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Oculus Rift Launch Thread: Ballpark 2016

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Gold Member
What a coincidence. I'm working on this game.

Happy to post a few free copies here if you guys are interested.

I know the programmers/lead designers are busting their backs getting VR working on this thing.

Looks great! I hope it isn't too scary, I'm not young anymore :) If you're handing out keys, I'd really appreciate one, thanks.


Gold Member
So I tried Elite Dangerous for the first time with my hotas. All I did was undock from the starting station, fly to the next closest station, and dock again.

It was fucking nuts. Coolest thing I've experienced yet. The game is confusing as hell to me as a new ED player, but man. I can't wait to get back into it.

Best part was some guy was loitering I guess at the station I was docking at, and station security lit him the fuck up. I had my head craned up to see what was happening, it was really cool.

I got back into it again after a few months' break, and it really is a completely different game in some aspects with VR. I used to grind to get better and bigger ships, now I just went and parked my conda, and got a cheap Cobra and set off exploring and getting used to the X52 + VR again. When you come out of warp close to a sun and you see the plasma licking towards you.. Stunning!
I think I want to do exploring again, do another 2000ly trip somewhere and see the sights :)


Hell yes, Volo Airsport just got updated for the new Oculus and Rift runtimes.

The game is still crazy early, but I *cannot* *wait* to try this out in the rift. It was already fun as a proof-of-concept without a headset, the sensation of speed is going to be stupid fast with one.

Word of warning though, $13 is a bit high for what's currently in the game, and they are *very* slow to update.

Thanks for this. It's currently on sale at Humble so I decided to try it out.

I configured the visuals and some controls, jumped right in and switched to first-person mode. That was a mistake. To anyone trying the game out for the first time: do not do this. I've been lucky in that nothing has made me feel ill in VR but hurtling toward the ground while spinning uncontrollably in Volo is the closest I've come.

So, some tips. Use third-person mode until you get the hang of it. Assuming you're using a controller, use very subtle movement of the analog stick to make adjustments. Maybe watch this tutorial on youtube.

I didn't want to tempt nausea so I didn't spend that much time with Volo. Hopefully I'll have some more impressions to share later.


Looks great! I hope it isn't too scary, I'm not young anymore :) If you're handing out keys, I'd really appreciate one, thanks.

Dont worry, having finished the game, I can tell you that its more akin to a Walking Simulator - theres no jump scares or anything!
What a coincidence. I'm working on this game.

Happy to post a few free copies here if you guys are interested.

I know the programmers/lead designers are busting their backs getting VR working on this thing.

Interested in the game. How is the VR "walking" working? Teleportation?


Originally supposed to receive mine in April but pushed back to May. Just got charged for it. Hopefully getting it soon! Excited to try stuff out. Maybe the delayed-ish shipment will mean there are more 'refined' experiences out there for me to try? :)


Interested in the game. How is the VR "walking" working? Teleportation?

It's worth updating you lovely folks here: I checked with the team, and it looks like a VR-specific code giveaway probably isn't appropriate yet. It was only added in recently.

However, I will probably do a giveaway soon (perhaps tonight) over in the Steam Community Thread, for general PC use (non-VR-specific) so keep an eye out over there.


Sailor Stevenson
hmm, I thought disabling stuff had fixed my Rift turning off issue but no dice.

maybe I'll disable the Fresco drivers and try to use Windows drivers for the card?


It's worth updating you lovely folks here: I checked with the team, and it looks like a VR-specific code giveaway probably isn't appropriate yet. It was only added in recently.

However, I will probably do a giveaway soon (perhaps tonight) over in the Steam Community Thread, for general PC use (non-VR-specific) so keep an eye out over there.

Hey SomTervo! Hopefully this isn't in poor taste, but get your team to read over the paper I've written. It looks like the type of game (large scale exploration) that'd benefit from a lot of the ideas in there. Even if it's not the specific implementation of CAOTS described in the paper - an understanding of the pros/cons and the physiological systems involved would be helpful for experimentation purposes.

Whatever the case is, looking forward to seeing what you guys put out for the VR version. Good luck!


So I'm trying to use SteamVR with an Oculus, but the overlay won't work, since Oculus is just trying to bring up it's own home menu rather than steam home menu. Any fix?
Hey SomTervo! Hopefully this isn't in poor taste, but get your team to read over the paper I've written. It looks like the type of game (large scale exploration) that'd benefit from a lot of the ideas in there. Even if it's not the specific implementation of CAOTS described in the paper - an understanding of the pros/cons and the physiological systems involved would be helpful for experimentation purposes.

Whatever the case is, looking forward to seeing what you guys put out for the VR version. Good luck!
Unfortunately, no company could safely read something like that, legally - because if they implement it, or even were already implementing something similar, they open themselves up to a risk of being sued. Same as game ideas.
So I'm trying to use SteamVR with an Oculus, but the overlay won't work, since Oculus is just trying to bring up it's own home menu rather than steam home menu. Any fix?

open oculus home first, and click on the "accept" button (or hold your pointer there for 2 seconds)

then take off the rift and launch steamvr. it should automatically replace oculus home in your rift


Ahhhhh I cannot for the life of me get this goddamn headset comfortable enough for my glasses
open oculus home first, and click on the "accept" button (or hold your pointer there for 2 seconds)

then take off the rift and launch steamvr. it should automatically replace oculus home in your rift

Thanks! Apparently Steam also lets you use the back button too. Cool cool.
Ahhhhh I cannot for the life of me get this goddamn headset comfortable enough for my glasses

Thanks! Apparently Steam also lets you use the back button too. Cool cool.

That's really sad to hear. I just got it delivered here at work and will be heading home soon.

I do have small frames (silhouette ) so hopefully it works. I didn't actually really need them with the DK2 and used the base lenses.

Too bad VR lense lab is 45+ days away from delivery ...
Got it. Fucking amazing and I've used a DK2, so far the fiance and kid are blown away by the dinosaur Dreamdecks as am I.

It does suck with glasses, make sure your room is cool and you play for a bit because it's annoying.

But damn, all my doubts are gone. I'm sure I'll notice little problems here and there as I go on, but we'll worth the investment so far.

I spent a ton of time on the DK2, so this isn't a honeymoon effect.

The best part? Fiance didn't get ill. She got scared but not ill!


Unfortunately, no company could safely read something like that, legally - because if they implement it, or even were already implementing something similar, they open themselves up to a risk of being sued. Same as game ideas.

Interesting. What's the deal with that? Needs to be published formally?


Got my shipping notification today. Looks like it'll be here next week.

Picked up some stuff so I could have everything installed when it arrives:

- Elite
- Chronos
- The Climb
- Pinball FX 2
- Defense Grid 2
- BlazeRush
- Hitman GO VR

Had some stuff already on there from codes buying some stuff on the DK2 like Time Machine VR, Windlands, and Technolust.

How's Fated? Anyone play that yet? Was also thinking about buying Darknet and AirMech since those looked pretty cool on the GB stream.
Interesting. What's the deal with that? Needs to be published formally?

Game companies (and most entertainment companies in general) don't look at outside proposals for game ideas. It's just a complete legal mess. For example, let's say you sent in a game idea to someone, they ended up making a game and it became a billion-dollar hit. You, as the person who came up with the idea, would be able to start a lawsuit against the company to try to get royalties, payment, whatever and you could say "but it was my idea!!". Plus, for all the company knows, you stole that game idea from someone or somewhere else.

Even though you have good intentions, for any company it's just a bad, bad idea from a legal point of view thus why most companies tend to say that any game ideas will be instantly deleted and not read because if it happens that a game company is making a game similar to one you pitched, they again don't want to read it and somehow be able to get accused that they "stole" your idea.

Now, if you're an accomplished game designer who has connections to studios, that can change thing and exceptions would probably be made. Like, if Shigeru Miyamoto left Nintendo and went to your studio and said "Hey, I have this great game idea I want to make with you!" you would be all ears.

The only way you can get an idea made is to join/start a studio and create your own idea. Not throw it over the fence to someone else to make. Plus, quite honestly, ideas are a dime a dozen. Any studio at any given time is flooded with more game ideas than they could ever possibly make. Ideas are pretty much worthless on their own so companies have even less of a reason to try to dig into the legal quagmire of getting ideas from someone else. It's the execution of an idea which is what determines whether a game is good, not the idea itself. For example, if you were to write a 1,000 page document detailing your dream MMO, does that mean it would be a good game? Hell no. Even what many of us consider "shitty" games probably started with great ideas or else it wouldn't have been getting made in the first place.

If you're serious about the idea, make a small prototype of it (like 3-5 minutes of gameplay). Interview for design positions at studios and ask if you can show off your game you've been working on in your spare time. If you put something actually playable in front of them, it drastically changes the risk/reward, especially since you'd be employed by the company at that point and thus forgo the IP to the company (and might need to do a legal review or something).

Long winded answer, but hopefully that helps.


Unconfirmed Member
I also got my shipping notification today!

I'm spoiled with Vive's immersive room scale, but I'm looking forward to the different experiences exclusive to the Rift.
I also got my shipping notification today!

I'm spoiled with Vive's immersive room scale, but I'm looking forward to the different experiences exclusive to the Rift.

Enjoy! Since you've had a Vive, you've certainly been spoiled in the types of experiences you can play. The wait for Touch is painful. :) However, there's tons of great content out there for Rift and most of it is nice and polished.

As a new Rift owner, it's required that you pick up Blaze Rush immediately.


Enjoy! Since you've had a Vive, you've certainly been spoiled in the types of experiences you can play. The wait for Touch is painful. :) However, there's tons of great content out there for Rift and most of it is nice and polished.

As a new Rift owner, it's required that you pick up Blaze Rush immediately.

How do I find people to play with on Blaze Rush? Every time I check MP it shows 0 current players.

I figured from the reception it's gotten on here and Reddit there would at least be a few people online at night.

I got a shipping confirmation, holy fuck. I'm scared, hold me! How long before it gets to a place after a confirmation email?

What games do I need. I want chronos and probably elite ddangerous. Wildlands sounds good. What else?

What non game stuff should I have ready to best experience VR?

Any advice for a VR noob is welcome.


Lucky's Tale is fantastic and I would pick up Project Cars if you like racing games. (it's on sale $20 @ the Humble Bundle Store right now!) Another must have is Blazerush; on sale within Oculus home through the weekend I think.
I got a shipping confirmation, holy fuck. I'm scared, hold me! How long before it gets to a place after a confirmation email?

What games do I need. I want chronos and probably elite ddangerous. Wildlands sounds good. What else?

What non game stuff should I have ready to best experience VR?

Any advice for a VR noob is welcome.
How do I find people to play with on Blaze Rush? Every time I check MP it shows 0 current players.

I figured from the reception it's gotten on here and Reddit there would at least be a few people online at night.


Lucky's Tale is fantastic and I would pick up Project Cars if you like racing games. (it's on sale $20 @ the Humble Bundle Store right now!) Another must have is Blazerush; on sale within Oculus home through the weekend I think.

Just start a lobby and race against bots. Players will start flowing in eventually once they see there's someone in a lobby and they'll take the place of the bots. The other night I had like 4-6 players in my lobby after 30 mins.

It's not like the install base for VR games is huge yet, so there's not going to be thousands of people playing the games at this point.
Hi all,

Ready to reveal my paper on VR locomotion.

The system is called: Controller Assisted On the Spot movement (or CAOTS for short).

You can download it here.


The paper includes a reasonably thorough primer on the state of VR locomotion, why it's important, and how this solution solves for a lot of the problems of VR within the practical constraints of current day VR tech.

There's actually a demo of it that you can try made by Ryan Sullivan/Deprecated Coder called RIPMotion.


Worth noting that it's not a direct implementation of CAOTS as described in the paper - but the key principles are there - directionality indicated by controller heading, and intentionality signaled by the user. It can be held in hand (I'd suggest is a better solution than putting it in your belt for a number of reasons, among which is, not everyone is wearing the appropriate attire), uses head bounce for velocity measurement, not arm swing. I'd also suggest turning on beginner to advanced chaperone boundaries if you haven't already, because you will drift as you run in place, and having the bounds pop up as you drift helps you recenter very easily.

Also, the implementation is rough around its edges - especially in terms of the stride length. The ideal is to get it so that it feels like your body motion is directly responsible for the motion - the paper suggests a detailed movement scaling system that provides this feedback.

Nonetheless, it's a great demo of the principles discussed in the paper and you should give it a shot if you haven't already (and if you have, try it again with the minor modifications that I suggest - holding it in hand, while taking note of things like scale, vection, the ability to look around, moving around in room space and larger VE space, etc).

I've talked with deprecatedcoder and apparently he's made some modifications and will be releasing a demo soon - so looking forward to seeing that.

I'm lying in bed about to sleep and I'm literally going to get up and go try this right now.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Man, the excitement has really died down for me. I still haven't received a shipping notification and I'm so close to just cancelling the whole thing. I've played pretty much everything on the DK2 already and I'm thinking it might make sense to just wait until a later date. I tried the final Rift and it sucks with glasses - worse than DK2. :(


Game companies (and most entertainment companies in general) don't look at outside proposals for game ideas. It's just a complete legal mess. For example, let's say you sent in a game idea to someone, they ended up making a game and it became a billion-dollar hit. You, as the person who came up with the idea, would be able to start a lawsuit against the company to try to get royalties, payment, whatever and you could say "but it was my idea!!". Plus, for all the company knows, you stole that game idea from someone or somewhere else.

Even though you have good intentions, for any company it's just a bad, bad idea from a legal point of view thus why most companies tend to say that any game ideas will be instantly deleted and not read because if it happens that a game company is making a game similar to one you pitched, they again don't want to read it and somehow be able to get accused that they "stole" your idea.

Now, if you're an accomplished game designer who has connections to studios, that can change thing and exceptions would probably be made. Like, if Shigeru Miyamoto left Nintendo and went to your studio and said "Hey, I have this great game idea I want to make with you!" you would be all ears.

The only way you can get an idea made is to join/start a studio and create your own idea. Not throw it over the fence to someone else to make. Plus, quite honestly, ideas are a dime a dozen. Any studio at any given time is flooded with more game ideas than they could ever possibly make. Ideas are pretty much worthless on their own so companies have even less of a reason to try to dig into the legal quagmire of getting ideas from someone else. It's the execution of an idea which is what determines whether a game is good, not the idea itself. For example, if you were to write a 1,000 page document detailing your dream MMO, does that mean it would be a good game? Hell no. Even what many of us consider "shitty" games probably started with great ideas or else it wouldn't have been getting made in the first place.

If you're serious about the idea, make a small prototype of it (like 3-5 minutes of gameplay). Interview for design positions at studios and ask if you can show off your game you've been working on in your spare time. If you put something actually playable in front of them, it drastically changes the risk/reward, especially since you'd be employed by the company at that point and thus forgo the IP to the company (and might need to do a legal review or something).

Long winded answer, but hopefully that helps.

Fair enough. It's not specifically a game design idea (with all that tends to entail - i.e. multiple overlapping systems of interaction), but more an examination of issues affecting VR locomotion and arrival at a specific solution that accounts for those issues. There's a lot of value to be had in the examination of those issues, independent of the actual implementation idea itself - so I thought it'd be of interest/value to those working in the field.

Moreover, I have no interest in letting any company control the idea - just a belief it (or something like it) could help push forward the state of VR as a whole.

Still, I get that - from the tepid reception it received yesterday, people are typically short on attention (it's a 30 page paper after all), and want proof of concept demonstration - I'd hoped RIPMotion was sufficient for that purpose... but it looks like I'll actually need to build my own demo to demonstrate the ideas in the paper more fully. I'm not seeking employment - literally just want to further the state of locomotion in VR. The current state is woeful for larger than roomscale exploration.

I mean... the technology industry as a whole frequently borrows ideas from all areas - demos, publically released papers, presentations, etc. It's slightly amusing to me that if the information is proferred directly that people will turn their nose up to it - but if they discover it independently, it's relatively more kosher to integrate. I get that though - incorporating unsolicited information would simply encourage that behaviour, and there's too much noise out there to deal with that.

*edit* It was a little too hopeful to think that real influence might be exerted through just a paper making good points alone though. Still a useful process to undertake.

That would actually be a viable alternative - publish it as an article on Gamasutra.com.

Hmm, thanks for letting me know. I'll have to look into that process.


Mine is arriving on Wednesday. Tonight I've installed the Oculus software, put in my code for EVE Valkyrie and installed that, Lucky's Tale, and Chronos. I have that annoying warning telling me my PC isn't up to snuff, but it's because I've got a 2600K, so I don't really anticipate any problems there.

Somehow these last few days of waiting are going to feel like the longest.


So how come the Oculus app store never gets updated at all? I thought there were going to fix the issue forcing content to be installed directly to the C drive. We were suppose to have a fix for this like a month back now.


I've been messing with this thing a bit.

Not really feelin' the cockpit games like Elite/Eve/Project CARS. The "presence" isn't there like it is in Dreamdeck or something. Might just need to tinker with some settings.

Lucky's Tale just seems like a quality 3D platformer, digging it so far.

The coolest thing I've done is DOOM VR. That's actually incredible.


So how come the Oculus app store never gets updated at all? I thought there were going to fix the issue forcing content to be installed directly to the C drive. We were suppose to have a fix for this like a month back now.

There's a new version to installed to a different drive, but you have to rerun the setup again. You have to uninstall the current version, download the setup from Oculus, and then reinstall again. When you install the runtime, it will ask you which drive you want to install Oculus Home to, any game you install will install to the root of that drive.


Got a notification that my Kickstarter unit is shipping!.....to their warehouse. Not sure if they're trolling by now, but they say I should get shipping (to me) notification some time next week.

It's progress, I suppose.


So how come the Oculus app store never gets updated at all? I thought there were going to fix the issue forcing content to be installed directly to the C drive. We were suppose to have a fix for this like a month back now.

When I installed the software just now, it let me choose a different drive and it installed both the app and my games onto that drive. (Didn't allow me to choose the folder path, which was a bit irritating, but it did let me choose my non-Windows drive.)
So how come the Oculus app store never gets updated at all? I thought there were going to fix the issue forcing content to be installed directly to the C drive. We were suppose to have a fix for this like a month back now.

As others have mentioned, that has been fixed already. Moreover, it was fixed within the first two weeks, as Palmer had said they were aiming for.

I would assume they're focused on releasing major updates to Oculus Home instead of updating it piece by piece, so when it at last gets another update, it would be significant.
Got a notification that my Kickstarter unit is shipping!.....to their warehouse. Not sure if they're trolling by now, but they say I should get shipping (to me) notification some time next week.

It's progress, I suppose.
At least SOMETHInG is happening in Europe next week!

Still smarting that they sent 2 weeks worth of European orders to the U.S. but it was probably the fair thing to do.


Got a mail saying my order is processing. I originally had an estimate of the end of the month to early June. My preorder time was 31m.
Man, the excitement has really died down for me. I still haven't received a shipping notification and I'm so close to just cancelling the whole thing. I've played pretty much everything on the DK2 already and I'm thinking it might make sense to just wait until a later date. I tried the final Rift and it sucks with glasses - worse than DK2. :(

It does suck with glasses. I honestly think their were different foam inserts for people that had demos. I can't imagine 'this' being what they showed people with glasses.

I just ordered a cheap $25 pair from Zenni (should be here in a couple weeks) until the VR Lenslab guys start getting their stuff going, but that's going to be like 2 months though. With the cheap pair I can do the foam hack people are doing, not the best, but ANYTHING is better than glasses in this thing. My glasses are small too ... sucks you can't order any accessories at this point from Oculus.

But man, read back my posts here, I was where you were. Absolutely irritated, pissed, fed up, etc ... and I have done a complete 540 (that gets me facing the opposite way, right?) ... I think Touch is definitely something that should have launched with it though. I have a HOTAS and wheel until then, though.

But it's worth it.

I honestly don't understand the people underwhelmed by this tech. I'm 40, been gaming for decades, owned all the systems, buy the new 'stuff' and jump on board with all the "gimmicks" ... and I'm floored. I also have spent a ton of hours in the DK2 but the comfort and resolution got to me after a while. This is such an improvement.

I don't want to get your hopes up, everybody experiences things differently. But I had my expectations in check ... and I ducked when the dinosaur walked over me and got chills looking down the side of a building.


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
Wow, great video showing the difference between the DK2 and CV1 screens. Massive improvement in SDE.



Man, the excitement has really died down for me. I still haven't received a shipping notification and I'm so close to just cancelling the whole thing. I've played pretty much everything on the DK2 already and I'm thinking it might make sense to just wait until a later date. I tried the final Rift and it sucks with glasses - worse than DK2. :(

When i first got mine I could barely get it on with glasses. Once I learned how to actually put it in and adjust it. The process was a breeze. No problem with glasses.


When i first got mine I could barely get it on with glasses. Once I learned how to actually put it in and adjust it. The process was a breeze. No problem with glasses.

What's the ideal way to do so? I'm gonna have to deal with the glasses thing as well.
Alright now that this is finally coming I need a full must do guide for VR. Anyone can recommend games on the store, that's easy. I want the hardcore VR fanatic guide of cool stuff to see. Being able to play some old games in VR. Virtual tours. Are all those VR experiences that would travel around like the GoT wall experience available online? Where do I find the best roller coaster sims?

Anything and everything that is interesting to do with VR I want to know about it.
I'm in an interesting situation with Elite Dangerous. Now after playing it in VR, I don't think I could play it any other way but the game is so beautiful when rendered at 1440p max settings with downsampling and you lose that with these headsets.
I'm in an interesting situation with Elite Dangerous. Now after playing it in VR, I don't think I could play it any other way but the game is so beautiful when rendered at 1440p max settings with downsampling and you lose that with these headsets.

I am so dissapointed that I get a bit of nausea in ED. Even Blazerush does it a bit but I can play through it.

I'm going to grab some Bonine and ginger chews and ween myself into it. With the DK2 I made the mistake of "forcing myself" and I could play some stuff for a while and others not.

But I am COMPLETELY satisfied with what I've purchased.

This does not discount my frustration with Oculus as a company and their customer communication, but in the end they delivered.

I really hope that Touch doesn't see this type of situation. I hope the games are the focus.
I am so dissapointed that I get a bit of nausea in ED. Even Blazerush does it a bit but I can play through it.

I'm going to grab some Bonine and ginger chews and ween myself into it. With the DK2 I made the mistake of "forcing myself" and I could play some stuff for a while and others not.

But I am COMPLETELY satisfied with what I've purchased.

This does not discount my frustration with Oculus as a company and their customer communication, but in the end they delivered.

I really hope that Touch doesn't see this type of situation. I hope the games are the focus.
When do you get nausea? I only start to feel it in E:D when riding the buggy on planets, all other times I'm fine.
Wow, great video showing the difference between the DK2 and CV1 screens. Massive improvement in SDE.


People looking at most of those stills would think CV1 has a completely smooth image with no sense of pixels at all, but that is not the case. The one that is most accurate is the Lucky's Tale icon with 'Your Activity' written above - this diagonal 'linen' texture is how it looks all of the time, yet this is the only shot where it has been shown.

So about running games at 90fps, do you need to run fraps in the background all the time to check?
It should be very obvious when a game isn't 90fps. Thanks to ATW, the headlook often remains smooth, but any movement within the scene you're looking at will judder.
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