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Oculus Rift Launch Thread: Ballpark 2016

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Did a first run on all the medium paths in The Climb. Really fantastic, I love how many different routes and holds there are. Some of the optional goals seem crazy, like doing the entire route while intentionally avoiding all save points.

The Alps medium route is a particularly big jump from the stuff before it (no pun intended), though I had some difficulty with the B platform jump. It seemed a bit sensitive to your position to be able to make it, and I tend to drift around a bit playing while standing. Wound up needing to sit down to get past that part, both to get the distance and give my legs a break from constantly falling from that point.

Despite the nature of the game, there's something really calm about it. In that sense it kind of reminds me of Rez somehow; the actual gameplay here isn't very complex if you just read the mechanics on paper, but it has a real satisfying flow to it and you just kind of slip into this mellow zone mentally.

If I had any grievances with this game so far it is that it is obvious that it isn't rendering native resolution. I would imagine that is to hit targets against the 970 minspec, but I hope they add at least a simple in-game graphic setting to bump the render resolution up to at least native. Should be an easy thing to add, hopefully they give the game a little post-launch support and patch it in.

Still the game out of all the exclusive Home titles I would recommend the most.
Is it only available on oculus home? Prices of games are quite expensive in my region.

Have you tried increasing the resolution using the oculus sdk?


Is it only available on oculus home? Prices of games are quite expensive in my region.

Have you tried increasing the resolution using the oculus sdk?

Yeah, I heard about the SDK tool to adjust the render resolution, but it doesn't stick inside The Climb. Once the loads the level it overrides that setting. It seems to be using 0.77 for the scale (so 77% of native render resolution per display) once it overrides your previous setting.

I'm pretty sure The Climb is an Oculus exclusive only available on Home, yeah. One of the more expensive games here in the U.S. ($49.99).
So yesterday I started to mess with high motion games. First I tried this demo of incell, a terrible game where you go inside the body to eliminate the virus. Then whole game is you on this 360 track and you always move forward, you lean your head to turn around the track and try to hit boost pads and grab proteins on the track while avoiding these red barriers that rotate. It's super simple, the VR adds the ability to look up and see the future part of the track looping ahead so you can see where on the track you need to be for proteins. I never felt any motion sensation.

I tried some 360 videos, one was Dirk Nowitzki giving a tour of the Mavericks locker room, now that is awesome. Watching him practice around you is really impressive. 360 videos are great when done well, sad that the resolution isn't great.

Then I booted up dolphin VR with Wind Waker, took some tinkering but I got it to run well enough. It's pretty crazy how they managed to get a GC game in VR, you can look all around, draw distance is more limited but still it's crazy to be in that world. I still had to use the camera controls a ton as looking doesn't set a new direction for the camera, so I didn't feel like I was something looking at a virtual world like say chronos or luckys tale, instead I felt like it was a super impressive 360 video that I am in full control over. Once again never felt sick even though I was quickly twisting and turning that camera in every direction. The models look so good up close, man WW is so beautiful. Cutscenes are a mess as it switches views so fast and things load a little slow, other than that it runs well.

Then I tried the most intense VR game you can try, Doom VR. This is old doom, super fast doom. Again the models and the way the world looks in VR is super impressive, because these are simple graphics the resolution works great enough so it is the most clear game I played. So you play with a controller, the gun floats close to your face but there is a cursor that floats in front of that which you control with your eyes. Instead of just point in the general direction of enemies now you look at them but aim with that cursor, it works great.

The manual said play standing up but screw that, that messed with my head. Going backwards almost made me fall down, I got this crazy disorienting feeling like I was about to fall. So I sat down and then most of that feeling was gone. I managed to play three levels and didn't feel sick exactly but I felt some form of fatigue, it's a bit much but manageable in small bursts.

None of these adapted VR experiences give me presence like the true VR experiences. It's hard to describe the differences, I guess games designed around knowing you can look around the game world using your head and feeling like you are in the world rather than you taking the place of the in game camera where you are basically the TV set make the difference. So while really cool to experience an old game that way at least those two games I don't feel like playing the whole thing in a helmet is worth it.

I forgot to mention one of the best VR experiences I tried a few days ago, it's called mythos of something, I forget. It's a small interactive demo where you are this giant monster in chains in a dungeon and this wizard enters the dungeon. You control the wizard while looking through the eyes of the giant. This feels like VR, when the little wizard comes down on an elevator into the dungeon and you can circle the elevator with your head and see that little character from all angles, it feels like I am in that world. And when controlling the wizard he went behind a wall and I couldn't see, well hello I can just lean in and look over the all down on him, it was this aha VR moment. Oh and with the press of a button you can switch to the wizard point of view so now everything that looked tiny is huge, in a full game this mechanic would be fantastic. There is almost nothing to do in the demo but activate some switches, it's like 5-10 minutes but that felt like true VR.


That sounds like the updated demo for Mythos of the World Axis. I used to praise the old DK2 demo they had (which sounds like a completely different scenario than the one you're describing). I hope that turns into a full game of some sort since they seem to have some pretty cool ideas.
It's fairly similar demo to the DK2 version, but with a painfully slow elevator intro. The fact you are a large creature is now apparent from the start, as you sense these two giant chains 'attached' to your headlook. That in itself is quite a neat sensation but I really enjoyed the way this was revealed at the end of the DK2 demo, where you chomp the guy in first person. This now seen from the view of the character, which is also pretty cool, aside from the fact that it just looks like a floating set of teeth, not attached to anything.

The whole demo still looks really cool - great visuals and atmosphere, but the heavy contrast of the darkness and the shining torch really accentuates the godray problem, and it still doesn't control well. It's on the Oculus Store as a free 'concept' to download. I'd be interested to see if it can be fleshed out into a full game, and if the controls can be improved (desperately needed).


Random question - are the side straps the same length on your guys' Rifts? I noticed that when I tried to fully extend the side straps to see how far out the loosened, that the right side was noticeably shorter than the left (by about an inch at least).
Random question - are the side straps the same length on your guys' Rifts? I noticed that when I tried to fully extend the side straps to see how far out the loosened, that the right side was noticeably shorter than the left (by about an inch at least).
That doesn't sound right... mine seem almost (if not exactly) the same. Can you take a pic?


That doesn't sound right... mine seem almost (if not exactly) the same. Can you take a pic?

Uhh, well I was going to but I just picked it up and undid the side straps again and they seem to both look normal now.

Maybe the left side wasn't extending as smoothly since that side has the cable clipped to it, increasing the friction. Either that or I need to investigate whether I have some kind of fucked up shaped head...
So there's no reason to buy Elite Dangerous on Oculus Home when the Steam version is half the price, right?

No. Unless the ability to launch from within Oculus Home is so important to you.

Besides that on Steam you can refund it if you dont like it or the VR implementation and can use other payment methods besides CC.


The Home version is more expensive because it is both the base game and Horizons (unless ED is on sale on Steam right now or something).

But like mentioned above, once you register a key on their account page you can just get a Home key there so you may as well get it on Steam.


Anybody else take the cable clip off their Rift? I found the cable was interfering too much with the sliding mechanism when putting the headset on/taking it off.
Anybody else take the cable clip off their Rift? I found the cable was interfering too much with the sliding mechanism when putting the headset on/taking it off.

I'm tempted since it's my biggest annoyance with the Rift right now, but I imagine taking it off would result in too much weight being transferred to the front of the unit, which is hardly ideal.


Oculus just let me know that they'll cover the UPS VAT invoice I received a few days ago, which is nice. :)

I also concluded that the horror stories about the response time of Oculus support must be quite outdated. They replied to me less than an hour after I first submitted my ticket, asking for a scan of the invoice. Once I sent that, they again replied in an hour's time, telling me to wait a bit while they resolved the issue. Half a day later, I received the final reply with the necessary information I need to give UPS. Pretty snappy.

It's likely they are not getting swamped with support(or questions about shipping) as much because they are getting pretty far into their shipments. Their Pre-order must have been really frontloaded within the first hour of pre-orders opening up.


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
So you'll be waiting a week or more before it actually ships. Date sounds about right.

What makes you say that? My Rift shipped the same day I was charged.


Mine wasn't and others on the Oculus reddit said the same.

Nah, this most recent batch seems to be coming out early for a lot of folks. Got mine last Fri and was charged last Mon, my estimate before all that was next week. Same with a few others in this thread.


So you'll be waiting a week or more before it actually ships. Date sounds about right.

That depends where you live I guess. I got charged on the 19th and UPS delivered my Rift yesterday the 24th. Would have been delivered sooner if it didn't get stuck in weekend limbo. I was happily shocked how fast that went. :)


Just sold my Kickstarter rift. Wow that is a pretty box and it's much lighter than the vive. Had deliberately not even opened the shipping box to avoid being tempted. Vive is definitely a clunkier piece of hardware but I like what it does so the rift goes. Will be interested to see what touch does though and what they do for CV2
Dolphin VR is awesome!!!! I am inside Zelda Wind Waker!!!! It has it's weird quirks and cutscenes suck on it but for the most part it runs great and looks super cool. I guess it could be nauseating for some but I've been fine. Going to try metroid prime next.

Is there a guide to setting this up on CV1? All I've come across is for DK2. I have it running, but it's a mess, everything flickering and in-program instructions that reference settings I don't see.


Just sold my Kickstarter rift. Wow that is a pretty box and it's much lighter than the vive. Had deliberately not even opened the shipping box to avoid being tempted. Vive is definitely a clunkier piece of hardware but I like what it does so the rift goes. Will be interested to see what touch does though and what they do for CV2

Yes it is. It was probably the most premium unboxings I've ever done. Everything is meticulous high quality packaging inside and out, down to the handle. Heck, even the outer box that it was delivered in was made specifically to hold the actual Rift box. Good stuff right there.
Got my Rift yesterday. It was the last one in stock at my Best Buy. Had a preorder since January, but that had an estimate of mid-July so I got sick of waiting. Dat packaging, omg.

I'm incredibly pleased with the device. Lucky's Tale is a very "comfy" game and I've been having fun trying various demos and games on the thing. I think I'm going to pick up Elite Dangerous since so many people seem to love it, and I already have a Saitek X52 HOTAS that's just been collecting dust lately.


formerly "chigiri"
I'm incredibly pleased with the device. Lucky's Tale is a very "comfy" game and I've been having fun trying various demos and games on the thing. I think I'm going to pick up Elite Dangerous since so many people seem to love it, and I already have a Saitek X52 HOTAS that's just been collecting dust lately.

Lucky's Tale's floaty camera occasionally makes me a little uneasy, it's like some of the time it takes just a little too long to react or something which causes a cognitive disconnect.


I just noticed last night that I do actually have a couple of pixels that appear to be stuck, or at least illuminate more brightly than they should.

Kind of surprising to me because I am generally pretty quick to spot stuck/dead pixels on monitors, and I have never noticed them before in my Rift. On the plus side, they are actually incredibly hard to actually "find" even after noticing them. I guess it is a side effect of the stereo overlap and probably whatever they are doing with the lenses and such to mask the SDE. I've moved through a few different apps and I still have serious difficulty finding them even when I purposefully look for them. I guess for some reason I figured I would be very bothered by stuck pixels in VR, but thankfully it really doesn't seem to be much of an issue.


Lucky's Tale's floaty camera occasionally makes me a little uneasy, it's like some of the time it takes just a little too long to react or something which causes a cognitive disconnect.

Even after reading the great positives of this game, actually trying it is a different beast. It really is pretty awesome. That being said I have to agree. Had to stop playing after a while after I started feeling a bit woozy. Wasn't expecting that from this game.
Not really. You can also link your Elite Steam key on the developer's webpage and then redeem an Oculus key for free!

So uhh, I did this and it worked fine, reinstalled the game on Oculus Home, but then decided the game looked a little too blurry for me so I got a refund on Steam (I figured maybe Oculus version possibly had a version better taylored for the Rift so I figured I may just buy it on Oculus Home later)...but I still have the game in Oculus Home. Woops?

Sucks that the lenses cause that smudged look for games with high contrast like Elite Dangerous, other than that it looks pretty good.

I also had no idea this game had that much depth to it. Had to watch all the tutorial videos to get a sense of what to do.

And yes, Lucky's Tale is great, makes me feel like a kid again.


formerly "chigiri"
Even after reading the great positives of this game, actually trying it is a different beast. It really is pretty awesome. That being said I have to agree. Had to stop playing after a while after I started feeling a bit woozy. Wasn't expecting that from this game.

Yeah it's a really effective VR game. I'd describe it as at first it's like you're watching a diorama play out on your desk with 1 inch tall figures, but it's when you start looking around at objects in the distance or things catching your eye in your peripheral that your brain realizes that shit is all around you and some of that shit is huge and that leads to mini *mind blown* moments.

Having played through what seems to be half the game so far, I admit that I would probably have preferred the scale of the models in game be more like the ones you have in the underground sections. I find that a lot of the time things are too big or too close to the viewpoint forcing me to crane my neck and lean back to see things. It doesn't seem like moving the sensor or resetting the view alleviates this issue much either.
So uhh, I did this and it worked fine, reinstalled the game on Oculus Home, but then decided the game looked a little too blurry for me so I got a refund on Steam (I figured maybe Oculus version possibly had a version better taylored for the Rift so I figured I may just buy it on Oculus Home later)...but I still have the game in Oculus Home. Woops?

I would let them know so that they don't end up banning you or something. It's an honest mistake.

Of course, this depends on whether or not your registered user actually works still. If a Steam refund deactivates your user, it doesn't really matter that you've got the game on Oculus Home. You've still got to log in.


formerly "chigiri"
So uhh, I did this and it worked fine, reinstalled the game on Oculus Home, but then decided the game looked a little too blurry for me so I got a refund on Steam (I figured maybe Oculus version possibly had a version better taylored for the Rift so I figured I may just buy it on Oculus Home later)...but I still have the game in Oculus Home. Woops?

I would let them know so that they don't end up banning you or something. It's an honest mistake.

Of course, this depends on whether or not your registered user actually works still. If a Steam refund deactivates your user, it doesn't really matter that you've got the game on Oculus Home. You've still got to log in.

In theory it works like this assuming all the parties got their reporting set up to account for these serial-linking scenarios. How long it takes to go into effect I have no idea. Steam refund > Valve issues refund reports of keys to third party publisher (Frontier) > Frontier deactivates said keys > Frontier (presumably) issues a refund report of the Oculus related keys to Oculus > Oculus deactivates those keys.

On the other hand it may be that the contract Valve has with Frontier doesn't obligate them to send any key refund reporting to them at all so you may have the game in perpetuity on Frontier's and now Oculus' fronts.
Anyone notice when you lean in to look at something up close, the display turns blurry?

I think it does that so you can't see the pixels.
After finishing a race in BlazeRush, I sometimes lean in close to get a good look at the cars and they become super clear and sharp and you can see a lot of detail on them. So maybe it depends on each individual game?


So uhh, I did this and it worked fine, reinstalled the game on Oculus Home, but then decided the game looked a little too blurry for me so I got a refund on Steam (I figured maybe Oculus version possibly had a version better taylored for the Rift so I figured I may just buy it on Oculus Home later)...but I still have the game in Oculus Home. Woops?

Sucks that the lenses cause that smudged look for games with high contrast like Elite Dangerous, other than that it looks pretty good.

I also had no idea this game had that much depth to it. Had to watch all the tutorial videos to get a sense of what to do.

And yes, Lucky's Tale is great, makes me feel like a kid again.

I definitely noticed the smudged look in Elite: Dangerous, but it's really worst when it's just a black screen with white text on it. Aside from that (the loading screens at the beginning) I never feel like it's smudgy, although some of the UI panels are a little too blurry to call it perfect, in the way that it just seems too low resolution but not smudgy like the white text on black bg.
After finishing a race in BlazeRush, I sometimes lean in close to get a good look at the cars and they become super clear and sharp and you can see a lot of detail on them. So maybe it depends on each individual game?

Unlikely. The post you replied to is completely nonsensical, and the poster might have meant something different from what he posted. You can't lean in closer in a 3D game to see pixels. That's just not how it works. It sounds to me like your headset is attached to your head properly, while the other poster's is not.


Unlikely. The post you replied to is completely nonsensical, and the poster might have meant something different from what he posted. You can't lean in closer in a 3D game to see pixels. That's just not how it works. It sounds to me like your headset is attached to your head properly, while the other poster's is not.

Well you can't get closer to the lens unless your headset is moving around, but certainly if there's headtracking that means your camera in the game is moving closer in game, thus rendering it larger? Or maybe I'm misinterpreting.
Well you can't get closer to the lens unless your headset is moving around, but certainly if there's headtracking that means your camera in the game is moving closer in game, thus rendering it larger? Or maybe I'm misinterpreting.

Sure, but you're not leaning closer to any pixels that would need hiding.


Anyone notice when you lean in to look at something up close, the display turns blurry?

I think it does that so you can't see the pixels.

What's likely happening is that your headset is shifting slightly and causing your eyes to move out of the sweet spot.
So I've played Elite Dangerous and Lucky's Tale. These are the games I'm thinking about next:

Project Cars - What is the general consensus on this one? I'm not much of a sim racer guy so I don't know if it'll be too much for me, but I figure VR will take it to a different level.

Chronos - Everyone seems to like this one so it may be the next purchase.

Blaze Rush - Looks like Rock 'n Roll racing, fuck yes.

The Climb - I may wait for Oculus Touch for this one.

Radial G - Anyone try this? F-Zero in VR?

Any other hidden gems? Also, I've heard mixed things about virtual desktop. Is it actually useful?
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