kane to come out and beat down Big Show, but I guess that will happen next week. It all just fell a little flat.


So not worth it
Kane as the reluctant corporate monster doesn't sound too appealing.

That was the weirdest segment. I don't even get the reasoning, why does Steph suddenly get power over him? Maybe he was just sick of wearing that mask.

Last thing this company needs is Big Show vs. Kane in any form or fashion.


Man so I don't know wtf is going I guess.

So... Cena vs Orton?

Punk/Bryan vs Wyatt?

Show vs HHH?

Is this where the ball is rolling?

Stupid Hulu ..update!


Honestly, I think Big Show vs Orton is just filler to keep from going to the Orton vs Bryan well too often. Bryan / Punk vs the Wyatt Family as Heyman (or corporate) pawns is a way to go if Bryan needs a new direction to fill time before the Rumble.

In reality though, I think it's wrong to change directions on this. They should keep Bryan in the main event picture till they finally pull the trigger. Bryan has already been squashed too much in this angle and people are starting to lose interest. A mid-card feud might bring some of that back, but you want Bryan to be seen as main event level talent. Not someone who tried and failed to push through the corporate glass ceiling.


So not worth it
I'm fine with Bryan not challenging for the title. As I said yesterday, they've now buried him to a point where giving him a title run now would not do anything for the guy. They now need to build him back up to the Rumble, give him the #1 to #30 run and win and have him win the belt at Mania.

What they need to do with Bryan is have the match with Michaels (seriously, if they don't do this all of this shit is for nothing) and go over clean, with Michaels raising his hand and paying his respect and then fill some time at TLC with someone, maybe with Ambrose or even a face vs. face thing with Punk where he goes over strong.

All in all, right now, Bryan needs to be involved in the main event angle, having segments with Big Show against The Shield, Trips, Kane and Orton every week. But he needs to not be allowed to challenge for the title anywhere between now until he wins the Rumble.


I thought RAW was alright last night, guys. The Cena/Sandow match was good I thought, I pretty much assumed Sandow wasn't going to win the match because of how he cashed in so I wasn't bothered at all when Cena actually won. The one downside from last night though...that Kane guy being back. Oh and the Miz. I can't remember if the Miz was actually on the show last night but he's the Miz... and he's awful.


So not worth it
I thought RAW was alright last night, guys. The Cena/Sandow match was good I thought, I pretty much assumed Sandow wasn't going to win the match because of how he cashed in so I wasn't bothered at all when Cena actually won. The one downside from last night though...that Kane guy being back. Oh and the Miz. I can't remember if the Miz was actually on the show last night but he's the Miz... and he's awful.

The Miz was squashed.

And JBL said "Maybe everyone hates MizTV, Michael, ever think of that?"

It was the best thing on Raw last night.


I guess Cena having the World Heavyweight Championship is best for business. It allows that title to be elevated by being featured on both shows, plus it allows WWE to have Cena in a title picture without changing their ongoing plans for the WWE Championship. It's also probably better to have Cena with that belt than any of the other options on Smackdown.

So Cena as WHC is best for business.


That belt will do nothing for whoever gets it after Cena. It'll take a team of eight people to screw him out of it and he'll come back a month later and squash them all in a non-title match. All Cena having the WHC does is block anyone moving from the lower/mid-card to the main event or upper mid-card. Or are they gonna have Wade Barrett come back and be the credible threat we've been waiting for?

Honestly, I don't see that title becoming more important than the WWE title and none of the regular talent range has been booked as anywhere close to a threat. Its just all garbage and its crazy how like 2-3 people can fuck up an entire roster.


That belt will do nothing for whoever gets it after Cena. It'll take a team of eight people to screw him out of it and he'll come back a month later and squash them all in a non-title match. All Cena having the WHC does is block anyone moving from the lower/mid-card to the main event or upper mid-card. Or are they gonna have Wade Barrett come back and be the credible threat we've been waiting for?

Honestly, I don't see that title becoming more important than the WWE title and none of the regular talent range has been booked as anywhere close to a threat. Its just all garbage and its crazy how like 2-3 people can fuck up an entire roster.

I don't think it's meant to do anything for anyone but Cena. I'm perfectly fine with the WHC being the Cena belt.

Cena will face random Smackdown mid-card jobbers and defend it till kingdom come. He'll send the Cena fans home happy while allowing WWE to do whatever it wants with the Raw main title.
Just for kicks I watched some Cena matches from 2003/2004 last night. They were great

Where did it all go wrong.

I remember watching the wrestling in 2003/2004 and thinking it was crap compared to the previous years.

It looks like a million bucks compared to what they are pumping out now.

EDIT: also, Kurt Angle interviewing Mix and Ryback when they were in Tough Enough. Lol

Cena wrestled on SD and that was when Heyman was in charge. He knows how to bring out their strengths while hiding their weaknesses. Plus, with SD being taped, edits could be done, removed botches, bad angles, etc.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
We got a tag team match, playas!

Edit: Who am I kidding? I'm still fucking devastated. How can a company with so much money be so incompetent at booking? Was this a Vince thing? A Paul thing? A Sandow fuckup backstage? How could anyone ever think Cena needs that rub?

RAW screamed "Vince."

Seems almost like a reboot of sorts, like they're scrapping all the plans they had for no reason and going with something else. That's trademark Vince. HHH is much more traditional in the way he approaches booking.


I don't think it's meant to do anything for anyone but Cena. I'm perfectly fine with the WHC being the Cena belt.

Cena will face random Smackdown mid-card jobbers and defend it till kingdom come. He'll send the Cena fans home happy while allowing WWE to do whatever it wants with the Raw main title.

Do they have to sign a new contract with SyFy soon or something? May be Cena is just an attempt to raise ratings there and make it the most socially active show THEN NOW and FOREVER.


I don't think it's meant to do anything for anyone but Cena. I'm perfectly fine with the WHC being the Cena belt.

Cena will face random Smackdown mid-card jobbers and defend it till kingdom come. He'll send the Cena fans home happy while allowing WWE to do whatever it wants with the Raw main title.

Times like these you wish the brand split existed.


Do they have to sign a new contract with SyFy soon or something? May be Cena is just an attempt to raise ratings there and make it the most socially active show THEN NOW and FOREVER.

I think they recognize Cena's days as a main attraction are done for now. He might have another run in him down the line, but he's no longer in the big picture. Making him WHC keeps him at the top level and satisfies the fans who like to see him overcome the odds month after month without putting him in the main feud.

Last night basically set up Cena as the Superman champ of Smackdown. It will take incredible odds and some big star (insert Bo Dallas gif) to bring him down.


So not worth it
I think they recognize Cena's days as a main attraction are done for now. He might have another run in him down the line, but he's no longer in the big picture. Making him WHC keeps him at the top level and satisfies the fans who like to see him overcome the odds month after month without putting him in the main feud.

Cena has transcended titles, that much is for sure, the WWE title is best off elsewhere to elevate talent rather than wasted on a guy that is on the same level regardless if he holds the WWE belt or not.

But don't for a second think Cena is not the top dog and main focus going forward. Must I remind you of Punk midcarding PPV's for a year as WWE champ while Cena was main eventing?


So not worth it
I doubt even Cena can main event with the WHC.

He can. And he will. Maybe at TLC.

Did anyone notice that every PPV for the past year or two started with the WHC title match, yet on Sunday it was suddenly the second to last match (not counting the Divas cooldown match)?


I doubt even Cena can main event with the WHC.

With Triple H in the Main Event picture this will not happen.

Also for the Punk and Bryan team up:

Regarding the CM Punk and Daniel Bryan vs. The Wyatt Family feud that was set up on RAW last night, it's described as not a burial of Bryan or Punk but Bryan is indeed out of the WWE Title picture, at least for now. The feud is being done to elevate Bray Wyatt and The Wyatt Family.

A four-on-four match is being planned for Survivor Series with The Wyatt Family and one other Superstar vs. Punk, Bryan and two other Superstars.

So Bryan is basically now doing the stone cold thing after he lost the title where he feuded with the Undertaker before the Royal Rumble. Who is there two team mates? Is it going be Ziggler and the Miz?


Cena has transcended titles, that much is for sure, the WWE title is best off elsewhere to elevate talent rather than wasted on a guy that is on the same level regardless if he holds the WWE belt or not.

But don't for a second think Cena is not the top dog and main focus going forward. Must I remind you of Punk midcarding PPV's for a year as WWE champ while Cena was main eventing?

I don't think so, based mainly on Cena being added to all Smackdown's going on. I think they are looking to use his starpower to push both the World title and SD, which have fallen off massively in recent years.
I know it's Cena, and he's still going Cenawinslol as evidenced by RAW, but I don't think he figures into their current main event plans (that is, the WWE title picture). I'd wager this is on account of him not originally being due back til January. He's back early and they're putting him in his own spot on the card.

Same with Punk and Bryan for now, they're not in the WWE title picture but are still important to the WWE, so they're getting their own spot (which isn't a mid card spot, more like the Punkverse Punk was in for the last few months). I would expect Punk, Bryan and Cena to join the main event story around the Royal Rumble, in time for Wrestlemania season.

And fuck it, I'm sick of Bryan/Orton anyway, and I'm not going to pass up a Bryan/Punk tag team.


With Triple H in the Main Event picture this will not happen.

Also for the Punk and Bryan team up:

So Bryan is basically now doing the stone cold thing after he lost the title where he feuded with the Undertaker before the Royal Rumble. Who is there two team mates? Is it going be Ziggler and the Miz?

Bryan is basically learning how to be Stone Cold without actually being Stone Cold.

HBK taught him DTA, Big Show is teaching him how to go against the McMahons (authority) and now he's getting a lesson in time killer feuds.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Seriously, WWE just hit the "reset" button on everything they'd been doing since MitB in July, and the slowbuild they had going for Daniel Bryan has been systematically dismantled over the last few months. Anyone who thinks this is HHH's doing and not Vince's is blind. Putting all the pieces in place and then not pulling the trigger is what Vince does.


So not worth it
If HBK really won't wrestle, I would mark the fuck out if Michaels kept claiming he thought Bryan how to wrestle (to his credit, he said "the basics") untill a few Raw's from now Regal's music hits and we get a Survivor Series Team HBK vs. Team Regal match.

Seriously, WWE just hit the "reset" button on everything they'd been doing since MitB in July, and the slowbuild they had going for Daniel Bryan has been systematically dismantled over the last few months. Anyone who thinks this is HHH's doing and not Vince's is blind. Putting all the pieces in place and then not pulling the trigger is what Vince does.

I think their plan was always for Bryan to win the Rumble and become champ at Mania though, so I doubt there was any reset button involved in the main event angle.


Seriously, WWE just hit the "reset" button on everything they'd been doing since MitB in July, and the slowbuild they had going for Daniel Bryan has been systematically dismantled over the last few months. Anyone who thinks this is HHH's doing and not Vince's is blind. Putting all the pieces in place and then not pulling the trigger is what Vince does.

We all knew the trigger wouldn't be pulled on Bryan till Mania. The thing is, WWE does not know how to fill that much time in an angle, or how to even stick to long term plans if they have them developed for an angle.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
We all knew the trigger wouldn't be pulled on Bryan till Mania. The thing is, WWE does not know how to fill that much time in an angle, or how to even stick to long term plans if they have them developed for an angle.

That's the problem. They drag things out that have no reason to be dragged out, making you think they're building to something more, when they're really not. That's a Vince thing.

At least with Punk vs. Heyman they had the "payoff" of Punk getting his hands of Heyman.

With Bryan, there was basically no point at all to the last 4 screwjobs, no payoff whatsoever, no real transition away from the program, even. It's just being put on the backburner for now Which makes me believe that Vince had another one of his mood swings.


That's the problem. They drag things out that have no reason to be dragged out, making you think they're building to something more, when they're really not. That's a Vince thing.

At least with Punk vs. Heyman they had the "payoff" of Punk getting his hands of Heyman.

With Bryan, there was basically no point at all to the last 4 screwjobs, no payoff whatsoever, no real transition away from the program, even. It's just being put on the backburner for now Which makes me believe that Vince had another one of his mood swings.

We don't know that. They are hinting someone is behind the Wyatt attacks with him saying the Devil made him do it.
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