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Oculus Rift Launch Thread: Ballpark 2016

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I just had the Oculus tool check if I am VR ready. Apparently my xeon 1230v3 does not meet the requirements. Instead they recommend an i5 4590... They are both Haswell processors and they run at the exact same clock speeds (including boost)! On my motherboard the xeon even runs with constant 3.5 GHz on all cores compared to 3.3 GHz of the i5. I am very sure I will not follow their advice.

With the intgrated button to buy a new computer it looks to me more like a marketing tool than a really useful thing. Also, my preorder originally said it was shipping in april but with the current speed I am guessing may to june...

The oculus tool is dumb and just seems to compare against a list.

The best bit is that the oculus home software seems to have the same checker built in - you get a lovely blue banner that doesn't go away, saying 'your computer is shit, blah blah blah' (something like that).

I really hope they patch that out soon, it is incredibly irritating.


Has anyone tried Apollo 11? The demo was cool but the game is just 50 minutes and they're asking $15. Seems a bit steep for such a short experience.


my cake, fuck off
Just got an email saying they are covering shipping costs and my order should be updated by the 12th. Nice.

Edit: Ah, I see it's already reported on the last page.
:05 - I only got the 1-3 week email last week. I haven't got this new "sorry" email yet. I'm glad they changed the shipping from around $50 to $2.40 though.


Got the email apologising about delays. Checked my order and they seem to have removed delivery costs from the order. Price used to be £529 and is now £499.

Only slightly worrying thing is it used to say "£529 this includes shipping and taxes". But now it just says "£499 this does not include shipping". Which sort of suggests shipping might still be added, also no longer mentions tax.. I mean I'm sure it's just a error in wording but I might have to email them to clarify.


Aye, £499 for me too.
That alleviates a little of the pain I suppose. Still, this is a clusterfucked launch.
I doubt HTC's will be faultless though, but I doubt it'll be as fucked up as this.

I sure hope Touch's launch isn't clusterfucked too.
I wonder what part(s) were the issue. I thought maybe it was face plates but now I think it might have been something else.


I was just reading the review over at PC Gamer/ and he also mentions the "godray" problem. It does seem to be an obvious problem and one I have not heard of before from the prototypes. I imagine this problem can result from reflections on the two sides of the lens and strengthend by the Fresnel lens design. Typically high quality optics would have antireflective coatings:

Now these coatings can go wrong (or be forgotten). My tin foil hat idea is that after the first reviews started trickling in they realized that something with the lens coatings had gone wrong and are now waiting for the lens manufacturer to replace them. Somehow it doesn't really make sense because I think this kind of last minute replacement would take longer. But I waant to know your opinion on this (something to do while waiting for the rift...).


I was just reading the review over at PC Gamer/ and he also mentions the "godray" problem. It does seem to be an obvious problem and one I have not heard of before from the prototypes. I imagine this problem can result from reflections on the two sides of the lens and strengthend by the Fresnel lens design. Typically high quality optics would have antireflective coatings:

Now these coatings can go wrong (or be forgotten). My tin foil hat idea is that after the first reviews started trickling in they realized that something with the lens coatings had gone wrong and are now waiting for the lens manufacturer to replace them. Somehow it doesn't really make sense because I think this kind of last minute replacement would take longer. But I waant to know your opinion on this (something to do while waiting for the rift...).

I don't think these lenses are going to be replaced. That would be an absolute disaster for Oculus, considering the optics comprise a significant portion of the BOM of the headset itself. The Vive Pre had this problem, as well. It's merely a byproduct of the lenses, and there likely isn't a quick fix coming.
I'd think any component that goes into the actual manufacturing of the headset causing delays would be a disaster. Even after getting the supply they need, I'd imagine they'd then be bottlenecked by the headset assembly if that were the case.


I read a bit about the lenses and why that effect is there and I don't think it was to do with reflections or coatings on the lenses.
I'm an :08 and I have yet to hear a word from them. No 1-3 week email, and no email in the past few days about shipping. The shipping charge does seem to have been removed though.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
I wonder if it really is the Xbox controllers. Thats some spicy karma if so!
In the PC Gamer review he writes "Perhaps this is the best we can do right now at consumer prices" in regards to the godrays coming off the lens. I have to wonder what a lens without this artifact currently costs.
:06 here - I haven't gotten a single email from Oculus other than the initial order confirmation back in January. Is that normal, or should I be worried?


:06 here - I haven't gotten a single email from Oculus other than the initial order confirmation back in January. Is that normal, or should I be worried?

You think that's bad? I've never recevied a single email from them, not even a confirmation of my order, heh.

I'm not too worried though, since it's in my orders history on the occulus page. Nice to see the shipping thing too, that's 42 euros saved :) .

I'm a 29 btw.


Just tweeted:
Brendan Iribe ‏@brendaniribe 4m4 minutes ago
First set of Rifts are going out slower than we orig estimated, so we're giving free shipping for all pre-orders, including international.
Just tweeted:
Brendan Iribe ‏@brendaniribe 4m4 minutes ago
First set of Rifts are going out slower than we orig estimated, so we're giving free shipping for all pre-orders, including international.

I am a little concerned that means they are not going to be doing overnight to Canada now. I would honestly rather pay.

It's a good gesture though.

I haven't received my apology email. :/


Just tweeted:
Brendan Iribe ‏@brendaniribe 4m4 minutes ago
First set of Rifts are going out slower than we orig estimated, so we're giving free shipping for all pre-orders, including international.

Also confirmed on Reddit that they're going to refund shipping costs to folks who were already charged & shipped.
I am a little concerned that means they are not going to be doing overnight to Canada now. I would honestly rather pay.

It's a good gesture though.

I haven't received my apology email. :/
I doubt they would change the shipping type. This is also above and beyond what most companies would do.

After this launch debacle it will be nice to have the Oculus team deal with the actual good stuff surrounding the launch.

Shit happens. The lack of communication sucks but I can't imagine they were happy with the outcome either. This reeks of a flawed partnership with an outside resource messing up.

Also, we should talk to the mods and get a new OT, or transfer or something. The OP never had good intentions towards the Rift and eventually bailed. Why he made this OT is beyond me.
I doubt they would change the shipping type. This is also above and beyond what most companies would do.

After this launch debacle it will be nice to have the Oculus team deal with the actual good stuff surrounding the launch.

Shit happens. The lack of communication sucks but I can't imagine they were happy with the outcome either. This reeks of a flawed partnership with an outside resource messing up.

We will see about the shipping type. It's a huge gesture if they don't change it and keep sending them overnight.

The situations SEEMS to be improving though and that is good to hear.
EVERY pre-order? This seems almost too good to be true. My pre-order's set for July, does that include me? I just checked my order status, and the shipping cost is indeed gone, but it also has an ominous message at the bottom: "This price does not include tax and shipping."

Which frightens me even more because oh god, if this actually does get hit with Canadian tax like I feared before from the Kickstarter Rift getting hit with Canadian duty, then goddammit.
EVERY pre-order? This seems almost too good to be true. My pre-order's set for July, does that include me? I just checked my order status, and the shipping cost is indeed gone, but it also has an ominous message at the bottom: "This price does not include tax and shipping."

Which frightens me even more because oh god, if this actually does get hit with Canadian tax like I feared before from the Kickstarter Rift getting hit with Canadian duty, then goddammit.

Every preorder place before end of day April 1.



I doubt they would change the shipping type. This is also above and beyond what most companies would do.

After this launch debacle it will be nice to have the Oculus team deal with the actual good stuff surrounding the launch.

Shit happens. The lack of communication sucks but I can't imagine they were happy with the outcome either. This reeks of a flawed partnership with an outside resource messing up.

Also, we should talk to the mods and get a new OT, or transfer or something. The OP never had good intentions towards the Rift and eventually bailed. Why he made this OT is beyond me.

Although I don't think Compsiox had any ill will originally, I would so be up for a clean OT. Glad they are finally saying something. Glad they are actually cutting cost for a lot of people in recompense.
I'm very glad Oculus have been able to get an official statement out to everyone. I can only imagine that they've been very frustrated about this whole thing too. Obviously this isn't going to stop people wondering when theirs is going to ship, but hopefully this thread will get a little bit less negative now. Fingers crossed anyways.


I'm very glad Oculus have been able to get an official statement out to everyone. I can only imagine that they've been very frustrated about this whole thing too. Obviously this isn't going to stop people wondering when theirs is going to ship, but hopefully this thread will get a little bit less negative now. Fingers crossed anyways.

I've been meaning to ask you. Did you have the dk2 as well? If so how big of a difference is there?
We know you're anxious to receive your Oculus Rift and apologize for not updating your order status sooner. We've been working through an unexpected component shortage, and unfortunately, that issue has impacted the original shipping estimates for some early customers.

We're working hard to get up-to-date ship windows, and you should expect to see your order status updated on oculus.com by Tuesday, April 12. Although many Rifts will be arriving on schedule and in line with original estimates, we'll be covering shipping and handling costs for all orders placed through today.

We're shipping rifts everyday. Don't hesitate to reach out to the Oculus support team if you have additional questions.

The Oculus Team
Boom. Free shipping should take away some of the sting.

EDIT: I see this is old news!


Incredibly curious as to what the component shortage is. Given Rifts have been coming off the assembly line since the fall, should we assume it's something to do with the Xbox controller?

I'm a :16...man, I'm never getting my Rift, am I.
I don't understand the component shortage issue or why they didn't communicate it sooner, but whatever. I'll take the free shipping (haven't gotten an email yet but assume it will come).

Given that they sent me a vague 1-3 weeks email originally I wasn't counting on actually getting it in March anyway so the free shipping is a bonus.
I've been meaning to ask you. Did you have the dk2 as well? If so how big of a difference is there?

I did yeah, up until about two weeks ago.

It's an improvement in every measure, to varying degrees. The biggest improvements I would say are comfort, weight, built in audio and tracking camera's field of view (the cone the camera sees is massively improved). Solid improvements are sweet spot, face sensor, screen door effect, framerate and visible pixel structure. Small improvements are pixel density and FOV (at least at whatever eye relief I used to use on DK2, this feels wider).

Not head set related since DK2 owners can now get it too, but I really like Oculus home and I really like how it just launches into VR when you put it on. It's almost magical.

The only negative in comparison is the god rays thing, but if they're the trade off to increasing the sweet spot they made the right move. I'd still say the lenses are overall a good improvement.
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