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Oculus Rift (+ Oculus Touch) is $399 for limited time

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"I'm going to have to wait 2 weeks before I can place an order. It's still pretty expensive, and I don't think I have the room for it. I'm mostly intrigued in losing myself in a fully immersive space sim game, mainly exploring and interacting with planets, and a little combat. Not sure if this is the way to go, and which game is best for that kind of thing."

Elite: Dangerous is exactly what you want. And if you're mostly interested in a cockpit game, the size of your room doesn't matter. You just need somewhere to sit (like wherever you're sitting now).


Neo Member
I'm going to have to wait 2 weeks before I can place an order. It's still pretty expensive, and I don't think I have the room for it. I'm mostly intrigued in losing myself in a fully immersive space sim game, mainly exploring and interacting with planets, and a little combat. Not sure if this is the way to go, and which game is best for that kind of thing.

EDIT: Damn, top of page. Still an amazing price considering what it launched at and what it didn't come with initially, but my wallet.

Sure you're not an employee for Frontier? You're asking us to tell you that the game you're looking for is Elite Dangerous :) Pretty much a milky way galaxy simulator with a little combat and also one of the most beautiful experiences you can have in VR.


Not an asshole.
This price is too good to pass up on. Looks like Best Buy is the only online retailer that has them left in stock? And it comes with EVE? That seems too good to be true, should be sold out like all the others...


damn this VR, its burning a hole in my pocket hahahaha has anyone run any horror games or Arizona Sunshine??
so far i got all the free games, Eve Valk(free with BB bundle), Super Hot and Virtual Desktop
"I'm going to have to wait 2 weeks before I can place an order. It's still pretty expensive, and I don't think I have the room for it. I'm mostly intrigued in losing myself in a fully immersive space sim game, mainly exploring and interacting with planets, and a little combat. Not sure if this is the way to go, and which game is best for that kind of thing."

Elite: Dangerous is exactly what you want. And if you're mostly interested in a cockpit game, the size of your room doesn't matter. You just need somewhere to sit (like wherever you're sitting now).

I have to know. Why do you never use the actual quote feature? Just to see if the person is actually reading the thread versus scanning for responses?


"I'm going to have to wait 2 weeks before I can place an order. It's still pretty expensive, and I don't think I have the room for it. I'm mostly intrigued in losing myself in a fully immersive space sim game, mainly exploring and interacting with planets, and a little combat. Not sure if this is the way to go, and which game is best for that kind of thing."

Elite: Dangerous is exactly what you want. And if you're mostly interested in a cockpit game, the size of your room doesn't matter. You just need somewhere to sit (like wherever you're sitting now).

Sure you're not an employee for Frontier? You're asking us to tell you that the game you're looking for is Elite Dangerous :) Pretty much a milky way galaxy simulator with a little combat and also one of the most beautiful experiences you can have in VR.

Hah yes, I have looked at Elite Dangerous looking at some lets plays on YouTube, it looks overwhelming for a newbie and need a HOTAS to get the most of it, and VoiceAttack? Lots of setting up, but probably very worth it! Is there simpler experiences I can try first, or no point and just get straight into the deep end? Not sure my 970 will be enough for it, I can't afford a GPU upgrade for a while.


I am a little bit worried right now. I played Echo Arena for hours yesterday, basicly the whole day. I felt allright als long as I played but dizzy after going back in the real world. I went to bed and thought it will be allright in the moring - it isn't. I still feel sick. Not like vomitting but dizzy and like circulation problems. The funny thing is that it stops instantly if I go back to the game. It's like my body cant handle normal physics anymore.

I am sure it will be fine after 1 or 2 days without playing, but I am worried it will be like that every time. I wouldn't feel safe driving a car right now. Maybe it's just because I overdid it, maybe I will adept, but who knows...

When you're first getting into VR, play games with artificial locomotion in shorter bursts. Going hog wild on your first attempt before you know how your body will react is a gamble. For most people the effects take place while playing, but for others like yourself, they don't realize until after they take a break. It's best to learn your limits, and then see if you can gradually increase them. Not everybody can, but if you're able to handle it now without severe side effects in game, you'll probably acclimate over time to longer sessions.


I received the pack yesterday.

What a wonderful experience, just the oculus dreamdeck was pure awesome.

Now I'm downloading a ton of free apps and vr games from the steam library.

I still don't know how people don't see this is the future...

I think some people just really want to see VR fail honestly.. I hear way too many times that VR is the same as the 3D fad which is just wrong..


For what it's worth, using the DK2 resulted in a *lot* of nausea for me, especially for any extended amount of time. I would definitely say playing for hours yesterday had a noticeable effect on me, but not too bad. This is furthered by the fact I was doing games that had far more advanced locomotion/controls than what I experienced on DK2 (things like Echo Arena). Hopefully this feeling subsides further as one gets further acclimatized to using the device.


Neo Member
Hah yes, I have looked at Elite Dangerous looking at some lets plays on YouTube, it looks overwhelming for a newbie and need a HOTAS to get the most of it, and VoiceAttack? Lots of setting up, but probably very worth it! Is there simpler experiences I can try first, or no point and just get straight into the deep end? Not sure my 970 will be enough for it, I can't afford a GPU upgrade for a while.

If space is your thing it's well worth the time investment. When you see your first binary star system, enter your first space station or discover an area of the galaxy no one has been to yet it's an amazing site. In VR it's almost a religious experience as you stare in awe at the wonder. It can become a bit grindy but exploration and discovery makes it worth it imo. The devs are always adding new things so it is a must buy for any space fanatic. There's a vast community and resources online to help you along the way. Get stranded in the middle of space with no fuel left? there is https://www.fuelrats.com/ who will find you and get you going again. Can't find the right trading route? There are online resources to help with that to. Want to reach the center of the galaxy? There are groups of explorers that will join as that actually can take a really long time for first time explorers and is always fun to go with a group. (multiple weeks in real time) Get bored of the daily grind or bounty hunting? There are organized races on surface planets with either your ship or srv.

If it's a bit too overwhelming there are smaller titles that can be worth your while. "Discovering Space" is a nice little experience for space exploration. "Titans of Space 2" is also a nice educational space title if that's more your thing. And of course there's "Eve Valkyrie" if all you want to do is dogfight.


Not sure if we felt the same thing, but yeah, I also feel a little weird after taking the headset off after playing for a few hours. That same feeling progressed when I woke up in the morning. I eventually felt okay after awhile.

Make sure to take breaks often.

When you're first getting into VR, play games with artificial locomotion in shorter bursts. Going hog wild on your first attempt before you know how your body will react is a gamble. For most people the effects take place while playing, but for others like yourself, they don't realize until after they take a break. It's best to learn your limits, and then see if you can gradually increase them. Not everybody can, but if you're able to handle it now without severe side effects in game, you'll probably acclimate over time to longer sessions.

Thank you. I feel a lot better now. I will still take a break today and will be more careful tomorrow. Less playtime, more breaks. I am afraid I will not be able to not play Echo Arena though, since the Beta will end soon :x


For what it's worth, using the DK2 resulted in a *lot* of nausea for me, especially for any extended amount of time. I would definitely say playing for hours yesterday had a noticeable effect on me, but not too bad. This is furthered by the fact I was doing games that had far more advanced locomotion/controls than what I experienced on DK2 (things like Echo Arena). Hopefully this feeling subsides further as one gets further acclimatized to using the device.

Are you saying that DK2 is still giving you nausea even though the games should be good enough by now to avoid that? Or do you actually mean the CV1?


Thank you. I feel a lot better now. I will still take a break today and will be more careful tomorrow. Less playtime, more breaks. I am afraid I will not be able to not play Echo Arena though, since the Beta will end soon :x

Echo Arena will be free to everybody that grabs it in the first three months after release. There's no need to push yourself for the beta.


Are you saying that DK2 is still giving you nausea even though the games should be good enough by now to avoid that? Or do you actually mean the CV1?

I got the DK2 in 2014 and experienced fairly strong nausea across most stuff. I find that issue greatly minimized in the CV1 (in my 24 hours of use at least).


Echo Arena is fun and hilarious, hope you guys get your Rifts in time to play it (beta ends fairly soon)!

edit: not sure when the actual game comes out though, I think it's relatively soon.

Man I tried it and almost threw up at first.. what an odd experience, so much fun once I got the hang of it. Keep in mind I didn't know I had boosters on my hands until 30 min into it. Lol


Is the free EVE at Best Buy only in the US? I ordered mine at Best Buy Canada.

I got it there and did not get a code.

Man I tried it and almost threw up at first.. what an odd experience, so much fun once I got the hang of it. Keep in mind I didn't know I had boosters on my hands until 30 min into it. Lol

Yeah, I didn't really feel like I fully grasped what was going on when I played last night. A teenager laughing throughout the entire match while trying to hump and punch me didn't help to lessen the confusion.

Update: Played a bit of Obduction and the sence of presence and scale in the game is fantastic. Unfortunately, it seems to be the most demanding so far with a bit of stuttering. However, my rig is on the lower end so other users may be all right. I certainly echo other's recommendations for Superhot VR; really strong implementation of the touch controllers and just a fun game overall.
So even though I've put hundreds of hours into Elite: Dangerous the past hour of just fooling around in it on the Rift for the first time has basically shown me that I never actually played the "true" game, just a (albeit sharper) imitation.


Neo Member
This deal has me on the fence right now. Really want to snag one at this price but I have a few concerns:

1) My processor is below the recommended spec - I have a 4570, it calls for a 4590. However, I do meet all of the other rec specs (gtx 970, 8gb ram, etc). Can I reasonably expect my rig to last me until the next generation of VR? I'm not graphics snob and have no problem turning settings down to medium quality to achieve good performance.

2) I only have 2 usb 3.0 ports, and it looks like the rift needs 3. Is there anyway of getting more of em without buying a new mobo?

3) Are there any "hidden" costs? I think I've heard people talk about needing to purchase more lighthouses or different controllers for certain games. Stuff like that (i'm new)


This deal has me on the fence right now. Really want to snag one at this price but I have a few concerns:

1) My processor is below the recommended spec - I have a 4570, it calls for a 4590. However, I do meet all of the other rec specs (gtx 970, 8gb ram, etc). Can I reasonably expect my rig to last me until the next generation of VR? I'm not graphics snob and have no problem turning settings down to medium quality to achieve good performance.

2) I only have 2 usb 3.0 ports, and it looks like the rift needs 3. Is there anyway of getting more of em without buying a new mobo?

3) Are there any "hidden" costs? I think I've heard people talk about needing to purchase more lighthouses or different controllers for certain games. Stuff like that (i'm new)
1) CPU should be OK. There's hardly and meaningful difference between a 4570 and a 4590.

2) Assuming the USB 3.0 controller is compatible with the Rift, use those for the sensors and a USB 2.0 port for the headset. Worst case basis you add in a supported USB 3.0 PCIe card and call it a day. (Assuming you have an available slot at least.)

3) A third Constellation sensor will likely be needed for roomscale support unless you're running a small play space. Lighthouses are for the Vive, not Rift.


This deal has me on the fence right now. Really want to snag one at this price but I have a few concerns:

1) My processor is below the recommended spec - I have a 4570, it calls for a 4590. However, I do meet all of the other rec specs (gtx 970, 8gb ram, etc). Can I reasonably expect my rig to last me until the next generation of VR? I'm not graphics snob and have no problem turning settings down to medium quality to achieve good performance.

2) I only have 2 usb 3.0 ports, and it looks like the rift needs 3. Is there anyway of getting more of em without buying a new mobo?

3) Are there any "hidden" costs? I think I've heard people talk about needing to purchase more lighthouses or different controllers for certain games. Stuff like that (i'm new)

You can use USB 2.0 it just might not be as accurate. But you can get a USB 3.0 PCI card for about 20$. Go to the oculus website and download the test to see if your pc is ready. Mine is good with an i7 2600. But the USB is bad so I got the pci card.


Neo Member
Thanks for the replies, think I will pull the trigger after all!

My play space is pretty small, but I don't mind forking over $60 for another sensor if needed. I completely forgot about PCI slots! Definitely going to grab a USB 3.0 PCI card.


Details are light but it appears to be

- 4 player multiplayer
- 12+ characters
- full locomotion
- gameplay looks a bit like robo recall but not sure yet
- coming in 2018

Yeah I wonder what the price for this game will be. Not something I'd pay $50 for but would consider at $20-30 maybe.


Played some Valkyrie and it's pretty dope. The only thing that has ever made my head feel weird is doing barrel rolls.
I'm legit surprised that I can even play most of these games with my shitty graphics card.


Neo Member
Played some Valkyrie and it's pretty dope. The only thing that has ever made my head feel weird is doing barrel rolls.
I'm legit surprised that I can even play most of these games with my shitty graphics card.

Well if your card is really that bad and wondered how it works so well these are the 2 technologies that are probably working in your favor. It's like black magic:


Is The Mages Tale worth grabbing as a premium title for oculus? It looks cool.

Friends and family want me to grab Rick and Morty but I know how short it is... I wish it wasnt so much.


Using a 3rd sensor now and damn, it really makes a big difference. Can barely tell a difference with the Vive tracking now. The Touch controllers are just amazing and it's nice to be able to move around with 360 degrees with the Rift headset instead of the bulky Vive headset. Superhot, Wilson's Heart and Robo Recall all take on an amazing transformation when you're able to full turn around.

On thing is though, with my setup now, I have them pointing downwards near the ceiling. Along with the sensor, you'll have to buy at least two USB extensions if you want roomscale tracking with no occlusion.


Neo Member
Is The Mages Tale worth grabbing as a premium title for oculus? It looks cool.

Friends and family want me to grab Rick and Morty but I know how short it is... I wish it wasnt so much.

If you like dungeon crawlers I think The Mages Tale is the best there is in VR. Spellcasting alone is just super fun but the detailed environments, puzzles and storyline are what make this a premium title.
SteamVR is fucked at the moment, can't find it in the Tools tab and when I had it installed earlier, it had a "Purchase" button and wouldn't launch when I clicked the icon in the top right corner of Steam.

Valve better fix this soon.

Also the download speeds on Oculus Home are god awful.


Using a 3rd sensor now and damn, it really makes a big difference. Can barely tell a difference with the Vive tracking now. The Touch controllers are just amazing and it's nice to be able to move around with 360 degrees with the Rift headset instead of the bulky Vive headset. Superhot, Wilson's Heart and Robo Recall all take on an amazing transformation when you're able to full turn around.

On thing is though, with my setup now, I have them pointing downwards near the ceiling. Along with the sensor, you'll have to buy at least two USB extensions if you want roomscale tracking with no occlusion.

Thanks for the info. Have you tried your setup with 2 sensors in corners? I'm going to try that when the USB extension cables arrive. Curious how much better tracking is in either scenario.
SteamVR is fucked at the moment, can't find it in the Tools tab and when I had it installed earlier, it had a "Purchase" button and wouldn't launch when I clicked the icon in the top right corner of Steam.

Valve better fix this soon.

Also the download speeds on Oculus Home are god awful.

I'm getting the same issue with the "Purchase" option. Still able to launch games though


SteamVR is fucked at the moment, can't find it in the Tools tab and when I had it installed earlier, it had a "Purchase" button and wouldn't launch when I clicked the icon in the top right corner of Steam.

Valve better fix this soon.

Also the download speeds on Oculus Home are god awful.
I thought my computer was going kaput. I deleted it because of the purchase button thing but then tried to reinstall it and the VR button does absolutely nothing. Really annoyed Valve does this.


Only thing with room-scale now is that I have no freaking way of playing Elite with a HOTAS or Dirt Rally with a steering wheel unless I literally put a desk in the middle of the room.. lol

1st world problems...


Only thing with room-scale now is that I have no freaking way of playing Elite with a HOTAS or Dirt Rally with a steering wheel unless I literally put a desk in the middle of the room.. lol

1st world problems...

Why do you need roomscale for those games?


Why do you need roomscale for those games?

I don't. It's just that in the process of having room scale for the Rift and having the sensors point downwards, I need to have a desk in the middle of the room now if I want to have my HOTAS sticks or my steering wheel.

The one good thing about having the sensors on a table was that I can mount a wheel on that same table or have my HOTAS on that table, but that's no longer possible.

Anyways, dudes and dudettes here, I suggest y'all get Star Trek: Bridge Crew. While games like Robo Recall is cool and all, no game has done social VR better than Star Trek. With the right crew you're in for a real good time! :D
I played an hour of Rec Room and had a pretty good time goofing off with the random people I encountered.

I also accidentally knocked one of the touch controllers into a wall, which left a white mark that I can't seem to get rid of.


For HOTAS and racing wheel gameplay with the Rift, do the sensors need to be able to see the headset since there is no positioning? I have a 40 inch TV as a PC monitor/PS4 Pro and where the desk is, I would be at the very edge of the Oculus play field so the sensors might be partially occluded. But do the sensors even do anything in those type of games like Eve Valkyrie and Dirt Rally?
What's the shipping speed like when ordering from the Oculus store? I'm thinking of ordering this weekend, but I'm going to be out of town until Thursday, so I'd prefer it not to arrive before then. (Worried about waiting too long in case they go out of stock.)

EDIT: after looking around sounds like pretty much all orders are delayed due to demand, so I should be good. For once slower shipping will actually be good for me. :)
"For HOTAS and racing wheel gameplay with the Rift, do the sensors need to be able to see the headset since there is no positioning? I have a 40 inch TV as a PC monitor/PS4 Pro and where the desk is, I would be at the very edge of the Oculus play field so the sensors might be partially occluded. But do the sensors even do anything in those type of games like Eve Valkyrie and Dirt Rally?"

The sensors are required to see the headset, yes. That's how it keeps track of the headset's position and rotation.
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