Pimpwerx said:We're totally handling this powerhouse Nets team
Please tell me that was sarcasm...
Pimpwerx said:We're totally handling this powerhouse Nets team
Pimpwerx said:"You don't spit in the wind. You don't tug on Superman's cape. And you don't play Hack-A-Shaq in the postseason." :lol I'll always choose Sunshine Network's coverage of Heat games over TNT/ESPN.![]()
bionic: What makes you think I'm kidding? This impressive Nets team features Kidd, one of the best PGs in history, and a rejuvenated Vince Carter who's no longer sandbagging. And I won't even begin to talk about Richard Jefferson and the rest of the role players. It's really a testament to how good this Heat team is. But that almost goes without saying. PEACE.
Loki said:Wow, Philly shot < 37% as a team tonight. Was it Detroit's defense or were they just off? I didn't see the game. What channel was it on, btw?
Cloudy said:It was on NBA TV/FSN Detroit. And it was the defense....
FUCK YOU.FrenchMovieTheme said:does anyone give a crap about the sonics/kings series?
this shit is fucking boring
FrenchMovieTheme said:does anyone give a crap about the sonics/kings series?
this shit is fucking boring
btw, who gives a shit about the sorry ass 49'ers? they're fucking terrible.
Sure blow by all fucking five of us because we don't give a shit.
And speaking of Jordan, T-Mac now is being compared to His Airness in Houston. Could it be any more sickening for Magic fans than to watch T-Mac soaring and dunking over 7-foot-6 Shawn Bradley and then hitting the game-winner to give the underdog Rockets a 2-0 lead over the Dallas Mavericks? What happened to that selfish, one-dimensional, no-defense-playing Me-Mac who quit on the Magic last year? Well, he had 28 points, 10 assists, eight rebounds, three blocked shots and three steals in Game 2.
And afterward, Houston Chronicle columnist John Lopez wrote that McGrady "was taking more steps toward reaching a Jordanesque kind of place, where everyone knows the ball will be in his hands, the last shot will be his, and there is nothing anyone can do about it."
We could say the game comes much easier for T-Mac now that he's able to throw the ball inside to Yao Ming (13-of-14 from the field, 7-of-7 from the line and 33 points in Game 2) rather than when he used to toss it in to Steven "Hands of Stone" Hunter.
Except Hunter is flourishing, too, now that he's left Orlando. He scored 16 points for the top-seeded Phoenix Suns in their Game 1 playoff victory over Memphis.
The Grizzlies? They were led by former Magic man Mike Miller (19 points, 7-of-10 from the floor).
I could go on with this torture treatment, but I won't. From now on, I'll just resort to electric shock.
It's much more humane.
FrenchMovieTheme said:you'll see how many niners fans come out of the woodshed when we reel off 4 or 5 straight wins to start the year
FrenchMovieTheme said:dude dont talk to me about "less risk with receivers" when i was already burned by one southern california bitch about 10 years ago by the name of jj stokes.
do you know we traded ray lewis and eric moulds for jj stokes? that makes me fucking sick
Cloudy said:Alonzo is such a biatch. He could be helping the Nets right now. Why are people hating Carter but Zo gets a free pass :lol
Ned Flanders said:People like this are what drive the Paytons/Mournings/Malones of the world to sell out and make classless asses of themselves in pursuit of something that would make them no greater as ballplayers than they already were. Stop this nonsense now.
Ned Flanders said:Thank you. I for one will make it my personal mission to talk as much shit about Alonzo as possible. He's every bit as deserving of both the criticism leveled at Malone and Payton for being ring chasers and Jim Jackson for being a no-show after the Hornets trade.
Number one, he left Miami, the organization that had been so good to him for years, including during the time they labored without him in the lineup because of his illness. During that time, his numbers still counted against the cap and he didn't relenquish a dime, all while Pat Riley contemplated suicide as the team floundered and attendance plummeted. He rewarded the team by turning down equal money on a contract renewal to run to Jersey, who, given their recent success, seemed like a better candidate to secure a ring.
Then what happens? His illness returns, he plays minimally, and the team gets bounced before the ECF. Then when the team gets blown up in the offseason, with K-Mart departing and Kidd undergoing surgery while clamoring for a trade, frontrunner Alonzo continues with his classlessness and starts complaining that he wants out. After getting what he asked for and being shipped to Toronto for VC, the scumbag refuses to report to the team.
Toronto then bites the bullet and cuts Alonzo loose to free up the roster spot, eating most (all?) of his salary and allowing him the chance to bandwagon elsewhere. And where does he jump to? Well why not Miami?? Shit's all roses there now with Dwayne Wade budding into a superstar and the Diesel arriving to shore them up as contenders.
So NOW you're good enough for Miami Zo?? After you fucked them over for supporting and paying you during your toughest battle in life? After you fucked over the Nets, your would-be gravy train to a title, and the Raptors, when they paid you for being sick and to not even show up for the team? FUCK YOU.
Zo is one of these self-absorbed pricks who is all about Zo and nobody else. In the press conference after the game he talked about the sacrafices he made to get into playing shape after his illness. Sacrafices? You haven't sacraficed SHIT Alonzo!! Whether you get your ring or not, you still got the boatloads of cash you were paid at your previous stops, and the only ones taking losses along the way were the teams who expected basic things like actual oncourt production or maybe a smidge of loyalty out of you. But you had to do, you, all others be damned. Don't paint yourself out to be some kind of inspiring figure when you're nothing but a pompous ass who took too many anti-inflamatories, fucked up his kidneys, and then, realizing his time was running out, sold his soul to be grossly overpaid to gravy train a ring. You make me LIKE K-Mart for punking your ass out in Jersey..he may be a dumb thug but I'm sure he's seen enough stuck up assholes in his time to know one when he sees one.
And while I'm rambling here, let me just allude to how this plays in to the whole "win at all costs" culture that we perpetuate as fans. It is a complete CROCK OF SHIT that it takes a championship to legitimize a players career, and that we put such a premium on judging players by championships that we drive them to sell out and chase titles via bandwagoning. So many greats have never won titles because sports are predominately team games, and I've never thought more of a player who got a title simply because he joined a team already destined for one anyway. Its akin to the punk ass kid at the pickup game weasling his way onto the team with all the big guys and then bragging about their dominance when they win every game. FUCK THAT GUY, AND FUCK THE PEOPLE WHO THINK BETTER OF HIM BECAUSE HE WINS.
I never thought more of Mitch Ritchmond, Clyde Drexler, Glen Rice, Steve Smith, or any of the great players of the last decade who happened to get a ring by joining already great teams, because they were already great players to begin with and they didn't need rings to legitimize their careers. It just sickens me that all these bastards on the John Elway side of the Elway/Marino argument, or at least the ones who give Elway the nod simply because he got some rings, perpetuate this culture of "win, at any cost to your character" and think less of players like Barkley, Ewing, Stockton, Miller (assuming he doesn't get it this year) because they never secured a chip. People like this are what drive the Paytons/Mournings/Malones of the world to sell out and make classless asses of themselves in pursuit of something that would make them no greater as ballplayers than they already were. Stop this nonsense now.
Dsal said:I agree with what you're saying, but I don't really think it's the fans driving the "championships or you're a failure" mythos. There are some fans that think that way for sure, but I think a lot of where it is coming from is out of the sports media. The kinds of needling questions they press in interviews, their analysis echo chambers, their clock killing sports-talk radio prattle, they all seem to cement this phenomenon over the airwaves..
Dsal said:Also, I think it's more the players themselves driving themselves to classlessness more than anything else. Even if their fans opposed them, I wouldn't think that they would care really, because in the end they really just want that one last bullet point on their resume for themselves more than anything else. I can't really see Payton, Malone or Mourning really giving a shit about what the average fan thinks about them.
Bat said:The most remarkable thing happened last night during the Heat/Nets halftime: Magic Johnson actually made a insightful, coherent, and valuable point about how opposing teams need to double Shaq with big men, not the point guard, which is very true. The most effective jobs guarding Shaq or Duncan in the playoffs has been Detroit in the 2004 Finals and Phoenix in the 2003 first round. Both times, the team doubled Shaq/Duncan with a big forward (Wallace/Marion/Stoudemire), essentially trapping him. This made the outlet pass very difficult. Magic didn't go as far as mentioning these other examples of effective double teams (I don't expect that much from him, although Barkley did chime in with the Horace Grant/Pippen example) but I was still impressed. He's no longer quite as painfully bad in the studio.
Bat said:The most remarkable thing happened last night during the Heat/Nets halftime: Magic Johnson actually made a insightful, coherent, and valuable point about how opposing teams need to double Shaq with big men, not the point guard, which is very true. The most effective jobs guarding Shaq or Duncan in the playoffs has been Detroit in the 2004 Finals and Phoenix in the 2003 first round. Both times, the team doubled Shaq/Duncan with a big forward (Wallace/Marion/Stoudemire), essentially trapping him. This made the outlet pass very difficult. Magic didn't go as far as mentioning these other examples of effective double teams (I don't expect that much from him, although Barkley did chime in with the Horace Grant/Pippen example) but I was still impressed. He's no longer quite as painfully bad in the studio.
bionic77 said:I alway wonder why more teams don't follow that exact same strategy
Sheeeit - a blind squirrel has to find a nut some days. Ol' Mumblemouth Magic shouldn't be allowed anywhere near a live mic unless he's opening up a new movie theater. Stick to making jillions of dollars stimulating the economies of black communities, Magic - you're good at it and it suits you. Blathering on and on about God-knows-what while the civilized world snickers is not a good thing.Bat said:He's no longer quite as painfully bad in the studio.
Ned Flanders said:You make a good point about the media, but I personally view the media as a kind of extension of the fans given that we should be their number one source of accountability.
Thats fair, but the fact is that this perceived need to secure a championship is based on how players are judged by fans and historians creating a kind of social pressure. These athletes feel a need to be accepted as greats in their era once their playing days are through..it validates their careers. But I don't think (going back to the easy Marino illustration) that guys like Marino or Jim Kelly would feel so slighted if we as a society were big enough people to say "your careers speak for themselves, winning a championship doesn't validate you". But when All-time greats like a Barkley or a Marino or a Ewing are stigmatized because they weren't priveleged enough to be on a team that could get them over the hump, this kind of social pressure becomes its own entity, and drives guys like Payton and Malone and Mourning to sell out simply for the sake of a ring. Because in the unjust world of "win at all costs" judgment, we (meaning pricks who think this way) might consider whether or not Mourning was a better center than Ewing based only on the fact that he secures a ring this year. Mark my words..someone will make the comparison, and the assanine cycle will continue. It's absurd and unfair, and its breeding athletes like Mourning who will stop at no level of shame in order to meet the criteria of these morons..
what's wrong with that?
Cloudy said:- He bailed on the Heat when they were down after they still paid him while he was ill
- Took the Nets money (no one else was gonna sign him for that much) and bailed on them when they were down as well
- Refused to play for the Raps after he was traded and had to be bought out
- Ran back to the Heat cos times are good now. Do you think he'd be there if the Heat were still a joke in the East? He'd be on the Spurs or something :lol
That's petty lame and it makes me want the Heat to lose even more![]()
Ned Flanders said:You make a good point about the media, but I personally view the media as a kind of extension of the fans given that we should be their number one source of accountability.
Cloudy said:- He bailed on the Heat when they were down after they still paid him while he was ill
- Took the Nets money (no one else was gonna sign him for that much) and bailed on them when they were down as well
- Refused to play for the Raps after he was traded and had to be bought out
- Ran back to the Heat cos times are good now. Do you think he'd be there if the Heat were still a joke in the East? He'd be on the Spurs or something :lol
That's petty lame and it makes me want the Heat to lose even more![]()