I would like to hear about them before this place turns in to reddit.
So, Technolust is incredibly impressive for something mostly the work of a single person. It doesn't have the polish or visuals of something like Ethan Carter, but it has a great soundtrack. It's also a fun puzzle adventure with a decent selection of minigames so far. Early on you have to beat a high score on one of five arcade games. There's one called Hyper Cube which is four simultaneous games of Tetris all around you. I sucked at that one. There's a fun one where you have to shoot balls at little robots inside of a small model of a room in a manor. I didn't get near the high score there.
I do miss the amount of stuff the apartment had to do in the original beta / demo / whatever, where you could watch Night of the Living Dead on the TV, and had more puzzles in the starting room, but there's still a good amount of stuff going on. Again, mainly made by one guy as I understand it. I enjoy the atmosphere of the world.
Speaking of atmosphere, Ethan Carter is dripping with it. Yeah it makes me wish I had more horsepower (or more truthfully, that I could leverage at least one more of my graphics cards) so that I could hit a smooth 90fps at 130% scaling (because it looks so much better that way) but it's an incredibly polished VR port. The 'comfort mode' here is teleporting between hotspots... even though I prefer playing it with a gamepad. Definitely one that needs an iron stomach to play that way though.
I've gone through the first couple of major areas and puzzles and it really is a beautiful game. Definitely the kind of thing I imagined a VR game to be like, minus the nausea. I played it standing up for a while, which is cool, but also sort of frustrating for how limited the space I have to move around in is. This kind of slower paced examine the world around you type of game is going to do really well in VR.
If you have it already, definitely get the $10 upgrade. If you don't... take a look at some screenshots and ask yourself if you want to explore that world in VR.
But yes, if you're going to freely explore... perhaps keep the ginger ale on standby.
How's Technolust? I have a key, but I haven't tried it yet since I heard rumours that it might run poorly on a 970 with the current build. I'm trying my best not to KO myself with motion sickness in the first week!
No issues on my 980, and no issues with motion sickness from Technolust. It does the 45 degree turning thing, and has a mode called cloudstep where you just move forwards in approximately 2 foot chunks that should help further. I didn't use it myself though. There's a lot of stopping and investigating, and not a lot of long traversal like Ethan Carter has.