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Officers denied service at Taco Bell

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I'm actually impressed with how the cops handled the situation here. They didn't try to assert their authority. They didn't escalate the situation. They could have stayed and seen if the employee did mess with their food and then arrested them.

They just left. Good on them. I doubt the employee still has a job there so in the end I think that was the best way this could have went down.


Aftershock LA
That's unacceptable behavior, but if you really wanted to mess with the officers, you should have served them the Taco Bell.

I'm pretty sure the employees are done, though. Management won't let shit like this slide.


I hear about this happening fairly often in the last few months. Usually a couple of times a week. It's shitty,but understandable, and it's one of the reasons I never eat inside while on duty. If I get lunch it's drive thru only. Personally I don't like being watched eating while in uniform. Not to mention I'd rather not chance getting pubes in my burger because some kid hates cops. My food is already made when I pull up to the drive thru window lol

I do get irritated at other officers that cry foul at this kind of treatment, but are totally ok with businesses not serving other groups. Bakeries for gays or gun ranges not allowing Muslims for example are perfectly fine. But not when it happens to cops. So I don't lose any sleep over these stories.
Taco Bell is about as gross as vomit in a bathroom trough in a dive bar.

I can't speculate on this matter until Philando Castile offers his opinion.
The franchise will never pay for that shit. You want better service pay them more. Can't expect stellar quality of eomployees when their getting paid 5.50$ an hour. Do they get paid that low anymore? That's what I made at my first McJob.

i made $5.25 at arby's. pretty sure minimum wage is above $7 now, but it's still not enough pay for these folks to have to deal with the shitty general public and often times shit tier managers

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
#notallcops let's not treat all cops with the disdain those in the, albeit ever growing, minority deserve. Yes there is a problem, but this kind of shit is only going to exacerbate it, not make it go away.

I disagree. The issue is that while not all cops are necessarily bad, all cops protect each other allowing the badness to grow and foster which is why we are in this mess.


I hear about this happening fairly often in the last few months. Usually a couple of times a week. It's shitty,but understandable, and it's one of the reasons I never eat inside while on duty. If I get lunch it's drive thru only. Personally I don't like being watched eating while in uniform. Not to mention I'd rather not chance getting pubes in my burger because some kid hates cops. My food is already made when I pull up to the drive thru window lol

I do get irritated at other officers that cry foul at this kind of treatment, but are totally ok with businesses not serving other groups. Bakeries for gays or gun ranges not allowing Muslims for example are perfectly fine. But not when it happens to cops. So I don't lose any sleep over these stories.
You just had to go full stupid to close your post didn't you? I was nodding along in agreement until you just took that left turn.


You just had to go full stupid to close your post didn't you? I was nodding along in agreement until you just took that left turn.

Actually his last sentence matched the rest of his post perfectly. He was stating how cops are hypocritical taking that position. "It's ok if others are discriminated against, but don't you dare to it to us cops!"



You just had to go full stupid to close your post didn't you? I was nodding along in agreement until you just took that left turn.

I've seen it happen on multiple occasions. They'll post on Facebook about it getting everyone riled up, then someone finds the name of the kid that refused them service and they dogpile him/her with messages from dozens of cops about how shitty of a person they are for refusing a cop service. Then they find their boss and actively try to get the person fired. If that doesn't work they go to corporate and complain. It's hypocritical and I hate that shit.


I can't really blame an African American kid not wanting to serve food to a gang, but whoever said they would mess with their food should be fired. You just can't do that.
I hear about this happening fairly often in the last few months. Usually a couple of times a week. It's shitty,but understandable, and it's one of the reasons I never eat inside while on duty. If I get lunch it's drive thru only. Personally I don't like being watched eating while in uniform. Not to mention I'd rather not chance getting pubes in my burger because some kid hates cops. My food is already made when I pull up to the drive thru window lol

I do get irritated at other officers that cry foul at this kind of treatment, but are totally ok with businesses not serving other groups. Bakeries for gays or gun ranges not allowing Muslims for example are perfectly fine. But not when it happens to cops. So I don't lose any sleep over these stories.

Like most things, it only matters when it happens to you. Sad state of things. Hopefully this kind of stuff dies down sooner than later and without ahh unnecessary incidents.

How you been though? Hope work is going well. Stay safe out there! 😁

You just had to go full stupid to close your post didn't you? I was nodding along in agreement until you just took that left turn.


NH Apache

From the article, it seems the department and the officers went out of their way to stress that they did not want the kids fired. They didn't want to further bias them. That's a good look.

That being said, it still made it out to the paper so someone wanted to get PR out of it.
I've seen it happen on multiple occasions. They'll post on Facebook about it getting everyone riled up, then someone finds the name of the kid that refused them service and they dogpile him/her with messages from dozens of cops about how shitty of a person they are for refusing a cop service. Then they find their boss and actively try to get the person fired. If that doesn't work they go to corporate and complain. It's hypocritical and I hate that shit.

What!? You make it sound like they go out on a witch hunt. I was under the impression only liberal Twitter and the Red Republic of GAF was capable of such outrage. Hmm..learn something new everyday..😏


Like most things, it only matters when it happens to you. Sad state of things. Hopefully this kind of stuff dies down sooner than later and without ahh unnecessary incidents.

How you been though? Hope work is going well. Stay safe out there! 😁

Doing good man! One day at a time :)

You're right though, it only matters when it happens to you. I just wish more officers would ask themselves why people would want to refuse them service to begin with. But alas, that's a lot to ask of a bunch of predominantly white male Trump supporters...

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
You just had to go full stupid to close your post didn't you? I was nodding along in agreement until you just took that left turn.

I read it like 40 times thinking I was dumb until I saw the other replies to this post lol


From the article, it seems the department and the officers went out of their way to stress that they did not want the kids fired. They didn't want to further bias them. That's a good look.

That being said, it still made it out to the paper so someone wanted to get PR out of it.

I was thinking about that, but it's hard to say how it might have happened. I mean obviously you are going to share that story with other officers, family. There was a group of them. It;s not hard to imagine the story getting out even if the officers involved didn't necessarily want it to outside of their closed circles.


I've seen it happen on multiple occasions. They'll post on Facebook about it getting everyone riled up, then someone finds the name of the kid that refused them service and they dogpile him/her with messages from dozens of cops about how shitty of a person they are for refusing a cop service. Then they find their boss and actively try to get the person fired. If that doesn't work they go to corporate and complain. It's hypocritical and I hate that shit.
I apologize. I misread what you were saying. I took the last part of the last paragraph to be your own feelings and not you pointing out hypocrisy amongst your peers.


I apologize. I misread what you were saying. I took the last paragraph to be your own feelings and not you pointing out hypocrisy amongst your peers.

All good I figured as much so I reread my post a few times to make sure I didn't write it the way you took it. No worries man


From the article, it seems the department and the officers went out of their way to stress that they did not want the kids fired. They didn't want to further bias them. That's a good look.

That being said, it still made it out to the paper so someone wanted to get PR out of it.

It doesn't matter when they say, when you take this to the news and make it a public story you are doing everything in your power to get the people involved fired.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
I hear about this happening fairly often in the last few months. Usually a couple of times a week. It's shitty,but understandable, and it's one of the reasons I never eat inside while on duty. If I get lunch it's drive thru only. Personally I don't like being watched eating while in uniform. Not to mention I'd rather not chance getting pubes in my burger because some kid hates cops. My food is already made when I pull up to the drive thru window lol

I do get irritated at other officers that cry foul at this kind of treatment, but are totally ok with businesses not serving other groups. Bakeries for gays or gun ranges not allowing Muslims for example are perfectly fine. But not when it happens to cops. So I don't lose any sleep over these stories.

Perfect reasoning for you to use the Drive Thru. Never thought about that side of things.


It doesn't matter when they say, when you take this to the news and make it a public story you are doing everything in your power to get the people involved fired.

Yep. Now they just have plausible deniability to say that's not what they wanted to happen. Because unless some other customer was so moved by it to post about it, chances are without the police initially making a stink about it. it's a non story that nobody would ever hear about otherwise.

NH Apache

I was thinking about that, but it's hard to say how it might have happened. I mean obviously you are going to share that story with other officers, family. There was a group of them. It;s not hard to imagine the story getting out even if the officers involved didn't necessarily want it to outside of their closed circles.

Absolutely, and agreed.

And now I want a quesadilla.

It doesn't matter when they say, when you take this to the news and make it a public story you are doing everything in your power to get the people involved fired.

Hah, no. By explicitly saying that you don't want them fired, you certainly aren't doing everything in your power. And again, as stated above by rjinaz, we don't know where the story came from. The franchise owner may have wanted to get ahead of the story and set the tone.
When the police murder someone we get an investigation and hearing (that usually results in a paid holiday for the cop) and when a fast food employee refuses to serve a cop they should be fired immediately?

Amazing stuff.

Treating random cops poorly for no deserved reason is obviously not a good way to conduct business or even to just be a good person, so I understand and agree that they should get reprimanded. Very clearly in this case, the cops are the good guys and the kids are the bad guys.

On the flip side, as stupid as this taco bell thing is, I sort of hope tensions continue to rise because it feels like nothing will ever change if they don't. People need to show that they're not okay with how things are because in a broader sense you're right: An employee mouths off and he gets fired, an officer murders and he gets paid vacation.
Is a pimply teenager being an idiot going to accomplish anything? Not at all. But it's an indicator of the point the public is getting to, and I hope in the broader sense that people can find nonviolent ways to continue expressing their frustration with police in america.


"Never said I wasn't a hypocrite."
Stuff like this pisses me off to no end. If that store was being robbed that girl would be happy to have the police there.
On one hand, it's ridiculous to deny random cops food service to further an unrelated agenda.

On the other hand, they may have saved the officer's lives not serving them that Taco Bell shit.


I hear about this happening fairly often in the last few months. Usually a couple of times a week. It's shitty,but understandable, and it's one of the reasons I never eat inside while on duty. If I get lunch it's drive thru only. Personally I don't like being watched eating while in uniform. Not to mention I'd rather not chance getting pubes in my burger because some kid hates cops. My food is already made when I pull up to the drive thru window lol

I do get irritated at other officers that cry foul at this kind of treatment, but are totally ok with businesses not serving other groups. Bakeries for gays or gun ranges not allowing Muslims for example are perfectly fine. But not when it happens to cops. So I don't lose any sleep over these stories.

I just never eat in uniform at fast food places - and if on the rare occasuon i do it's where I can see the food being made.


not really a similar story but kinda relevant to the discussion:

I work at a Starbucks in downtown SF and there's always this group of cops starting their shifts at around 9pm and grab coffee on their way in. like clockwork every time. anyways after a while we get familiar with them and what-not but one night after work, my coworker and I are at a nearby bar grabbing a drink when we get a text that one of our other coworkers (who we closed with that night) was driving home and was pulled over by the cops, forced to get out of her car and had guns drawn on her because her car apparently looked similar to a suspect's in the area (she is also black btw). These were the exact same group of cops that come in every single night and had seen her not even 2 hours ago.

She had recorded most of what was going on with her phone and it was pretty intense. Eventually they did apologize to her and she honestly took the whole thing pretty well but personally I've... kinda lost that sense of familiarity I once had with them. They still come in every night and I definitely give the best service I can offer because shit I got bills to pay but I will give you the damn side-eye while I'm doing it. :/
#notallcops let's not treat all cops with the disdain those in the, albeit ever growing, minority deserve. Yes there is a problem, but this kind of shit is only going to exacerbate it, not make it go away.

Fantastic post. There is a problem, but lets not lump all police officers into the fold. That wont solve it, it will only make people bitter. Also most of the cop hating ive seen in my social media circles stems from known drug dealers who i went to highschool with.
For how liberal this forum is denying someone any service based on a broad brush is funny to watch.

They did them a favor anyway stop eating shitty fast food...Taco Bell doesn't offer anything remotely healthy does it?
But when there is a bad element in your neighborhood and they all dress the same how can you tell the good ones from the bad?

We need a new word for the kind of cops we are talking about so not be accused of broad strokes. I suggest Sub-Urban
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