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Offical NBA2K9 GAF Season 7 Thread of High Hopes


charsace said:
Not going to stop. If I'm blowing someone out I'm going to do it because its been done to me.

Damn. That's some cold Darkman type shit right there.

Well, my online is actually working as advertised. ANYTHING IS POSSSSSSSSIBLLLLEEEE

except, apparently, for me winning :(

I'll be online around 11-11:30 EST tomorrow.


charsace said:
Not going to stop. If I'm blowing someone out I'm going to do it because its been done to me.

Smokey said:
Then you'll be asked to leave. Quite simple. Everybody gets blown the fuck out, I lost by 20+ a few games ago to the Blazers. So what. If it keeps up I will start booting.

You can do that shit in random games.


Redd shot chart against bulls

3/6 from 3, hit some jumpers and got to the foul line. Like I said when he's on he's awesome so I'll take the good and bad. And once Okafor gets back it will spread the floor. I'm basically playing without a post presence at this time. I'm 2-2 this week w/o him and my two losses came to teams with dominant big men (Blazers & Suns) that I had to try and worry about, which allowed me to get killed on the perimeter.


FrenchMovieTheme said:
i can't wait to get mcgirk back. he's hungry for that double nickle. i feel sorry for whoever my opponent is when he returns :(



have some respect dude. if the commish asks you to stop something you don't tell him to cram it. if someone was running the score up on you and you didn't like it then say something
I haven't done it to anyone yet, but it has happened to me every time I've been getting beat soundly.

Why don't you boot the people that have been doing it?

Fuck the people screaming bad attitude. I had an awesome attitude before I realized some people are douchebags. The poor sportsmanship didn't just start during this season, it was happening last season too. The people that are doing it now are the same ones that were doing it before.
My team players have numbers/minutes requirements that I set for them. I'm not going to botch a game and have you have a 40 point 4th qtr and me a 15 point one like you did with Hey Low 2.

Shooting a shot within a five foot radius of KG means my guys will airball or get blocked, so I brought my game outside. Not my fault the game wasn't competitive.

I stopped fast breaking, worked the ball around and took the open shot.

People need to stop being so damned butt hurt after a massive loss and cling to some honor bullshit.

Brandon Roy didn't play in the 4th qtr, and I did what any team in real life would do and got the bench involved.

Unless the game clock is at less than 24 seconds, don't expect any hand outs or mercy rules from me.

I don't think that's too far removed from "sim".


charsace said:
I haven't done it to anyone yet, but it has happened to me every time I've been getting beat soundly.

Why don't you boot the people that have been doing it?

Fuck the people screaming bad attitude. I had an awesome attitude before I realized some people are douchebags. The poor sportsmanship didn't just start during this season, it was happening last season too. The people that are doing it now are the same ones that were doing it before.

Then you need to call said person(s) out, but your attitude of "it won't stop" will stop because I'm not about to let this league deteriorate into a place where attitudes like this are okay. That crap can be found by doing a quick match search, and I personally don't care what you do in those matches, but in my league it needs to stop.

I was ahead by a lot in the game against AirBrian earlier today. I played my bench players from the middle of the 3rd quarter for the rest of the game. My starters didn't touch the floor in the 4th quarter, and I also didn't jack 3's when I was up. It was either a drive to the basket, or a jumper. Like I said...everybody gets blown out but it's how you handle yourself when you're up by a bunch that needs to be addressed.

So I'm letting it be known, it keeps up I'm kicking people. I will warn you first but after that you're gone. It's gone on for a while now. I'm not telling you to stop playing if you are up, but you can be a bit more respectful to the other person.

This hasn't been an issue in previous seasons (for the most part), but for some reason it is now. So..it doesn't matter who did it to you or if you did it to somebody else, everybody starts over now. I'm as competitive as anybody in this league...it's not hard to contain yourself and display some form of sportsmanship if you are up 20+.

kirbybreezy said:
Truthfully, I didn't feel I was unsportsmanlike. But I apologize. I just feel that there are a crapload of limitations that are being created around our league games that don't make any sense.

So if I had nine dunk attempts in the 4th instead of 9 3P would that be less cheese?

So I must only shoot midrange jumpers in some arbitrary gentlemen's agreement?

What kind of sense does that make? I had a diverse range of shot attempts in the 4th.
Just so happens that the threes were the only ones to go in because of KG's presence.

What is unsportsman like to me is coming in the thread and saying "Fuck you" to a league member.

Or quitting in the 3rd qtr of a game because Dwight Howard has 16 points in the paint.

What limitations are there? There's a PIP rule, and a few other little things here and there. Sportsmanship is not a limitation. Again, blowouts happened. It's part of the game. You blew me out a few games ago. It happens to everybody from time to time. Did you have your starters in during the 4th? If you're doing what you did with your starters then that's sort of the problem. If you're playing with your backups in and it happens, then hey, what else can you do?

Him coming in here and saying 'fuck you' was probably a result of his frustration more than anything. Was it right? Probably not. Should AB have quit? Probably not But that's just peoples' emotions I can't control that.

But what can be controlled is people having some sort of respect for their opponent when they are up by 20 points or more.
Truthfully, I didn't feel I was unsportsmanlike. But I apologize. I just feel that there are a crapload of limitations that are being created around our league games that don't make any sense.

So if I had nine dunk attempts in the 4th instead of 9 3P would that be less cheese?

So I must only shoot midrange jumpers in some arbitrary gentlemen's agreement?

What kind of sense does that make? I had a diverse range of shot attempts in the 4th.
Just so happens that the threes were the only ones to go in because of KG's presence.

What is unsportsman like to me is coming in the thread and saying "Fuck you" to a league member.

Or quitting in the 3rd qtr of a game because Dwight Howard has 16 points in the paint.
Smokey said:
What limitations are there? There's a PIP rule, and a few other little things here and there. Sportsmanship is not a limitation. Again, blowouts happened. It's part of the game. You blew me out a few games ago. It happens to everybody from time to time. Did you have your starters in during the 4th? If you're doing what you did with your starters then that's sort of the problem. If you're playing with your backups in and it happens, then hey, what else can you do?

Him coming in here and saying 'fuck you' was probably a result of his frustration more than anything. Was it right? Probably not. Should AB have quit? Probably not But that's just peoples' emotions I can't control that.

But what can be controlled is people having some sort of respect for their opponent when they are up by 20 points or more.

I didn't have my starters in. Technically some of my bench guys are as good as my starters but Roy, Aldridge, Oden were out.

It would be one thing if I "blew the game open" like he said, but the 4th qtr was 22-20.

I'm not talking about the PIP rule. Its all the other kind of unspoken agreements like don't dunk on me too much or, don't use isomotion so much or don't shoot threes on me, or don't pump fake me too much. In cases like these wouldn't it be that much easier to defend said cheeser if you know exactly what he/she is doing every time down the court?

I haven't said shit about anyone in this league because I respect that we all have our different playstyles.


kirbybreezy said:
I'm not talking about the PIP rule. Its all the other kind of unspoken agreements like don't dunk on me too much or, don't use isomotion so much or don't shoot threes on me, or don't pump fake me too much. In cases like these wouldn't it be that much easier to defend said cheeser if you know exactly what he/she is doing every time down the court?


I'm not here to tell you how to play your game. I'm just saying when teams get up by a billion points it's not necessary to keep your best players on the court at the same time still launching 3's like it's the 1st quarter and you're up by 2 or something.


intangibles, motherfucker
Konex has Chris Paul pulling a -14.6 in +/- :lol :lol Thats the lowest average in our league


kirbybreezy said:
Truthfully, I didn't feel I was unsportsmanlike. But I apologize. I just feel that there are a crapload of limitations that are being created around our league games that don't make any sense.

So if I had nine dunk attempts in the 4th instead of 9 3P would that be less cheese?

So I must only shoot midrange jumpers in some arbitrary gentlemen's agreement?

What kind of sense does that make? I had a diverse range of shot attempts in the 4th.
Just so happens that the threes were the only ones to go in because of KG's presence.

What is unsportsman like to me is coming in the thread and saying "Fuck you" to a league member.

Or quitting in the 3rd qtr of a game because Dwight Howard has 16 points in the paint.
I didn't quit the game because of Howard. Maybe I didn't make myself clear.

Let's look at the Magic's 1st quarter:

0:12 Howard made a 2 point Layup 0-2
0:35 Lewis missed a 2 point Layup 3-2
1:02 Lewis missed a 2 point Layup 6-4
1:41 Lewis made a 2 point Dunk 8-6
2:01 Bogans missed a 2 point Layup 8-6
2:21 Howard missed a 2 point Layup 8-6
2:53 Howard made a 2 point Dunk 8-8

3:17 Turkoglu missed a 2 point Jump Shot 8-8
3:25 Howard made a 2 point Dunk 8-10
3:54 Howard made a 2 point Layup 8-12
4:30 Lewis made a 2 point Dunk 8-14
4:58 Lee made a 2 point Dunk 8-16

5:16 Lee made a 2 point Jump Shot 8-18
5:39 Lewis made a 2 point Jump Shot 8-20
6:09 Lewis missed a 2 point Dunk 10-20
6:22 Howard made a 2 point Layup 10-22

6:47 Pietrus made a 3 point Jump Shot 10-25
7:08 Lewis missed a 2 point Jump Shot 10-25
7:23 Lee made a 3 point Jump Shot 10-28
7:45 Lee made a 2 point Jump Shot 10-30

12 of the 13 first shot attempts were dunks or layups. 13 of the first 16 were dunk or layup attempts. There was no plays being called. No movement. It was either PG iso-motion or dump it down to Howard. If Howard wasn't close enough then it was a pass to a cutting PG for another inside shot. After building a nice lead, then the jump-shots and 3's start coming.

I can deal with that. That's not fun, a tad cheap, but I can deal with that. What I have a problem with is in the 3rd, you're up by ~30 points and I pull my starters (and actually, I pulled my starters at the end of the 2nd because I knew how this game was going to play out and didn't want to risk any injuries to them). But in the second half, you kept your starters in. And then taking the 3 with Turkoglu up 29 points in the 3rd. That's what I have a problem with, and that's why I quit the game. If you want the win that bad, you can have it. I'm not wasting my time playing someone who has no sportsmanship or respect for the other player.
CB3 said:
Konex has Chris Paul pulling a -14.6 in +/- :lol :lol Thats the lowest average in our league

wow :lol

he was beating me by 15 going into the 4th Q in our first try and i kept thinking "there is no fucking way i'm losing to konex, i'm coming back and taking this win" and then we get disconnected

and in regards to the "blowout" shit. if you play me and i'm getting destroyed, sometimes i want to keep playing to practice with my team. but i've played some people and its really fucking obvious that i'm trying to burn out the clock, by standing there at the top of the key until time runs out on the shot clock...yet some people take the ball back and go d'antoni on my ass. now i'm not going to bitch about it here cause i personally think it's dumb to complain about, but it is REALLY ANNOYING AND DON'T FUCKING DO IT


I sent him a message about what happened and here is his response:

my bad... he probably thought i was overusing DH12 but he had drew gooden guarding him i had 2 beast with dwight... only reason Y i shot 3s is becuz i wanted 2 get a big enough lead so i could rest my starters in the 4th.


Smokey said:
I sent him a message about what happened and here is his response:
Because a 29 point lead in the 3rd when my starters are benched isn't a big enough lead to keep shooting 3s with your starters. :lol


DCX said:
Bob...are you watching anything tonight that would interfere with us playing our game tonight?


I don't get home for a couple hours yet, but probably not tonight. It has been a long day.

Perhaps tommorrow after LOST and DAMAGES are over with!

Or I have some free time tommorrow betweeen 4:30 and 7:30 central time to get some games in.


Mrbob said:
I don't get home for a couple hours yet, but probably not tonight. It has been a long day.

Perhaps tommorrow after LOST and DAMAGES are over with!

Or I have some free time tomorrow between 4:30 and 7:30 central time to get some games in.
Well, i have Thursday off so i usually stay up late the night before. So after LOST would be ok. Or anytime Thursday.



Caspel said:
how much longer until the next season starts?

We are in week 3. We still have 3 more weeks to go plus playoffs...so probably a month and some change.

ChrisJames when can you play this week. You're the last game on my schedule.


Milwaukee Bucks
Chicago Bulls
Phoenix Suns

Seriously? No one is around? I have a limited schedule this week so I would like to get a few games in tonight.
fuck this shit


i couldn't hit a fucking jumper. so pissed

and my team was getting outrebounded by midgets. what a joke. fucking grizzlies


intangibles, motherfucker
pheeniks said:
fuck this shit


i couldn't hit a fucking jumper. so pissed

and my team was getting outrebounded by midgets. what a joke. fucking grizzlies

:lol what do you expect. You had two guys that could hit jumpers and you traded away one.
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