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Oculus Rift Launch Thread: Ballpark 2016

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Im only giving my own opinion also of course, but they dont care about who gets rifts. Theyre not making money on the hardware and the hit on KS hardware has already been decided. Their only interest is on increasing the userbase so they can get the 30% on software sales.
First impressions are everything and im sure they completely turned a lot of consumers off, i for one will only be buying things on Steam that either work with the Rift or also have a key for Oculus store.
I hope they do get lots of cancellations, if nothing but to drive home the fact that this is not how you do a launch.

I hear ya. Due to the slow shipments, that 30% on software sales has got to be hurting pretty badly right now. I feel bad for the developers that were really hoping for a lot more sales than they are pulling in right now due to lack of inventory out in the wild. Really sucks for them :(

Meanwhile, Vive orders are being processed in decent numbers.

Yeah, crazy. And in the meantime, it appears that Vive orders are starting to pick up pace over the last week. Not sure how valid it is (because refreshing the HTC Vive order page will show back in stock), but some people are getting "Out of stock" when going to order the Vive.


Hail to the KING baby
I went ahead and canceled for now. Was in pretty early on the pre-orders but kind of realized that Gear + this + Vive + PSVR was probably overkill. :p If HTC isn't quick I'll cancel that too! :D Hanging on the PSVR though because the lineup is awesome -- reminds me of the Dreamcast in a weird way.


I went ahead and canceled for now. Was in pretty early on the pre-orders but kind of realized that Gear + this + Vive + PSVR was probably overkill. :p If HTC isn't quick I'll cancel that too! :D Hanging on the PSVR though because the lineup is awesome -- reminds me of the Dreamcast in a weird way.

Is it because of Rez?


Man. So really loving what I have been able to play so far.. but running into a bunch of issues trying to play some of my games.. Not really Rift issues, more just "PC gaming" issues..

First, it just sucks that the Steam VR seems to work with the Rift just fine, but then when I try to run Elite: Dangerous via Steam VR, it doesn't want to work, it ends up displaying a small 720p window on my main monitor and just holding a static image ( still in 3D mind you! ) in the Rift... I had heard that you kinda needed to use the Oculus Home version of E: D on the Rift, but it just sucks that it is sooo close to working via Steam directly, but it can't. If anyone knows of any tricks to get it going, let me know!

So now, I am downloading a full 2nd copy of the game now via Oculus Home.. Lame.

In the meantime, I thought I would fire up Eve: Valkyrie. It seems to run great and look great! But, for some reason, as soon as I get into flight, it seems to hold the Left thumbstick hard right.. just like it needs to be recalibrated. This is using the XBONE controller and wireless adapter that came with the rift. Its super frustrating. I have rebooted the PC / Controller / Game multiple times and get the same result every time. If I then use the same XBONE controller in another game, like Dirt Rally, it works just fine. It really seems to just be an issue with Eve: Valkyrie.. Kinda lame.

I have a full HOTAS setup, but you have to jump through hoops to make it work with outside software with E: V because it only has support for controllers ( apparently not very good support lol ).

Anyways, still really impressed overall with how my machine is rendering these games, I have SLI'ed GTX 680s going and a ~4 year old i7 that doesn't meet the minimum spec with the oculus spec tool thing. So far, I haven't seen any chopyness, besides once or twice in the Oculus Dreamdeck app, where the framerate dropped to like 2fps ( BARF! ), but a reboot of the app would put it back at 120 ( or whatever super fast framerate its going ). Pretty impressed overall, still expecting the PC to choke a bit when I finally get E: D up and running.


Yes, actually a lot of the wacky games. And the fact that it's a super-expensive and niche console peripheral! Now where are my maracas and twin sticks?
I never realized I wanted this until now.
Rez might be enough for me to grab a PSVR too. One of my favorite games ever, and I don't see that one ever coming over to Rift or Vive. Will be hard to resist being able to play it in VR.
Real talk. Rez is legendary and absolutely one of my favorite games as well. I'm somewhat hopeful for a port for the other headsets, but if not, I'm not sure if I'll be able to resist the PSVR.


I guess this is the best of places to ask this, but. How have developers been handling FMV scenes like game intros ? Reason I ask is I know that Track Mania will be getting VR support, but watching the high action intro on a standard HD screen was dizzying enough. Anyone notice any fatigue looking at these?


After using the my Vive for a while...I'm officially calling it quits on Oculus and the Rift. At least for CV1.

Don't worry the OT will remain exactly as it is forever.

I love you all. VR is finally here and it's fucking amazing.
So... time for your evening update of actual gaming on the Rift! Hooray!

I just played Ethan Carter for an hour and feel completely fine (45 minutes yesterday and I had to stop because I was feeling woozy) and here's why. I played it standing today. Now the game isn't completely designed for being played this way, and I'll touch on that, but it probably should be played this way.

If you haven't played Ethan Carter one of the things the game does is missing object puzzles. It does them in a fairly unique way. So early on you find a train that's lacking a crank to get it started. When you discover the crank is missing you get a swirling cloud of letters that come together to form the word of the missing item when you are looking in the direction of that item. Once you're looking in the right direction, you press A or whatever, and it shows you a vision of where that item is.

Except in VR it's more like you're just standing near the object. You can't move with the analogue stick in these visions but what you can do is physically walk around the rough area where that object is.

If you're playing standing you're going to lose track of where the camera was, so even though these objects will always be infront of you if you're facing the camera, you likely won't be. Hunting for these objects when you know they're going to be really close to you is fun. At times I've dropped down to my knees to search. Once you know where it was in that general area, you can look around to try and pick out landmarks to help you get there once you jump back to your previous location and can now move with the stick again.

So something I'm finding out, turning with an analogue stick is literally the worst. I've played Doom 3 and Half Life 2 on my DK1 and DK2 for upwards of 3 hours in my longest sessions without issue. With a mouse. And you can't use a mouse and keyboard with Ethan Carter or any of the other games I've tried so far.

There is an upside to this. I love that I can just put the headset on whenever I want and it launches right into home and with a pad or the remote I can select my game or what have you... but in Ethan Carter that stick turning wears on your pretty fast. Fortunately it has the comfort mode where you just warp from spot to spot which would work extremely well while standing, but it if you're still turning with the pad that won't help so much.

Also, when you first load the game it's blurry as all hell. You'd presume (wrongly) that this is because it's scaling from 80%. But that's not why. It's the FXAA. Honestly just turn that off, no matter what scaling you play at. Sure you get some shimmery artifacts on the foliage and what have you, but the number of lines where you'll see obvious stair stepping is really minimal and it's better to see aliased leaves than just a big flat smudge of green that you're left with with FXAA.

I don't normally hate on FXAA but in this game in VR? Kill it with fire. It will just make you think you haven't got the headset on properly.

But back to the game. I'm up to the third investigation now (and have done a bunch of side puzzles) and it's so close to being a perfect fit for VR. The beautiful environment and serene atmosphere that the game really invites you to study in detail... all work brilliantly outside of the nausea inducing controls.

If you play standing you're going to run into a couple of problems. Walking around doesn't move your character, so if you get too far away from where your character is stood, you'll start having trouble entering through doorways or whatever. Also, the pause menu is oriented to the camera position, so you'll often pause and just be staring at nothing until you look around and find that menu. Sometimes if you're too far away from where you really are it can be hard to get an object to highlight as selectable.

But none of those things counteract the much less nausea inducing gameplay you get by turning by physically turning around.

Or... drumroll... the sense of presence. Because yes. So far, this game has given me the most moments of presence of anything I've played (other than pinball... which... you know). I entered a mine not long ago... and could feel how close the walls were... and just stood there turning around and drinking it all in. Not seeing your hands... yes... definitely a bit of an immersion breaker... even in a game like this with very limited object interaction even having one hand to tie you to your physical body would help I think.

But I just stood with my hands clasped behind my back. The photogrammetry really helps. It's quite a thing.

Now I think I'll play more pinball and curse my lack of money.



Thanks for the impressions, Plagiarize! Have you tried anything else standing up? I have a standing desk so... I wonder if playing a 'seated' game like Eve will be weird in the standing position. Will my mind just freak the hell out, lol.

Edit: Sleeping Lesson, I hope that's true! I'll be happy to get it next week!
Our old pal VR-Researcher is back.

Not the most bold prediction, but I still kind of believe the guy is actually in the know.

He had the moment cards were getting charged predicted. He was off by $50 on the price though. Gave a reason for that.

I believe him. If it's full speed next week I will continue sticking with it and not trying for a Vive.

I was kind of hoping they might try processing some orders tomorrow but I doubt they want to pay UPS on Saturday.
The estimated shipping was removed from my order and replaced with just a message "This price does not include tax and shipping." So something is going on with order processing.
Thanks for impressions plagiarize.

Using the analogue sticks in VR is starting to sound like literally sin. I also hate the concept of warping though. The problem is I am not sure I will ever have the space for room scale to actually walk around these areas so it might be my only option.

Sense of presence. As someone who has never tried VR the concept is hard for me to fathom.

The estimated shipping was removed from my order and replaced with just a message "This price does not include tax and shipping." So something is going on with order processing.

This has me slightly nervous. I hope they aren't going to cut out next day shipping. I am willing to actually pay the $65 to have it shipped to Canada overnight.

I have had the same change.


He had the moment cards were getting charged predicted. He was off by $50 on the price though. Gave a reason for that.

I believe him. If it's full speed next week I will continue sticking with it and not trying for a Vive.

I was kind of hoping they might try processing some orders tomorrow but I doubt they want to pay UPS on Saturday.

It honestly feels incredibly shortsighted to cancel right now. We very well may see a press release when the whole thing gets resolved. I realize the communication has sucked, but who knows what's really going on at this point.

Edit: My order is also changed. Guessing it's universal then. Let's just hope this is good news rather than bad.
After using the my Vive for a while...I'm officially calling it quits on Oculus and the Rift. At least for CV1.

Don't worry the OT will remain exactly as it is forever.

I love you all. VR is finally here and it's fucking amazing.

Pssst. Hey

Dont forget to test some porn.
After using the my Vive for a while...I'm officially calling it quits on Oculus and the Rift. At least for CV1.

Don't worry the OT will remain exactly as it is forever.

I love you all. VR is finally here and it's fucking amazing.

I find it odd that people are actually buying both. You have your VR. Enjoy.


Junior Member
To be honest, I think Oculus should delay the Rift till touch controller.

Let this job to the retailers as well.
To be honest, I think Oculus should delay the Rift till touch controller.

Let this job to the retailers as well.

I don't want that. If I can have my Rift now and get my Touch controllers later, I will be fine. I am not too stressed about not having Touch just yet. I know its going to hit me at some point that I will want them though as it's the ideal way to use VR.

Maybe they should wait in the retail space though. Release it as a bundle.

My XX:06 order just had its shipping cost change from ~$30 to...$2.61? Interesting.

I had shipping costs removed completely, which is odd.


Junior Member
Good point about Touch controller bundle in the store.

Some report about the customs fee. Maybe it might be the reason why it has delayed.


So... time for your evening update of actual gaming on the Rift! Hooray!

I just played Ethan Carter for an hour and feel completely fine (45 minutes yesterday and I had to stop because I was feeling woozy) and here's why. I played it standing today. Now the game isn't completely designed for being played this way, and I'll touch on that, but it probably should be played this way.

If you haven't played Ethan Carter one of the things the game does is missing object puzzles. It does them in a fairly unique way. So early on you find a train that's lacking a crank to get it started. When you discover the crank is missing you get a swirling cloud of letters that come together to form the word of the missing item when you are looking in the direction of that item. Once you're looking in the right direction, you press A or whatever, and it shows you a vision of where that item is.

Except in VR it's more like you're just standing near the object. You can't move with the analogue stick in these visions but what you can do is physically walk around the rough area where that object is.

If you're playing standing you're going to lose track of where the camera was, so even though these objects will always be infront of you if you're facing the camera, you likely won't be. Hunting for these objects when you know they're going to be really close to you is fun. At times I've dropped down to my knees to search. Once you know where it was in that general area, you can look around to try and pick out landmarks to help you get there once you jump back to your previous location and can now move with the stick again.

So something I'm finding out, turning with an analogue stick is literally the worst. I've played Doom 3 and Half Life 2 on my DK1 and DK2 for upwards of 3 hours in my longest sessions without issue. With a mouse. And you can't use a mouse and keyboard with Ethan Carter or any of the other games I've tried so far.

There is an upside to this. I love that I can just put the headset on whenever I want and it launches right into home and with a pad or the remote I can select my game or what have you... but in Ethan Carter that stick turning wears on your pretty fast. Fortunately it has the comfort mode where you just warp from spot to spot which would work extremely well while standing, but it if you're still turning with the pad that won't help so much.

Also, when you first load the game it's blurry as all hell. You'd presume (wrongly) that this is because it's scaling from 80%. But that's not why. It's the FXAA. Honestly just turn that off, no matter what scaling you play at. Sure you get some shimmery artifacts on the foliage and what have you, but the number of lines where you'll see obvious stair stepping is really minimal and it's better to see aliased leaves than just a big flat smudge of green that you're left with with FXAA.

I don't normally hate on FXAA but in this game in VR? Kill it with fire. It will just make you think you haven't got the headset on properly.

But back to the game. I'm up to the third investigation now (and have done a bunch of side puzzles) and it's so close to being a perfect fit for VR. The beautiful environment and serene atmosphere that the game really invites you to study in detail... all work brilliantly outside of the nausea inducing controls.

If you play standing you're going to run into a couple of problems. Walking around doesn't move your character, so if you get too far away from where your character is stood, you'll start having trouble entering through doorways or whatever. Also, the pause menu is oriented to the camera position, so you'll often pause and just be staring at nothing until you look around and find that menu. Sometimes if you're too far away from where you really are it can be hard to get an object to highlight as selectable.

But none of those things counteract the much less nausea inducing gameplay you get by turning by physically turning around.

Or... drumroll... the sense of presence. Because yes. So far, this game has given me the most moments of presence of anything I've played (other than pinball... which... you know). I entered a mine not long ago... and could feel how close the walls were... and just stood there turning around and drinking it all in. Not seeing your hands... yes... definitely a bit of an immersion breaker... even in a game like this with very limited object interaction even having one hand to tie you to your physical body would help I think.

But I just stood with my hands clasped behind my back. The photogrammetry really helps. It's quite a thing.

Now I think I'll play more pinball and curse my lack of money.

I wonder if the analog stick issue will be resolved by using the steam controller as a mouse.

Bought the VR dlc already on steam, so I might be able to test this out when the headset arrives.

That's assuming they don't throw in vive support with roomscale+teleportation before that


Would something like room scale be up to the developers when Oculus Touch releases?

Or does Oculus have to put some new system in place for it?
I wonder if the analog stick issue will be resolved by using the steam controller as a mouse.

Bought the VR dlc already on steam, so I might be able to test this out when the headset arrives.

That's assuming they don't throw in vive support with roomscale+teleportation before that

Well comfort mode is really close to roomscale + teleportation as far as I can tell, but it doesn't look like you can change your save game mid stream and I don't want to lose my progress, so I won't really be testing that until I've finished it.

Thanks for the impressions, Plagiarize! Have you tried anything else standing up? I have a standing desk so... I wonder if playing a 'seated' game like Eve will be weird in the standing position. Will my mind just freak the hell out, lol.

Edit: Sleeping Lesson, I hope that's true! I'll be happy to get it next week!

Yeah. Pinball FX2 VR! And Dreamdeck and the alien snap thing, playing those standing is a must. I haven't played the third person stuff standing... I don't think that would really add much to those games.

Sounds awsome. How was the performance. What GPU/CPU?

I have a GTX980 (well three, but this isn't using the others) and a 5930K. I over built this about a year and a half ago with the intent of it still being good enough for VR when that hit, and fortunately, it is! Woo hoo! Ethan Carter runs great, but I've had to give up on playing it at 130% scaling, so I'm playing it at 80% scaling since that almost never dips below 90. As weird as this sounds, so long as you turn off AA, 80% looks pretty damn good. 1:1 pixel scaling in VR isn't really something you need (since everything is warped anyways) and jaggies tend to not be so noticeable as again what looks like a straight line isn't really... but that's just me. Some people apparently hate them even more in VR. In Ethan you really only see it on the foliage most of the time, and like I said I'll take shimmery individual leaves over a big green smear. Which isn't an exaggeration.
Would something like room scale be up to the developers when Oculus Touch releases?

Or does Oculus have to put some new system in place for it?

Totally doable, and totally up to the devs... but a key hangup is that Valve built a system to warn players as they approach the edge of their play space, which is part of the SDK and works across all games. Oculus have no plans to do the same, so each developer would have to build their own warning system.

Or make their game for Steam VR, which will support Vive and Oculus, and implement a version of chaperone even on headsets without the pass through camera like the Oculus.
Do you think an I7 2600k and a 980ti will be fine with the Rift or Vine? Anybody here using a 2600k with their Rift?

I know that Jeff was complaining about his 2500k. I would like this answered as well. If I can use my current i5 2500k and just drop a few hundred on a new GPU instead I might bite on a PC VR headset.
So it's increasingly seeming like the Reddit rumoring was correct, and payment or shipping processing was broken.

Good to know we're all getting our hardware weeks later than promised because Facebook couldn't be bothered to pay for a proper logistics provider.

Do you think an I7 2600k and a 980ti will be fine with the Rift or Vine? Anybody here using a 2600k with their Rift?

I have the same setup + 16gb of RAM. I irrationally sold my launch 970 to upgrade to the 980ti instead of upgrading my CPU, and I'm not sure it was worth it. Anyway, when I used my DK2 with that combo, the CPU was definitely an issue in a few games (Elite Dangerous, for one). It's not experience breaking, but you definitely have to compromise on visuals.
I know that Jeff was complaining about his 2500k. I would like this answered as well. If I can use my current i5 2500k and just drop a few hundred on a new GPU instead I might bite on a PC VR headset.

He said he was having issues with EVE Valkyrie specifically.

I posted about a 2500k and on the rift forums they were saying something is wrong with EVE's CPU usage on anything though so I dunno

the vive's hardware test said that I had 0 dropped frames due to CPU and I can't imagine the rift doing anything crazy that the vive isn't that would cause a 2500k to not be good enough

Evo X

This whole situation and reading people's reviews the past few days has brought down my hype for the Rift from sky high to almost zero.

So at this point, I am 90% sure I am going to cancel my 8:06am pre-order.

plagiarize's point about the analog stick inducing motion sickness reaffirms that launching this with a standard xbox controller instead of Touch was a mistake. From all I have read, the motion controls & room scale do so much to not only provide unique game play experiences, but eliminate motion sickness as well. PC Gamer's review shared similar sentiments.

The only must play launch exclusive on Rift seems to be Chronos.

I also just received confirmation that I will get my Vive in 4 days. There's so much overlap between the two headsets, it doesn't make sense to buy both, so why not get the more feature rich one since I have the budget and space to make the most of it?

Will reconsider picking this up when the Touch is out and there is a greater library of software. Stock issues should be sorted by then, so I doubt I will have any issue finding one.

Best of luck to everyone still holding out. Hope Facebook/Oculus sort this mess out and you are able to enjoy VR soon, as from my experience, it is definitely an incredible medium with a ton of potential.


He said he was having issues with EVE Valkyrie specifically.

I posted about a 2500k and on the rift forums they were saying something is wrong with EVE's CPU usage on anything though so I dunno

the vive's hardware test said that I had 0 dropped frames due to CPU and I can't imagine the rift doing anything crazy that the vive isn't that would cause a 2500k to not be good enough

You should keep in mind that the SteamVR performance test basically doesn't stress your CPU at all. It is mainly a GPU performance test, and they say as much in the description. VR game performance is going to put much more work on the CPU.
This whole situation and reading people's reviews the past few days has brought down my hype for the Rift from sky high to almost zero.

So at this point, I am 90% sure I am going to cancel my 8:06am pre-order.

plagiarize's point about the analog stick inducing motion sickness reaffirms that launching this with a standard xbox controller instead of Touch was a mistake. From all I have read, the motion controls & room scale do so much to not only provide unique game play experiences, but eliminate motion sickness as well. PC Gamer's review shared similar sentiments.

The only must play launch exclusive on Rift seems to be Chronos.

I also just received confirmation that I will get my Vive in 4 days. There's so much overlap between the two headsets, it doesn't make sense to buy both, so why not get the more feature rich one since I have the budget and space to make the most of it?

Will reconsider picking this up when the Touch is out and there is a greater library of software. Stock issues should be sorted by then, so I doubt I will have any issue finding one.

Best of luck to everyone still holding out. Hope Facebook/Oculus sort this mess out and you are able to enjoy VR soon, as from my experience, it is definitely an incredible medium with a ton of potential.

I think if you have the space and money the Vive really makes sense. I have zero room scale space and prefer the look of Oculus Touch controllers. Game wise, the overlap is there. I don't know why people say the Vive is lacking games. It looks like it will be just fine.

I almost jumped on a Vive order today. I was very close but the lack of Room Scale space just doesn't leave me that excited as others are. I would have put down the extra money now otherwise.


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
I find it odd that people are actually buying both. You have your VR. Enjoy.

Why is it odd? There's exclusives for Rift and Room scale for the time being is exclusive to Vive.

I am getting both(as well as PSVR) unless of course someone gets Rift exclusives reliable working on the Vive.


Why is it odd? There's exclusives for Rift and Room scale for the time being is exclusive to Vive.

I am getting both(as well as PSVR) unless of course someone gets Rift exclusives reliable working on the Vive.

Are we pretty much writing off Touch at this point? What if it turns out to be a substantial upgrade to the Vive wands?
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