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October Wrasslin' |strobogo Recap OT| This title is held in abeyance


Just watched a Nasty Boys vs Natural Disasters match from 1992 that ended with a DQ finish. Can matches get any worse?

Warlord vs Jim Neidhart/Bulldog are some of the worst matches of all time. Want to see dudes only do chin locks and full nelsons for 10 minutes? Watch those. I legit shoot used to watch those match to go to sleep as a kid.
Why is Big Show getting a push in 2013?

Because he's one of the best big men of all time (seriously, go look at other 'giants' matches around Show's age and come back to me), he's a great actor for wrestling, and the fans care about him? I know, he should be fired because he's over 250 pounds and can't do a 450 Splash.


NeoGAF's smiling token!

When you jump out of planes in GTA V you dont automatically get a parachute.

did you get to the part where it says "blah blah you can now have parachutes all the time because fuck our psuedo reality we know you just want fun"


He shouldn't be fired, but he shouldn't be in the main event angle, either. He has value, but I don't think it is what he's doing right now. However, I'm not sure where he can be used. He should be an attraction like Andre and not a weekly character.
did you get to the part where it says "blah blah you can now have parachutes all the time because fuck our psuedo reality we know you just want fun"

Judging by the large splat I just made in the middle of downtown LS clearly not.

Good to know that will happen eventually.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
can't make a wrestling joke out of this cause that'd be too morbid


Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Since I sold my PS3 and only have my PC until PS4, I was thinking about trying to go back to playing more Vice City and just not doing the stupid RC mission.


He shouldn't be fired, but he shouldn't be in the main event angle, either. He has value, but I don't think it is what he's doing right now. However, I'm not sure where he can be used. He should be an attraction like Andre and not a weekly character.

I still like that idea someone posted a while back where he realizes he has no legacy and dickishly decides to slum it and break Honky Tonk's IC reign record to make up for that, squashing midcarders because lol. 3-4 months of squashes, a couple of past IC champs from upper-mid card/main event level try to humble him and fail (one of which is of course Jericho), you start getting odd matches towards the end of the record attempt (handicaps, iron man matches, HiaCs, etc.) with everyone desperate to stop him because he's getting more smug with each passing day and it ends with Show losing to an up-and-comer before he can break the record.



WCW Monday Nitro SPRING BREAKOUT 3/22/99

Show starts with a recap of Hogan/Nash vs Goldberg/Flair. Followed with a recap of Chastity turning on Raven at Uncensored.

Bull Payne vs Van Hammer

Bull looks like an even gayer Rob Halford. What a terrible way to start any show, but especially a Spring Break show. I'm not doing this match. Hammer wins with a spinebuster. He signature taunt is totally rolling a joint, but done slowly enough that maybe it isn't explicit.

TO THE NITRO PARTY. Fuck you, Riki. The whole show is a Nitro party, so these are bullshit. Rey is talking about winning the title and giving Kidman a title shot at Spring Stampede. After the break, they're still doing Nitro Party stuff, but this time it's a weird local band where the drummer is also the lead singer and it is ultra cheesy. Now Disco is the guest. Disco does Yakoff Smirnoff jokes. Riki says that Disco in Konnan's video is annoying. No way. Disco is the only way that video is tolerable. They show the video and Disco says if Konnan has a problem with it, they can have a match at Spring Stampede.

Recap of the Steiner/Buff break up.

TO THE BACK. Finlay hits up the beach house to make sure Rick Steiner is there and ready for a fight. Rick is indeed there, drinking Surge and is ready.

Another recap of Goldberg/Flair vs Nash/Hogan.

Video of Goldberg doing stupid shit with NASCAR while Riki talks about how cool racing is. Hak interrupts. YO! Hardcore Hak: The King of Extreme. Hak vs Goldberg tonight. Goldberg ain't extreme. Hak is extreme. YO!

60 seconds with Goldberg. This is the same promo they were airing shortly before he won the title. So a 9 month old promo package.

STING will make his WCW return...on QVC. Fucking lol.

El Dandy/Psychosis/Silver King/La Cucaracha vs Lizmark Jr./Damian/Super Calo/La Parka

Cucaracha is some dude in a flannel shirt and Mil Mascaras mask. La Cucaracha hit Stunners on everyone and pinned Damian. WHO IS THAT MYSTERIOUS MASKED MAN? Here are the gifs:



TO THE BACK. JoJo and Flair are talking about all the bitches around tonight. Flair has to be on the show tonight. He's going to go out to the ring and challenged the entire company. But the SWERVE will be that only mid carders and cruiserweights will actually be in the lottery to face him.

Mike and Dusty Rhodes talked. Tenay's sources said there were some issues with Dusty and Flair's people last week. Dusty said he was instrumental in Flair getting into the office. But they were in conference if you wheel. Dusty was promised to be the commissioner. Nothing happened. He was then told he would get his spot back from Larry Z and possibly even replace Tenay. Nothing happened. But JoJo got the commissioner spot. We are eating off the table Dusty set. "Are we cross? Are you cross with Dusty Rhodes?" The way he said it was fucking hilarious.



. Larry went HAM on Dusty. "Larry, are you cross?" Fucking Tony, PERFECT timing. He even did it with a Dusty lisp. Raven interrupts Flair's promo and says he's never received a title shot (he has, against Goldberg on Thunder). Flair says Raven and Kanyon can face the Horsemen for the tag titles instead. Kanyon isn't even there since he's making the Jesse Ventura movie. Flair says there will be a drawing for someone to face Flair in the main event tonight. Well, no shit, since we already saw him say that in the back.

I love the looks Tony gives when Larry starts talking in cliches.

Fit Finlay vs Rick Steiner

Someone is going to get hit hard. I bet Rick won't randomly stiff the fuck out of Finlay like he did Chris Adams. Rick won with the bulldog. Very disappointing. Neither guy stiffed each other even once. In fact, they were both far less stiff than they normally are.

El Vampiro vs Juentud Guerrera

Juvi runs right into a kick to the face. Spinning head scissors from Juvi. Huge tossing powerbomb out of the corner. Big chokeslam while Tenay talks about how he listens to punk once in a while. Juvi tries a rana and gets powerbombed again. Vamp tries one more, but YOU CAN'T POWERBOMB KIDMAN. Vamp bails and Juvi does a pescado. We come back from break to hear some loud chops from both guys. Juvi is dumped to the floor. He comes back with a rope stunner and a missile dropkick. Another powerbomb, this time a sit out. Vamp misses a whisper in the wind. Juvi misses a guillotine leg drop, but because Vamp decided he did want to do the spot. Super gut wrench suplex. Vamp tries one more power bomb, but it is countered into the Juvi Driver for the put away!



Riki announces the winner of the Miss Nitro contest. Lol, she came out and said hi...to the non hard cam side. Hogan, Nash, and a whole group of bikini clad women come out. It's the nWo's Miss Spring Break contest. There were supposed to be 8 women, but only 7 came out. SHOW YOUR TITS chants are shut down when Nash said he would, but it is cold out. Woman 8 comes out. It's Torrie, with David Flair. Torrie's heels got stuck on the ramp twice. Riki cuts Nash off about Miss Nitro shit. God, I hope he gets powerbombed. They make him choose one of the nWo women. He doesn't want to. Nash teases a powerbomb. Nash said to pick Torrie, so he did. "Sable, eat your heart out HAHAHAHAHAH."

Goldberg vs Hardcore Hak

YO! Sandman has Mongo's music, so I guess Mongo must be gone. This is a dream match! Sandman attacks as Goldberg jumped on the apron. Goldberg no sells punches and puts Sandman on his ass. Goldberg gets thrown back to the floor. World's Strongest Slam. Bulldog on a chair. Sandman gets his cane out. Goldberg just stays standing in place when Sandman tries the White Russian leg sweep. Powerslam. Spear. Jackhammer. Should have been done on Bob's Wire. YO!



. Bret Hart hopefully comes out to make some funny faces. "I came here to earn a reputation, not lose it." He's had no title shots since being in WCW over a year now. He doesn't believe he'll ever get his match with Hogan. They did have a match, but it was all part of a SWERVE. He's defeated Nash multiple times. "You may be the pencil, but I'm sure I can be the eraser." This is getting insidery. Goldberg's muscles can't defeat the technical skill of Bret. Just one time he wants Goldberg. He can beat Bill in 5 minutes.

Nitro Girls do a routine cosplaying as male wrestlers and it was terrible.

Horace vs VINCE

Lol. VINCE won and was they laid out by Stevie. Whoreass joined in. Crush came out to fight Whoreass. Stevie and Crush then argued.

We're getting the drawing for Flair's opponent. All the mid carders and cruisers are standing around the pool. Number 23 is drawn. El Dandy had 23, but he was hurt in the earlier match, so Rey Mysterio took his spot. Flair says Rey wasn't supposed to be in the drawing. Is El Dandy an offensive name in 2013?

A Horsemen video airs with Hardcore Holly's music.

Raven vs Dean Malenko/Chris Benoit WCW Tag Team Championships

Raven is double teamed as soon as he hits the ring. Cloverleaf very early. Dean lets it go when Raven won't give up. Iron Crossface. Raven still won't give up. Powerbomb doomsday device. Saturn comes out. Benoit says he can have the left overs, but this is Horsemen business. Saturn then attacks both men. T-bone and belly to belly. Rings of Saturn on Dean. Sandwich lariat from the Horsemen. Extended beat down on Saturn. Raven has been down in the corner for minutes. Diving headbutt is missed. No water in the pool, if you will. Hot tag to Raven. Saturn counters the Iron Crossface into the Rings. Dean and Raven both have a title belt. Raven hits Dean with one as Benoit is giving up. DQ. Dusty Finish, if you wheel.


Recap of the start of the US Championship tournament.

Scott Steiner vs Chris Jericho

This is a tournament match. Jericho comes out in a sash with Japanese lettering. Brain says it says "Jericholic". Brain also speaks 7 languages, including carny. Tenay popped huge for that. Triangle dropkick sends Scott to the floor. However, this pissed him off and he started beating the shit out of Jericho. T-bone suplex. Jericho comes back and almost wins with the Lionsault. Scott powers out of the Liontamer. Jericho does not power out of the low blow. Steiner Recliner for the win. This was the last WCW memory I had of Jericho, but I think he's primarily a jobber from this point on.

Ric Flair vs Rey Mysterio Jr. WCW Championship

Rey shows Flair up in the opening minutes. Springboard leg drop. A slap sends Flair down and begging off. Arn tries to get involved, but is put down. A series of dropkicks and seated senton. Flair bails. Arn wipes Rey out the next time he's on the floor. Chops begin. Rey almost wins with a roll up. Lol at Rey trying to lead Flair through lucha roll ups. Rey almost gets decapitated on an Irish whip. Springboard X-Factor. Rey misses at least 3 spin wheel kicks in a row. Rey hits a super rana. He had a clean win on Ric, but Arn pulled the ref out last second. Flair is disqualified, but retains the title. Rey knocked him into the pool after the match.



DQ Count: 2 out of 9 matches.

I find it really strange that the Horsemen are full on heels pretty much out of no where. Flair makes sense, but Arn, Dean, and Benoit don't.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
Just watched a Nasty Boys vs Natural Disasters match from 1992 that ended with a DQ finish. Can matches get any worse?

Nasty Boys vs Konnan and Jerry Tuite (The Wall) for a XWF show. As awful as you think that 1992 match was, it's nothing compared to 2002 where they are older, slower, and just don't care.
For I was lost and now I've been found...

Holy crap, I have to apologize for only catching up on NXT recently. This is easily the best wrestling on TV here and blows the hell out of Raw/Smackdown (and TNA but that's a given). I just got Hulu Plus and have been binge watching the show. Where do I start on the awesomeness of NXT?

1. Sami Zayn- dude is just phenomenal and the crowd loves him. He's even made the feud with Bo Dallas seem fun. He's just so much fun to watch in the ring.
2. Adrian Neville- heard you guys talk about him but he's just phenomenal in the ring. He's going to be successful in the WWE sooner rather than later.
3. Enzo Amore/Big Cass- these guys are hilarious, Amore in particular. I was dying during the promo they cut this week...sawft tacos.
4. Watched Luke Harper/Kassius Ohno- very solid matchup and Ohno looks like he's in much better shape. Harper just impresses me in the ring both on NXT and in the big shows.
5. The Divas division...probably my favorite aspect of NXT. Not only is the Divas division passable, it may well be my favorite part of the show. Emma is amazing, from dancing to her in-ring skills. Paige is Paige, don't need to tell you guys why she's impressive. I knew nothing about Bayley but she's pretty entertaining in the ring too. Similarly, I knew nothing about Sasha Banks before watching NXT and came away impressed.

I was getting burned out on wrestling and now I'm incredibly interested again thanks to NXT. For all the shit HHH gets, he's doing a great job cultivating some incredible talent with NXT.
Did you know?

I still cannot remember the actual name of the PPV tonight without referecing the wiki page

Did you know? 2

I sometimes forget there is a PPV tonight.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
Has Big Slow ever held the WWE title? I know he's been HW champ

Twice, years ago when it was the WWF title. First time in 1999 when he took Austin's place in Survivor Series, pinned HHH for it. I think this was right after that amusing Big Show/Big Boss Man feud with Show's dead father and coffin surfing. Somehow all lead to Big Show being part of Wrestlemania 2000

Second time was 2002 Survivor Series, beat Brock for it before losing it to Angle. Part of a really good Lesnar/Angle friends/feud swerve story line.
Edit: Speaking of http://dai.ly/x1rf2z


I'm watching the nWo DVD on Netflix, and I love how Vince always goes "He asked for some huge amount of money...I don't know how much it was now" when he talks about a contract negotiation. He did the same thing on the Ultimate Warrior DVD.

Fucking bullshit, Vince. You know you remember that shit, stop trying to act like you're passed it.
Will the PPV tonight be seen as great because hype is so low, or now that I have reliazed hype is so low, will I expect the PPV to be great, and be left dissopointed?


I'm watching the nWo DVD on Netflix, and I love how Vince always goes "He asked for some huge amount of money...I don't know how much it was now" when he talks about a contract negotiation. He did the same thing on the Ultimate Warrior DVD.

Fucking bullshit, Vince. You know you remember that shit, stop trying to act like you're passed it.

I bet he brings it up randomly.

Like at the dinner table he'll bang the table with his fist and say "8 MILLION, HE WANTED DAMNIT!"

Also Dragonzord that's horrible, that's horrible and mean spirited.
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