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October Wrasslin' |strobogo Recap OT| This title is held in abeyance


So not worth it
Seriously, this. It's even more obvious when they're surrounded by a bunch of guys & gals who are performing far more admirably than the Ascension. Get rid of them, stat.

Also, I enjoyed Ohno's match with Harper. I don't know how anyone can watch Ohno in the ring and say he isn't ready.

The issue isn't that he's not ready, but the issue they have is they told him to get into better shape and he didn't. To be honest, I can see where they're coming from.

Jamie OD

I'm going to be trading in a bunch of games this weekend and if I end up with around 100 euro or more worth of credit I may be tempted to pre-order a PS4 with it.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
Battleground ticket sales keep getting more and more pathetic:


Toronto house show prices for comparison:


I joke that I'm going to be the only one there, but that might turn out to be true.


WWE was running tv commercials for Raw being in Richmond Va for December 30th...in fact, tickets go on sale in a couple of hours. o_O

$90 for floor seats
11 years ago this week, a promotion then known as NWA: TNA became available on Cablevision for the first time after the promotion started back in June. It certainly did not have the wrestling clinics that Ring of Honor had, but with WWE being the only game in town and them running a ridiculous Katie Vick angle, I gave this promotion in Nashville a shot.

The first match I saw was a short X-Division match between two guys named Shark Boy and the Amazing Red. It lasted maybe 5-7 minutes and at the time I found it laughable but the next week, I ordered TNA again. It began to be something I looked forward to on Wednesday nights.

By now, you may have heard the rumors that the Carters may sell the promotion. I hope someone buys it and that TNA is able to get back to where it was several years ago before Hogan and Bischoff came in. I hope the X-Division gets back to where it once was and much like over a decade ago, I go from seeing a bunch of workers wondering "Who the hell are these random spot guys?" to "I can't wait to see A vs. B."

As for Battleground, I'll check the PWTorch report but I will not be watching even with the option to see it for free.
That Lawler story about Savage was all messed up timeline wise, Meltzer:

When Lawler was on Austin’s podcast this week he told a story about how he got the job commentating in WWE. He said it was when Vince McMahon was backstage getting ready for Raw, and was asking, “Where’s Savage,” but unknown to Vince, Randy had signed with WCW when his contract expired. He said Vince then saw Savage on Nitro and that was the first he knew of Savage leaving. Of course that’s not at all how things went down.

Savage’s leaving was known by Vince long before he showed up in WCW. The only big surprise show ups were Lex Luger (who worked a WWF house show the night before he showed up in Minneapolis for the first Nitro) and Madusa (who WWE had already fired, but never had her lose her title belt and she showed up with the belt on Nitro a week later throwing the WWF belt in the garbage can). Savage’s last appearance in WWF was October 17, 1994, and he did a blow-off angle where Bob Backlund attacked him and put him in the chicken wing. He debuted on December 3, 1994 on WCW Saturday Night, nearly a year before Nitro started.

Lawler started with WWF in late 1992 as an announcer for Superstars, which was the “A” show, starting before there was Raw. Lawler’s coming was a huge deal at the time because he had been one of the biggest WWF critics in the world, going to the point of going on television at one point when WWF got headlines when Linda McMahon testified (in trying to avoid regulation) that pro wrestling was staged and Lawler cut a promo on Memphis TV (this was when the promotion was well past its peak but TV viewership weekly was still huge) saying how WWF had admitted they weren’t real and intimating their product was real. Ironically, many years later, Lawler was in the same position of trying to avoid regulation, I believe in Mississippi, said wrestling wasn’t real, and then went on Memphis TV and explained he was only saying it to avoid taxes and trying to intimate the media stories (since Lawler admitting wrestling wasn’t real was covered fairly strong) and what he said wasn’t true. The other surprise is that Lawler came in as a total chickenshit heel announcer, but he was the top babyface in Memphis, and Superstars aired in Memphis so fans saw him in both roles. He would explain on Memphis TV that he was playing a role in WWF but in Memphis you see the real King. When the cable show became more important than syndication as pro wrestling television changed, Lawler, by that point considered the “A” sidekick announcer in the company, was moved to Raw in August, 1995, months after Savage left WWF.
What possessed WWE to put LAST YEAR'S Raw After Wrestlemania on that stupid DVD collection and not THIS YEAR'S?! Ugh! So disappointed... :/


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
Kaz and Daniels singing Bob Eh Rooo's theme after the match then trolling Rooo about the Hall Of Fame was the best segment on wrestling this week

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Nash could pass as hip, sometimes. But Hogan trying to be cool and with it is cringe inducing. He's still trying that shit today and it's still just as awful. Hogan in 1999 stealing Konnan's dressing style and then trying to talk like a rapper is the worst. And it's hard to be cool eating dinner and paying a girl to fuck David Flair.
Jiggly jiggly Jew.


So not worth it
Kaz and Daniels singing Bob Eh Rooo's theme after the match then trolling Rooo about the Hall Of Fame was the best segment on wrestling this week

You will not trick me into watching TNA. You won't you hear me, you won't!
Ohno's great, but I don't see him getting treated very differently from Axel when he comes up - big debut, then falling off the map. There are younger guys in better shape to push to the main event, even if Ohno is the better, more experienced wrestler.
22nd of November for the Xbone, 29th of November for the PS4.

Seriously, this. It's even more obvious when they're surrounded by a bunch of guys & gals who are performing far more admirably than the Ascension. Get rid of them, stat.

Also, I enjoyed Ohno's match with Harper. I don't know how anyone can watch Ohno in the ring and say he isn't ready.

I just can't decide what to do about the console I can afford one but still paying off our Disneyworld holiday for next year so not sure whether to wait or not or even which console I'd prefer!

I love NXT but I can barely sit through the Ascension stuff they really bore me, I presume we are going to see Enzo and Big Cass win the belts off them eventually but there are so many better options to hold the belts

Was it Rick Victor that once randomly got a shot at the NXT title?

NXT has a lot going for it and very few failed characters at the moment we have:


Sami - fanastic in ring and showing good character
Aiden English - love his look and gimmick
Tyler Breeze - absolutely nailed a dodgy gimmick and the crowd love him
all the women (bar Charlotte maybe)
woods - never a top tier gimmick but he's a good mid card character
Kruger - didn't like him before but he's come on a lot
Enzo and Big Cass - hilarious and perfect for a role
Bo - quite ingenious to work a gimmick around his flaws and him being oblivious to it all
Neville - always a place on the roster for people with his ability

Not quite clicking for me at the minute:

Corey Graves - he's ok but he reminds me too much of David Bentley (English footballer / dickhead) and it annoys me

Never going to work:

The Ascension - just flat out dull
CJ Parker - annoying and just a bit shit

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I'm gonna just buy all next gen stuff but who are we kidding, Bone and PS4 aren't next gen at all. It's all about the Oculus Rift, baby. That's the only thing I really truly WANT and the wait for the consumer model is excruciating.


Yeah I feel kind of dumb buying a ps4 at launch because I don't want any of the exclusives and most of the multiplat games are also coming out on PC so I'd just rather get them on that. I have to get all the consoles at launch though! Plus, I don't see myself regretting these two as much as I regret the Wii U


So not worth it
After the first Xbox, I was so dissapointed that I vowed to never get another Xbox system.

So two 360's later, I am absolutely determined to never get an Xbone.
I'll fail.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah I feel kind of dumb buying a ps4 at launch because I don't want any of the exclusives and most of the multiplat games are also coming out on PC so I'd just rather get them on that. I have to get all the consoles at launch though! Plus, I don't see myself regretting these two as much as I regret the Wii U

You can still stop yourself from doing something dumb and stick with your PC. And sell your Wii U. Though to be honest...that Super Mario 3d World looks pretty fuckin rad.


You can still stop yourself from doing something dumb and stick with your PC. And sell your Wii U. Though to be honest...that Super Mario 3d World looks pretty fuckin rad.

PC is my true love, but I need those console exclusives! PS4 will have them eventually even if it has nothing at launch. I can't wait for Dead Rising though


So not worth it
You can still stop yourself from doing something dumb and stick with your PC. And sell your Wii U. Though to be honest...that Super Mario 3d World looks pretty fuckin rad.

Super Mario 3D World looked amazing when it was still called Super Mario Land 3D. Fucking Nintendo, I have no clue what they're doing or why.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Boots cut out that Driveclub purchase. You don't need that junk. 30fps traaaaash!


I'm getting Watch Dogs and AC4: Black Flag with my PS4. I thought about adding a third, but there is nothing else I really want.
That Ciampa/Cage match was really uncomfortable. Started great, but after that ridiculous ganso bomb on the floor that completely KO'd Cage, they probably should have ended it. I think Ciampa knew he wasn't going to be able to lift Cage and you see him shove Cage down to the floor so he at least lands on the back of his neck rather than on the point of his head, as in most ganso bomb incidents. Watching Cage try and wrestle for that first minute after he dragged himself back in the ring was so weird, the crowd were dead silent as Cage stumbled about the ring, but he eventually managed to clear the cobwebs and they wrestled the rest of their match which turned out pretty great. Still should've ended it after the botch, though.

Yeah, I heard about this. I need to check it out.
Super Mario 3D World looked amazing when it was still called Super Mario Land 3D. Fucking Nintendo, I have no clue what they're doing or why.

Obviously you never played Super Mario 3D Land because it is the best Mario ever. The new trailer for Super Mario 3D World looks INSANE.

I've got a PS4 preordered, but at this point I'm not even sure if I want to pick it up. Microsoft has burned me so many times I'm completely against getting an XBone even though the only next gen game I actually want
(if you're EA and don't count Wii U as next gen)
is Below.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Motherfuckin Titanfall makes my dick hard, I can't lie.


I've never been a fan of Killzone. It's kind of generic in every aspect of it's execution. This Shadow Fall game looks so different.....like Killzone rebooted. I need to give it a shot.

Dammit, I'm getting 3 games at launch, aren't I?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
People who praise Killzone for its "weighty" feel of 30fps are the biggest jokers and dipshits on the planet. I've always really dug the look of Killzone but the gameplay has always fallen flat. Visually them shits is fantastic though.


Killzone is ok. As far as PS3 exclusive shooters go, of which there are not many anyway, I always found Resistance much more fun to play.

And neither is better than Halo. But that's just like, my opinion and stuff.


People who praise Killzone for its "weighty" feel of 30fps are the biggest jokers and dipshits on the planet. I've always really dug the look of Killzone but the gameplay has always fallen flat. Visually them shits is fantastic though.

I don't care about FPS #'s and all that crap. I'd rather care about resolution. All games should be 1080p....fuck this 720 crap.

As for Killzone, I've always played shooters for their campaign and Killzone just seemed so bland to me. The same recycled human vs alien invasion crap we've got from Quake and countless other shooters....same recycled brown and black and grey abandoned planets, generic stories....ect.

But this one, it's different. It's on a planet in the midst of a cold war between the two factions, the world looks awesome, and it's long after the events of the original series so I don't think you have to have played the games before it to enjoy this one. It seems like they finally found a way to make Killzone not boring.


Yeah my multiplayer skills are pretty much doodoo, so if a FPS doesn't have a decent campaign there is nothing for me really.

Saying that, despite all the hate, I really enjoyed all the modern warfare campaigns. Maybe getting long in the tooth by part 3, but the initial outing truly was incredible.


I'd still like to try this


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah my multiplayer skills are pretty much doodoo, so if a FPS doesn't have a decent campaign there is nothing for me really.

Saying that, despite all the hate, I really enjoyed all the modern warfare campaigns. Maybe getting long in the tooth by part 3, but the initial outing truly was incredible.

They were balls out insane, and gave you an experience that you couldn't get anywhere else. Really enjoyed Black Ops 2's campaign. Fuckin bananas.
Yeah my multiplayer skills are pretty much doodoo, so if a FPS doesn't have a decent campaign there is nothing for me really.

Saying that, despite all the hate, I really enjoyed all the modern warfare campaigns. Maybe getting long in the tooth by part 3, but the initial outing truly was incredible.


I'd still like to try this


Suda's best game after killer 7 . though have shinji mikami along doest help!

also pokemon x/y is sounding good. after not playing the last few games it seems they made some changes to freshen it up a bit.
Boots cut out that Driveclub purchase. You don't need that junk. 30fps traaaaash!

No way, it looks exactly like the sort of driving game I love - somewhere between arcade and simulation. That's probably the game I'm looking forward to most on launch day, although I probably end up getting sucked into Watchdogs.


No way, it looks exactly like the sort of driving game I love - somewhere between arcade and simulation. That's probably the game I'm looking forward to most on launch day, although I probably end up getting sucked into Watchdogs.

Why buy Drive Club when the PS+ version is only missing a few cars and tracks? You can still get the platinum trophy even.


impressions have been hilarious.

either people extremely dissapointed with it being just CoD with wall run and mechs and people ultra hyped cause it's just CoD with wall run and mechs.

Just one of those things. Like, how could Bayonetta not feel like Devil may Cry.
The team is good at what they do..so let them at it. It's fine.

You know call it a hunch, but Destiny might actually feel like... HALO.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Why buy Drive Club when the PS+ version is only missing a few cars and tracks? You can still get the platinum trophy even.

Agreed. And if you love it, you can finish buying it. Why take risks Boots? Is it the deathmatch in your blood that makes you do dangerous things?!
Destiny looks so good. game im most hype for.

titanfall looks fantastic. tho im probably going to end up with the 360 version lol. (Mac master race here)


I hope the next gen isn't so obsessed with first person shooters. I do not enjoy them at all and it felt like 75% of games since 2006 were shooters, sports games, or quirky indie games. Not interested in another 8 or more years of that bullshit.

I will only jump to next gen when WWE games are no longer made for the current gen. And they kept making games for PS2 until 2010 that looked the same as the 360/PS3 versions. I'll only switch when I can't get BO on 360.
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