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October Wrasslin' |strobogo Recap OT| This title is held in abeyance

Man God

Non-Canon Member
He was injured, but he also took the first 3 months of the year off just because, stayed around for 2 months, took the Summer off, came back for 2 months, and then was gone again. He was gone for about 8 1/2 months of 2000.

What a lot of people don't know is that he basically did this throughout the 90's. It definitely helped keep him fresh so he could waste away whatever remained of his physical health/last of whatever give a fuck he had about in ring work in TNA.




WCW Bash at the Beach 7/11/99

I haven't done a drunk PPV for a while, and if there was ever one to do it for, it has to be this one. You want to know how they opened this show? By throwing to DJ Ran playing Limp Bizkit. They might have just started out with Konnan taking a shit in the ring. I get really annoyed that they always spend so much time running down the PPV card at the start of all of them. People ordered the show, you don't need to remind them what they're paying for. In fact, it is probably best if you don't.

The Cat vs Disco Inferno

You guys know I love Disco, but this isn't a PPV match at all. Cat decides to have a dance off rematch before the match. It goes the same way as the last one, except Disco attacked and Cat stalled on the floor. Disco straight up tackles Cat and goes to work with some taint based offense. It goes to the floor. Sonny laid in some kicks and Cat got thrown into the rail. I'm pretty sure Disco is a full face now. I like that. I wish he could get a real push. I think he could have been a US Championship level guy for a few months at least. Disco hit Cat with the ruby slipper. Cat kicked out anyway. The best thing about Cat is that when he kicks out, he makes sure to have the 3 fingers up. He did a lot of small things right, but wasn't interesting enough in the ring to match them. He won with a Wizard of Oz kick.


Fat fuck Mark Madden was talking to Mills Lane on WCW.com.

Rick Steiner vs Van Hammer WCW TV Championship

The pre match package shows Van Hammer getting bullshit wins against Hugh and Disco instead of any of the dominate victories he's had to get a title shot. Rick mentions that he and his brother do whatever they want around here. You mean like not show up for a month? You know what is great for PPVs? Shitty heel vs heel matches that no one cares about at all. Rick Steiner has a regular spot of piledriving or DDTing people on the concrete. He did a DDT this time and tried to make a pin on the floor. And then hit the ref for not counting it. It wasn't a DQ. Rick Steiner is an asshole. I can't believe no one ever knocked him on his ass for taking liberties in the ring. Hammer hit him with a chair. Also not a DQ. I think Rick bit Hammer in the dick. Then hit two blatant low blows in front of the ref. None of this was a DQ. Top rope bulldog for the win.

We see a shot of the Junkyard. Tenay is outside of it with Scott Dickinson, who is holding a trophy made of what looks to be an old power saw and a microphone.

David Flair vs Dean Malenko WCW US Championship

Dean immediately takes David to wrasslin school. Dean locked on the Cloverleaf. Arn wouldn't let the ref ring the fucking bell and gave him a spinebuster that the cameras missed since they were focused on Ric on the floor. Charles Robinson came in the ring and put a ref shirt on. Why wasn't he the ref to begin with? Asya got in the ring and Dean had no problem kicking that big bitch in the gut and slamming her before putting her in the Cloverleaf. Ric hit Dean with the US Championship and David pinned him. David retains in a 3 minute match that basically was just a finishing sequence. God damn, this show is off to a terrible start.


No Limit Soldiers vs West Texas Rednecks

Every match so far has had a 2-3 minute video package. You know how WWE have always done these great video packages that tell the story of the match and get you pumped to see it? All WCW does is just air big chunks of promo segments straight. No drama or talent in putting them together. The most basic, generic, easy, and time filling way they possibly could do it. This is an elimination match. Brad Armstrong and SWOLL are the other two NLS. SWOLL made $400,000 for about 3 months of work. Barry and Rey start out. I'd rather them just have a singles match. Brad Armstrong trying to act like a thug is awful. He isn't Road Dogg. The only move SWOLL can do is a weird kung fu clothesline. Kendall tried to kick Rey's head off. I hate NLS and Filthy Animal Rey as much as Konnan and Triad DDP. SWOLL eliminates Bobby Duncum. BA is out to the Perfect Plex. Konnan eliminates Kendall. Konnan and Barry are both counted out when some asshole picks Barry up and carries him to the back. Nick Patrick didn't give a shit about this guy blatantly interfering. We're doing to Perfect vs Rey and SWOLL. Barry came back in the ring, as did the dude who carried him to the back. Perfect tried to leave, but ran into 2x4. Rey pinned him after the old Snuka/Andre spot.



Junkyard Invitational

I can't do a play by play of this. Wrestlers in the match: Brian Knobs, Hak, Public Enemy, Horace, Fit Finlay,Steve Regal, Silver King, La Parka, Dave Taylor, Ciclope, Hugh Morrus, Mikey Whipwreck. This is terrible. You can't see shit, it's dark, half the shots are via helicopter. In the shots that aren't via helicopter, you can hear dudes calling spots and telling each other to get in place. Someone tried to commit homicide by putting someone in a trunk, and then putting the car in a crusher. Finlay is the first to escape, so he wins. This is one of the dumbest things ever on a wrestling show. It cost $1 MILLION, everyone was injured, and about half the guys involved were injured enough that they had to go to the hospital and miss ring time. I would say just about all of the injuries weren't even seen since there were so many guys over such a wide area that there wasn't enough time to concentrate on anything for more than a few seconds at a time. Remember the 10 minute Flair beat down from earlier in the year? Imagine that, but as a match.





Jersey Triad vs Chris Benoit/Saturn WCW Tag Team Championships.

Triad is the worst. Their catchphrases are awful, but even worse, they aren't even worked into a promo. It's something like "Isn't that right, Kanyon?" and then right into BADA BING BADA BOOM BADA BANG. So far, there hasn't been a single good thing on this show. Nothing at all. I don't think Kanyon can save this show for me. I've seen this match about 4 times in the last month and a half. This shit is really testing me. If I hadn't been drinking and went on a 20 mile bike ride today, I don't think I could watch this show. But since I'm buzzed and so drained from the ride, I can put up with it at 1.30x speed. This is the same god damn match they've been having for weeks. This is the only match that has any possibility of being even decent and it is the same match they've had over and over. Anything giffable has been done in their other matches. No one has ever given an explanation as to why the Triad gets to switch out guys during matches. I get the Freebird rule, but not every match gets to be a handicap match. DDP hit a pretty good Batista Bomb. I guess that was okay. Of course there was a ref bump and Kanyon threw a bag of coke. However, it hit DDP more than Saturn and DDP ended up accidentally giving Kanyon a Kanyon Cutter. BANG! They don't even pretend to give a shit about who was the legal man. DDP slid a metal bathroom trash can in the ring. The ref just stood around and looked at it until we got a 2nd ref bump. 3D on Saturn for the win. They probably should have just stolen the 3D from the start. It looks better than the Greetings/Cutter combo.



Buff Bagwell vs Roddy Piper Boxing Match Special Guest Referee: Mills Lane

Mills Lane comes to the ring in his judge robe. What kind of dude gets his law degree and then decides to be a boxing ref for 30 years instead of being a lawyer? Flair was Piper's corner man. Buff's mom was his corner man. Was a fucking loser. Can't he do anything without his mom? "Obviously she's been to a garage sale today. Not because of her shirt, but her hair do." She tripped at ringside. There has NEVER been a good boxing match in pro wrestling. Piper is an old man, looks like an old man, and moves like an old man. He still knocks Buff down and makes him look like a dipshit. Buff is throwing his wrestling punches, including stomping on the mat. Piper gave a headbutt at the end of the round. Flair sprays something on Piper's gloves. Buff is again knocked down. Even though Piper is cheating, this whole thing has made Buff look like a fucking loser. From getting his ass kicked by an old hobbling man to having his mom be his corner man. And expecting the fans to pop for her. We got to hear a random "so does your mother", from Flair. Piper attacked Buff before the 3rd round, causing Judy to bite his ear and put a bucket on his head. Buff then hit the Blockbuster and pinned Piper. Mill Lane made the count. Buff wins via pinfall in a boxing match. After the match, Judy chased Ric all around the ring and threw a bucket of water in the ring, which I'm sure the ring crew loved. No one even thought it was weird that this boxing match ended in a pin fall.



Kevin Nash/Sting vs Sid/Randy Savage WCW Championship

Whoever pins Nash will be champion. That includes his own tag team partner. Not only that, but Nash added that stipulation on his own. George has a big black eye, which was clearly supposed to be a plot point as Savage made her take her glasses off and pointed it out, but Tony and Brain didn't mention it at all. George then decides to go stand in Nash's corner. This match has been going on for 3 minutes and already sucks. This is fucking garbage. This whole show has been garbage. It's a shitty Nitro main event, but done in the main event on PPV. The most Tony could say about this match was that Sid has some of the best forearms in the sport. Sting has no problem hitting women, even as a born again Christian. George comes in and somehow misses a low blow on Nash. She had to do it a second time. SWERVE. Savage drops the elbow. New champion! Finally it's fucking over.


DQ Count: Go fuck yourself.

This is as bad as Spring Stampede 2000, which I thought was definitely the worst PPV I've seen. There was not a single thing that was interesting or redeeming. The whole show was fucking garbage. The only good thing I can say is that this is about as bad as it gets, and the Savage/Nash angle is over. It's THE WORST top angle WCW ever did. Worse than Hogan vs DoD. Worse than Jarrett vs anyone. Worse than Russo vs Flair. The absolute worst main event feud WCW ever did. But it's over. So there's that. But that also means the return of some hulking guy. After what happens on Nitro the next night, Savage basically just doesn't show up for anything for a few weeks because he's pissed Hogan and WCW in general. The NLS/Rednecks angle also pretty much ended with this show since the Rednecks were over as faces and Master P refused to have anything to do with it any more.


Well they kind of completely danced around the subject until today. Respawn people gave winks and hints when ever it was brought up. MS not so much for obvious reasons.

MS is normally better at keeping that stuff quiet until its revealed on another platform. Sony is the one who always does the "launches first on consoles" stuff.

You should go read the thread on the dark side.

Hey wrestling thread I have a wrestling question!

Is Abyss still in TNA? I dont think I have seen that guy in ages.

I kind of only go over there just to usually read the OPs of important threads and ignore everything else

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Bash at the Beach 1999 is just a worse version of the previous month's ppv. Both of them are my least favorite PPVs of all time, with Beach being the worse of the two. I'd rather watch the hideous Road Wild ppvs than these two.


wow that's a Horrible ppv. And I thought HIAC was bad.


Junkyard invitational!?? Wow that's awful.


Continuation of Nash/Savage feud?

It's all terrible D:

and it's a waste of money


wow that's a Horrible ppv. And I thought HIAC was bad.


Junkyard invitational!?? Wow that's awful.


Continuation of Nash/Savage feud?

It's all terrible D:

and it's a waste of money

It's actually the end of the Nash/Savage feud, which is the only good thing to come out of it. Judy Bagwell bit the vice president and put a bucket on his head, and then chased around the president. Both of whom were world famous wrestlers and shouldn't be afraid of a middle aged woman. In fact, Piper pretty easily handled Buff, but couldn't handle his mom.

Getting Judy involved in 3 separate Buff angles had to be a rib on him. Had to be.


Just watched Thy Kingdom Come in preparation for tomorrow's Review a Wai.

Overall, I was surprised at how much I enjoyed it. Some quick impressions:

- They got new interviews from EVERYONE for this thing (only Austin was recycled footage from his DVD), including Foley, Rock, Vince, and for what has to be the first time in a long time, Undertaker out of character. Taker was the best part of this documentary, bar none.

- The documentary is very much behind the scenes. The most interesting stuff being the reaction to the MSG shenanigans in 1996, and how everyone was coping with Hunter and Stephs real life relationship during their run together on television. I've never seen Vince's actual response to that stuff, so it was neat to hear.

- Hunter complains about Taker and Shawn "burying" him and Orton at Mania. Legit. He actually says they buried him. I was dying.

Of course there is constant meat riding, this is a Triple H documentary we're talking about here. Batista says he's the Michael Jordan of wrestling, and they used that clip twice. But overall, I think it's worth a watch. I was pleasantly surprised at how much behind the scenes stuff they went over, and it was fun.


So not worth it
Better than all of your shitty AJ gifs.

All due respect, I'm just not a fan of big fake tits. It's just so, well, fake.

It's like taking the 1.3L engine from your 1980's Toyota and putting it into the replica body of a Lamborghini Aventador, it's just not the same thing.


So Maryse is in a magazine but I can't post the pics due to them being scans but GOD DAMN! FUCK YOU MIZ!

These are the only pics that are available online that aren't scans

I saw her in person. She's incredibly pretty, but it looked like she was wearing tons of makeup. She's not a dime a dozen girl, but there are definitely a lot of non-famous girls who are equally as attractive and that you can see on public transport or on the street every day.
Supposedly, WWE did a big round of Wellness tests backstage at Raw Monday and a few people popped positive. Suspensions may be coming.

Purely theoretical and based on no information, but if any of those already had two strikes, am I being cynical for thinking that it might be explained away as a false flag?


So not worth it
I find it odd that games are the one thing Aiii isn't willing to shovel down from all the other WWE garbage

I might be more positive than most people in general, but I'm hardly a blind fanboy. I'm sorry this is the general perception of me though. :(

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
But 2k14 references karate kid so it's pretty good.

...but Yukes better be gone next year. Some models actually look pretty good. Like Kaitlyn looks fairly accurate, Goldberg looks good, Yoko looks good, PTP look good, DBry looks good, Ambrose looks decent. Austin and Rock continue to look TERRIBLE. Reigns looks too small.
It would be hilarious if Orton tested positive. WWE stopped pushing him for fear of getting a third strike while being in a high priority storyline or champion. Seriously though Khali, Hornswaggle, Bella twins, Ryback, Big Show, Cena, Shaemus, Miz, Micheal Cole, Lawler are the ones I pray for wellness violations just to get them off TV


So finally Saw Raw

Is See No Evil Jacobs coming?

Why is Big Show now in the WWE title picture?

CM Punk irrelevancy continues, can this man "leave" and return as 2011 Punk...

Cena as WCW champ looks silly
So, just finished watching Raw.

I don't even know what to think anymore.

Dat opening, ffs Cena, f f s.


There are no words. Why.... why, who thought you know what Cena needs? Title match in his first night back from barely any time away wins of course then to top it off lets give him one arm then still feed the poor MitB winner to him too LOL. :|

Every f**king Twitter scrolling message should just be #cenawinslol over and over and over.

D-Bry acting like he should have after Summerslam but then gets 'taken out'. CM Punk too? Has his 'lol i have no idea what else is happening in this company currently' bubble finally popped? Now Cena is in one?

I find it hilariously stupid how terrible they make Orton the WWE champion look. Knocked out straight away just to save precious screen time and feud points for HHH.


No idea where this is going. D-Bry and Punk tag team to fill in time until their mega WWE title feud for WM30 can start? *dreams*

I swear if D-Bry doesn't get a legit WWE title reign out of all this shit I am done.
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