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Oculus Rift Launch Thread: Ballpark 2016

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Reading your posts, it's sounding like you aren't wearing the headset correctly. They shouldn't be fogging up at all while you're wearing it. Make sure the triangular rear strap is in the center of your head, and there shouldn't be any pressure on your nose. The display can be angled up and down from this position to make the display clearer.

I have it on property. The lens still fogs up. If I take it off I can see the sides of the lenses are foggy, then it slowly disappears. Could it be the climate? It's current 12.5 Celsius and 72% humidity.


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
Also lets be real dudes how can I try out VR porn on the Rift. I don't get what I need to do.

Get Whirligig, there is a free version which will play things properly even if the interface is pretty terrible.

Check out the oculusnsfw subreddit which all the new releases get announced in and the creators themselves are quite active on there as well. As DoctorWho said the sites are still trying to figure things out technically as it's quite complicated to get VR porn right but when it's right it's awesome.
Anyone else trying to see the Reggie Watts show in Altspace? They're already working on fixing the black screen everyone is getting, hopefully won't be too long. Reggie is a busy dude, can't see him sticking around that much longer if they can't fix it in time.
Could it be the climate? It's current 12.5 Celsius and 72% humidity.
If the headset is significantly colder than your face, the lenses are more likely to fog up until the temperature difference balances out. I disagree with Undead Hero that they shouldn't fog at all if you're wearing it properly - sometimes it is unavoidable. It's true that the looser you wear the headset, and the more 'tilt' you put on the front section, the more you'll allow better ventilation and less chance of fogging, but that isn't necessarily the best way to wear the headset - that depends on your head shape / facial structure. Some people will need to wear it tighter than others in order to feel comfortable/find the sweet spot. In my case, I've found two combinations of strap lengths, tilt and overall positioning where it feels good, and the looser of the two is less likely to fog the lenses.

If it is particularly cold in my room, I tend to do short bursts of VR for a while to 'cycle' the heat a few times before attempting a long session.


So I now have my consumer level Vive and Rift (both set up...WIRES EVERYWHERE).

The Rift just can't be beaten in terms of comfort. From weight, to looks, to comfort, to IPD adjustment...this doesn't seem like it'd make a huge difference, but after 45 minutes in Job Simulator in the Vive, I just wanted to get the hell out. Of course, I was also standing and moving around and stuff, but it felt very stifling. I don't feel that with the Rift at all. Not to mention the sheer *simplicity* of setting it all up. Camera (1 USB), Headset (1 cable, USB/HDMI), wireless controller, done. Vive was insanity getting it all set up and paired and synced and charged and cabled.

There doesn't seem to be much of a practical difference in FoV between the two headsets. Maybe like 2 degrees less in the Rift? I can't really notice.

Screen quality and/or sweet spot seems to be better in the Rift as well.

I also have the Oculus Touch, which are just as accurate and way more ergonomic than Vive's massive stick-wands, but there's *literally* no content so I can't do anything with it. Well, except make things. ;)

Point is, you can't go wrong with either. EVE: Valkyrie remains my favorite commercially available VR experience, followed closely by Job Simulator and Fantastic Contraption.


So I now have my consumer level Vive and Rift (both set up...WIRES EVERYWHERE).

The Rift just can't be beaten in terms of comfort. From weight, to looks, to comfort, to IPD adjustment...this doesn't seem like it'd make a huge difference, but after 45 minutes in Job Simulator in the Vive, I just wanted to get the hell out. Of course, I was also standing and moving around and stuff, but it felt very stifling. I don't feel that with the Rift at all. Not to mention the sheer *simplicity* of setting it all up. Camera (1 USB), Headset (1 cable, USB/HDMI), wireless controller, done. Vive was insanity getting it all set up and paired and synced and charged and cabled.

There doesn't seem to be much of a practical difference in FoV between the two headsets. Maybe like 2 degrees less in the Rift? I can't really notice.

Screen quality and/or sweet spot seems to be better in the Rift as well.

I also have the Oculus Touch, which are just as accurate and way more ergonomic than Vive's massive stick-wands, but there's *literally* no content so I can't do anything with it. Well, except make things. ;)

Point is, you can't go wrong with either. EVE: Valkyrie remains my favorite commercially available VR experience, followed closely by Job Simulator and Fantastic Contraption.

Do you have the second Camera set up with the touch?


So... anyone in the US looking for an unopened CV1? Not really keen on making a profit, so I don't mind selling it at cost. Would rather give it to someone here than put it up on ebay. PM me if interested.
Comfort of the Rift headset with Touch will hopefully be worth the wait. Now we just need some sort of Chaperon system and we can have some smaller scale room scale experiences (I sadly don't have the space anyway... :()


I also have the Oculus Touch, which are just as accurate and way more ergonomic than Vive's massive stick-wands, but there's *literally* no content so I can't do anything with it. Well, except make things. ;)

Point is, you can't go wrong with either. EVE: Valkyrie remains my favorite commercially available VR experience, followed closely by Job Simulator and Fantastic Contraption.
There's been so much angst smothering Oculus-related discussions lately, and I was at the point where the rampant negativity actually had me kind of bummed out about my (free!) Rift. I'm really, really glad to hear some positive news about Oculus Touch, and you've reignited my hype for it!


Fafracer forever
Betta Lines said:
For those enjoying The Climb, what do you think of Jeff's complaints here? https://youtu.be/ju_Khu0Rc6Q?t=49m31s
Like many other non room-scale VR games, there's a recenter button that puts you in the sweet spot, control wise - to help when players physically move around too much. That video looks like he plays quite a ways off center, which would lead to control issues.

It's a common problem in non-room scale VR, there's no way to prevent player from physically moving out of the "intended" play-area, hence why recentering is a common game-option.


formerly "chigiri"
Airmech Command is seriously fun, but again 0 people playing online.
Gonna play some matches with a friend tomorrow, should be good!

Ended up spending a few hours(!) in Altspace VR with a buddy, the mini games there are pretty neat especially the Air Golf course. Watched the Space X launch of their satellite live too.


formerly "chigiri"


Just finished Lucky's Tale. Man, what a game. Short but sweet. In my earlier gush post, I forgot to mention how great the music is.

Anyway, looks like I'm buying Chronos next.
Like many other non room-scale VR games, there's a recenter button that puts you in the sweet spot, control wise - to help when players physically move around too much. That video looks like he plays quite a ways off center, which would lead to control issues.

It's a common problem in non-room scale VR, there's no way to prevent player from physically moving out of the "intended" play-area, hence why recentering is a common game-option.

It's hard to tell if that's what's happening - from the outside view the hands definitely look a lot further away than they do in VR, but I'm not sure if that's just what the outside view looks like. Could easily be part of the problem though - he's shifting his feet around which would mean it'd be easy to move away from the screen over time. I think it works a lot better seated so you have a static position to go back to.
The way he's pressing the trigger as he wants to grip rather than holding it and it autmatocally grabbing is definitely causing a lot of his issues though.
Showed the Rift to some kids that are here for a sleepover bday party. Minds blown. The dinosaur and each had a round at Blazerush. I really wish I could have let them play each other. They had a blast laughing at what was on screen and such.

Pretty fun though. I bought the Climb but forgot it doesn't download while playing and they are all in the family room where it's set up. Tomorrow I will play it!
Q1: My PC takes much longer to boot to desktop with they rift plugged in.

Q2: Is it possible to download from oculus home while doing something else, like playing a game. I'm pretty sure it pauses it.
For those with Virtual Desktop, you owe it to yourself to try listening to music with Milkdrop mode. If the Milkdrop mode doesn't work just use Winamp's visualizer, fullscreen with VRD set to 360 degrees at the closest distance. Shit blew my fucking mind.
Does anyone have any idea when the next batch of units will be shipping to the US?

I've had my shipping date pushed back so many times that I'm going to cancel my order if it doesn't ship out this week.

I'm sure the product itself is fine but I'm beyond done with the terrible management at Oculus and if I do end up buying one down the line it will be from a scalper as they deserve my money way more than the incompetent company that doesn't want it.


Does anyone have any idea when the next batch of units will be shipping to the US?

I've had my shipping date pushed back so many times that I'm going to cancel my order if it doesn't ship out this week.

I'm sure the product itself is fine but I'm beyond done with the terrible management at Oculus and if I do end up buying one down the line it will be from a scalper as they deserve my money way more than the incompetent company that doesn't want it.

My rift was scheduled for June 14-22 and just shipped yesterday.
So I now have my consumer level Vive and Rift (both set up...WIRES EVERYWHERE).

The Rift just can't be beaten in terms of comfort. From weight, to looks, to comfort, to IPD adjustment...this doesn't seem like it'd make a huge difference, but after 45 minutes in Job Simulator in the Vive, I just wanted to get the hell out. Of course, I was also standing and moving around and stuff, but it felt very stifling. I don't feel that with the Rift at all. Not to mention the sheer *simplicity* of setting it all up. Camera (1 USB), Headset (1 cable, USB/HDMI), wireless controller, done. Vive was insanity getting it all set up and paired and synced and charged and cabled.

There doesn't seem to be much of a practical difference in FoV between the two headsets. Maybe like 2 degrees less in the Rift? I can't really notice.

Screen quality and/or sweet spot seems to be better in the Rift as well.

I also have the Oculus Touch, which are just as accurate and way more ergonomic than Vive's massive stick-wands, but there's *literally* no content so I can't do anything with it. Well, except make things. ;)

Point is, you can't go wrong with either. EVE: Valkyrie remains my favorite commercially available VR experience, followed closely by Job Simulator and Fantastic Contraption.

So you play all the Vive games now on the rift? I guess since you have both you already experienced it but those of us without a Vive would have a ton of new content to try out with touch.
More impressions.

Blazerush- Imagine RC PRO AM in VR. This is a blast. You see the track right in front of your face and tiny RC cars dueling it out. When they fly off the track toward you and explode it happens with amazing 3D so it looks like its blowing up in your face. There are great weapons, some neat race modes, its just fun. You can play online but almost no one is playing, but when you do get a match its brilliant. This should have local multiplayer play, perfect party game. We need Mario Kart VR immediately.

Eve Valkyrie - I hooked up my flight sticks and went at this again, oh man its so much better. I totally lost myself in there for a few hours. Eve is mostly an online only space combat game so there isn't much depth but the combat is fast and easy. This is no sim so its great for pick up and play which is what I wanted to do. I was a badass, first place in most my matches, tracking enemies with my head like I would if I was a real pilot. I was gripping those sticks so hard my hands hurt. Great immersive experience and a clear showing of a kind of game that is enhanced in every way, from the play to the look by VR.

Doom 4 - This takes a lot of tweaking because if you are too close to the screen the melee kills are just a mess of movement an crap you cant see. Once I put the screen further back it worked well. This game is a bit too fast to really enjoy in VR, its still immersive but not the best use of vorpx.

Bioshock - Now this works amazing! Stepping into the first room with the Andrew ryan statue above your head is so woah. The splicers are feaky as hell when they are in front of you. This game is a lot slower paced and made for environment watching so its a great VR experience.

Portal 2 - This is one works great in the slower moments, I loved the intro in VR, one of the better presence games. But when the portal stuff started, damn it was a bit intense. Its the only game to leave me with a strange VR after effect when I took it off. Maybe I need to tweak it more.

Resident Evil 4 - This works best as a floating screen than being inside it. Its third person so you cant really be as immersed with that kind of screen effect. So hang it back a little and it feels like you are playing on an IMAX 3D screen. The 3D effect is so good, screw 3D tvs this is why 3d was invented. Its RE4 it doesn't matter how you play it its great.

Half Life 2 - This is the one. I got this working last night and did not want to stop. Walking around the city, seeing guards that are right at your eye level push you around it just feels like you are there. But its the action where this shines. With some of these games, like this one, you get to control the aim cursor with your eyes independent of the camera. Its like having a wiimote but your eyes are the pointer. That alone makes shooting so much better. Even though I'm using a pad it felt like I was aiming a gun the normal way, I can only imagine how much more enhanced it will feel when the object you hold feels like a gun. Oh and the crowbar, you look at where you want to swing, again if this had wiimote support and I could swing around it would be the greatest thing ever. Even as it is when thos spinning blade robots fly at your face in full 3D and you are trying to swat them with the crowbar its a feeling of wow this is happening to me. Ravenholm is going to give me a heart attack. Plus the game is a masterpiece, I am in love. I will play this one in VR all the way through.

Reactions - For the fake VR games there isn't many gameplay enhancements to be made, only the aiming. Its more of a perspective enhancement. HDTVs didn't change the way games were played but you never want to go back to old CRTVs now do you. Same kind of effect here. Only the fact that you have a thing strapped to your head and the whole sickness issue is holding it back. True VR needs motion controls for most of the games. The flight stick can be put in that category as it perfectly mimics what you use to do the actions in game and it works. When in true VR being able to move your head in and out tracking you in the VR world, not you pretending to be an in game camera makes a big difference. I cant want for the motion room games.

I got to show some friends, all come out super impressed but they got kind of sick during the vorpx enabled games. I need to mention the dolphin VR because that thing is a wonder. That does real VR with old games, I don't know how. you are not the camera, you can look behind you can see the world all around your head, you can lean in and out and look at characters from different perspectives. Now that comes with huge glitches and most games are unplayable but its still crazy when it works. For some strange reason Sonic adventure games work amazing on this thing and my friends were mesmerized by it. Sonic Adventure 2 VR is a must play.
Wow, so I was worried The Climb would cause me issues with nausea, no dice! Was amazing. Only played a bit of the training and first level but the movement does nothing to make me feel 'off' like ED or Assetto Corsa.

Hopefully getting my VR legs. Been taking it really slow as to not associate sickness with it. But man, The Climb is great and I'm fairly sensitive to the motion stuff. For example Titans of Space, ED, and AC all give me a little "eww ... " feeling, but somewhat tolerable. The Climb didn't give me any of that.

I also played it standing up which I think is the best option.

I also think that Touch would be a great addition. Not a 1:1 mapping, but being able to move hands independently would be pretty cool. It would have to be a completely new control scheme, not 1:1, but kind of like a split 360 controller (what it is in a sense) where you could hold the trigger while rested at your side for one hand and aim the controller with the other.

Although with looking being the aiming, might need a complete re-work.

It's fucking great with a 360 controller though, doesn't knock it down any in my mind.
Can I install the Oculus client without meeting the system requirements? I just wanted to play with the GUI to see what it's like. My computer does meet their requirements, but I'm running in a Virtual Machine.


More impressions.

Blazerush- Imagine RC PRO AM in VR. This is a blast. You see the track right in front of your face and tiny RC cars dueling it out. When they fly off the track toward you and explode it happens with amazing 3D so it looks like its blowing up in your face. There are great weapons, some neat race modes, its just fun. You can play online but almost no one is playing, but when you do get a match its brilliant. This should have local multiplayer play, perfect party game. We need Mario Kart VR immediately.

Eve Valkyrie - I hooked up my flight sticks and went at this again, oh man its so much better. I totally lost myself in there for a few hours. Eve is mostly an online only space combat game so there isn't much depth but the combat is fast and easy. This is no sim so its great for pick up and play which is what I wanted to do. I was a badass, first place in most my matches, tracking enemies with my head like I would if I was a real pilot. I was gripping those sticks so hard my hands hurt. Great immersive experience and a clear showing of a kind of game that is enhanced in every way, from the play to the look by VR.

Doom 4 - This takes a lot of tweaking because if you are too close to the screen the melee kills are just a mess of movement an crap you cant see. Once I put the screen further back it worked well. This game is a bit too fast to really enjoy in VR, its still immersive but not the best use of vorpx.

Bioshock - Now this works amazing! Stepping into the first room with the Andrew ryan statue above your head is so woah. The splicers are feaky as hell when they are in front of you. This game is a lot slower paced and made for environment watching so its a great VR experience.

Portal 2 - This is one works great in the slower moments, I loved the intro in VR, one of the better presence games. But when the portal stuff started, damn it was a bit intense. Its the only game to leave me with a strange VR after effect when I took it off. Maybe I need to tweak it more.

Resident Evil 4 - This works best as a floating screen than being inside it. Its third person so you cant really be as immersed with that kind of screen effect. So hang it back a little and it feels like you are playing on an IMAX 3D screen. The 3D effect is so good, screw 3D tvs this is why 3d was invented. Its RE4 it doesn't matter how you play it its great.

Half Life 2 - This is the one. I got this working last night and did not want to stop. Walking around the city, seeing guards that are right at your eye level push you around it just feels like you are there. But its the action where this shines. With some of these games, like this one, you get to control the aim cursor with your eyes independent of the camera. Its like having a wiimote but your eyes are the pointer. That alone makes shooting so much better. Even though I'm using a pad it felt like I was aiming a gun the normal way, I can only imagine how much more enhanced it will feel when the object you hold feels like a gun. Oh and the crowbar, you look at where you want to swing, again if this had wiimote support and I could swing around it would be the greatest thing ever. Even as it is when thos spinning blade robots fly at your face in full 3D and you are trying to swat them with the crowbar its a feeling of wow this is happening to me. Ravenholm is going to give me a heart attack. Plus the game is a masterpiece, I am in love. I will play this one in VR all the way through.

Reactions - For the fake VR games there isn't many gameplay enhancements to be made, only the aiming. Its more of a perspective enhancement. HDTVs didn't change the way games were played but you never want to go back to old CRTVs now do you. Same kind of effect here. Only the fact that you have a thing strapped to your head and the whole sickness issue is holding it back. True VR needs motion controls for most of the games. The flight stick can be put in that category as it perfectly mimics what you use to do the actions in game and it works. When in true VR being able to move your head in and out tracking you in the VR world, not you pretending to be an in game camera makes a big difference. I cant want for the motion room games.

I got to show some friends, all come out super impressed but they got kind of sick during the vorpx enabled games. I need to mention the dolphin VR because that thing is a wonder. That does real VR with old games, I don't know how. you are not the camera, you can look behind you can see the world all around your head, you can lean in and out and look at characters from different perspectives. Now that comes with huge glitches and most games are unplayable but its still crazy when it works. For some strange reason Sonic adventure games work amazing on this thing and my friends were mesmerized by it. Sonic Adventure 2 VR is a must play.

How do you get Half-Life 2 to work with the CV1?


Can I install the Oculus client without meeting the system requirements? I just wanted to play with the GUI to see what it's like. My computer does meet their requirements, but I'm running in a Virtual Machine.

You just get warning text at the top stating you may see less than ideal performance.
You just get warning text at the top stating you may see less than ideal performance.

Nope, I can't launch the program at all.


There's no option for me to continue anyway, as far as I can tell.


Neo Member
I played Chronos a few hours last week end.... very good rpg for the moment, reminds me Dark souls gamemplay, and Ico atmosphere.

And of course the VR is really excellent for this kind of game, with some excellent specific VR gameplay (for example, when you need to slightly move your head to see something hidden behind a door). And the first encounter with the first boss is terrifying (it looks like there is a giant 10 meters long standing in front of you, and trying to catch you...)
If I rest the headset on my bed, sometimes the fabric of my bedcovers will bunch up enough to 'fill' the open section, and it's enough to trigger the sensor. I wish the sensor was a little less sensitive tbh.
Over the weekend I was messing around with Dolphin VR. Resident Evil 4 looks amazing, except there's a floating box blocking my view. Rather than fiddle with it to fix that (which is possible, I gather), I thought I would try out Vorpx; RE4 is on its compatibility list.

So, I bought Vorpx, and unless I'm completely missing something, I want my money back. I didn't realize this was a "pretend you're watching TV in a dark room" simulator, complete with a rendered chair and person in front of the virtual TV. If you play with the settings, you can turn it into a "press your face against the TV" simulator instead. Not at all what I had in mind.

So...am I missing something? I tried every game I have installed from its compatibility list: Portal 1 and 2, Serious Sam 3, RE4, and Batman Arkham Asylum, and all of them fall into one of the two silly categories. Does this software do actual VR with any games? A virtual screen inside my headset might technically qualify as VR, but I'd call it a waste of money.


I'll second this question.

Do you like "walking simulators"? Adr1ft is one of them, albeit in space. And get ready for one of the most inducing motion sickness game out for the Rift.

Besides that, yeah, I think it's worth it. Presentation is phenomenal and you basically feel like Sandra Bullock but way uglier since well, you're not Sandra Bullock.
Do you like "walking simulators"? Adr1ft is one of them, albeit in space. And get ready for one of the most inducing motion sickness game out for the Rift.

Besides that, yeah, I think it's worth it. Presentation is phenomenal and you basically feel like Sandra Bullock but way uglier since well, you're not Sandra Bullock.

I can be pretty when I want to be.

Reading Reddit and people are saying that if you email devs with the receipt they will give you an Oculus Home code.
Over the weekend I was messing around with Dolphin VR. Resident Evil 4 looks amazing, except there's a floating box blocking my view. Rather than fiddle with it to fix that (which is possible, I gather), I thought I would try out Vorpx; RE4 is on its compatibility list.

So, I bought Vorpx, and unless I'm completely missing something, I want my money back. I didn't realize this was a "pretend you're watching TV in a dark room" simulator, complete with a rendered chair and person in front of the virtual TV. If you play with the settings, you can turn it into a "press your face against the TV" simulator instead. Not at all what I had in mind.

So...am I missing something? I tried every game I have installed from its compatibility list: Portal 1 and 2, Serious Sam 3, RE4, and Batman Arkham Asylum, and all of them fall into one of the two silly categories. Does this software do actual VR with any games? A virtual screen inside my headset might technically qualify as VR, but I'd call it a waste of money.

You have it in theater mode. Hit delete to bring up the menu and put it into VR mode. You will need to play with settings to get games to feel right. Search for settings.
Make sure you don't have anything setting off your proximity sensor on the Rift.

Never happened to me.

If I rest the headset on my bed, sometimes the fabric of my bedcovers will bunch up enough to 'fill' the open section, and it's enough to trigger the sensor. I wish the sensor was a little less sensitive tbh.

Hah! You guys are right! I didn't even think about the sensor. I've always sat it down like this, because I didn't want it resting on the headphones, and the strap was setting off the sensor. I'm so stupid lol

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