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October Wrasslin' |strobogo Recap OT| This title is held in abeyance

Kaitlyn's boyfriend is like Sunflower's wet dream.

It looks like someone pumped to much air into tyson kidd.



WCW Thunder 3/11/99

The go home show for Uncensored. The show starts not with a recap of the main event, but of Scott Steiner and Booker from Nitro.

Dave Taylor vs Raven

What a random styles clash. "I was always told by the old timers that you have to talk good about your opponents so you can up the buy rates. So, Bam Bam, you've got nice tattoos. Hak, you don't sweat much for a fat guy." Raven gets the early advantage. Taylor does some submissions, but walks into the Evenflow for the easy win.

Recap of Arn and Flair's talk from last week. And by recap, I mean the entire segment.

A TWO YEAR OLD Nitro promo airs. It was from early 1997.

Chris Benoit/Dean Malenko vs Disorder Conduct

Easy squash for the Horsemen. They want Hennig and Windham tonight. The champs come out to the ramp. Disorder Conduct ambush the Horsemen, only for more submissions. After this, we get a recap of the last 3 weeks of interactions between the two teams, which should have been played before the match.

Recap of Hogan shitting on Flair for liking wrestling more than David. Again. The full thing. This will be the third time this was aired in full in a week.

Barbarian vs Hak

YO! Oh shit. Sandman is totally Sandman minus the bear. He wears The Sandman (comic) shirts, barbed wire, the cane, Zubaz. Barb gets mad and rips Sandman's shirt off. They go to the floor. Barb misses a diving headbutt. 10 count punch in the corner. Needs a beer. Sit out powerbomb. Jimmy throws Barb the cane. Sandman grabs it and...tries to stab Barb in the throat with it. Announcers weren't really sure what happened or if Barb blocked it. White Russian leg sweep for the win. YO!


Nash vs Rey hype video.

Recap of Hogan and Nash MST2King Flair's promo. And by recap, I again mean the entire segment.

Scott Steiner/Buff Bagwell vs Booker T./Rey Mysterio Jr.

"Are there two wrestlers who are on more of a roll in terms of winning streak than these two men?" Booker T. lost on the last show. He has no win streak. A few more matches are added for Uncensored: Scott Steiner vs Booker T TV Championship and one more they'll announce later. Tenay talks about how Booker totally deserves this title shot since he's on a winning streak and moving up the ranks. Did everyone forget he's the number one contender to the US Championship? He defeated Bret Hart for it. Remember? Rey botches a springboard. This whole fucking match has been "We have new matches" and then "we'll tell you later". The next match signed is VINCE vs Stevie Ray in a Harlem Street Fight for control of the B Team. Book almost pins Buff with a flying forearm. Multi rep press slam to Rey. Not very impressive considering Norton did it with one hand and Goldberg did a multi rep press slam to Scott Steiner with ease. Shoulder breaker from Buff. Booker gets the hot tag only to tag right back out. That happens so often in tag matches. Dude makes the hot tag, hits one or two moves, then tags the guy who has been getting his ass kicked for 10 minutes, who is now totally fine. Rey pins Buff with a Superfly Splash. Steiner attacked the ref with a chair after the match.


A promo for Bam Bam/Sandman/Raven airs. Sandman references their ECW history, even though none of the announcers will.

Recap of Torrie at the shooting range. Again, by recap I mean the entire promo.

Promo for the tag championships match.

Disco Inferno vs Ric Flair

Lol, Ric Flair, the president of WCW, books himself against Disco on Thunder just a few days before literally the biggest match of his career. You know where Hulk Hogan is? Not on Thunder. This could be Ric Flair's last TV match of all time. And as president, he chooses it to be on Thunder against Disco. Disco tries to put the figure four on Ric. Didn't work. A second attempt works. We come back from break to see Flair getting thrown off the top rope. Stalling suplex and knee drop from Flair. Disco gets thrown to the floor, into the railing, and the ring post. Figure four for the win. If Ric struggles with Disco, why would anyone think he can take Hogan?

DQ Count: 0 out of 5 matches.

Announced card for Uncensored:

Hollywood Hogan vs Ric Flair Barbed Wire Steel Cage Match WCW Championship Ric Flair's career vs Permanent Control of WCW (Plus a stipulation only available on WCW.com)
Kevin Nash vs Rey Mysterio Jr.
Curt Hennig/Barry Windham vs Chris Benoit Dean Malenko WCW Tag Team Championships Lumberjacks with Straps Match
Scott Steiner vs Booker T. WCW TV Championship
Saturn vs Chris Jericho Dog Collar Match
Hak vs Raven vs Bam Bam Big Yellow Hardcore Falls Count Anywhere Match
Stevie Ray vs VINCE Harlem Street Fight For Control of nWo B Team
Jerry Flynn vs The Cat/Sonny Onoo

Jerry Flynn, Sonny Onoo, and Virgil are getting PPV pay days. Guys who aren't getting PPV pay days: Bret Hart, Goldberg, DDP, Kanyon, Finlay, any luchadores, Norman Smiley, Disco Inferno.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
and the end of the Monday night war that started waaaay back in January 4th 2010 is over


Caught the end of Impact since I read the spoilers and had to see things for myself. This is either a major sign of the end, or the beginning of a new era. Only time will tell.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
It wasn't even the worse Nitro I've seen of 1999.

It was the first hour of this show that got me and my friend to realize just how fucked they were. Trying to out hip WWF during the attitude era. It just wasn't going to work. They had an hour lead on them so you'd think they'd use their uncontested hour on a Wrestling show to, you know, wrestle. At least through most of 1998 they'd throw something good up at 8:55 to try and keep people from tuning.


It was the first hour of this show that got me and my friend to realize just how fucked they were. Trying to out hip WWF during the attitude era. It just wasn't going to work. They had an hour lead on them so you'd think they'd use their uncontested hour on a Wrestling show to, you know, wrestle. At least through most of 1998 they'd throw something good up at 8:55 to try and keep people from tuning.

Nash could pass as hip, sometimes. But Hogan trying to be cool and with it is cringe inducing. He's still trying that shit today and it's still just as awful. Hogan in 1999 stealing Konnan's dressing style and then trying to talk like a rapper is the worst. And it's hard to be cool eating dinner and paying a girl to fuck David Flair.
I was thinking about Ziggler, and I wonder - do you think things might look different if they'd just had him be a face after he won the WHC? The crowd REALLY wanted to like him at that point, if only because every crowd for a few weeks was trying to ape that Raw after WM crowd, but they just kept having Ziggler do generic heel stuff and losing. By the time they actually turned him face months later, any hype he had was just gone.

I know the sheetz say WWE thinks he'll never draw, and maybe they're right, but it's hard to escape the realization that they've NEVER given him the tools to succeed at that, either. For every good thing he got (a win over Cena, a long run in the Rumble), there was a job, an all-advised promo, a stupid AJ/Big E interference, etc. Yet a cocky tweener face who thought he was the shit, wore the title on his ass, and just showed off could have been a GREAT gimmick and a nice counterpoint to the typical WWE face of today, whether he can talk or not. Plus he'd be in a good position because NOBODY would like him, heel or face.

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE this Rhodes family angle (though I dread them dragging it out TOO much longer and hope Dustin/Cody win on Sunday, even if it's by DQ), but there's still a part of me that thinks Ziggler should've been the one to get it, y'know? Maybe if he'd not been handled so badly, he wouldn't have felt the need to "speak out" after the Randy Orton thing blew up.


more money than God
I was thinking about Ziggler, and I wonder - do you think things might look different if they'd just had him be a face after he won the WHC? The crowd REALLY wanted to like him at that point, if only because every crowd for a few weeks was trying to ape that Raw after WM crowd, but they just kept having Ziggler do generic heel stuff and losing. By the time they actually turned him face months later, any hype he had was just gone.

I know the sheetz say WWE thinks he'll never draw, and maybe they're right, but it's hard to escape the realization that they've NEVER given him the tools to succeed at that, either. For every good thing he got (a win over Cena, a long run in the Rumble), there was a job, an all-advised promo, a stupid AJ/Big E interference, etc. Yet a cocky tweener face who thought he was the shit, wore the title on his ass, and just showed off could have been a GREAT gimmick and a nice counterpoint to the typical WWE face of today, whether he can talk or not. Plus he'd be in a good position because NOBODY would like him, heel or face.

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE this Rhodes family angle (though I dread them dragging it out TOO much longer and hope Dustin/Cody win on Sunday, even if it's by DQ), but there's still a part of me that thinks Ziggler should've been the one to get it, y'know? Maybe if he'd not been handled so badly, he wouldn't have felt the need to "speak out" after the Randy Orton thing blew up.
The only thing that happened to Ziggler is that he got concussed and had to miss time, lost his title as a result, and the WWE gave up on him, and now wants to act like he was garbage the whole time. Crowd was fully behind him, he had a good stable, and he was exciting in the ring, and they just killed his push when momentum stalled for a second.

The WWE always does this. They'll kill a push, then act like the guy was never worth it to begin with. It also didn't help that he was feuding with ADR, whose presence made the WHC look like a secondary title.


Ziggler has the same problems that Curt Hennig had: Too good at making other people look good and not enough strong offense.


The WWE always does this. They'll kill a push, then act like the guy was never worth it to begin with. It also didn't help that he was feuding with ADR, whose presence made the WHC look like a secondary title.
The feud with ADR was very good for both guys, especially at the double turn. They kept shoving AJ into it which helped Dolph turn further, but then it eventually shifts him off the WHC feud with no real return match. It was made no sense.

Outside that small stint with ADR and the WHC (half the time he was on the shelf), he's done little since last December. Mostly jobbing to guys like Orton and in tag teams.


Battleground ticket sales keep getting more and more pathetic:


Toronto house show prices for comparison:


I joke that I'm going to be the only one there, but that might turn out to be true.


So not worth it
So Jinder completely forgets to do his accent in a short interview with Slater by Renee Young this week on Smackdown.

Kayfabe is dead!


So Jinder completely forgets to do his accent in a short interview with Slater by Renee Young this week on Smackdown.

Kayfabe is dead!

They could explain it by saying that Jinder has spent enough time over here for a new accent. Or because he's the joker of the group, he was doing it as a joke. Or not bother due to the ratings of a 3MB interview segment on Smackdown. The heartless bastards!

Also, wearing an nWo shirt at work for the wrestling shirts in real life schtick.



WCW Uncensored 3/14/99

It's the one time a year WWE goes EXTREME!!! The main event has a new stipulation: First Blood! They couldn't say it on TV, but they announced it on WCW.com and now have finally said it out loud. Cages, Bob's Wire, careers, blood, presidency. That match has it all!

Kidman vs Mikey Whipwreck WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Mikey's WCW debut. Mikey made his reputation "on the East coast". He gets the better of Kidman in the opening exchange. A dropkick sends Mikey to the floor. He goes hard into the guard rail. Kidman gets dropped throat first on the guard rail and Mikey rolls him in the ring. Muta Lock. Mikey drapes Kidman's neck on the bottom rope and drops a leg. Rebound lariatoo from Kidman. Powerbomb from Mikey gets a 2 count. Mikey gets knocked back out to the floor and Kidman does a springboard cross body. Mike does some weird slingshot lariatoo kind of thing back in the ring. Slingshot suplex is countered into a DDT. Kidman takes a hard bump getting knocked to the floor from the top. Mikey does a dive and hits the guard rail. Kidman goes into the crowd. Mikey tries a flip into the crowd, but misses. Drop toe hold into the steps. Shipwrecked taunts and almost loses on a roll up. BK Bomb. Mikey reverses a superplex and hits a flying lariatooo. Sit out pedigree from Kidman. Super backdrop drivaaaaah. Curtain Call. YOU CAN'T POWERBOMB KIDMAN! SSP for the win. Fun match. Good debut for Mikey.



VINCE vs Stevie Ray Harlem Street Fight Winner Leads nWo B Team

Why would the ref check for international objects when it is a Harlem Street fight? VINCE with that school yard offense: Eye pokes and foot stomps. Stevie knocks him on his ass a few times, but Stevie falls to the floor. Out there, Stevie knocks the shit out of him some more. They go into the crowd. Stevie put his dick on a fan or something. It looked like he was giving a lap dance for a second. They fight into an area with a ton of empty chairs. Stevie is back dropped back to ringside. Diving fist drop from VINCE. The second one is countered. One of the worst realized spots I've ever seen: Stevie atomic drops VINCE into the corner, but doesn't even bother to put his knee out. VINCE bounces into the corner anyway. Stevie waits and stumbles into VINCE, knocking heads. VINCE then stumbles around and headbutts Stevie in the dick. Has to be seen to be believed. WHOREASS came out and slid a slapjack into the ring. VINCE got it, but Stevie hit the real slapjack for the win. He's in charge now, suckas!


Kevin Nash vs Rey Mysterio Jr.

I believe this is the only match without a title or stipulation. Rey runs right into big boot and gets tossed in the air like a balloon. Wheelbarrow bulldog. Springboard fameasser. A spin wheel kick sends Nash to the floor. Instead of trying a dive, Rey does a baseball slide and gets slid right into the guard rail. Snake eyes on the apron. Nash puts Rey on the ropes and elbows him, knocking him to the floor. Super atomic drop from Nash. Low blow! That move that beat Scott Norton! Bronco buster. Nash catches a moonsault. Lex trips up Rey and he turns around into a big boot. Nash wins with the jackknife. Of note, this match officially was timed at 6:19.


Raven/Hak/Bam Bam promo.

Jerry Flynn vs Sonny Onoo/The Cat

Jerry looks so naked without his mullet. You don't just cut a man's mullet, god damn it. This is the least looked forward to match on a card that has Virgil in a featured match. Lots of shitty kicks, despite everyone in the match being legit martial artists who should know how to kick. Flynn pins Sonny on an accidental pin or some shit. Who cares. There was no need for this match, definitely not on a PPV.

Tag team championship match promo.

Bam Bam Big Yellow vs Hak vs Raven Falls Count Anywhere

YO! Sandman gets double teamed at the start. Bam Bam then fucks up both guys. Chastity brings out a cart of weapons. Sandman gets hit with a trash can and falls into another. Plundah everywhere. Even a mail box. Drop toe hold onto...a bunch of stuff. Ironing board to the head. Cookie sheet! Sandman goes head first into the ironing board. The ring is full of junk. Raven goes into two smashed trash cans in the corner. Raven uses an oar on balls. Double sleeper spot doesn't last very long since they both fall off of Bam Bam as soon as they tried it. Heinekanrana! A table is in the ring. Bam Bam attempts to superbomb Sandman through it, but that table is from Japan. SWERVE! Bam Bam then does a splash and the table still barely breaks. Sandman goes cane crazy on Bam Bam. Chastity tries to prevent Raven from getting hit, but she gets shoved out of the way. Bam Bam gets another table. And another. He bounces off of another Japanese table. Evenflow to Sandman. Raven then duct tapes Sandman's hands behind his back. Four unprotected chair shots, even though Sandman's hands came untaped. Greetings From Asbury Park on Raven. Bam Bam sets Raven under a table and attempts a moonsault. Chastity uses a fire extinguisher and he falls. She then SWERVES her brother and headbutts him in the dick! Sandman pins Raven. YO! This was falls count anywhere and didn't even leave the ring.



Chris Benoit/Dean Malenko vs Barry Windham/Curt Hennig WCW Tag Team Championships Lumberjacks With Straps Match

The lumber jacks are Hugh Morrus, Arn Anderson, Meng, Kaos, Norman Smiley, Kendall Windham, Bobby Duncum Jr., and TAFKATAFKAPI. Benoit and Perfect start out. Arn came out and sent Chris Adams to the back. The champs try to bail and get all slapped up. Perfect gets chopped a few times and tags out. Barry gets slapped around on the floor. Leg lariatoo from Dean. Barry hits a floating DDT on Benoit and tags out. Benoit gets thrown to the floor and slapped around. Windham lariatoo. Standing dropkick from Barry. German suplex to Hennig lets Benoit make the tag. Hennig Plex TO Hennig. Cloverleaf. Barry breaks it up. Floating suplex from Barry. He's a floater. Curt hits some hard chops on Dean in the corner. Double tags. Benoit takes Barry's belt off. They go to the floor and everyone gets hit. Perfect hits Dean with an international object. Arn doesn't like it, so he hits Perfect with a tire iron. Benoit wins with a diving headbutt from corner to corner that he barely makes. New champions!


Chris Jericho vs Saturn Dog Collar Match

Saturn's "shocking" outfit is a leather corset and skirt. Jericho tries to make Ralphus take the match. He refused and walked away. Jericho decides to wear a mouth piece for the match. Jericho stalls for quite a while before the match. Saturn forcefully puts the collar on him. Saturn dominates the opening minutes. It goes to the floor when Jericho gets jerked off the apron onto the guard rail. Saturn does a Romero Special with the chain. Low blow with a chain from Jericho changes the pace of the match. Jericho powerbombs Saturn from the apron into the ring, but the chain pulls him in as well. Liontamer! However, the chain ended up choking Jericho while he had the hold on, so he let it go. DVD. Jericho kicks out! Saturn goes for a super rana, which is countered into an awkward superbomb. The chain breaks off of Saturn's collar. Jericho wraps it around himself and does a moonsault that Saturn doesn't really get all the way out of the way of. DVD for the win.



Booker T. vs Scott Steiner WCW TV Championship

Scott was really mad about something and threw the title around on the floor. Isn't it strange that Scotty almost the WCW Championship in 1991/1992, but didn't actually get it until near the end of 2000? Same goes for Booker, really. Both of these guys should have been in the title hunt at this point in their careers, not fighting over the TV Championship. Both guys were so far above that in 1999. Booker definitely has Scott's number. Scott gets almost no offense for minutes until Buff pulls Booker to the floor and unloads on him. The ref saw but this show is UNCENSORED so whatever. They are in the crowd. Chair shot from Steiner changes the pace. Press slam. Spinning belly to belly. Overhead belly to belly. Book comes back with a flying forearm. Kick combo. Ax kick. Flapjack Norton. Book goes for the missile dropkick. Buff trips him up. This is the same match they had on Nitro. Superplex. Buff accidentally hits Scott with a chair. Book kicks it back in Buff's face. New champion! The number one contender to the US Championship is the TV Champion! Besides the finish, this is every Booker/Steiner match ever.

Hollywood Hogan vs Ric Flair WCW Championship First Blood Barbed Wire Cage Match Ric Flair's Career vs Permanent Control of WCW Match

Does this have the most stipulations of any match ever? Four separate stipulations in one match. Before the match, Flair tells Charles Robinson to only stop the match at his own discretion. That means not calling the match for scratches or bloody lips. The cage has no doors and gets its own intro. Hogan immediately throws Flair around twice. Flair hits a gnarly chop in the corner. He goes after Hogan's knee, but Hogan shrugs that shit off to dominate Flair. You know, like all of their matches. Hogan locks on a figure four. Flair gets out of it, but is sent into the cage. Flair tries to climb out. Someone throws toilet paper in the ring. Hogan pulls Flair's tights down, so half the crowd gets to see his old man ass. He's also bleeding, but the ref hasn't called for the bell. Hulk pulls down some 'bowbed wire". Not even Bob Wire anymore. Hogan whips Flair with the weight belt and sends him into the cage again. Big boot and leg drop. Hulk tries a pin, but there are no pinfalls in this match. Robinson won't call for the bell despite Flair being as bloody as he can be. Flair uses an international object and throws Hulk into the cage. Now Hulk is bleeding. It's a first blood match, both guys are bleeding, but the match is still going on. David and Torrie come out. Ric SPITS AT HIS SON. Jesus. Hulk Hulks up. Another leg drop. The ref now actually makes the pin, but stops when he realizes it's a FIRST BLOOD MATCH WHERE BOTH GUYS HAVE BEEN BLEEDING FOR TEN MINUTES. Flair gets rammed repeatedly into the cage. Ref bump. In a first blood cage match. Low blow from Flair. Arn runs out and hits David. Torrie jumps on his back. Flair gets the tire iron. Down goes Hogan. Figure four. The ref counts a fall. New champion! What the fuck? Not a god damn thing in this match made sense. Flair was bleeding 5 minutes into the match. Then Hogan was bleeding and the ref wouldn't count falls because it was a first blood match. Then he decided to count a fall, but stopped because he remembered the rules. Then he counts a fall to end the match. Flair is champion for the 14th time and now has control over WCW 4LYFE.

DQ Count: 0 out of 9 matches

This show was pretty fun over all, but that main event made no fucking sense at all. A first blood match that ended in a pin fall from a submission after both guys had been bleeding for 10 minutes. Get that shit out of here. Fans were solidly behind Hogan. Jerry Flynn got a PPV win. Raven's fake sister willingly put her head by his cock and balls. Probably the fewest amount of gifs I've ever had for a PPV, but that doesn't mean it was a bad show. Just not a highly giffable show. The tag match should have been a strap match, with Saturn/Jericho being any kind of other gimmick.
That Ciampa/Cage match was really uncomfortable. Started great, but after that ridiculous ganso bomb on the floor that completely KO'd Cage, they probably should have ended it. I think Ciampa knew he wasn't going to be able to lift Cage and you see him shove Cage down to the floor so he at least lands on the back of his neck rather than on the point of his head, as in most ganso bomb incidents. Watching Cage try and wrestle for that first minute after he dragged himself back in the ring was so weird, the crowd were dead silent as Cage stumbled about the ring, but he eventually managed to clear the cobwebs and they wrestled the rest of their match which turned out pretty great. Still should've ended it after the botch, though.


So not worth it
A 12-year-old from Stamford was arrested on Tuesday after police say she continually bullied, taunted and harassed a 13-year-old classmate while at school.

Police said the victim’s parents contacted the department to report the bullying on Sept. 20. Both students attend a private middle school.

The bullying started at the beginning of the school year, according to police.

It intensified while police and school administrators investigated, pushing the victim to make suicidal comments, police said.

Police said the 12-year-old was charged with disorderly conduct and was released to the custody of her parents.


Be A Star campaign doesn't even work in their hometown.
And so it begins...paid off my PS4 pre-order - I got the Killzone bundle, plus DriveClub and Watchdogs. Won't be able to afford anything else until about a week before Christmas, though, but fuck it! NEXT GEN HYPE!!

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I paid off my PS4 itself. Probably going to sell the PS3 since I have a tiny collection a week or two before launch to pay for Watch Dogs and have money for the Q1 games. None of the launch day stuff aside from Watch Dogs really interests me. Gonna be playing mostly PC stuff in December anyways, X Rebirth and South Park.


So not worth it
Waiting patiently on my next paycheck at the end of the month, quarterly bonus time.

All I have to do is not spend it during the month of November and I can actually receive my PS4. This is actually harder than it sounds.


I have no money no next gen for me.

By the way I hope all your next gen games suck guys and you regret your purchases :)
I had thought about selling the PS3, but I can't bring myself to do it as Red Dead Redemption never came out on PC. Game of the Generation. I've got a ton of PS3 games I know I'll never want to play again, though, so I'll just sell a bunch of those.


So not worth it
The only purchase I'm regretting at the moment is the Wii U. But that was a long shot anyways, so I'm not too bothered by it.

Loving the Vita though, and it's only getting better with Remote Play on the horizon (hoping it's as good as it looks in the demonstrations)
Shit I forgot I had the PS4 and One pre ordered when are they out? Think I better cancel

NXT was good the invitational went exactly as I hoped I just wish there was no unmasking at the end

And boooooooooo the ascension suuuuuuuuck
Shit I forgot I had the PS4 and One pre ordered when are they out? Think I better cancel

22nd of November for the Xbone, 29th of November for the PS4.

Jeff Albertson said:
And boooooooooo the ascension suuuuuuuuck

Seriously, this. It's even more obvious when they're surrounded by a bunch of guys & gals who are performing far more admirably than the Ascension. Get rid of them, stat.

Also, I enjoyed Ohno's match with Harper. I don't know how anyone can watch Ohno in the ring and say he isn't ready.
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