Mannnnnnnnn just got it set up and messed around with dream deck. My fan is blown away haha. Anything cool not on the oculus home store that I need to be aware of? How about that VR desktop thing.
Mannnnnnnnn just got it set up and messed around with dream deck. My fan is blown away haha. Anything cool not on the oculus home store that I need to be aware of? How about that VR desktop thing.
Hmmm it wasn't giving me that option. Also it would always first launch in 32-bit mode and immediately crash, which where I was able to close Steam VR and launch the 64-bit version. I've just found out you can redeem your purchase on the Oculus Store, avoiding Steam altogether, so I'll probably do that instead!
Reduce the resolution in the graphics options and it will change your mirrored screen (doesn't affect the VR res). I think mine was at 1280x768 or something. Knocking it down to 800x600 didn't do much, but making it fullscreen instead of windowed did.
Reduce the resolution in the graphics options and it will change your mirrored screen (doesn't affect the VR res). I think mine was at 1280x768 or something. Knocking it down to 800x600 didn't do much, but making it fullscreen instead of windowed did.
So to double-check, is the consensus that you should purchase games on Steam where available, and from the Rift store for exclusives (or for any games that will also provide a Steam key)?
If you've got a Rift, are purchasing a game that will only work with VR, and know you won't use the refund option, there's just no real reason to buy via Steam. The experience of launching VR games through Oculus Home is miles better than the frankly cumbersome (in comparison at least) SteamVR. There's got to be a pretty compelling reason for me to buy a VR game on Steam instead of Oculus Home, and refunds isn't compelling enough.
If you've got a Rift, are purchasing a game that will only work with VR, and know you won't use the refund option, there's just no real reason to buy via Steam. The experience of launching VR games through Oculus Home is miles better than the frankly cumbersome (in comparison at least) SteamVR. There's got to be a pretty compelling reason for me to buy a VR game on Steam instead of Oculus Home, and refunds isn't compelling enough.
I played some stuff last night, messed with GZ3Doom, etc. I'm not feeling the GAMES on the rift. Maybe i'm being a tightwad, but a lot of these experiences feel shallow, and they have VERY hefty price tags.
If you had to buy ONE game that you think sells VR as something other than novelty, what is it? I'm not finding it on my own, it would seem.
I see zero change in the headset when adjusting these values - they only affect the mirrored image on my monitor. If you're talking about the text on the monitor, then I agree it becomes illegible at low resolutions, but I have no use for it.when i do that in elite the game is text is basically illegible. you sure this doesnt impact the resolution on the rift? do you launch stuff in steamVR if you have a rift? On Vive you have the laser pointer on one of your hands - does it use the Xbox controller or headset aiming with Rift?
Going by the performance hit I get in ED while having SteamVR in the background, the last thing I want to do is launch everything from there...Since the latest revive version added a tab in SteamVR so you can launch oculus home bought content directly from within steamVR, I'd say that swings the advantage back to steamVR. The only place you can launch all your VR games. So buy the exclusives in oculus home but launch from steamVR. is steam VR causing a performance hit?
Yes indeed, I've managed to get that working too, but mrklaw was talking about the convenience of launching everything from within SteamVR.Weird, SteamVR never launched for me when I launch Elite from Steam, as long as I don't launch it in SteamVR mode. Launching it normally, with the Oculus connected and it works as expected, utilizing the Oculus SDK, no SteamVR.
I see zero change in the headset when adjusting these values - they only affect the mirrored image on my monitor. If you're talking about the text on the monitor, then I agree it becomes illegible at low resolutions, but I have no use for it.
This may be unique to my system, or unique to ED, but the difference is very significant here.
[edit] Just tried launching Project CARS from within SteamVR, also a significant performance hit.
Well that's shitty. UPS just sent me a bill for VAT on my Rift, despite me seeming to recall Oculus saying that VAT was included in the European price. Am I wrong? Have I now been charged double VAT? This is in Norway, btw.
I bought 2 pounds of ginger candy to see if it helps with Doom.
So there's a thread on reddit saying that Revive has been broken due to a DRM check for an Oculus Rift headset.
From what I gather this means that all my games I buy on Home will be unusable if I choose a different headset for gen 2 ...
I can't help but think this is extremely anti-consumer or that it was an unintentional side affect. I love the Rift, but what is my incentive to buy on Home now? I'd be losing ALL my games if I chose a different headset.
It's like they're trying to be anti-consumer.
Ahhh, yeah i have to lie down for about half an hour after completing the first chapter, i wonder if it was down to the GTX 970 not being up to the task of achieve a smooth framerate!?
No, it was because Doom is a horrible fit for VR, and will cause nausea in almost everyone who ever tries to play it that way. Your framerate is hardly a factor in comparison to the real culprits.
But this shouldn't come as a surprise, considering how often it has been repeated in this thread and others. First person shooters are horrible in VR for almost everyone, and something as fast and unrealistic as Doom is going to be a million times worse than even that. Unless you're somehow immune to VR sickness (and you're obviously not), trying to play FPS games in VR is going to teach your brain to always be sick when you put the goggles on. Just don't do it.
I wonder if there would be away to alter the FOV to help with the nausea, as Doom is really damn great in VR!
No! It has nothing to do with that! Not to mention how changing FOV in VR is completely nonsensical.
Doom is a nauseating experience because it fucks with your balance centers. There's nothing you can do to fix this. All you're doing by trying is to make things worse for you, both in Doom and in every other VR experience you'll ever try on your VR goggles.
You can't fix this problem. I really can't emphasize this enough.
So there's a thread on reddit saying that Revive has been broken due to a DRM check for an Oculus Rift headset.
From what I gather this means that all my games I buy on Home will be unusable if I choose a different headset for gen 2 ...
I can't help but think this is extremely anti-consumer or that it was an unintentional side affect. I love the Rift, but what is my incentive to buy on Home now? I'd be losing ALL my games if I chose a different headset.
It's like they're trying to be anti-consumer.
I don't understand why people are fine with it on consoles but not on PC, aside from the "it's always been that way" reason.
I understand that most see the Rift as a peripheral, but it's not being sold as a peripheral in the sense that they are not making any money on the hardware. When has that happened on PC? They are clearly taking the console approach of selling the hardware at cost or at a loss and making it back on software. Obviously it is up to the consumer to decide if they want to be tied into an ecosystem with their game purchases but I don't see how it's anti-consumer when that model is already a huge part of gaming.
I don't understand why people are fine with it on consoles but not on PC, aside from the "it's always been that way" reason.
I understand that most see the Rift as a peripheral, but it's not being sold as a peripheral in the sense that they are not making any money on the hardware. When has that happened on PC? They are clearly taking the console approach of selling the hardware at cost or at a loss and making it back on software. Obviously it is up to the consumer to decide if they want to be tied into an ecosystem with their game purchases but I don't see how it's anti-consumer when that model is already a huge part of gaming.
If customers buy a game from us, I don't care if they mod it to run on whatever they want. As I have said a million times (and counter to the current circlejerk), our goal is not to profit by locking people to only our hardware
The writing has been on the wall so I'm not really all that surprised. There's simply too much money to be made long-term in VR so it makes they're trying to emulate Apple.
Regardless, I try not to get wrapped up in drama. This is my hobby and life's too short. As long as your headset functions like I want it to and your software delivery is acceptable and as long as those things align with my self-interest then that's all that needs to be considered. I don't want to marry the company, I just want a good product.
The writing has been on the wall so I'm not really all that surprised. There's simply too much money to be made long-term in VR so it makes they're trying to emulate Apple.
Regardless, I try not to get wrapped up in drama. This is my hobby and life's too short. As long as your headset functions like I want it to and your software delivery is acceptable and as long as those things align with my self-interest then that's all that needs to be considered. I don't want to marry the company, I just want a good product.
This is how I see it as well. I'm in my 40s now, video games have always been disposable to me. If I get a headset in the future that isn't Oculus (already have a Vive coming but I mean next generation) then I'd lose the ability to play those games but it would be ok because I'd already be playing something else anyway.
I understand it's different for everyone though.
EDIT: Ah, now I see the drama has moved to it's own thread. One of the reasons I don't visit the gaming side as much unless it's about something specific I'm interested in.
Haven't Oculus implied that Valve won't let them integrate Vive (or SteamVR) support into Oculus Home? Isn't that just as anti-consumer?
Haven't Oculus implied that Valve won't let them integrate Vive (or SteamVR) support into Oculus Home? Isn't that just as anti-consumer?
Bought a PCI-E USB 3.0 Expansion slot because the Oculus Compatibility tool said my current USB 3.0 ports aren't good enough.
Ran it again and it doesn't seem to detect the PCI-E card even though it works?
Haven't got an oculus yet so I can't check myself it theres anything to worry about.
I bought this as the website suggested