captmcblack said:I hate the Orioles.
I hate you, Jangocube.
I feel dirty agreeing with a Yankees fan but I have to support your statement. The Orioles are cancer.
captmcblack said:I hate the Orioles.
I hate you, Jangocube.
captmcblack said:Without the NBA to occupy us, there may be many bizarre sports agreements going on in GAF. :x
hemtae said:Lakers fans and Yankees fans, finally together
hemtae said:Lakers fans and Yankees fans, finally together
Duane Cunningham said:All across middle America, those have been the same species for many years. They used to like the Cowboys, too, but now prefer the Patriots. They'd also be Manchester United fans if they didn't hate soccer.
ClovingSteam said:Can't help it that when I was born I was wrapped in purple and gold and that Magic Johnson was the one who cut my cord. I didn't ask to be born into greatness, it was thrust upon me. Unfortunately for me, the greatness of the Dodgers was destroyed once O'Malley handed the keys to Murdoch :(
Duane Cunningham said:All across middle America, those have been the same species for many years. They used to like the Cowboys, too, but now prefer the Patriots. They'd also be Manchester United fans if they didn't hate soccer.
sf2fanatic said:So true. u hit it right on the spot
Also I miss Showtime
ClovingSteam said:Man, I remember rooting for Mike Marshall, Pedro Guerrero, even John Shelby with Kirk Gibson. They didn't always win but man they made it entertaining. Then with Karros, Piazza, Mondesi, and Nomo. And then the wheels fell off with trading Piazza to Miami and Rupert taking the throne. It's never been the same since.
captmcblack said:I hate the Lakers.
I hate the Cowboys.
I hate the Cheatriots.
I hate Man U, especially now that the Red Sox are affiliated with them.
Knicks, Jets, Red Bulls/USA Soccer/Everton.
sf2fanatic said:I think when signing Dreifort started the disaster too. Also they getting Shaw and
Poor capt.
captmcblack said:The Dodgers fucked up by getting away from the importance of pitching. They have 1.5 good pitchers in the entirety of the team.
Forget that their non-Kemp hitters mostly suck and have all aged simultaneously. Forget that they were destroyed financially by their ownership. The real problem is that they basically can only hope to win 1 game every 5 games - the one that Kershaw pitches.
The Frankman said:What the fuck is Lovingsteam doing here? Back to Worst-GAF, you.
sf2fanatic said:Dee and our other leadoff men should go back and watch some Brett Butler clips.
captmcblack said:I hate the Lakers.
I hate the Cowboys.
I hate the Cheatriots.
I hate Man U, especially now that the Red Sox are affiliated with them.
Knicks, Jets, Red Bulls/USA Soccer/Everton.
ClovingSteam said:No sir. I decided to follow MJ and take my talents to the MLB.
hemtae said:Wait, how is Man U affiliated with the Red Sox now? I'm pretty sure we're affiliated Liverpool.
captmcblack said:Whatever, I still hate Man U.
As a fan of Everton FC, you already know I have preexisting beef w/Liverpool though.
The Frankman said:
So you're going to be stuck in the minors ?ClovingSteam said:No sir. I decided to follow MJ and take my talents to the MLB.
SuperMalo said:So you're going to be stuck in the minors ?
Doesn't seem like a lockout will be in your way.ClovingSteam said:Nope. I'm making the big show.
Sanjuro Tsubaki said:Laker and Yankee fans are one in the same. They know they could mug one another, scoring a stupid fucking cap with an unbent brim and a sticker.
No, it really isn't either of those things. Go ahead though. Live up to that pink-hat stereotype of Yankees-Lakers. I'm not stopping you.ClovingSteam said:Coming from a Boston fan of all people that is hilarious and ironic.
Sanjuro Tsubaki said:No, it really isn't either of those things. Go ahead though. Live up to that pink-hat stereotype of Yankees-Lakers. I'm not stopping you.
LOLWUTClovingSteam said:lol wut? It's quite funny and ironic indeed. Yea because there's no such thing as bandwagon Red Sox, Celtics, and Patriot fans. MMMMMMkay.
Sanjuro Tsubaki said:LOLWUT
I think you are missing the point. Every team has a bandwagon small or large. The point is the two teams I mentioned are a fashion statement/bandwagon/actor.
You are trying to tell me that Patriots caps are in the same ballpark as the amount of people wearing Laker/Yankee variations?ClovingSteam said:Patriots aren't a fashion statement? I can't tell you how many Red Sox jersey's I saw being worn since 2004 from people you know weren't fans beforehand.
Sanjuro Tsubaki said:You are trying to tell me that Patriots caps are in the same ballpark as the amount of people wearing Laker/Yankee variations?
No, because people in Kansas City would frequently see more Yankees caps. I still think you are missing the point. Possibly just trolling.ClovingSteam said:So thats the measurement now? How many hats one franchise sells? Well I guess those Kansas City Royals would argue that since the Red Sox merchandise sell so much better than the Royals the Red Sox are a fashion statement as well.
Sanjuro Tsubaki said:No, because people in Kansas City would frequently see more Yankees caps. I still think you are missing the point. Possibly just trolling.
Sanjuro Tsubaki said:LOLWUT
I think you are missing the point. Every team has a bandwagon small or large. The point is the two teams I mentioned are a fashion statement/bandwagon/actor.
Sure. What does that have to do with my original point?ClovingSteam said:They would see more Yankee caps but that doesn't change that in comparison to Royal memorabilia the Red Sox are in a different stratosphere.
Sanjuro Tsubaki said:Sure. What does that have to do with my original point?
I was never salty about that. Why would I be?h3ro said:You're still salty about Brady rocking a Yankees fitted, aren't you.
Also, there is some Street Fighter X Tekken shit going on in here. KNICKS-AGE, ASSEMBLE!
...I didn't base any of it on sales figures.ClovingSteam said:You're arguing that based on some sales figures that Lakers/Yankees are some type of fashion statement when in reality the Red Sox/Patriots are right up there in the same category.
Sanjuro Tsubaki said:I was never salty about that. Why would I be?
Sanjuro Tsubaki said:I was never salty about that. Why would I be?
...I didn't base any of it on sales figures.
Sanjuro Tsubaki said:You are trying to tell me that Patriots caps are in the same ballpark as the amount of people wearing Laker/Yankee variations?
That's fine. I just don't like the Yankee-Laker fan mashup, they make no sense.h3ro said:I dunno. Just sayin'.
The Yankees are popular, of course their merchandise is gonna sell and be seen everywhere. I don't see why that's a bad thing. Bandwagon jumpers are annoying no matter what team they root for.
Sanjuro Tsubaki said:That's fine. I just don't like the Yankee-Laker fan mashup, they make no sense.
There are a ton of Yankee/Pats fans. Even more Red Sox/Giants fans. Those aren't too uncommon.h3ro said:Me either. Unless one of their parents is from NY and the other from LA.
My friend's older brother was born and raised here in NY but married a girl from Boston and now lives there. Their kids are Yankee/Pat fans. I think that should be the exception.
My cousin is a Pats/Yankees fan ... sighSanjuro Tsubaki said:There are a ton of Yankee/Pats fans. Even more Red Sox/Giants fans. Those aren't too uncommon.