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October Wrasslin' |strobogo Recap OT| This title is held in abeyance

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Just popped by to confirm that the Young Bucks suck and so does Brie Bella

new Ebessanage

Spider from Mars

tap that thorax
Is WWE still bad?
Is Raw still smackdown on mondays?
Is wrestling even a thing anymore?
I need someone to gently take my hand and bring me back into the loop.


Is WWE still bad?
Is Raw still smackdown on mondays?
Is wrestling even a thing anymore?
I need someone to gently take my hand and bring me back into the loop.

When was the last time you watched WWE? If the answer is any time after SummerSlam then its still the same as you remember it.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
he didn't tear his tricep, but he probably had surgery on something in that part of his arm.

if he tore his tricep, he wouldn't be able to lift his arm let alone wrestle in a match.
Lol. Who shoots up in their elbow? Although I do find it hard to believe he could have torn his triceps and been totally fine to work for months with it, not miss any work outs or lose any size, and still pick dudes up and throw them around with out any problems. It looked more like a weird staph infection or bursa sac inflammation to me, but I ain't no got dang doctor.

This is not directed at Stro, but in the same universe,

How could the WWE take their drug plicy seriously, when we all know John is using something.

Please don't tell me hes natural. Its just not true.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
This is not directed at Stro, but in the same universe,

How could the WWE take their drug plicy seriously, when we all know John is using something.

Please don't tell me hes natural. Its just not true.

He's natty.


Sure thing, no rush though - I'm not sure how much deathmatch idiocy I'll be able to take in one sitting, so I may not finish the first show tonight.

It's cool. I regularly start shows and take hours long breaks or get half way through a show and go to bed. Sometimes you just have to walk away for a bit and do something else.


It happened again.

CM Punk's quest to be WWE Champion storyline became about HHH and Kevin Nash. Daniel Bryan's quest to be WWE champion storyline is now about HHH and Big Show. All that's missing is Big Show texting himself.
When Dean Ambrose has his quest to be WWE Champion storyline, will it become about HHH and Roman Reigns?


Wrasslegaf can see every detail as to why John Cena sucks

But can they see why kids love cinnamon toast crunch !?!?!?
Meltzer says we'll be getting Kota Ibushi vs Tomohiro Ishii at the Power Struggle iPPV on November 9th :)

Also, the stipulations for Okada vs Tanahashi VI is that if Okada fails to beat Tanahashi in 60 minutes, he'll vacate the title. If Tanahashi fails to beat Okada in the 60 minutes, he'll never challenge him for the title again. All signs seem to point to a Tanahashi victory, but I wouldn't rule out a 60 minute draw either.


She forced AJ to oversell

I don't think it is. It was just a random accident. At least, that's what it looks like to me. It doesn't look like she was being reckless or anything. Injuries happen from time to time.

Thats what it looks like to me too.

I feel like I see this a lot. Like when Seth Rollins hit his head on the table and people blamed Ryback when it was really Seth not jumping far enough. Or when Wade broke his arm and people blamed Show when Wade just landed wrong. You know?



WCW Thunder 4/1/99

It's Thunder, which means it is time for me to catch up on podcasts while I match the effort WCW put into Thunder.

Sting will be at Nitro and we will hear from him! Apparently, Hogan vs DDP was for the number one contendership, so Hogan vs Flair XXV at Spring Stampede!

TO THE MEAN GENE. Raven and Saturn are the guests. Why are they back together? Maybe we'll find out. My guess is that this was supposed to be Kanyon's spot, but they used Saturn since Kanyon was off doing the Jesse Ventura movie. Raven explains that the fights they had were nothing like the fights they had in high school. "In Summer camp, we fought all over this girl, Beulah McGillicutty. It was..feud...oh." "That wasn't me, that was Tommy, goof!" "Whatever." Lol. They cost the Horsmen the titles mostly because they don't like them. They believe that Kidman and Rey at least owe them a title shot. Guess what? NO explanation as to why they got back together. Just an ECW joke. I don't even care. I like Raven as Johnny Polo as Raven.

Disco/Konnan hype video.

Erik Watts vs Norman Smiley

Eric Watts is back? Did WCW not learn their lesson the first time around? Erik tries to out wiggle Norman. What kind of asshole wrestles in Jyncos? Is Erik Watts a Juggalo? I don't like him and I don't like him beating up Norman. Smiley Slam. TBS won't show the Big Wiggle anymore. BULLSHIT. Erik Watts is fucking lame. He does this stupid gun slinger taunt. I wish he was dead. Is he dead? I don't even know. Buckle bomb. He taunted too much and Norman locked on the crossface chicken wing. Good. FUCK YOU, Erik Watts.


TO THE BACK. Chris Jericho is talking to JoJo to try to get back into the US Championship tournament. As it turns out, Curt Hennig is hurt and Jericho found a loop hole that allows for the last wrestler eliminated to take an injured wrestler's spot. JoJo will not allow this unless he actually sees the rule book.

Raven/Saturn vs Bobby Duncum Jr./Mike Enos

Duncum/Enos is such a random pairing. Saturn's look is evolving. He's got an Egyptian styled skirt thing with nifty new black and white boots with kick pads, and make up. Looks better than the corset thing. Bobby hits Enos with a cowbell when Enos was tagging, but Duncum thought it was Saturn. Raven hits the Evenflow for the win. The Horsemen ran out and beat the shit out of Raven and Saturn.

TO THE BACK. JoJo and Flair are discussing things when Jericho comes in and tries to convince Flair why he should get back in the tournament. Flair allows Jericho back in.

Chris Adams vs Chris Jericho

This is a tournament match. How is Adams in this tournament? Dude hasn't won a match since the 80s. In fact, he just lost on Monday to a dude in the tournament. So this means there were 7 people in the tournament: Bam Bam, Meng, Scott Steiner, Chris Jericho, Booker T, Saturn, and Chris Adams. Jericho was in it twice, so I was right about the tournament having an odd number of competitors and someone losing more than once. Jericho wins and advances in the tournament.

TO THE BACK. Flair talks with The Disciple, whose contract expires in 30 days. Flair want to know what he intends to do when he can't wrestle. Flair will extend the contract for 3 years at double the salary IF Brutus can beat Hulk Hogan tonight!

Meng/Jerry Flynn vs Babarian/Hugh Morrus

This didn't happen since Barb/Hugh attacked Flynn in the back and did a spike piledriver. Meng ran back to check on his new buddy. Lol. MENG is checking on his friend? Meng?! Now it is a handicap match. This is such a long match. Flynn came back out and Meng ended up winning anyway. It was terrible.

Hype video for Meng plays after the match. 90% of it was him beating up Barbarian, Hugh Morrus, or Jerry Flynn.

TO THE BROTHERJACKDUDE. Hulk rambles about Flair until Flair comes out. A lot of fat boys in the crowd were pissing Flair off. The Disciple is no longer The Disciple, but is ED. Flair brings him out as Ed Leslie, but Brutus talks about himself in the 3rd person as The Disciple. Flair SCREAMS "tonight tonight tonight tonight tonight tonight tonight tonight tonight tonight" while Hogan tries to talk. Hogan also calls Brutus by the Disciple name.

Chavo Guerrero Jr./Kaz Hayashi vs Dean Malenko/Chris Benoit

Arn is with the Horsemen. So what's the deal with him not letting Flair get a cheap win last week? That shit just isn't going to get mentioned? Dean and Kaz started. Kaz got the better of the exchange and tags were made. Benoit is mean to Chavo. Dean comes in and mean to both Chavo and Kaz. Dean wins after a swank tiger bomb into the Cloverleaf. He wouldn't let go after the match until Raven and Saturn came out for revenge. Drop toe hold on a chair. They put Benoit on a table. They do a rocket launcher to the floor, but that table was Japanese, so Saturn just bounced off of Benoit.



TO THE BACK. Hulk talks to the nWo. He wants Scotty to take Booker out. Stevie doesn't like this at all. So, Hogan is a face in the arenas, but still a heel backstage. He sends Nash away so he can talk to the B Team. He wants a battle royal on Nitro and the winner will get to be the true leader of the B Team.

Horace vs DDP

Is DDP a heel or what? He was a full on heel on Nitro against Hogan as a face, but here he is on Thunder facing the other Hogan, who is definitely a heel. He won with the Kanyon Cutter. BANG! He acted like an angry heel after the match, though.

Disciple vs Hollywood Hogan

Is he Ed or Disciple? Or Brutus Beefcake? Or Brother Bruti? Or Zodiac? Or The Booty Man? Or The Clipmaster? Or The Man With No Name? Or The Mariner? Or Dizzy Hogan? Or Dizzy Boulder? Or Ed Boulder? Or The Butcher? Regardless, he's in the main event with Hulk Hogan in 1999. Fucking ridiculous. This match would have made sense to happen during the feud with Warrior. Instead, it happens 6 months later after Warrior has been long gone, never to be mentioned again. Flair tripped Hogan as he was going for the leg drop. Brutus then hit the Stunner, which Hogan no sold. When he hit the leg drop, Flair hit the ring and the match was thrown out. He also decked the ref just for fun. Hulk no sold all that shit. Leg drop on Flair. The rest of the Horsemen come out and attack Hogan. Mongo hasn't been mentioned since Hogan threw bleach in his face months ago. Hulk FIGHTS OFF THE FOUR HORSEMEN SINGLE HANDEDLY to end the show. In 1999. Even though he's technically still a heel and leader of the nWo.


DQ Count: 1 out of 7 matches.

I'm having a hard time understanding why Nash got the book, booked himself to go over Goldberg, then SWERVE drop the title to Hogan to reform the nWo...then turn Hogan into the top baby face. Did Hogan show Nash how it was done? That's what it seems like to me.


Ric Flair said on the Steve Austin podcast that he was mortified after they made him cut his hair. He never wanted to.

Sure after sometime he was ok with it, but not at first.


So it looks like the WWE champion has a twitter account:


No usage of the word abeyance means it's probably not legit.

[I'm having a hard time understanding why Nash got the book, booked himself to go over Goldberg, then SWERVE drop the title to Hogan to reform the nWo...then turn Hogan into the top baby face. Did Hogan show Nash how it was done? That's what it seems like to me.

Hogan + creative control clause = see last episode of TNA
Thats what it looks like to me too.

I feel like I see this a lot. Like when Seth Rollins hit his head on the table and people blamed Ryback when it was really Seth not jumping far enough. Or when Wade broke his arm and people blamed Show when Wade just landed wrong. You know?

That's because some of the smarks in this thread would never want to believe that their faves could POSSIBLY get injured because of an accident, and have to find someone to blame to justify them not liking a particular wrestler.


Meltzer says we'll be getting Kota Ibushi vs Tomohiro Ishii at the Power Struggle iPPV on November 9th :)

Also, the stipulations for Okada vs Tanahashi VI is that if Okada fails to beat Tanahashi in 60 minutes, he'll vacate the title. If Tanahashi fails to beat Okada in the 60 minutes, he'll never challenge him for the title again. All signs seem to point to a Tanahashi victory, but I wouldn't rule out a 60 minute draw either.
I ready for Okada to drop the belt. Maybe it's just me but it feels like he doesn't have the same fire he did when he first won it. I'm not sure what it is. Either he's bored or he's so into his rich gimmick that he's become a snob that thinks he's too cool for the room. Or maybe it's something completely different.
Intro for my ToD review, I hope it's suitably over-dramatic;

"In a parking lot, deep in the heart of Dover, Delaware, something historic is happening. There's a couple of hundred fans gathered around a rickety-ass ring, waiting patiently in damp and dreary weather for a show to begin. It's not the sort of show that attracts crowds of any major numbers, nor the sort of show that brings in the locals. It's the sort of show that caters to a small, but very specific breed of wrestling fan, a breed of fan that's dissatisfied with mainstream wrestling and perhaps dismayed at the lack of alternatives offered in an increasingly politically correct world. They've gathered to pay tribute to their heroes, even though these aren't the sort of heroes you're ever likely to see on TV, and to stand witness as history unfolds, blood is shed and bodies are broken. Welcome, to Combat Zone Wrestling's inaugural Tournament of Death."

I ready for Okada to drop the belt. Maybe it's just me but it feels like he doesn't have the same fire he did when he first won it. I'm not sure what it is. Either he's bored or he's so into his rich gimmick that he's become a snob that thinks he's too cool for the room. Or maybe it's something completely different.

I agree, I'm just not particularly keen to see another Tanahashi storyline - however, Tanahashi has his rivalry with Naito. Okada lacks any sort of real feud at the moment and I think that's the main problem.
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