OK, having gotten over the clear robbery Sir O'Neal of Dunkenstania, I can now shed a tear for T-Mac and his new squad of worthless chokers. You know...you can't win for losing. What's the guy gotta do to get some support? Yao is quickly gaining on Bradley for the biggest waste of height. He plays stupid, just plain stupid. I mean, the Mavs just abused him last night. *sigh* Now as much as I like Mark Cuban as an owner (I think he runs a great organization), I don't want to see his stupid fucking face next round. But when the Rox totally implode in the 4th, what else is there to do? TMac made some poor decision taking some 3's early in the shot clock, but that's his normal game. It's not like he's the weak link in that Houston team. Someone needs to light a fire under Yao and get him to stop playing like a 5'10" pussy. Grow some fucking balls, big man. I'm giving him one more season to get his shit together, then he's gonna be tossed on the scrapheap with the other oversized bums that managed to sucker teams into drafting them high.
I'm getting over the Nash thing thanks to Le Batard's article in the Herald today. I used to hate Dan Le Retard with a passion, but he's grown on me in the last year. Sometimes you gotta pick the underdog. Shaq's not sweating it, so why should we? And as Shaq said, since having Phil as a coach, he's learned to focus on the bigger picture. So ... *gulp* ... congratulation to Steve Nash on a well-earned MVP. It's all the hw he'll be taking home this year.
Anyway, y'all ready for this hungry Heat team to topple this dark-horse Wizards squad? It'll be a tough series, but I'm confident Wade and the Shaq Pack will have their game faces on. This is playoff time, no half-stepping. Bowo down to your new kings:
Your 2005 NBA Finals Champions. Oops...did I just say that? David Stern told me to keep that little secret under wraps, but you heard it here first.

EDIT: I just wish Rasul Butler wasn't in that pic. I forgot he was the early-season starter.