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October Wrasslin' |strobogo Recap OT| This title is held in abeyance


Daniel Bryan hitting John Cena with That Move That Beat John Cena and pinning him clean is about as iconic as you can get for this year.
Look at this guy over here talking about punches.....






The WWE is pretty heavily invested in the idea of moments--iconic photos, iconic promos, big spots. What are some of the better (more memorable) ones from the past year (starting 01/01/13)?

--Punk v Cena (pre WM)-- Punk's piledriver
--Punk v Undertaker-- when Taker sits up out of the Anaconda Vice
--Henry's retirement swerve
--Zayn v Cesaro-- spinning DDT block, reversal into Swiss Death
--DBry taking out the Shield
--Punk v Lesnar-- Punk on Brock's shoulders clinging to Heyman's tie
--Ziggler's cash in
--Sandow's cash in

Just the ones off the top of my head. What else was there?

Cesaro swing even though they're beating it to death. Right now it'd be the Khali swing as their standout, but if he goes past 50 on someone then I'm sure that could take the top spot.

I'll also say that "Pipebomb Pt. II" was a damn near perfect promo, but it didn't have the fallout of the first one so it'll likely be forgotten.


The WWE is pretty heavily invested in the idea of moments--iconic photos, iconic promos, big spots. What are some of the better (more memorable) ones from the past year (starting 01/01/13)?

--Punk v Cena (pre WM)-- Punk's piledriver
--Punk v Undertaker-- when Taker sits up out of the Anaconda Vice
--Henry's retirement swerve
--Zayn v Cesaro-- spinning DDT block, reversal into Swiss Death
--DBry taking out the Shield
--Punk v Lesnar-- Punk on Brock's shoulders clinging to Heyman's tie
--Ziggler's cash in
--Sandow's cash in

Just the ones off the top of my head. What else was there?


Undertaker posing with Paul Bearer's urn after his match would probably be considered a moment as well. The debut of the Wyatt's would be up there/his first promo directed at Kane.

Bryan and Cesaro in that gauntlet match was awesome. Specifically when the were going back and forth with punches and uppercuts.


I really want Ventura to come back so he can ramble on commentary about false flag operations. Maybe Cole could say something to piss him off and Ventura could take Cole out of action for a few weeks.
Undertaker posing with Paul Bearer's urn after his match would probably be considered a moment as well. The debut of the Wyatt's would be up there/his first promo directed at Kane.

As fucked up as it sounds, the Punk/Taker match was blessed with the great timing of Bearer's death that lead to much better "moments" than it would have earned otherwise. Punk covered in ashes especially was top tier villain work.
check out this sick Kane promo

Repackage him as IRS' son!

This is a preview of Korporate Kane, can't wait for next Raw now.

Ah, just thinking about how suitable Kane's new role as Stephanie's minion would translate to battling his old partner Bryan had Bryan won the WWE title at HiaC, guess I'll just prepare for yet more Kane and Show encounters.


Smackdown Spoiler:

How would people think about a
Roman Reigns
face turn because it seems to be going that way from Raw and this Smackdown.


My favourite part of Cena's arm injury is that we get a whole new round of "can he still lift him"'s.

"Can him still lift him, John? We haven't seen him do it since his injury in August."

"No way, Michael. We saw that baseball on his elbow. His tricep was torn, there's no way he can lift him."


"OH MY GOD. He did it John. He lifted the Big Show/Henry/anyone over 300lbs."

I really can't wait.

Smackdown Spoiler:

How would people think about a
Roman Reigns
face turn because it seems to be going that way from Raw and this Smackdown.

I really don't want to see The Shield dissolve yet. They've only been around for a year, but they gel together so well. If it helped Ambrose get more promo time I'd be all for it, but they've been having a hard enough time getting a storyline as it is. If they split off its hard not seeing one or two of them being forgotten about. The Shield are one of the most consistently good things about the product over the past year. I'd really hate to see Rollins trading wins with Santino in 6 months, but I feel like something equally shitty would happen if they have to create storylines for all three of them.


As fucked up as it sounds, the Punk/Taker match was blessed with the great timing of Bearer's death that lead to much better "moments" than it would have earned otherwise. Punk covered in ashes especially was top tier villain work.

Absolutely. It was just the generic "heel decides he's the one to stop the streak" that has been going on for 10 years now. Paul's death added immensely to the feud, story, and match.

Smackdown Spoiler:

How would people think about a
Roman Reigns
face turn because it seems to be going that way from Raw and this Smackdown.

I'd be okay with it as long as he stays the bad ass he is now, but does what he does against heels. I'd hate to see him turned into a smiling babyface.

To be fair, it might be the greatest gif of all time.

Indubitably. It's incredible.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Edge and Cena is my favorite WWE feud of the last decade. I can't think of any that really come close either. Edge was a cowardly heel, but he was a cowardly heel that worked. Something WWE doesn't know how to book anymore. And it contrasted Cena's corny superman personality perfectly.


Edge was the bastard opportunist heel, not cowardly. He did anything and everything to win. He also had an edge to him (no pun intended). He could go from calculating asshole to sadistic bastard at a moment's notice, always teetering back and forth between the two.

Remember that 20 minute smackdown segment where he just went OFF on Vickie by the side of the ring, making her cry? Disturbing.
Lets see, Big Show has been fired, has a restraining order against him, and is suing HHH/Steph for millions of dollars which might result in them losing the company, but he has new official WWE merchandise?
WWE is in the merchandise business, not the wrasslin business. All that wrasslin is just to sell merchandise. No way do they put some angle above merch, breh. Priorities.

bart jr

Neo Member
Smackdown Spoiler:

How would people think about a
Roman Reigns
face turn because it seems to be going that way from Raw and this Smackdown.

I don't mind the possibility of a turn, but I hope they give him a manager or team him up with a strong speaker. He does well in the silent enforcer-type role.

On a side note, my band played a Halloween show last night and we dressed up like the Dudley Boyz. Not many people picked up on who we were, but it was a blast nonetheless.


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I don't mind the possibility of a turn, but I hope they give him a manager or team him up with a strong speaker. He does well in the silent enforcer-type role.

On a side note, my band played a Halloween show last night and we dressed up like the Dudley Boyz. Not many people picked up on who we were, but it was a blast nonetheless.

That is wonderful!


Random Post

Why the fuck are hard drives still so expensive. I thought 1TB drives would be back to 50 bucks by now?

What crap.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I just got an older model USB 2.0 2 TB hd for my Wii U for around eighty bucks. Great deal as it's got the external power source so no fucking around with the y-cable and it's USB 2.0 so no paying that extra premium for 3.0 when the system doesn't even support it.


I love my DSLR and taking pictures of my kid, but man hard drive space goes fast. I need back ups as well.

I'll have to rethink my strategy on all this.
Sting was too much of a legend to be wasting away in TNA for the last decade.

Bully Ray has been too good to be wasting away in TNA.

Austin Aries and Bobby Roode have a lot of the it factor. I wish they would be given a chance before time catches up to them.



The WWE is pretty heavily invested in the idea of moments--iconic photos, iconic promos, big spots. What are some of the better (more memorable) ones from the past year (starting 01/01/13)?

--Punk v Cena (pre WM)-- Punk's piledriver
--Punk v Undertaker-- when Taker sits up out of the Anaconda Vice
--Henry's retirement swerve
--Zayn v Cesaro-- spinning DDT block, reversal into Swiss Death
--DBry taking out the Shield
--Punk v Lesnar-- Punk on Brock's shoulders clinging to Heyman's tie
--Ziggler's cash in
--Sandow's cash in

Just the ones off the top of my head. What else was there?

Pretty much all of those, and these are some moments that have really stuck in my mind from WWE in 2013:


(you named that one, but like, holy shit).


And the subsequent clean as a whistle pinfall.


Wrestlemania redemption for 18 seconds


An otherwise rubbish PPV gets a wonderful match and story.

This year definitely belongs to Bryan, though, between that great WM moment, the first time he went absolutely apeshit on Smackdown and wasted the Shield, his MITB performance, and of course, beating Cena clean at Summerslam.

Also one I don't have a gif of, Bray Wyatt's farewell to NXT was amazing.


I love my DSLR and taking pictures of my kid, but man hard drive space goes fast. I need back ups as well.

I'll have to rethink my strategy on all this.

Go back to Polaroids. Then you'll only be limited by the amount of clutter you can comfortably live with.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
If there was one thing to salvage from TNA it'd be Kaz and Daniels. Dudes are utterly wasted and fucking wonderful.


Go back to Polaroids. Then you'll only be limited by the amount of clutter you can comfortably live with.

LOL. And we print the pics we like as well.

Yeah my comp is basically picture management system now. Forget about music, games, or even video. And you know... I'm ok with it.


Hey, so PS4 can't play MP3s. Is that fucked or what?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member

Hey, so PS4 can't play MP3s. is that fucked or what?

It sucks. It makes sense because they want you to spend money on their music service, but it fuckin sucks.

That's not the big problem though. The big problem is they also removed your ability to use it as a media server, which the PS3 still does. I use that a LOT.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
The Masked Man offers his perspective on how to do a WWE Off-Season on Grantland:


Because we can't ignore that wrestlers need time off. The laws of man might not apply to the gods of the squared circle, but the men who portray those deities are human beings. The schedule as it stands is grueling, borderline inhumane, and largely unnecessary. It's institutional, sure, but institutions evolve. The athletes beat themselves to a pulp, bouncing off the mat (and the ringside floor) four nights a week. As WWE constantly searches for mainstream attention, the tragedies that characterized the popular representation of wrestling through much of the past 10 years have demonstrated the need for better treatment of wrestlers' bodies. The masochistic and itinerant lifestyle of wrestlers, exacerbated by the excesses of the '80s and '90s, led to widespread drug abuse: You pop pills to dull the pain, you snort cocaine to bring you back up, and you drink 20 beers to put yourself to sleep. It all starts with the painkillers. Thankfully, the majority of current wrestlers were fans themselves and saw this cycle play out either on the news or with their own eyes. And in some ways, the WWE is doing more than ever before. It takes concussions seriously; it provides rehab for wrestlers with substance-abuse problems (even for its former employees); it pays for many surgeries and allows reasonable recovery time. (In years past, injured wrestlers were discarded by shallow-pocketed territorial outfits, and as recently as 1998 one major company fired a hobbled performer via FedEx while he lay in his hospital bed.) Even so, wrestlers hardly get a week off unless they're filming movies (often for WWE Films) or when they're injured. Which sort of defeats the point.
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