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Officers denied service at Taco Bell

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Not sure why we should trust a completely self serving story from a group of people with a known history of making shit up without evidence.

You are assuming that the cops involved in this incident have a known history of making shit up with no evidence. It could be that this group of cops are doing their job the right way. Not all cops are bad... just like not all humans are bad.
I find it hard to believe that the officers did nothing to provoke this. Hell, I would like to see some evidence that this even happened.

Without actual proof it is hard to say one way or the other, but lets be real... It's fucking Taco Bell. It is a minimum wage job that employees a majority young work force. I have my doubts that officers did anything to provoke this incident at all.
Maybe they can use this as an excuse to clear out the entire staff and start fresh.

Not that I consider myself a fast food conoisseur, but that particular Taco Bell has been a complete dumpster fire for years. I've never seen a place so consistently terrible.

Every so often I feel like giving the place another shot and get let down again in the most amusing and inconvenient ways.

But yeah, this was particularly uncalled for. I understand that there have been way too many high profile incidents involving police and people of color, and that breaks my heart, but the LMPD are actually a fantastic police department. They've been pushing really hard into the idea of community policing, having officers who just go around just talking to people or handing out water on hot days. I've had a couple really good interactions with them myself.

So I get why some people might hold a grudge against the police as a concept, but save that vitriol for the ones who actually deserve it...

Not sure why we should trust a completely self serving story from a group of people with a known history of making shit up without evidence.

So you know the cops involved in this? What did they make up in their "known history?" It sounds like you're holding back some important parts of the story.

Or maybe you're the one with the self serving story...
I have a problem with the story altogether. It should have been handled privately with the management of the Taco Bell. Y'know, the normal way these incidents are handled.

Instead, this gets out in the news thanks to The Fraternal Order of Police, and amounts to essentially a massive organization publicly bullying a few minimum wage teenagers.


Sonic handles my blue balls
Not sure why we should trust a completely self serving story from a group of people with a known history of making shit up without evidence.

Shouldn't we judge people on a person by person basis and not go in with preconceived notions of them based on any group their affiliated with and the actions of some from that group?

The cops involved could easily be Farva, Thorny or Rabbit! And those guys, well, they're okay in my book.


So where are all the good cops who challenged their own unions and leadership to stop protecting the "few bad apples"?

If you are a "good cop" but didn't do a damn thing to stop your colleagues from murdering innocents, you aren't that good in the first place.

Oh and the poster who said this is not cop hate is right. It's more about the love of life.
I have a problem with the story altogether. It should have been handled privately with the management of the Taco Bell. Y'know, the normal way these incidents are handled.

Instead, this gets out in the news thanks to The Fraternal Order of Police, and amounts to essentially a massive organization publicly bullying a few minimum wage teenagers.

Agreed but with Social Media playing judge, jury and executioner now days... nothing is secret.
I mean anyone can go onto a corporate website and file a similar complaint about any fast food chain at any time. Those stores take those complaints seriouly since it hurts their managers bonuses. Even if the story is 100% made up it hurts the bottom line. If this story was a customer not serving a gay couple as an example some of yall praising this employee would be up in arms, discrimination is still wrong regardless of who does it.


Messing up an order is fine and I usually pay it no heed. But what if you find like a band aid or fingernail in your food?

Don't take chances when fast food employees say what this man said.

one time when I asked for no tomatoes in my food I ended up with them inside my quesadilla. I would rather have a bandaid or fingernail that is easily noticeable than surprise tomatoes.
So where are all the good cops who challenged their own unions and leadership to stop protecting the "few bad apples"?

If you are a "good cop" but didn't do a damn thing to stop your colleagues from murdering innocents, you aren't that good in the first place.

Oh and the poster who said this is not cop hate is right. It's more about the love of life.

You are asking people to make decisions that will/ could impact the rest of their life in a split second. You don't know that their partner's were not upset with the cops actions. You are assuming that.
Police are a brotherhood just like vets, active military, fireman etc.

Also, couldn't it be a mixture of Cop Hate and the love of life? Why does it have to be one or the other?
Not sure why we should trust a completely self serving story from a group of people with a known history of making shit up without evidence.

What, you mean teenagers?

I mean, I get that some people have problems with cops, but don't throw those kind of accusations at the LMPD and these officers in particular if you don't live here and regularly interact with them.

Even if this is how it went down, this seems like a non story. Small town cashier at taco Bell doesn't like cops, talks about wanting to mess with them within earshot. Cops leave establishment. More at 11. Oh, wait, no more? That's the whole story?

I agree that it's mostly a non-story, but I object to Louisville being called a small town. It's the largest city in the state, dude :p
You are assuming that the cops involved in this incident have a known history of making shit up with no evidence. It could be that this group of cops are doing their job the right way. Not all cops are bad... just like not all humans are bad.
Police, in general, have a long and well documented history of falsifying reports. Is this particular group of hungry cops guilty of that? No idea, which is why I'm not assuming they're lying or assuming they're telling the truth. I'll wait for evidence before clutching my pearls.

Which is why they should have working body cams.

What, you mean teenagers?

I mean, I get that some people have problems with cops, but don't throw those kind of accusations at the LMPD and these officers in particular if you don't live here and regularly interact with them.
How could you get "you mean teenagers" from my comment?

I'm not throwing any accusations at the LMPD, I'm just not trusting them without evidence. Frankly, at this point, you'd be naive to do so.
Pretty weak civil disobedience if you could call it that. But yes, war on cops.

Messing up an order is fine and I usually pay it no heed. But what if you find like a band aid or fingernail in your food?

Don't take chances when fast food employees say what this man said.

I'm gonna be real with you, don't take chances at this particular Taco Bell PERIOD. I mean, I don't know if these guys know how to get it right when they WANT to.

I once got a crunchwrap supreme with no hard shell or meat. Got a chicken quesadilla once with no cheese or sauce, just a bunch of dry chicken in the middle of a soft shell. I've had supreme tacos with nothing but the shell and a piddling tablespoon of garbage meat. I swear, it's almost COMICAL. I'll go a couple months, decide to try again on a whim, and be surprised in some new and completely original way.

I have no doubt in my mind that if they actually WANTED to mess with your food, they could end lives.
Any thread that mentions cops in any capacity has hate in them, soo... I don't know what you mean?

Because it's mostly been jokes? No one called for them to be poisoned? Or nails in their burgers? Violence against them or their families? But nah, it's a hatefest. GAF, after all..hyuck hyuck! 😕


I'm not saying this is bullshit, but this sure sounds like bullshit:

Mutchler said a female employee walked toward the register to take the orders, but before she could, officers overheard a conversation between two employees who were making the food. "One of those young men told the other employee, ‘I wanna mess with them. I wanna mess with them.’ And then he followed that up by saying, ‘I'm going to mess with them,’" Mutchler said.

Even Taco Bell employees aren't stupid to talk about fucking with a cop's food within earshot of a cop.


Not sure why we should trust a completely self serving story from a group of people with a known history of making shit up without evidence.

Do these particular cops have a history of that or are you just stereotyping like most people in this thread seems to be?

Like someone else said, if this happened to any other group GAF would have the pitchforks out. It's cops though, so we're just not going to give a shit, right?

I remember GAF wasn't too keen on the idea of a baker not baking a cake for a gay wedding, that's literally the same situation as this. I don't remember that thread having any jokes. Just pitchforks.
How could you get "you mean teenagers" from my comment?

I knew I was talking about cops, I was trying to turn it about on its head and imply that teenage fast food employees better fit the traits you describe as a whole. It was a poorly-formed joke, I guess.

I'm not throwing any accusations at the LMPD, I'm just not trusting them without evidence. Frankly, at this point, you'd be naive to do so.


Unless perhaps you've lived in Louisville all your life and regularly interacted with the LMPD.

My point is that you were taking a default stance of distrust based solely on the fact that they are police, which could not be a more laughably wrong stance when it comes to the LMPD in particular.

I wouldn't make any assumptions or take any stance on any issue involving police anywhere else until I knew more about them.

Even Taco Bell employees aren't stupid to talk about fucking with a cop's food within earshot of a cop.

Not to sound cynical, because I'm usually not, but I don't put a lower limit on human stupidity at this point, regardless of their job.
Like someone else said, if this happened to any other group GAF would have the pitchforks out. It's cops though, so we're just not going to give a shit, right?

Do you guys purposefully skip the post that are taking it seriously, or do you guys just need to show your outrage? GAF..hyuck hyuck!


To be honest my respect for the police has gone up a little in this thread

I always used to roll my eyes a little when the whole, "they're out there risking their lives for us" argument pops up but here they are willingly going into a Taco Bell
Those Taco Bell employees playing with their lives by making jokes. You never know when a joke is going to make an US cop fear for his live and in that split second he'll just have to shoot you.
People with the power over preparation of food should wear body cameras.

The franchise will never pay for that shit. You want better service pay them more. Can't expect stellar quality of eomployees when their getting paid 5.50$ an hour. Do they get paid that low anymore? That's what I made at my first McJob.
This whole thread is full of bullshit. The cops are just cops trying to get a meal. Threatening to mess with food or refuse service is a huge no-no. The employees at Taco Bell should be fired. This "suspension with pay" comment isn't funny. You work in food service. Food that hasn't been tampered with should be expected regardless of the customer.


This whole thread is full of bullshit. The cops are just cops trying to get a meal. Threatening to mess with food or refuse service is a huge no-no. The employees at Taco Bell should be fired. This "suspension with pay" comment isn't funny. You work in food service. Food that hasn't been tampered with should be expected regardless of the customer.

Do these particular cops have a history of that or are you just stereotyping like most people in this thread seems to be?

Like someone else said, if this happened to any other group GAF would have the pitchforks out. It's cops though, so we're just not going to give a shit, right?
Unless perhaps you've lived in Louisville all your life and regularly interacted with the LMPD.

My point is that you were taking a default stance of distrust based solely on the fact that they are police, which could not be a more laughably wrong stance when it comes to the LMPD in particular.

I wouldn't make any assumptions or take any stance on any issue involving police anywhere else until I knew more about them.
My default position on pretty much everything is to keep my mind open and take a stance based on evidence. I'm one of the people all the "let's wait for more evidence" jokes are made about. I do this not because I'm a troll or part of some defense force, but because, in my experience, initial stories often have gapping holes and are one-sided.

So yeah, I am skeptical of cops. I'm skeptical of everyone. Show me the evidence or allow a trusted third party to vet the evidence, and I'm on board.
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