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October Wrasslin' |strobogo Recap OT| This title is held in abeyance



Who does the best powerbomb?


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I agree. No need for MitB, just have a multi-tag team ladder match for the titles at Mania to make up for it, then replace the MitB PPV with a tournament.

WWE needs some damn tournaments.

When MITB went to 2 briefcases that's when it was unsalvagable. Cut em out. Special occasions.


So not worth it
Question time:

So, you're in charge of TNA... Here's the roster:

Ignoring the announcers (and remember AJ Styles is still employed by TNA), name five people you'd fire on your first day in charge and name five people you'd make your main event talent and why.
I hate John Cena as a wrestler but if I was ever at like a Make a Wish or breast cancer thing I'd kind of want to hug him... you know, just to see what it felt like.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
No, because MITB is always bad.
Don't get me wrong. I liked that they make MITB champs kind of 'fluke champs'. They 'got lucky', but then they never go anywhere from there.

It's not like a Royal Rumble winner or a KOTR winner who's actually taken as a serious threat to the top dog.


No, because MITB is always bad.
Don't get me wrong. I liked that they make MITB champs kind of 'fluke champs'. They 'got lucky', but then they never go anywhere from there.

It's not like a Royal Rumble winner or a KOTR winner who's actually taken as a serious threat to the top dog.

Edge will always be the best winner. Hell that was his gimmick. And it worked.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Edge worked because, you know what it was, but you absolutely didn't expect it. Now with MITB I'm just like 'yep, it's obviously coming here'

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Question time:

So, you're in charge of TNA... Here's the roster:

Ignoring the announcers (and remember AJ Styles is still employed by TNA), name five people you'd fire on your first day in charge and name five people you'd make your main event talent and why.

Fire Immediately:

1. Mr. Anderson - he's run his course. it's over.
2. King Mo - not a draw
3. Garett Bischoff - no thanks
4. Eric Young - poor fucker
5. Chavo - Retire already!

Main-event talent:

1. Magnus - because he is VERY good and has potential still after all these years
2. Manik - There's a lot that still can be done with this. TNA won't do it though. Merchandising.
3. ODB - the best Knockout they have, should challenge and compete for other titles
4. Kaz and Daniels - god-tier, they're a package deal
5. Rampage Jackson - good talker, charismatic


I can't fairly evaluate the talent at TNA but I would see who is getting paid what and if they deserve it.

30 minutes of the show is going to be Tessmacher ass clapping.
Question time:

So, you're in charge of TNA... Here's the roster:

Ignoring the announcers (and remember AJ Styles is still employed by TNA), name five people you'd fire on your first day in charge and name five people you'd make your main event talent and why.

Anderson - only has a job because he's ex-wwe
Bish - he's just the worst
Brisco - see above
Rob Terry - he's been there for how long and still sucks
Rockstar Spud - he sucks, plus didn't even know he was on the roster to begin with

AA - he's great stuff, over with the crowd
Daniels - he's still got it
Kaz - see above
Manik - he's a spot monkey for sure, but he's still young and has a future
Roode - I wanna hear his theme a lot

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Edge and Cena is my favorite WWE feud of the last decade. I can't think of any that really come close either. Edge was a cowardly heel, but he was a cowardly heel that worked. Something WWE doesn't know how to book anymore. And it contrasted Cena's corny superman personality perfectly.



Put me down for a vote for Sid, too.


(Yes, the only gif I could find of him powerbombing Diesel is from a 90s Angelfire page.)


Sid's powerbomb was awesome before his second WWF run. I don't know why, but it usually sucked after 1995. DDP had a sit out powerbomb. Not enough smaller guys being mentioned for their powerbombs. Specifically Eddie and Benoit. Dean would also throw a gnarly one out from time to time, but since he was so short, he had to be against someone like Rey for them to look good.
folks i would keep for a TNA reboot...


Robbie E
Sting (as a GM)


all of them
Hemme as the announcer

the rest could hit the bricks. i would build from that, introducing new games bit by bit, phasing out the old, bringing talent from Japan too.


I don't know enough wrasslin history to say who had the best powerbomb of all time, but among the people I watch currently, Kota Ibushi's sitout last ride style powerbomb is my favorite.


Question time:

So, you're in charge of TNA... Here's the roster:

Ignoring the announcers (and remember AJ Styles is still employed by TNA), name five people you'd fire on your first day in charge and name five people you'd make your main event talent and why.

Jeff Hardy
W. Brisco
(Honorable Mention Fire: Eric Young, Tenay)

Bully Ray (HEEL) He's the best heel they have in the company and can go a standard match along with occasional gimmick matches to help give him more opponents that normally wouldn't be there (Cruisers) Ala Taker/Hardy type of matches

Samoa Joe (Face) No idea if Joe cares anymore since I haven't watched in forever. If he cares and we can package him as a one man wrecking machine

Kurt Angle (Face) IF he has anything left in the tank I wouldn't mind him just being a fun-loving face (late career HBK) and no more of this super intense steroid guy gimmick (lifestyle)

Bobby Roode (Heel) Haven't watched in a while, but he has a look that can be used as a top tier heel character. Not sure how to repackage though

Austin Aries (Either) Great worker that should just be a self serving character that doesn't help anybody without secondary motives.

Honestly, I thought it'd be easier but after looking at that roster it's shit. Alot of X-division guys that don't look like they would be viable championship contenders. Cruisers worked in WCW because you had your Goldbergs of the world in the main event. Here if you don't have a real main event scene you only have the X-division. I don't think 5 is enough guys to can here. I would have a massive fire sale, there are plenty of free agents out there that would be better. That roster looks like they just stole the NXT name generator and went to town on their roster, they just seem like bad CAWs from WWE2ksomething. I'd focus more time on the knockouts until I could build up a real main event scene, but honestly there needs to be more ME talent built up. Maybe repackaging Anderson could help (or maybe firing him IDK) I think Abyss should be sent back to a follower and monster, I hate the J. Park crap (generally I hate comedy gimmicks Ex. Santino)

Cool GIF makes it easier! I remember thinking he should do it as a regular finisher cause he made it look cool even on someone like Nash.

I also remember the lol @ how there was a fine for doing it at the time, and they made it seem like The Giant was a poor sap cause he was injured the commentators are like "SOMEONE PASS THE HAT AROUND WE'LL HELP PONY UP THE CASH!" to pay his fine.

Oddly resembled his "I've got friends who can bail me out of jail" from Raw this week now that I think about it. :/

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
The last ride is a great powerbomb

Not a powerbomb, it's a diaper-throw. Hate how he holds people. Haaate it.

I was trying to find a gif of Zandig's awesome spinning powerbomb, but I couldn't, so here's Zandig performing the laziest powerbomb in the world;


Knew which powerbomb it'd be, Zandig gets rid of him like he's disease-ridden.
Makes me wonder about Sandow's intellect. Obviously this was an unwise tactic.

Considering Del Rio was like so dead he had to be carried backstage after his match a few PPVs ago and Sandow was evidently like "Hmm, you know, I'll wait." and didn't cash in, his supposed intelligence long went out the window in my mind.

What exactly are you waiting for? A better opportunity than that? :\

lolheel can't cash in on another lolheel.


Yeah what the fuck, EY is awesome. They should keep him on retainer at all times for when a crowd is dead, because he will liven them up and make them have a good time.
I got sad looking at a wrestling 'spoiler' website when I found out EY and ODB weren't really married/together. :'( lol.

And I'm a total Undertaker mark but I never liked The Last Ride. It just looks weird. His submission move too... no, just Tombstone please.


Guys I feel really strange dressed up

I look like one of my jerk elementary school teachers from way back in the early 90s
Cena is every gimmick +1. which is why i love him now.

Sandow is the smartest? Cena as smart +1
Henry the strongest? Cena as strong +1

love it.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Bully Ray has posted to Twitter that he would like to face Rampage Jackson in Tito Ortiz's place at Bellator's November 2nd show. As you may know, Ortiz was forced out of the bout with Jackson due to injury, which in turn forced Bellator to turn the PPV into a Spike TV special. Ortiz has been part of the Aces and 8s group in TNA, with Jackson in the Main Event Mafia.

According to sources, Bully is apparently completely serious in the offer and if Bellator entertains it (VERY unlikely) he will absolutely step into the cage with Jackson. Check out the tweets below:

Heard @Rampage4real needs a new opponent. Show me the $$$ and I'll step into that cage and make ya famous...when I knock you out.
— Bully Ray (@REALBully5150) October 27, 2013

If @Rampage4real would accept my challenge, I would show him the TRUE meaning of Hell in a Cell. @Titoortiz out, BULLY in. #HIAC.
— Bully Ray (@REALBully5150) October 28, 2013

@REALBully5150 lets do this.. I'll fight u anytime brother. U will learn real fast y I'm called Rampage. Step n the cage!
— Quinton Jackson (@Rampage4real) October 28, 2013


I haven't seen TNA since shortly after that big episode with Hulk and that cage match where Homicide couldn't climb out or whatever. So really, all I know of TNA is what I see in gifs here.

So I guess my ME is Brooke's butt, and everyone else gets a pink slip.


The WWE is pretty heavily invested in the idea of moments--iconic photos, iconic promos, big spots. What are some of the better (more memorable) ones from the past year (starting 01/01/13)?

--Punk v Cena (pre WM)-- Punk's piledriver
--Punk v Undertaker-- when Taker sits up out of the Anaconda Vice
--Henry's retirement swerve
--Zayn v Cesaro-- spinning DDT block, reversal into Swiss Death
--DBry taking out the Shield
--Punk v Lesnar-- Punk on Brock's shoulders clinging to Heyman's tie
--Ziggler's cash in
--Sandow's cash in

Just the ones off the top of my head. What else was there?
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