Look at this guy over here talking about punches.....
Bully Ray can't be any worse than Batista.
Daniel Bryan hitting John Cena with That Move That Beat John Cena and pinning him clean is about as iconic as you can get for this year.
The WWE is pretty heavily invested in the idea of moments--iconic photos, iconic promos, big spots. What are some of the better (more memorable) ones from the past year (starting 01/01/13)?
--Punk v Cena (pre WM)-- Punk's piledriver
--Punk v Undertaker-- when Taker sits up out of the Anaconda Vice
--Henry's retirement swerve
--Zayn v Cesaro-- spinning DDT block, reversal into Swiss Death
--DBry taking out the Shield
--Punk v Lesnar-- Punk on Brock's shoulders clinging to Heyman's tie
--Ziggler's cash in
--Sandow's cash in
Just the ones off the top of my head. What else was there?
The WWE is pretty heavily invested in the idea of moments--iconic photos, iconic promos, big spots. What are some of the better (more memorable) ones from the past year (starting 01/01/13)?
--Punk v Cena (pre WM)-- Punk's piledriver
--Punk v Undertaker-- when Taker sits up out of the Anaconda Vice
--Henry's retirement swerve
--Zayn v Cesaro-- spinning DDT block, reversal into Swiss Death
--DBry taking out the Shield
--Punk v Lesnar-- Punk on Brock's shoulders clinging to Heyman's tie
--Ziggler's cash in
--Sandow's cash in
Just the ones off the top of my head. What else was there?
Undertaker posing with Paul Bearer's urn after his match would probably be considered a moment as well. The debut of the Wyatt's would be up there/his first promo directed at Kane.
That Vinnie Mac bodybuilder gif is following me everywhere. It's all over f4wonline's board too now.
Smackdown Spoiler:
How would people think about aface turn because it seems to be going that way from Raw and this Smackdown.Roman Reigns
As fucked up as it sounds, the Punk/Taker match was blessed with the great timing of Bearer's death that lead to much better "moments" than it would have earned otherwise. Punk covered in ashes especially was top tier villain work.
Smackdown Spoiler:
How would people think about aface turn because it seems to be going that way from Raw and this Smackdown.Roman Reigns
To be fair, it might be the greatest gif of all time.
Edge and Cena is my favorite WWE feud of the last decade. I can't think of any that really come close either. Edge was a cowardly heel, but he was a cowardly heel that worked. Something WWE doesn't know how to book anymore. And it contrasted Cena's corny superman personality perfectly.
To be fair, it might be the greatest gif of all time.
WWE is in the merchandise business, not the wrasslin business. All that wrasslin is just to sell merchandise. No way do they put some angle above merch, breh. Priorities.Lets see, Big Show has been fired, has a restraining order against him, and is suing HHH/Steph for millions of dollars which might result in them losing the company, but he has new official WWE merchandise?
Mr. Sandman found it~
Well guys I did my best
I look like a corporate stooge
I'm just me
It does make me smile every time.
Smackdown Spoiler:
How would people think about aface turn because it seems to be going that way from Raw and this Smackdown.Roman Reigns
I don't mind the possibility of a turn, but I hope they give him a manager or team him up with a strong speaker. He does well in the silent enforcer-type role.
On a side note, my band played a Halloween show last night and we dressed up like the Dudley Boyz. Not many people picked up on who we were, but it was a blast nonetheless.
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Why the fuck are hard drives still so expensive. I thought 1TB drives would be back to 50 bucks by now?
What crap.
Eric Young is TNA's Hornswaggle. Terrible.
Random Post
Why the fuck are hard drives still so expensive. I thought 1TB drives would be back to 50 bucks by now?
What crap.
Eric Young is TNA's Hornswaggle. Terrible.
The WWE is pretty heavily invested in the idea of moments--iconic photos, iconic promos, big spots. What are some of the better (more memorable) ones from the past year (starting 01/01/13)?
--Punk v Cena (pre WM)-- Punk's piledriver
--Punk v Undertaker-- when Taker sits up out of the Anaconda Vice
--Henry's retirement swerve
--Zayn v Cesaro-- spinning DDT block, reversal into Swiss Death
--DBry taking out the Shield
--Punk v Lesnar-- Punk on Brock's shoulders clinging to Heyman's tie
--Ziggler's cash in
--Sandow's cash in
Just the ones off the top of my head. What else was there?
I love my DSLR and taking pictures of my kid, but man hard drive space goes fast. I need back ups as well.
I'll have to rethink my strategy on all this.
Go back to Polaroids. Then you'll only be limited by the amount of clutter you can comfortably live with.
Hey, so PS4 can't play MP3s. is that fucked or what?
Because we can't ignore that wrestlers need time off. The laws of man might not apply to the gods of the squared circle, but the men who portray those deities are human beings. The schedule as it stands is grueling, borderline inhumane, and largely unnecessary. It's institutional, sure, but institutions evolve. The athletes beat themselves to a pulp, bouncing off the mat (and the ringside floor) four nights a week. As WWE constantly searches for mainstream attention, the tragedies that characterized the popular representation of wrestling through much of the past 10 years have demonstrated the need for better treatment of wrestlers' bodies. The masochistic and itinerant lifestyle of wrestlers, exacerbated by the excesses of the '80s and '90s, led to widespread drug abuse: You pop pills to dull the pain, you snort cocaine to bring you back up, and you drink 20 beers to put yourself to sleep. It all starts with the painkillers. Thankfully, the majority of current wrestlers were fans themselves and saw this cycle play out either on the news or with their own eyes. And in some ways, the WWE is doing more than ever before. It takes concussions seriously; it provides rehab for wrestlers with substance-abuse problems (even for its former employees); it pays for many surgeries and allows reasonable recovery time. (In years past, injured wrestlers were discarded by shallow-pocketed territorial outfits, and as recently as 1998 one major company fired a hobbled performer via FedEx while he lay in his hospital bed.) Even so, wrestlers hardly get a week off unless they're filming movies (often for WWE Films) or when they're injured. Which sort of defeats the point.
The Masked Man offers his perspective on how to do a WWE Off-Season on Grantland:
PS4 news continues to be disappointing. XBone is looking better and better.